
Breakfast edition

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What, no coffee?

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Breakfast, you say?

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Get a life

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It's lunchtime now

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Riker doesn't even distinguish between meals anymore, he just eats all day nonstop.

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I liked it

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TMP is pure kino

TMP is the ultimate trek pleb filter

What an autistic retarded bitch. He should have arrested her.

you want to feel superior

Come on, you guys.

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are these 2 men the homosexual? thank.

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this is correct

229's back, baby!

If you don't agree then he is superior to you. TMP is the true cinematic Trek experience.

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What a stupid piece of dialogue.


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facebook tier


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There he is. There he goes again.
Look everyone he posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around? Oh my god.
I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room giggling like a little girl as you once again type your little Dukat post up and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don't even fill in the captcha, maybe you're such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for a Yea Forums pass so you just choose the picture. Oh we all know the picture, the smiling Dukat isn't it? I imagine you, little shit, laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos onto the floor. But its ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh that's right, did I fail to mention? You live with your mother! You're a fat fucking fuck up and she's probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all god damn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on Yea Forums posting about a villain from a 25 year old Star Trek show. Just imagine this, she had you and then she thought you were going to be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand and then you became a NEET. A pathetic Dukatfag NEET. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can't even talk try to you because all you say is "DUKAT DID NOTHING WRONG."
You became a parody of your own self. And that's all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he's done a million times now.
And that's all you'll ever be.

I agree. Come, let us discuss a fresh topic such as warp cores and canon.

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How did the breen manage to attack earth? I thought it was one of the most heavily defended planets in all of the federation? It seems to me that if they managed to attack earth at all, they'd pretty much have this war thing in the bag.

Yes because it’s the only thing that gets me through the day of stolen labour making overpriced novelty drinks.

Thread culture, dude.

I don't do facebook, or other social media. I prefer antisocial media, and am doomed to this particular Hell. You will be here forever, as well.

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A>CAPT’N! The reflux indicators are off the charts and the traction coils are all shot to hell and the transfusion receptors are acting up and the nacelle oscillators are all over the place and the metagenic bio-filters are all in pieces and the subspace inhibitor’s got sparks flying out of it and the transporter buffers are off line and the photon infuser is not responding and hull polarity is at 9% and the trilithium pods are unstable and the axionic transwarp carrier is down for the count and the magnesite-nitron grappler is about to blow and if we don’t get the electroplasmic buffers up and running, there’s no telling how long she’ll hold!

Dominion forces were well into Federation territory at that point, having captured Betazed. It's not inconceivable that a small strike force could have gotten through the perimeter. With the dampening weapon, most defenses wkould be useless. Their goal was not to cripple Earth but send a message.

it's Dubsminion! lol

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And that message was: our weapons are less powerful than 20th century munitions.

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this, it was kinda like Germans shelling Paris in 1918
wasn't gonna win them the war, it was supposed to do morale damage. Dominion wanted to do the same thing, scare the Federation into a pro-Dominion peace that gives them control of Cardassia

No, more like, "you are vulnerable."

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It's lighthearted, jovial, fun.

pls go, 229

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Just finished grinding through Season 1 of TNG, and it was fucking miserable almost the entire way through. Tell me if Season 2 is also a slog before I start.

For the record, Season 3 of TOS wasn't bad at all imo. There were like two or three horrendous episodes, but everything else was fine and some were great like The Enterprise Incident.

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>Computer. *beep bop*
>Run pedoheaven.exe
>Run bajoran.kindergarten.exe
>No, wait!

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Why do you watch entire seasons of shows you hate?

Season 1 of TNG is great. If you hated that then you're going to have a bad time with the rest of the show.

>Computer, add to program "Risa Anal Ass Blast," >Kira and Ezri Dax
>Computer, enlarge buttcheeks and bleach buttholes
>Computer, expand breasts by 2.50x
>Computer, run program

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I'm MKULTRA, not 229, user.

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That'll do, pig.
That'll do.

> Captain?
Yes .. Spock.
> Life is not a dream
> The lyrics are pointless.

Come sit by the campfire, Yea Forums, I brought Aldebaran Whiskey. Tell a tale. Did you have a nice day so far?

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I haven't watched voyager in well over a decade (haven't seen some of the earlier shit in probably two decades), but I'm considering watching some. Any thoughts or advice?


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Was Barclay a hologram programmed to make the other crew look better?

My day has been absolute shit. I had someone back out of a really important deal at 4 am this morning.

If people who like TOS can seriously claim that TNG is better, there has to be something there...

How? Nobody fucking does anything besides Picard and Data unless they are in some one-off where they suddenly need to have a character and personality. I still can't describe most of the characters unless I listed their profession or some physical attribute.

I cleaned my fridge for the first time in 5 years.
It looked like someone had shat in it.

You have to watch all of VOY if you start.

Don't do deals with people at 4am, dumbass?

What kinda deal?

Riker spent years in the holodeck pretending to be the Enterprise cook just so he could work on his pot belly

Hi, guys.

Were there any marshmellons in it?


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Brown oily grease at the bottom of the fridge. Took some doing to get it out.
Mind you, I have shit in carrybags when my toilet was clogged, so I'm not squeamish.

what's up blando?

Earth gets attacked every other episode by some apocalyptic super weapon, the dominion shelling San Diego is called "Tuesday"

She's so perfect
How can gene so consistently pick perfect ensigns

>Earth gets attacked every other episode by some apocalyptic super weapon
Maybe in JJ Trek/STD.

okay that's cool glad to hear you're doing well
you wanna join the discord?

I do not.

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2 out of the original ST movies had earth directly attacked by a giant super being/ship (TPM and le whales ship)

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Why not? We'd love your company. Your visits here are all too brief.

V'ger wasn't intentionally trying to destroy Earth.


So what?

Just don't watch voyager it's atrocious and it drops its interesting premise like 2 episodes in and has a ton of horrible episodes

Consultant who was supposed to start work for a client on Monday sent an email at 4 am backing out. We had gone to a lot of trouble to get him cleared and ready to go then he tells us he got a better job. I get it but it really sucks.

Ensign Pretty is most glorious waifu.
I loved her drumming in Sparks.
Sooooo bouncy...

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Neither was the Whale Probe

Stop shilling the discord

explain the heterosexual relationship of these 2 male. thank.

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Not that user but my personal plan is:
>watch all of ToS
>watch all of TNG
>watch all of DS9

Let’s check in with the /trek/ Discord!

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God, literally every aspect of Janeway's character was horrible.

>crushed hard on Jadzia
>constantly seen flirting with girls
>fucked Leeta
>fucked Ezri
>in a pseudo-relationship with Ziyal
>Mirror Garak fucked Mirror Kira

Same. Hated it when I was a kid because it was boring, but It's in my top 3 Trek movies now. Special effects are insane, it's so easy to write them off as nothing special, but compare them to the other major sci-fi blockbusters of the time (Star Wars and Superman) and they're on a whole other fucking level.

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>user hasn't been in contact with gene's spirit through a klingon ouija board to ask for advice on choosing waifus
don't forget you want to light red, yellow, blue, and green candles to represent the uniform colors and white to help gene focus his energy

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if u strait in mirror universe ur gay irl faggot

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Than I guess the vast majority of DS9 characters are gay
>inb4 well ya xD

Naa she’s great. You probably think Sisko is based for murdering people in Pale Moonlight.

>it's a breast expansion episode

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WTF is this?
I will light votive candles to lead her to my bed.
She is still hot.

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Sisko didn’t murder anyone.

>just the breasts

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Be careful about candles. A green alien fog might overcome you.

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don't listen to they're just afraid of ghosts don't be a pussy just light the voodoo star trek candle

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Hey /trek/, A paranormal radio show is having a bunch of people from Star Trek on tonight at midnight EST. You can listen on the website or your local radio station. The program also takes phone calls and questions in case you want to call in.

What does /trek/ think about Art Bell?
George Noory sucks!

I like both

Art Bell was a legend and Coast to Coast AM was pretty rad! Joorch puts no effort into his interviews and just rolls out the same five questions to fill time, and his dating site is a scam. The other guest hosts are pretty rad but they never hit as hard as Art could, and they all accept whatever story the guest is telling whereas Art was always a little skeptical and would try to punch holes in their weak spots.

I'll try to get through to the show tonight! What are some spooky questions /trek/ wants me to ask?

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>A paranormal radio show

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I think they're playing time dilated tunes right now. Do you want to shair my headphones?

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>What are some spooky questions /trek/ wants me to ask?
Ask them why tripfags literally can't stop eating dick.

I want to read more about it. But if you think about 70s special effects, they fucking sucked. How the fuck did they get a budget to make it look so good? Did people want Star Trek back so badly that paramount just dumped cash into the film?

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Hi, VF. You're my favorite of all the trip users.

1 more day, Tomorrow is William Shatner, James Tiberius Kirk's 88th birthday.

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pls no buli

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Very well. You're dismissed.

Yo! Where my gurrl Bash at?

Will tripfags and their lovers be the long prophesized end of our beloved /trek/?

Ezri > Jadzia

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Bashirfag has been around for what feels like 150 years and /trek/ still lives.

they deserve it

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Sure, if you like little boys.

It does feel long, I'll grant you that.

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Ezri has no tits.
That will be all.

totally overrated

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prove me wrong

Prove you right

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Team Ezri here.
She has cute little tits.

Yahoo tier

Nah there's a scene where she is getting up or sitting down in her parents house and her boobs bounce. I hadn't noticed them before that.

based braphole licker

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I'm on season 3 right now of a watch theough, on the 90s time travel sara silverman episode.


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> unable to comply. You did not specify what temperature you want the raktajino to be.
> dispensing default recipe dukat-1

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Just imagine based Sarah being a regular cast member. "Hey Commander Chakotay, are you on doody?"

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Well, that was unexpected

I've been doing some thinking, and I got some ideas to improve the general. I got it right here. Uh, one: Bashirfaggot needs to be louder, angrier and have access to a time machine. Two: Whenever Bashirfaggot's not in the thread, all the other posters should be asking, "Where's Bashirfaggot?" Three--


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scotch flavored gum?

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will we be ashamed of how awkward we are and for all the unintentionally harmful things we said about how weird aliens are in shows like star trek when we meet aliens irl? will they understand that we are simple savages?

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Now shut up.

will they understand why we want to fuck them?

they're probably just really lazy TOS/TNG style aliens that look like humans, no forehead ridges, not even crinkled noses or pointy ears. maybe contact lenses.

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Maybe Starfleet defenses were good enough that that was all that got through.

Based Simpsons poster