Why actual western martial artists have to work in Asia or in more niche film productions instead of Hollywood...

Why actual western martial artists have to work in Asia or in more niche film productions instead of Hollywood? It would be neat to have this guy as Batman

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I love Scott Adkins but I don't think he could carry a big budget film on his own, doesn't seem to have a big screen presence.

>why actual
You mean "why do actual"? Fucking foreigners, you sound like cavemen

i think he just had small roles in some big budget films.

He was in Doctor Strange and had some good fight scenes in that. He's been lead actor in loads of good martial art films not sure he could do well in something like Batman.

Attached: Accident-Man-Scott-Adkins-Amy-Johnston-1.jpg (1000x667, 155K)


seems ok to me.

based adkins.

How do actors train to imitate a foreign accent? I've been living in Ireland for almost 10 years now and still I can't cover my spaghetti accent.

Because everything is cgi
Why hire a mediocre actor who can do karate when they can hire moderately famous actor to ACT and just have a stunt double do all the work

Scott = Green Arrow
Johnston = Black Canary
It's a Martial Arts RomCom

He was great in Wolf Warrior

Attached: 146881094683.webm (640x360, 2.46M)

They see voice coaches just like how they see acting coaches. VAs do it all the time.

God I love those Chinese action films, they are so absurd and over the top. Wolf Warrior 2 was even better but pretty much too anti-pc for western countries.

lol he was underrused in Doctor Strange.

based chinaman killing the jews orcs

Scott Adkins - Johnny Cage/Kano
Amy Johnston - Sonya
Michael Jai White - Jax

Scott Adkins has played so many American characters over the years he's probably become quite good at it.

Learn English before making threads you stupid third worlder.

did you know that when they added Chinese subtitles on English dialogues in that film they purposely made a wrong translation? Scott says "people like me are better than you" but the Ching Chongs translated it as "my race is superior than yours".

He's in Ip Man 4 with Donnie Yen.


Triple Threat too doesn't look bad

But would it be a RomCom?