Really interesting

Attached: have sneed.gif (1872x1244, 459K)

no it isn't.

Warner Bros own RT you retard

it is
a CONspiracy...

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>nazi being illiterate gay dumbfuck
not impressed

We've known about the mouse owning Rotten Tomatoes for ages

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This really made me think

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>ugly pig face

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Times up white boi!

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Honestly boobs that big are just gross.

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I mean the secret of having a high score on RT is very simple: Just make a movie that's passable so that the worst reviews will be around "it's okay" and still giving a fresh score. Then make literal whos who gives a good score into the equation so that it can drown out any of the criticisms. Case in point

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Unless it's RT where 2.8/5 = 62 %

What exactly did you mean? The critics themselves that choose whether their reviews are either rotten or fresh. The percentage is always about how many fresh reviews from overall.

Attached: Critic vs his own revie on RT.png (1080x954, 148K)

Really? What if a critic has no numerical score for his review and is written sarcastically?

ahahaha all this time and mouseshills have been spouting lies again

Imagine what this user looks like posting this in his mom's basement right now

No they don't.

>people are under the assumption these unregulated products are on the up and up
You should have your breeding abilities forcible removed if you think this snake, moraless business has legitimate feedback.

You are literally worse than flat earthers in your naivety.

What's Aldo interesting is how a bunch of previously critically panned fox shows suddenly started getting great critics scores the moment the Disney/fox merger became official.

Critics all want early access to interviews and pre-screening events, and the studios get to invite which critics get to come, if a critic doesn't give favourable reviews then they don't get invited back. It's all bullshit circle jerking.