*deep stalls your plane right into the atlantic ocean*

*deep stalls your plane right into the atlantic ocean*

Attached: PKIERZKOWSKI_070328_FGZCP_CDG.jpg (1024x675, 629K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Boeing literally pay people to make thread on Yea Forums
Really make me think

formerly not thinking

I'm just going to come out and say it, Airbus is better than Boeing!

This. LMAO. Boeing has been absolutely EMBARASSED lately. Their Malaysia and Ethiopia flights that crashed with no survivors due to their pull-up compensation system were completely ignored by the American FAA and admin. They were willing to continue the 737s and pretend like nothing was wrong with them to protect their domestic company. Hell, the secretary of transportation Elaine Chao even decided to fly with a 737 with her entire team just to prove that they were safe (good thinking).

Then comes Chad Canada who says "No, this shit must stop" and grounds all Boeing flights at its airports and bans the flight of ANY Boeing in their airspace. BOOM America does the same and so does most of the rest of the world. Boeing and America absolutely C U C Ked by Chadnadians. Also thanks to them we will actually get safer planes now.


At least Airbus planes need help from the pilots to crash.

>software slams your plane into the terrain
You don't get to bring passengers

Attached: Harrier crash.webm (850x638, 1.49M)


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why is flying so scary, bros?
i fucking hate it.

Just let go of your fear of death bro!

>DC "Turning Swiss Cheese into fondue" 10

it really isn't

Flying is scary because you have no control and it's a 99% dying if something goes wrong.

>it's another "character has a many hour long fever dream about flying" episode

Attached: 9u6xkrajp0p01.jpg (645x756, 158K)

Because you're stuck in a metal box for a few hours and have to put all your trust in your pilot. Even if the plane works fine, the pilot might be really sad that day and crash into a mountain

> it's a first officers panics and stalls the aircraft episode

Attached: 6ce04190-80fb-4114-afed-2a692a92d368-JohnCox.jpg (2943x1680, 538K)

According to reports by the Seattle Times, this is what happened:
>Boeing wants to make sure new 737 MAX has exactly the same cockpit and driving feel as the previous-gen 737 NG
>this also means that FAA won't make airlines existing 737 pilots get retrained, which is very expensive and adds to total cost of buying 737 MAX by airline customers
>737 MAX and competitor A320neo's fuel efficiency gain comes mostly from the new, better engines
>Boeing tries computer simulation on the new engine on existing 737 body
>uh oh, it doesn't fit
>what if we change the body?
>then FAA would say this is a new plane and make pilots get retrained, which would make it expensive and lower selling potential of the plane
>mount the engine further forward and higher
>uh oh, the plane weight balance is off so it starts tipping even when flying in neutral position
>not only does no other civil aircraft do this, it makes flying characteristic different, so FAA will say this is a new plane and make pilots get retrained
>let's add MCAS to have computer correct the tipping to make it feel like flying 737NG


Justin please go

Attached: leaf.png (525x349, 403K)

Stay cucked Boeing and Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao LMAO

Details are coming out. Told you all it was the nigger pilots fault. They were not trained and had no clue what to do. China and Russia are trying to destroy a great American company.

I'm afraid "cucked" counts as a cyberbullying term in your country and now you'll have to go to prison.

LOL Boeing already admitted their system was faulty and depended on one air monitoring system instead of having cross references with other metres. They are releasing a software patch in April lmao

Capitalism kills

I don't fly anymore. I don't trust the plane or the pilots... Or the Islamic passengers that seem to shit every flight up. I hate the airport and everything about the fucktards that work at it. I'm not livestock and I'm not paying the stupid fucking prices to stand in line for hours and be treated like shit, only to die at the hands of a giant corporation on my way to a third world shithole just to enjoy cheap drinks.

Attached: IMG_20150823_135024.jpg (1520x2688, 1.04M)

Southwest has 350 of these planes. How come they don't crash? How come all these crashes happen in third world shitholes? Boeing don't want to be called racist for telling the truth: it was the nigger pilots.



Attached: 4353463223.jpg (1280x720, 123K)

What does the MAX stand for?

Attached: Tu-144.webm (622x480, 1.55M)

>usually, when you make an auto system, you attach multiple sensors and have the system read all of them to pick up when a sensor is failing
>Boeing decides to be cheap, only attach one "angle of attack" (AoA) sensor to MCAS when there are two (there really should be at least three if you're having it fed to an auto system, more since AoA sensor is one of those parts that break more often than others)
>lies to FAA about how much MCAS can autocorrect the angle (0.6 degree vs 2.5 actual) to not raise concern
>MCAS autocorrect limit resets whenever the pilot tries to pull up the plane, which means MCAS can autocorrect by unlimited degrees in emergency scenarios
>didn't tell airlines nor pilots about even the existence of MCAS until the Lion Air crash last year
>fixing MCAS so that it uses 3+ sensors (as it is supposed to) would require modification of the fuselage (you can't just drill new holes in a plane) that would require return to factory and months of work
>federal prosecutors investigating how FAA let all this shit fly


Because southwest is a domestic flight company and the most international you get with them is Dominican Republic. Flights that short take lower altitudes and have different flight paths. Also, the faultiness of the system can occur at any time and it doesn’t always go wrong.

Oh and speaking of Southwest that grounding of their 737s will definitely not look good on their fiscal reports ;)

Why is Yea Forums obsessed with air crashes lately?

>that take off angle


Both Lion and Ethiopian happened just after takeoff. Nothing to do with flight paths. Luckily Boeing are coming up with a software update so even monkeys (like the ones who crashed) can fly safely.

Boeing shills trying to cover up their faulty planes

Because you're sat in a tube hurling through the air at 10Km high, traveling at around 300m/s, held aloft by a trick of relative air pressures being chased by trailing vortices which can't actually be modeled mathematically without handwaving. you look out of the window and see the wings bowing and swaying as much as a few meters as the fuselage tries to convince them that, no they really should be falling. Then you remember that you are just a tube of meat with a face who talks by vibrating air over a slap of muscle and that your death is inevitable and likely going to be painful and pointless and there's no god.

Then you land and all the amerifats and Africans start clapping you you think

Good. Also fuck body (((scanners))).

>using Chad and Canada in the same sentence

You mapleniggers are so obvious.


Everyone enjoys a good plane crash show.

Attached: Airbus A320.webm (666x480, 1.21M)


lol did that thing just broke in half for no reason ?

And you mutts are also obvious (and butthurt). Cry more you kike bitch.



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>he doesn't bring a parachute as his carry on bag

Attached: db39fe16-a66d-4969-864b-af2a7ac4b02b.jpg (960x882, 59K)

>I bet I can land an airliner on an aeroclub

what the fuck were they trying to do lmao

>no reason
>probably double digit G levels


Attached: 5172350.jpg (343x377, 11K)

>ah wow they're fi-

Now is not the time for fear

Probably came in too fast/steep to stick the landing and instead decided to overfly the runway and try again

>when you thought you almost got it but then the cockpit gets engulfed in flames

>Soviet engineering

Well at least it's safer than flying in Arma 3

what is the best air crash investigation show

>This particular flight was not only the A320's first passenger flight (most of those on-board were journalists and raffle winners), but it was also the first public demonstration of any civilian fly-by-wire aircraft

>All the passengers survived the initial impact, but a woman and two children died from smoke inhalation before they were able to escape.

> This particular flight was not only the A320's first passenger flight (most of those on-board were journalists and raffle winners), but it was also the first public demonstration of any civilian fly-by-wire aircraft.

Fucking LOL, how did Airbus sell a single plane

It's just a prairie...

>Boeing goes full HAL 9000
>yeah but what about that one time an airbus crashed in an intense storm?
lol boeing


Makes sense now.




That's all it takes for a DC-10 to break down a cargo door into your plane with the intent to de-pressurize and kill you. Why don't you fly Boeing?

Attached: CargoDoor02_sm.jpg (600x423, 57K)

are russians legitimately insane

They were meant to do a flyover but at a higher altitude and they weren't aware of all the trees

it was an experimental computer controlled plane that they for some fucking reason filled up with actual passengers, somehow only 3 people died

mayday, has 18 seasons and is often unintentionally hilarious


that's true of everything in your life
if you think you're in control of anything you're retarded


MAXimum passenger comfort of course

>it's fine
>it's fine
>they got it

Kino crash

>Death Carriage 10 drops shit all over the runway

Attached: Concorde_Air_France_Flight_4590_fire_on_runway.jpg (310x194, 38K)


why'd he do it?

Is it bad that I laughed out loud when he ejected?
>fuck this isn't going well
>guess I'll ride it out and hope for the best though
>o shit is that fire?


>if you think you're in control of anything you're retarded

t. NPC

Here user have this.

Attached: carrier accident.webm (640x480, 1.03M)


Europe already banned them way ahead of the cuckdom of North America

MAX casualties

why would they showboat with a bunch of kids on board

So, where are those retards who said flying a plane was absolutely safe? What, they've got nothing to say now? I'm sure your statistics can justify putting in hardware that LITERALLY crashes your plane with no survivors.

Attached: 1545583464_25ELF1O.gif (310x467, 2.38M)

Canada is the true leader of North America. America is the loud and easily corrupted version of Canada. Basically the Boromir to Canada's Aragorn.

>mods keep deleting these threads because they think they belong on /n/
>meanwhile they let a million jazz threads go up that should be on /lgbt/
pic related is also my favorite crash

Attached: ethiopianflight-961.jpg (648x378, 113K)

for me, it's the spruce goose

Attached: spruce-goose-og.jpg (700x372, 33K)

>fuck this, I'm bailing
>plan pulls up and flys away uncontrolled but not crashed as they feared

Was this the one where the hijackers were too retarded to understand the concept of fuel?

So is Harrison Ford lucky or is he alive because he is actually a pretty solid pilot?

tailhook didnt snag the cable


Could be worse

Attached: E-2CableSnap.webm (1920x1080, 1.1M)

>It's "I AM THE PROBLEM" episode

Attached: 1437854480718.gif (200x150, 725K)

>the pilots actually saved that


Attached: 1546088928546.jpg (911x664, 301K)

>that fucking parasol on top

*activates the vertical nose dive feature*

Attached: Cassidy-Boeing.jpg (727x485, 40K)