So I caught an episode of Xena : The Warrior Princess on TV and they went from fighting with their mighty swords to a...

So I caught an episode of Xena : The Warrior Princess on TV and they went from fighting with their mighty swords to a musical number where the cast covers Edwin Starr's War.
Is this why nobody talks about the show anymore ?

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Because the target audience was small children and retards, fucking unwatchable shit

It's a campy tv show, which isn't for everyone.

Remember when you could watch TV shows for fun?

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The episode you're referring to is "Lyre, Lyre, Hearts on Fire" which is from season 5, which is universally accepted as the worst season of Xena. It was so bad that two writers/producers got fired over it. There isn't a single good episode in that season. Don't think for a second it represents the rest of the series

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I did watch most of Xena's episodes over the years, because it gets rebroadcasted a lot and it's not that great. I mean it's campy and silly and sometimes meta like most shows from that time but it can get a bit hard to follow. Still, it's fun shit.
Also, I saw Sam Raimi credited there too which is odd but kind of makes sense ?

Nah it's an incredible show. It's Ancient Greece meets Kung Fu Movies, nothing else like it. And yes Sam Raimi was a producer

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This show forever shaped my taste for the perfect woman.

>jet-black hair with bangs
>warrior lioness
>healthy amount of fat

Sadly, no irl thot can ever come close to this.

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She beefed up a lot for Xena, if you watch Hercules season 1 she's much skinnier. I was more attracted to Callisto though, personally

Patrician taste

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If there's anything to remember from this show, it's Lucy Lawless.
Not for fap material necessarily, but for the performance. Not even shitting.
Her performance as Xena would have worked in a legitimate war story and she committed hard every time.

The flashback episodes from when she was evil were the best, and all because of her. Lucy relished being evil. Xena is one of my favorite shows, but it could have been even better with more episodes about her dark past.

What about her performances as Meg, Princess Diana, Priestess Leah, Annie Day or Melinda Pappas?

Just watch Sparatcus for superior kino
plus Lucy gets naked there

It's made by the same people, and they're both great

Spartacus is infinitely superior to Xena.

If you prefer edgier shit, sure

When a show does musical episodes, I immediately drop it.

Words fall from your mouth as shit from ass!

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Spartacus was a garbage tier ripoff of Rome

>he dropped Always Sunny because of Night Man Cometh
loling at your life

>watching always sunny
>at any point
I don't have plebbit tier taste.

List your top three shows

>ripoff of Rome

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True Detective S1
The Knick

Five also had Married with Fishsticks, an episode so bad, Rob Tapert talks about how he regrets making it on the DVD commentaries.

>True Detective S1
>The Knick

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Lucy was also preggers for half that season, which negated half the reason why people watched the show in the first place; to see her in skimpy leather.

>says the guy who holds Xena above Spartacus and calls the latter garbage tier

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Yeah, it's hard to have a woman action hero protagonist when she's knocked up. If the show was on cable and came out a few years later, they could have done the hiatus shit that shows do between seasons now. But not back then, they used to shit out shows regularly.

Five and six did have some good stuff though, but yeah, the damage was done with the whole pregnancy/time jump thing.

>defends Spartacus, a show about half naked guys rubbing on each other

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Bruce Campbell's final episode is when I restart and watch from the beginning.

I watch it all the way through, but five and six were definitely a mess compared to two, three, and four. One wasn't really a mess so much as it was kinda mediocre for half of it before getting good.

Two, three, and four were definitely the best seasons.

The only good thing about S5 was Adrienne Wilkinson. Say what you want about that godawful season, but that was some inspired casting. Also Claudia Black and Selma Blair appearing out of nowhere in that backdoor pilot episode, that was supposed to become an "Amazon Academy" series or some shit

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I spilled so much of my youthful seed to this girl

Six was fine, they brought back R.J. Stewart to undo the damage that Orci and Kurtzman did and while some of it was unfixable like the stupid ass Chakram of Light, it was a pretty good season overall. Old Ares Had a Farm is also one of the best episodes of the entire show

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>Claudia Black and Selma Blair appearing out of nowhere in that backdoor pilot episode
The one where a 90s valley girl was sent back in time and became the founder of the Amazons?

Who thought that was a good idea?

RIP Kevin Smith

Her acting was kinda spotty, but she definitely had the look of being part Xena and part Callisto for sure.
Six was better than five, but it sucked that a lot of actors had spotty schedules or other commitments and just left the show. Also, I feel like the ending was kinda weak. I almost feel like the show should have ended on the episode where they're in the present day, and they fight Ares.
Rob Tapert. I think he had a couple of backdoor pilots scattered throughout Xena's run.

Haha, yeah that one. As stupid as it was, it was one of the more memorable episodes of S5, though mostly for its guest stars. Claudia also appeared in Hercules as Cassandra

This has to be bait. Here’s your (You), you fucking faggot.

>he was too busy drooling over the men to pay attention to the show

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>True Detective S1 bait
>The Knick bait
>Spartacus bait

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She's demigod. As the daughter of Ares, of course she can do all kinds of incredible shit.

It's never confirmed she's really his daughter, and the series explained why she can do what she was. Besides being a warlord for years, and a pirate for even more years, she trained in China and learned some serious kung fu. The Xena universe is not a place where the laws of physics matter that much, either

Xena, as alright as it is, would been extraordinary if transported into a actual drama.


>super hot sultry warrior psyhopath
>finding her way to redemption
>back to being a bad bitch slut
>back to redemption

Basically Red Sonya with all the pulp but played out as a character study with lots of sex, winks at faux-matriarchy.

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They never confirmed her as Ares daughter, and most writers seemed to be against that idea. Basically, she's a mortal who trained hard and could do crazy shit. And it wasn't super out of the ordinary, Callisto could do some pretty crazy shit too, even as a mortal.

I dunno, I love the campy adventure tone of the series. We have enough edgy dramas as it is. To be perfectly honest I've gotten sick of the premium cable mature drama craze that The Sopranos started

In other words, it'd be great if you took out what was actually good an unique about it.

honestly the only reason I like the chakram

Xena or Hercules?

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There is no way in hell they would let the cast be as white as it was these days.

I agree, it's fucking tiresome at this point.
Xena, for sure. Hercules was okay too though.

Never watched the show but I always liked Callisto because the actress can give off this doe eyed innocent look then turn into supercunt instantly!!!FACT!!!


They are both among my top 10 favorite shows of all time. Hercules has the better sidekick, it's a comfier show than Xena and it never jumps the shark, it's good from beginning to end. Also, oddly enough, it had far more hot women in it. Every episode had a sexy guest star with lots of cleavage, while Xena relied mainly on its stars for the fanservice.

On the other hand, Xena was a more ambitious show, had higher highs, and Xena was a far more interesting character than Herc, not to mention played by someone with 1000 times the acting chops and charisma of Kevin Sorbo, as much as I like him. Plus, I love how Xena actually kills people and enjoys battle. Hercules is always reluctant to fight and goes out of his way to spare lives and send bad guys to prison instead, he's a goody two shoes. Overall Xena is the superior series

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jesus christ what horrible taste

The only thing better is getting to see Lucretia naked. Xena is a better show overall

>Xena combined with Charlie's Angels, Terminator and The Matrix
Pure unadultered kino

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I see we have a patrician amongst us.

>that fucking theme

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How in the FUCK have I never seen this before

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It aired back to back with a show called Jack of All Trades starring Bruce Campbell too. At least for the first season. Then that was cancelled and Cleo was expanded to one hour episodes.

It aired before most of Yea Forums was born.

I saw Kevin Sorbo at a comic con years. I felt bad because nobody was in his line.

I miss this sort of goofy shit they made in the 90's. Marvel should have a TV show like this!!!FACT!!!

My favorite episode is "Noir or Never" which parodies Blade Runner, but also has some good dramatic scenes and is wonderfully directed. Such a shame that it was cancelled

See, I never watched Cleopatra 2525 but THIS is the sort of cheesy shit I'd like to see from Marvel on TV. I wish they'd go full retard and embrace the absurdity while also playing everything straight!!!FACT!!!

Jack of All Trades was pretty fun too. I miss those days of fun silly shows like that.

Has anyone watch either Hercules or Xena on DVD or a streaming service? I've been watching them on tubitv and the image quality is just terrible. During fight scenes the video is so blurry it's hard to tell what the hell is happening. Does it look like that elsewhere? In contrast they also have The A-Team on there and although it was shot in the 80s it looks so much better.

>tfw you can't relieve your childhood watching Hercules and Xena

Did you ever see Mutant X?

I have the DVDs for both, the image looks fine considering they were made using cheap film stock. Later seasons look way better than early seasons, but I never had trouble discerning what was happening. I think you should torrent them instead

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>I've been watching them on tubitv and the image quality is just terrible.
Watch it on DVD. Much better quality, no troubles in that format.

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I have the original Xena DVD sets, which are supposed to be the best quality source. And I'll go ahead and tell you, the season one set isn't that great looking either. The other seasons look fine, and they look better as the show goes on. I don't know if we'll ever get true HD quality Xena and Hercules stuff though.

>I don't know if we'll ever get true HD quality Xena and Hercules stuff though.
We'll never get HD quality but I believe we can still get an enhanced 480p or 720p for later seasons on bluray for both series.

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Probably only had cheap film stock. It's the same with BTVS. Then when the shows took off, the companies sprung for better stuff.

Bit of a shame we'll never get true 1080p though. Xena is one of my all time favorite shows, and I'd love to have it in true HD.
The first season of Xena was shot on 16mm, I think the rest went to 35. So yeah, they did the cheap thing early on.

>The first season of Xena was shot on 16mm, I think the rest went to 35
Macgyver is starting to be released on 1080p bluray. It is possible, just not sure it will ever happen. Stargate SG-1 is one to keep an eye on as it was also shot on 16mm for the first few seasons.

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Yeah, I'm not gonna get my hopes up, though it would be nice. MacGuyver and The A-Team were big network shows too I think, unlike Xena and Herc. Who knows if they even still have the masters for Xena and Hercules.

What, Orci and Kurtzman also ruined Xena along with Star Trek?!

>Star Trek
What is there to ruin?

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>co-executive producers on 6 episodes
>wrote 1

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They came in for season five, at least half of it anyway. Their one good idea was getting rid of the baby after Lucy's pregnancy was written into the plot. But that meant they did the time jump, which wasn't too great either.

They were the head writers of Season 5, despite what IMDB says. Rob Tapert liked their work on Hercules and hired them on for a season of Xena, reducing R.J. Stewart to a staff writer.

ah man I hated the time skip.

I wasn't a huge fan of it either, but it was better than Xena lugging around a kid all the time.

Didn't she give her eldest kid to a horse man? She could have done the same thing.

Or age up the kid due to god nonsense.

Yeah, she was still doing bad shit when she had the first kid though. She wanted to actually be there for this one.

And yeah, they could have pulled some magic shit to age the kid up probably. It was sad seeing old ass Joxer after the timeskip, and seeing him die. Dude was a goof, but he was also a bro.

Fuck, I havent watched this show since I was like 8 years old. Didn't even know english and could barely keep up with subtitles at that age. Should try rewatching it for nostalgia

It's not necessarily the size of the frame, but literally cheap-ass degraded film stock. The blacks get all fucked up and neutrals fade.

Writing credits are tricky, user. Just because their name isn't credited on the script doesn't mean they didn't write it. Beyond that, staff writing is always top down.

>Nothing else like it

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Hercules was more WWF than it was Kung Fu. They even do several gags about it throughout the series like Herc tagging Iolaus in and shit like that.

Somebody cuts a promo at least once per episode.

>I almost feel like the show should have ended on the episode where they're in the present day, and they fight Ares.

I consider that one and the one where they fight Alti in present day "canon", so in a way, they're the last episodes.

I agree, I consider both episodes canon as well.

>watching Xena when it was on Netflix
>see that it's airing on TV
>it's in shitty SD quality
>start watching it on TV instead to recapture the CRT feeling

CRT television are so comfy, CRT vs HD is soul vs soulless

Kevin Sorbo sent me a connection request on LinkedIn, to this day I still don't know why

He's trying to save your soul

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stop watching the late seasons

>implying the late seasons are bad
Holy pleb filtered.

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this the show is 23 years old. it may as well be Bonanza or The Andy Griffith Show to the phoneposting zoomers who make up 80% of this board today.

her first acting gig was a CBS Schoolbreak Special episode called "Sexual Considerations"

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And yet we have Xena threads at least a couple times a week, Just have to post at the right time, latenight posting is best

I think she still looks pretty good for 50.

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She seems fun

Hudson Leick is pure sex even now all these years later. You cannot debate this.

She and Renee both have aged well. And Ted Raimi just looks like Ted Raimi, same as ever.

It was a golden age. Hercules, Xena, Cleo 2025, Beastmaster and Lost World. Weekends were great, used to tape them and watch them through the week.

stop the meme. Cleo was not even remotely watchable

consider yourself debote

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My nigga, would also tape The Crow: Stairway to Heaven, Sliders and The Pretender. Mid 90s to early 00s were factually and indisputable the peak of television

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Yes it was, it's a very fun sci-fi adventure show with hot and likable ladies. Stop being a fag. There is no way you can like Xena but hate Cleo, same producers, same writers, even shares actors, just set in the future instead of the past.

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jack of all trades was the better half.

>love campy 90s TV
>love Xena and Hercules
>Cleopatra 2525 looks very enjoyable
>avoid watching it because the main character is too fappable
I'm never going to watch Lexx either

There was an episode where she played like four of them at once.
And another when Gabrielle met another doppelganger and went "Xena? Meg? Leah? Diana?" Because they'd done it so many times.

Watched it for *reasons*. Beastmaster was horrible as well but it had its perks.

It had the better opening titles but that's it. Fun show but no comparison

>watched Xena, the most fappable show of the late 90s
>scared other shows are too fappable

The only people who care at all about this show are fat dykes.

She gets replaced with an ugly whore. You definitely dodged the bullet there.

>avoid watching it because the main character is too fappable

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Lexx was great underneath and in between the cracks... could have been so much more but wouldn't have been anything if they did it any different. Fucking bio-viziers

I can't deny it has one of the best pilots in TV history, but the rest... meh

You can't appreciate kino if you're too busy taking the ship out of the yard if you know what I mean. ;^)

Cleo was mandatory viewing

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>stop being a fag
>post a picture from the show with a guy in the background looking like a male stripper

I only actually sat down and "watched" Xena last year.
Thank fucking god, I would have rubbed my little willy silly if I had watched it as a kid.
On the other hand, I will never know what it was like to be an 8 year old and see Aphrodite on my television.

Except the kino play is to watch the show and let your sexual tension build. Cleo is lovable, sweet, and sexy, and the faps you will have if you wait until after seeing several episodes will be heavenly. Maybe even wait until you've seen every episode. I fap to her mostly because I've seen the show, falling in love with a character supersedes any initial attraction.

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Today all those girls are considered ugly as fuck for having "flat" asses

How does that make you feel

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>a guy in the background
>in the background
Yeah a picture with hot chicks in the foreground and one guy in the background is so gay

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Yeah.. I held in there. Fuck tweedle, he was the only one pulling for the show and was the worst. Everyone else involved just seemed so "fuck it, whatever" by the fourth season.. Bunny though...

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What the fuck is this

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like you're arguing against something that doesn't actually exist.

that's hudson leick in 2018, taken from her instagram. she's a weird holistic yoga person now.