so... bruce willis...
So... bruce willis
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Have you seen his last comedy special? The ending is so touching when he says "go out there and do your bullshit before you die" it's almost as if he knew he was about to die.
he talks behind the back of EVERYONE he work with in the industry.
not a surprise that only his junkie friend, his daughter and desperate actors are the ones who accept being near this piece of shit of a person.
>doesn't know his lenses
>lets Willis shit all over him about it
what is this about?
It's referencing his anecdotes about working with Bruce Willis, and to an extent, a hollywood producer with an interest in zoology.
wich is kevin smith in a nutshell: a fat fuck who get aroused by people claping and throw away any kind of professional or class just to get more attention.
i remember, younger, laughing from these stories, but now you think: 'what a fucking idiot.'
imagine working with a person that would pick something you said in a bad day and tell that - HIS WAY - to everyone.
and its the exact same faggot who cannot take a picture without crying or with a retard face.
>literally only Bruce had a problem
unless you count the guy from Clerks
Fucking fat cunt.
>he’s lost weight
Fucking cunt.
I like to imagine Kevin Smith in his trailer sobbing like a baby because Bruce Willis was mean to him.
listen to his podcast. i used to. it gets old really fast, but there always some INSIDER commentary, from jennifer garner not liking him being with ben affleck or claire forlani saying something mean during the filmming of mallrats and on and on.
them some guy does an imitation of david bowie.
Wasn't he super impressed with Bruce and really wanted to work with him again after Die Hard?
The funny thing is, of all the stuff I've heard about the Cop Out set I came to the conclusion:
No, Bruce Willis wasn't an asshole, he acted like an professional.
Smith didn't even knew about the lenses he used, he has no clue about directing actors (which is why he worked exclusively with his friends 99% of the time), he is a good writer, but the movie wasn't even written by him.
So there you have Bruce Willis, who was also the producer I believe, directed by a guy who didn't even used his actual talent on the movie so the entire thing failed massively. And instead of being honest and saying "I fucked up because I had no clue and didn't knew my shit", he starts rambling how Willis sabotaged the movie (he probably said once "Kevin, your an awful director and your directions making no sense" and Smith took it as offense).
Except Bruce doesn't work much because it's a known issue that he's a d-bag. Kevin said it and perhaps he shouldn't have, but Bruce wouldn't be doing a piece of shit like CopOut if he had a career and he'd have a career if he wasn't a primadonna.
Probably both, Kev was incompetent and Bruce was a cunt. That sounds most likely to me.
Kevin Smith constantly states that he's not a real director and that his only real talent lies in writing and even there he specifies it to dialogue. Basically his screenplays are dialogue and instead of actually directing he "edits" the movie as he goes along.
Bruce Willis is a known asshole. There are numerous people that have called him out on it. Stallone said he's lazy and greedy for example. You can also see it in some interviews where Bruce acts like a total douche.
>i pretty much produced and wrote die hard 4.0
>check imdb
>no credit
The wrong Kevin Smith died
Why did he took the job then, he couldn't used any of his actual skills at all. He directed the script of anybody else and it turned out to be below early 2000 tv movie tier with bad timed comedy.
> bruce willis CAN be a douche.
> kevin smith CANNOT.
thats the difference. and the world is full of assholes, my problem is talking in public about stuff that should stay on a more discret sphere.
and kevin smith had the chance to do TWO movies on hollywood, were any hack can make it, and he blew it both times.