I don't want Tim Curry to die
>Red Alert 3, now THAT was a RTS game
I was a Age of Empires kid, should i give a try to C&C?
Fuck you and your Peacekeepers
good lord
Red Alert was a far better game than AoE.
well said
>Brown and dirty
0/10. Would not worship those feet.
I don't know why so many kids at the time preferred AoE and its derivatives to C&C and RA, but they did. Red Alert was hilarious with the cheesy cut scenes, the game play was also way more fun and simplified. AoE had long boring tech trees, economics, and little fighting; the antithesis of RTS games.
> Cannot we live in peace?
I love how they just kept and used this take.
The Chad gods vs the Virgin Empires
>how he barely containing his shit
There's so much wrong with this post I don't know where to begin.
That said, RA2 is a bit better than AoE2, but absolutely not for those reasons.
For me, it's Lt. Zofia
It's not wrong. If I was going to play AoE, I'd rather just play Civ instead.
Even fucking worse than AoE.
stop larping, if you werent actually a zoomer you would have played both as a kid, red alert and aoe were both iconic
I just watched Rocky Horror Picture Show for the first time and he was a darling of a man
For me it's the Allies
My Mum always took the piss out of me when she found the poster of this that came with the game
>not choosing best girl
Apply yourselves comrades
This wasn't even that long ago but already feels like a lifetime ago because of how unacceptable this would be now
Never really liked her as a kid but now i see her beauty.
I'm applying comrade
Is that Russian chick form Banshee?
What's going on over there, Alex?
FUCK I love a girl with some sole
who here /apocalypsetanks/?
Good lord yes please
RA3 is unironic kino.
emma watson?
Kari Wuhrer was the best Tanya.
Imagine the smell
lol she wanted you to be a fag or something
You only get to pick one
>as a kid
Probably wanted me to find a gf instead of wanking to video game characters
Stop please. I'm on no fap.
did you find a gf in the end like mummy wanted?
>I don't give a wooden nickle about your great hugs
>Red Alert 3 came out a few years ago
>Initial release date: October 28, 2008
Fuck and there hasn't been a C&C game since
>Pure Britfu vs Amerislut
yeah hard choice
you fucking zoomers, this is the only true answer
The one that isn't a retarded anti-vaxer with an autismo brat.
I think she was part responsible for giving me a latex fetish
>strategy is the antithesis of RTS
RA was kino, but as a game there's nothing strategic to it.
It was her and Trinity and Catwoman.
Absolutely based
Doesn't Stalin cuck you and then kill her though?
fpbp :(
Patrician taste, comrade.
He's escaping this world to the one place that hasn't been corrupted by socialism!
Nah, Kane cucks Stalin. Then she kills Stalin and Kane kills her.
Ah, yeah that sounds right. It's been a while.
Why Mr President, whatever could you mean?
He sure does
>tim curry
>gemma atkinson
This game really had some """"top"""" acting talen.
Yeah I was thinking the same. You couldn't get away with this today. At least not as a AAA game company.
The fuck is Kingpin doing there?
You could if you made sure to place it under a heavy layer of irony. See: Thor Ragnarok
Oscar worthy performance
Wow, Gemma Arterton is in this game? I didn't realize she'd been around that long.
Was he a Republican or Democrat?
A Jap
A stroke will do that
He needs pictures. Pictures of Spider-man!
Tiberium cutscenes were also kino
I would violate regulations to fraternize with her.
>ywn have another sexual awakening when she describes winters in Russia
Left. Goddamn, left.
I'd pick RA2 Tanya over either of them though.
Stalin is fucking her, and she goes along with it but doesn't like it because Kane orders her to, and she gets to occasionally cuck Stalin with Kane.
Then she poisons Stalin, and then Kane kills her in the biggest holy shit moment of the first game, when you realise that the C&C timeline and GDI is a result of the Allies losing WW2.
Red Alert 3 fucking sucks, and if you think otherwise then it was 100% your first C&C game you fucking zoomer. RA1 was a dark game with some comedic themes; RA2 was a comedic game with some dark themes; and RA3 was just "HI I'M EA I CAN HAZ C&C LICENSE? XD LOOK WE GOT TIM CURRY AND MADE HIM SAY SPACE!111 AND WACKY JAPANESE STAR TREK GUY MAN THE KIDS ARE GUNNA LUV IT xDD *holds up spork*"
RA2 > C&C 3 > Generals > TibSun > RA1 > C&C1 > Horse shit > RA3 > C&C4
I'd vote for him.
You'd think the actors were slumming it in these FMV games but most of the time they look like they're having a blast and turning the ham-o-meter up to 11.
No fun allowed detected. You are mad because you believe yourself to be entitled to be the only one who knows the series, thus the hate for the red alert 3 memes. Also your list fucking sucks, fuck off.
his tie says rep
desu quite the reddit post you got there fella
>illegal immigration?
>"attack dogs"
>no walls, no permits, just dogs
>freedom doesn't come for free
>vote for me if you want to live
Darn tootin'
Game manual says conservative, but EA paid Obama girl to support him.
If he was a democrat, he would surrender to the Soviet union the first day in.
He’s clearly a parody of a neocon.
Yep. I am a big fan of C&C, I am playing versions Generals to this day, but man, C&C3 was unplayable AND for whatever the fucking reason it looked worse than decade old Generals.
Elon Musk is going to space soon. It will no longer be free of capitalism.
Atkinson has much bigger fake breasts than Aterton.
Third Party, hence the Dolphin logo in place of the Donkey or Elephant
*ting ting ting*
Attention, attention everyone.
FUCK EA and FUCK Red Alert 3
reminder that they are remaking these games with the original team
get ready for some cheap boomer wallet bait
t.30yr old boomer
>bering strait
>all soviet opponents
>blow bridges
>build huge army
>build aa wall
>build huge army
>blitzkrieg everyone
still do it to this day ra2 still holds up
>Red Alert 3 fucking sucks, and if you think otherwise then it was 100% your first C&C game you fucking zoomer. RA1 was a dark game with some comedic themes; RA2 was a comedic game with some dark themes; and RA3 was just "HI I'M EA I CAN HAZ C&C LICENSE? XD LOOK WE GOT TIM CURRY AND MADE HIM SAY SPACE!111 AND WACKY JAPANESE STAR TREK GUY MAN THE KIDS ARE GUNNA LUV IT xDD *holds up spork*"
>RA2 > C&C 3 > Generals > TibSun > RA1 > C&C1 > Horse shit > RA3 > C&C4
RA2>TibSun>C&C3>Generals for me.
>you'll never again spend all afternoon making fancy soviet bases placing concrete walls 1by1 on your custom map in RA1 skirmish mode just to have to restard the next day because skirmish had no saving
True but you're just as autistic as those you're criticising here.
Based and redpilled.
honestly if they make AI somewhat better than original (hardest was way too easy) & not pure horseshit like microsoft did with age of empires definite edition ill buy it. ill def. wait for reviews first.
stfu fag
Based but I still liked RA3 a bit. Nowhere near as good as the other two Red Alerts though. Or even Generals. Obviously not as good as any of the Tiberium games. C&C Renegade, now that was an FPS.
Aom had a much better scenario editor and a much better campaign
Unironically this. I played c&c to death as a kid and this tim curry shit (pbuh) is atrocious.
Yeah man, people totally pick ties based on their party. Check out this Republican and Democrat! You can tell which one is which based on their ties.
In many ways, he is already dead :(
>free America-flavored jelly beans on your desk at all times
Damn, I should become president.
I'd like to pound her shoreline, if you know what I mean
which one is c&c2?
i know of c&c
tibsun;firestorm (most comfy c&c title)
c&c 3
to be fair depending on the issue I can't tell which party Romney belongs to half the time anyway
Yes that is
she's so cute her flat ass can be ignored.
You're throwing everything you've got at us, Alex. We're supposed to be allies you maniac!
toppest of keks
[citation needed]
you cant google you retard?
tfw the expansions are shit
>dirty feet
what the fuck
president tie colors are based on what they are currently doing (blue for peace and cooperation, red for power and aggression), not their party
>Not putting the pic of the worker
Dis nigga...
Based comrades
Objectively true
google does not respect my privacy nor my freedom.
Citation is still needed btw.
>Soviets has tesla coil, nukes, mammoth tanks and jets
>Allies still won even if tech discrepancy was fucking great
How the fuck, are soviets that retarded?
I think I'm going to play RA3 just for her.
Dirty floor in the studio where they were shooting.
based af
the citeh of ziiiiiiiinnnnnjjjj
>Burgers and Chinks spend 100000s on useless college degrees
>Develop anthrax that can melt tanks from getting a degree from a mail order college
user I...
holy shit mw4 was so good
>dem feet tho
No, I'm pretty sure there hasn't been a C&C game since RA3
You know what your right. Things are better this way
>> tfw we will never get real actors in videogame cutscenes ever again
Wasn't Quantum Break just a couple years ago?
You are a man of taste and 200% right.
RA2 Tanya > The Girl On The Left > RA3 Tanya
I think he said he had his own party, which used a dolphin as logo
Red Alert could make a great series or movie.
You don't have to follow a specific game plot, just take the general idea of einstein killing hitler, alternate history with retrofuturistic tech.
Preferably hammy as fuck, with some great respected actors and porn star tier actresses.
Hell March can turn any military related vid into pure kino.
>all of these replies
>None of them Kane
These are from 10 years ago, I wonder how she looks like now
If you had Age of Empires 1, Age of Mythology, and Age of Empires 3 to compare I'd agree. Age of Empires 1 is a buggy mess with poor pathfinding. Age of Empires 3 is extremely tedious comes off as boring when you're focusing on 10 different things at the same time. Age of Mythology gave us Age of Empires 3 while being a somewhat better Age of Empires 1.
However, Age of Empires 2 is by far the best of the series and beats RA and C&C to a pulp.
2019 wikipedia pic
Top qt
I'm Commander Hill and I'm going to teach you all about defeat.
Still would
>Zhana and Dasha