This is Anakin now
This is Anakin now
Why do millennials always grow shitty beards?
Took me a sec to figure out what that ridiculous shirt is supposed to be.
Shaving is time consuming
mourning the shit state of an economy
Why does he look like hes stuck in 1999?
Still better looking than all of us.
This and the expectation of being totally clean shaven at the workplace is decreased. I started growing a mustache because I got lazy and didn't shave for 3 weeks and just decided to get rid of everything besides the mustache.
Girls like beards.
The fuck is up with that shirt
My gf said she likes my beard so I have no reason to shave it
Thought this was Seth Green
This. Dude looks lean and fit. He aged well.
Nigger you’re probably a millennial yourself unless you’re in your thirties, in which case, why the fuck are you here?
Especially shaving the scrotum. I would know.
At we can grow facial hair zoomer hehehehehaHAHAHAH
Which annie is this?
Lloyd or Christenson?
Why do you assume everyone here is ugly and fat? A lot of us care about our looks and hygiene. There's a whole board of people who work out almost every day and stay in top shape.
Uh you're probably talking to a zoomer, dude.
Plus isn’t Hayden at least 32? He was definitely born in the 80s.
That’s even worse
Are you Vettel?
Isn't he a farmer now?
Yeah but gay guys are like that.
Do you really think you're just going to stop browsing Yea Forums when you turn 30? That's not how it works, there's nowhere else on the internet like Yea Forums so why would I leave after 15 years?
is this supposed to look bad
>Why do you assume everyone here is ugly and fat?
Why wouldn't I? Even if you're some manlet, juicing to get /fit/, your face is probably disgusting.
Girls like beards
post your face then handsome big boy
>tfw over 40
this is Anakin now
I rarely post in /fit/ but I'm straight and still workout atleast 4 times a week. Sounds like you are just trying to cope with your laziness and weakness by saying people who lift are gay
mirin' those forearms tbqh
I’m 26 and I’ve been here since 2009. I just figured I’d reach an age where I grow out of this place but I don’t think that’s the case
based hayden
Not everyone that works out a is gay but /fit/ posters are mega gay. Last time I went to that board there were at least three threads in the catalog talking about fucking traps or twinks.
there is literally no reason to shave all it does is make you itch and get rid of your throat's natural protection from debris
I'll just post my beard. I don't love it but my gf convinced me to keep it
nigger I'm 25 and I've been here since late 2006 thinking the same fucking thing
Sup, Brit? How's Jemaine doing?
how do you feel about beanies?
I can tell you're one, or even younger.
Razors and buzzers are absolute total shit nowadays, they hurt to use or, if electric, break after two shaves.
The companies producing those literally destroyed their own business by cutting so many corners.
Let me show you a real chin user
I'm 26 turning 27, about to get married in October and have been here steadily for the last 6-8 years? Fuck.
that onions mouth
Only wear carhartt beanies when its below 20°f or snowing
>Razors and buzzers are absolute total shit nowadays,
Seriously. Just had to replace my Wahl beard trimmer recently because the rechargeable battery finally died. Got a new one, another Wahl, and that piece of shit yanks the fuck out of my hair.
that actually looks retarded
>UPDATE 21/03/2019: This story seems to be false
Gr8 source m8 I r8 8/8
user you might be retarded
my clippers I got from walmart have lasted 4 years of regular buzz cuts, and any basic gillete razors will last me a month and dont hurt at all or leave marks
it sounds like the weird age curve of female admiration is coming back around for him or maybe it's just the prequel memes.
it's funny though that everything he's been in recently is pretty much a b-movie
Cope harder chincel
My mouth is completely closed, how is that a soi mouth retard?
He doesnt want to be recognized from the SW films. Makes sense to change your look.
Same. I had an old wahl that lasted me like 10 years, i bought a new one that looked the same and it was really cheap. The housing was plastic not metal like my old one and barely cut the hair just yanked it so I threw it out. I get it I only spent 35 dollars on it but it was so fuckin cheap and shitty it couldn't have cost them more than $1.50 to make, it looks like their good trimmers cost at least 60 or 70 bucks now.
He should be in Nu Wars as Jake Skywalker.
Millennials are mostly in their 30s now dumbass. The average age of millennials is like 31 as of 2019.
GG Allin biopic please
Yeah lol. He occasionally still acts in awful movies but he’s mostly a Canadian farmer these days.
I only do out of laziness. If I actually have to look good for something, I shave my face clean, which is a nice contrast to my otherwise very hairy body.
What kind of neckbeard logic is this? What debris is hitting your neck that having a tiny amount of pubes around it will save you? Nothing is more cringe than a shitty beard. Being clean shaven is always superior unless you have a shit jawline.. in which case you better start chewing gum or hit up the plastic surgery district in your city.
Goddamn hipster
>Why do you assume everyone here is ugly and fat?
Pretty safe bet, my guy.
> built a new rig in 2006
> found this place while looking for wallpaper
> can't leave
Glad to know there's so many other lifers here. 27/2007.
the ride never ends
Use women's razors. Not even kidding.
how fucking pathetic is your life that you remember the exact day you started browsing Yea Forums
Based as fuck, thats why I love /fit/
Agreed user. Some of these miserable cunts will try and shame you for even suggesting that its their fault for not putting in effort into their appearance. Its funny how they jump down your throat about /fit/ because I know you weren't referring to that board exclusively anyway. These are the same shitters that come to /fa/ and comment on niche fashion threads calling us faggots but will conventionally ignore all the skin and hair care resources we post daily.
no bully pls
i think you missed the part where there's literally no reason to shave
people grow hair in sensitive areas of the body for a reason; to protect it. it's a minor benefit in modern society since we have clothes, but i'd rather a minor benefit than a minor detriment (itchiness).
oh god
I used to run almost every day and lift and all that shit. You can’t deny that it’s disheartening when you see hot girls dating chubby bearded guys all over the place.
He cute.
What's the moral of the story? Are you now a chubby bearded guy with a hot girl?
He was always hot.
No beard but I do have a gf now and have sadly let myself get a bit of a beer belly. On the other hand back when I had my lean runner body, girls always thought I was gay.
He still a cute
you look like a typical soi-ridden, pudgy, nerd, fucking yikes 3/10
now that's a cute boi 8/10
But that's the thing. The one I bought 5 years ago wasn't an expensive model and it worked great. Shit, it may have been cheaper than the one I just got. Fuckers just take no pride in quality any more. I don't know how many products I've seen on Amazon with reviews that say how it used to be really good but they changed how/where it is built and now it sucks. You have all these 5-star reviews from years before when the shit was good and a bunch of 1-stars from the prior 6 months. It's frustrating.
He needs to procreate and produce handsome sons for future generations.
To protect their sensitive areas from what? Pussy?
Shaving my face, shaft, and balls, takes like 25 minutes.
i just use a clipper with the smallest guard and it works better than those purpose built for x area of your body things.
imagine if you wanted to be a gay and did that. you'd have a drawer full of shavers for every part of your body
I wonder if he's ever gotten naked on film
This shit is too relatable. I honestly dread shaving nowadays because most of the razors are just painful to use.
I think in the last few months I got more shaves from a barber than I had shaved myself, just because it's such a chore to go through it otherwise.
Shovel-chin motherfucker
Pure onions, wtf
wow nice one based banter epic burn
insecure hairlet
>tfw everyone is making fun of this user for looking like a weak beta faggot but I kind of resemble him
feels bad man
Would you shave if you could use your katana?
Daily reminder that Hayden is almost on his 40's, and look as if he just hitted the 20's.
No it is not disheartening you utter brainlet. Why do you care what women who you aren't going to date do anyway?
They date those guys because above ALL else they enjoy being with each other and have some sort of emotional connection. Looks are not as important to women as they are to men, they value completely different things than men do in the first place but you have to learn to stop listening to what they say they and watch what they do. Even outside of that, there are large chunks of the female population who actually like bearmode guys with beards because they make them feel safe. Yes those same women will gossip about celebrities with hot bodies but I bet you expand images of bimbofied roasties every time you see them just because. Women are no different.
George Lucas'd
Honestly I’m jealous. I’m only 5’11” so I can’t really pull off bear mode.
I loathe soi bois and nerd culture. I'm a lifetime athlete and weightlifter and have never been fat in my life. You faggots are probably just jealous
I'm alpha as fuck user, it's probably just the other dude samefagging because he knows I'm more attractive.
I hope so
>overbite AND recessed chin
>alpha as fuck
Are you retarded I have neither of those things you blind fuck
>loathes Significantly Outstanding Individuals
jelly manlet lmao
>I'm alpha as fuck user
No one who's alpha as fuck needs to tell other people he's alpha soi, balding, fat fuck
Your gf seems qt, user. Don’t let these incel fags give you shit.
he fat
If you have chubby cheeks like that get lean. Soft, chubby cheeks are a big part of what gives some guys baby faces.
>alpha as fuck
literally looks like a fat neckbeard
>overbite, recessed AND double chin
it gets worse
>We will never get AU Star Wars movie with a punished old man Anakin
I'm just thick from all the lifting and bulking. Italian Americans tend to be stalky and wide
Bro how do you get your hair styled like that?
Pretty much, his kike wife couldn't take it though and ran back to LA.
I'm 5'7" barefoot and that is the height I tell people if it ever comes up. Every time without fail a guy will try to tell me that I'm taller because we're a similar height with shoes on. People don't have a good grasp on heights because so many lie and wear insane footwear to boost their heights. I've seen guys who are my height naturally get away with claiming up 5'11" with their special shoes on. LOL I actually knew a guy who was 5'10" and would wear 2inch insoles with chunky boots all time just so he could claim being 6ft+. It made me laugh because I could feel his insecurities were holding him back from actually being himself. My point is that you should aim to move past those types of insecurities and stop comparing yourself to others because they're full of shit anyway. If you want to be bear mode then go for it. You have an optimal height for it despite whatever you think.
>I'm alpha as fuck
well baited sir, hearty kek
>I'm just thick from all the lifting and bulking
Your gf looks cute. I'm happy for you.
My god, Lucas taught him the secret to his hair.
At least he isn't fat
You're clearly not tracing my chin correctly. Now actually trace it right this time
Posting that picture usually results in an argument about whether Slavs are white.
>It made me laugh because I could feel his insecurities
m8 you're 5'7 claiming that you're 5'11. You'd sound fucking stupid if if you said 5'9.
Is that shoop'd? He looks like he carries a huge package
/out/ reporting in, shit gets thicker when you’re out in the snow
Ty kind anons
Fat cheeks and s-o-y chin. Try again beta nerd
lose weight gordo
oh I'm pretty sure I've traced your double chin correctly fatty lol
>pudgy soi nerd
I'm not fat, I lift 3 days a week and run 3 days a week
You have serious reading comprehension issues. This site used to not have morons drooling over their keyboards like this...
>I'm 5'7" barefoot and that is the height I tell people if it ever comes up.
I wrote out an entire post about how you should be honest with yourself. Obviously you need a few more years before you can even start taking that advice.
just shut the fuck up already fatso
post your body then, including your chin :^)
No more zebra cakes
>being so insecure you have to persuade people on an anonymous imageboard that you're not fat
>obese 5 head with drawn on eyebrows
>looks cute
how desperate are you guys lol
lol jog on hobbit
>and any basic gillete razors will last me a month and dont hurt at all or leave marks
>last a month
You are proving his point you dumb fucker
cause you got a fat face which hides your little jaw, you also lack a chin. so gf probably wants to cover it all up and draw attention away from your s o y face
You look like a kiwi mass shooter
>rocks the Jonah hill look better than Jonah Hill
Milennials are from 1981 to 1996. Unless that has changed.
puto gordo
I just have a massive chest, and broad shoulders, makes me look wider than I am
yeah but they're all 5'5
OP here. don't get me wrong he's still cute, wish he would leave his cave more than twice a year
>barely taller than a water heater
fat and a turbo manlet, God was not kind to you
Now post the pizza movie cover with Emma Roberts
I'm 5'11 user. Not a manlet at all
>mixed grip deadlift
>not wetshaving
>those gyno tits
>that fucking non-existent chin
>absolutely soi-ridden face
>double knees from being too fat
>that fat belly
>that disgusting soi face (again)
I can't, just stop dude, please stop, I can't look at you
fucking hell m8 don't you get it? They're going to criticise you no matter what. Stop posting.
>not a manlet
ur fat. eat less exercise more.
Where would you go anyway? What makes people think they'll just leave? This isn't the 90s where fads were grown out.
Staying away from Hollywood Jews prolongs your youth
My nigga. May 2017 to be precise.
Bro, I am 29 and I quit this site many times but I always come back. For 11 years this site has been a haven for me, I have told my darkest secrets here and nobody cared, there is no site like this on the planet. Still I would be lying if I didn't think that my stay here was temporary.
True Jedi
>that fucking gigantic beer gut
jesus christ dude what the actual fuck, you're a fucking PIG my guy oh my god
It is fucking saddening how /pol/ brought in all these unironic MY NAME IS JOHN AND I HATE EVERYONE OF YOU FAGGOTS posters
he fucked prime rachel bilson, he can do what he wants
Gordo puto
He looks great nowadays, motherfucker
Now I realize you're all probably capeshit watching perma virgin basement dwellers. Just jelly that I'm trying to live a good life unlike you shut ins.
or maybe he's just fat and people are not afraid to point it out to his soi face
>I'm not fat, I lift 3 days a week and run 3 days a week
maybe you should do some cheek routine for those fat rolls
Cope harder
few people will ever get to peak in terms of looks as high as Hayden did
I told you to shut the fuck up obsese manlet
>Now I realize you're all probably capeshit watching perma virgin basement dwellers. Just jelly that I'm trying to live a good life unlike you shut ins.
mate woah some anons take some of their time to step in to give you some direction for your obviously out of shape body and you return the favour like this? wtf man not cool
Pic from last year
his wife got mad as fuck at emma
attractive white people are satan spawn
t. Disney
King of manlets.
Why do your legs look so out of proportion with the rest of your body?
I have very thick legs and chest. I'm a stalky Italian
Why did Hershlag shave her head?
His autism was a turn off.
V for vendetta
wtf are 90s back fucking whiskey and timemachines, funny looking sneakers and weird white ass cracker rock/heavy bands and shieet!
plebbit leave
he looks like a good dad.
she shaved her head for V for Vendetta
not really also onions boys do it these days
lol onions I think you mean
Am I a fat soi manlet too Yea Forums?
t. Soiboi
are you going for the AOTC Obi-Wan look?
They just don’t comb them right
Worst one yet by far
Is this shopped? Why does he look like a chainsmoker here?
An A.O. Smith 50 gallon electric water heater, the one behind you, according to their website is 62.5 inches tall. The photograph on the left, the closest one I could find that matches roughly the focal point of your photograph, places you firmly within 5'6" to 5'8". Sorry manlet.
you kinda look like Ben Foster
You looks like a fag
>t. Beardlet
I'd fuck both of you up good. I'm a state champion wrestler and also do BJJ now as a hobby. Watch how you talk to me, understood?
your body is disgusting
Post yours big guy
>fat chicken-legged roid gut gymcel calling people incels
you can't make this up people
He's looking like Pee-Wee in this one
Don't make me laugh.
Why? :^(
Get some sleep, dude. Your eyes look like Pepe's.
This is why I lost interest in the franchise.
because without a beard I look 14
>Why do millennials always grow shitty beards?
He's Gen X
im a twink, fatty
My legs are jacked ya virgin
You look like some hick that likes Morley crew
He’s always had sort of a drugged out look.
Tranny bitch
city slickers mite not like dis but dis is what a peak farmer looks like
Do you seriously think you look good?
I mean.. hell.
its ok i dont give a shit about star wars
t. jelly fatties
Better than you virgin
>this is what you’ve been arguing with on Yea Forums
I need to reevaluate some things.
el metro tranny..
wrestling is gay unless it's professional user, I hate to tell you
God damnit. I was hoping his current appearance would hint toward a cameo in the new film.
Instead, he looks scruffy.
aesthetic as fuck honestly
t. 400 pound hog
Okay, but please stop working out.
Wasting all that energy just to look like a pudgy fuck is just wrong.
How do I stop being a chinlet, Yea Forums? TELL ME
Not splotchy hobbit beards like that.
If you cant grow a full beard like this then you shouldn't even try.
She likes it because if you didnt have it youd look 12
Post femenine penis please????
Actual Crimson Chin
More goddamnit!
I always got the worst shaving rash on my neck when I wet-shaved, no matter what I tried. Cold water, hot water, alcohol rubs, pre-shaves, fresh blades, safety razors, everything.
The only thing that stopped the shaving rash was a little bowl of hot water mixed with baking soda and ibuprofen gel. It keeps the razor completely free of even microscopic hair, skin and oil and the soda/ibuprofen mix reduces inflammation.
I dry-shave my neck, washing the razor in the above solution in between strokes, no more shaving rash.
I see baby boomers trying to keep the shave every day look and gen x fags trying to keep their "my chin is afucking vagina" goatee look. Beards are just better.
>women are completely different
>Women are no different
Shave the neck, clippers on the face for permanent short stubble. The fence-sitter's compromise.
Girls understand that some guys need beards to look decent. Not all faces are created equal. That said, even if you gave well defined jaw, girls will probably still want hair on it, because they dont want to look like they're dating some Nazi villain.
If I type those memes into google do I get put in a list?
I keep my shit trimmed to 12mm, keep my neck shaved or at least zeroed with clippers, and keep the stache at 6mm. I never did learn how to like stache that overflowed over my top lip
Speak for yourself
X ends at 1978
didn't he go back to canada and start a ranch or a farm?
Yeah and Bilson left him because she’s a stuck up California bitch.
You look like a guy I'd smoke weed with, leave, then say to myself "I'm never hanging with that weird fuck again."
>why the fuck are you here?
there is no leaving this place, roodypoo
Mewing and chin ups
15 years this year. This is the year that I have officially been browsing Yea Forums for more than half of my life.
Behold! I would've rather been born rich though.
brush your hair.
12 years a slave
>those chicken legs
Don't forget: you're here forever.
id say stop while youre ahead but you passed that point like 3 posts ago. why are you so insecure about what some idiots on a basket weaving forum think of you?
stop posting
why are /fit/ faggots always so angry that not everyone is in their gay little cult?
pretty handsome dude
They're incredibly insecure, that's why they go on /fit/ in the first place...
Lucky bastard, I have a crush on her since OC.
It's not even good for you. I tried getting into "manscaping" and went online looking for way to reduce the resulting itch. Got a bunch of doctor response sites saying you shouldn't do it.
Because they are turnin the frogs gay
I could say the same about /gif/, doesn't make the other 80% of the porn that's there gay
>tfw manlet
Would still bang
You look like sargon, but I'm not gonna shit on you because I'm a manlet, and it's about time we learn our place
Annie Ayuwokee
28 and ive also been here since 2009. Yea Forums is basically the only way I can use the internet nowadays. The way people interact with eachother on youtube or any other big site just feels so foreign for me. I just like to call people NIGGERS or faggots whenever I don’t agree with them...
2007/24yo here
He’s almost 38, right on the upper boundary of millenialhood.
37 years old here who’s been around since 2008, can confirm.
I have a full beard but I do a close shave every second day because I hate beards. Fucking itchy and doesn't let your skin breath.
Maybe I'm just weird. I'm like an irl Wojak, I shave my head and my face. It's so freeing.
What are those nipple condoms called?
He looks great
No, not really. They're scratchy and its uncomfortable to kiss a guy with a lot of facial hair.
Chad in the making.
Why is he dressed like he’s still in the 90s?