Any british kino?

Any british kino?

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>all these mental gymnastics about kissing your bf in public
ffs mate no one gives a shit

I honesty can't stand it when anyone kisses in public. WE GET IT! SOMEBODY LIKES YOU!


Noughts + Crosses BBC adaptation.

All forms of PDA including hand holding should be banned.
Linking arms and hugging is acceptable.

>It's not homophobia, I just hate intimacy in general
But why do you only say that when it concerns fags? Sounds like goalposts moving to me

>normal couple PDA
>everyone gets disgusted

>two faggots PDA
>everyone gets disgusted
>aids invested momos get offended

>But why do you only say that when it concerns fags?
I don't, and in any case gays are the ones who tend to make a big fuss about it.

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Nah, I bitch constantly. but nobody listens (sniffle)

>gays think men being attracted to pussy is abnormal
I don't get it.
Is it because it's japanese pussy?
Are they saying interracial lust is unnatural?

it's because a straight man will beat you up while a gay man will just blog about it.

Because fags are gross


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remember when my dad beat the shit out of 2 queers kissing in front of me and my brother in the park lol.
one ran away and the other was screaming like a little bitch.

fuck fags.

First it's gays kissing in public then it's this.

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>implying you have kids
stay mad incel

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I have a white van that little trap will look PERFECT in.

Don't worry Muslims will complain about it and the authorities will protect the feelings of the Muslims

I really like how he's pushing faggot fantasies about misfortunes befalling normal people and then comparing these personal tragedies with his degenerate behavior in public pushed by the nanny state corporation tasked with breeding a culture of fear which will make the selected public tribunes (them/xir) impervious to critique while world government agenda gets enacted over the whirring sound of crimethink drones.


>seeing gays will turn you gay
Why do people keep saying this?

I would never kiss my boyfriend in public, it's trashy and attention seeking
t. faggot


>t. self hating gay
Sweaty, bending over to appease edgy homophobes won't make them any more accepting.

>Faggots kissing in public is now acceptable

It's over for this world. The nukes can't come soon enough.

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this man speaks the truth, /pol/ will never accept gays and many of them are closeted anyway.

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>that accent

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I don't think like seeing people in general making out in public

Gays are literally mass raping children across Europe, and (((THEY'RE))) letting it happen!

scots are subhuman

If this was true then no one would be gay because heterosexuality is the norm, we see straight people being straight all the time and yet homos aren't influenced by that. Why would the opposite be true?

If a person is a bi can they say faggot?

>being a british cuck

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based tesco's

Anyone can say faggot, this isn't fucking North Korea

i wish

How are gays responsible for what these straight parents are doing to their child? Do heterosexuals have so little will of their own that 3% of the population can literally force them to believe anything they want?

>mfw I linked arms, hugged and kissed a girl on the cheek once
>never got to hold hands though
How high up am I on the khv scale?

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>in front of my kids?
In front of my fucking kids?
Thats going overboard mate!

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they can only say fag

They're afraid that it will make already gay kids more likely to come out of the closet. I don't see the big deal.
Would you mind elaborating on why you want to continue discrimination based on sexual preferences?


have sex

only 3% of the population was involved in the US civil war

also, remember (((them)))

China is gonna wreck the West so fucking hard in the next decade its not even funny anymore

This and

shut up yurocuck

This. French kissing is quite vulgar and should be done in the privacy of your home.


linking arms, hugging, kiss on cheek are all things you can do with a friend or aquantaince

That's why I'm best friends with the based Chinese :D

this shit is my favorite, when the muzzies remind the lefties that they stone fags to death where they are from

Children raised by homosexuals are more likely to be homosexual. Kids can still turn out gay even if they're raised in an entirely heterosexual environment, but exposure to homosexuality definitely has a measurable influence.

seethe more christhomo

>only 3% of the population was involved in the US civil war
Relevant how? Are fags marching into fields with rifles forcing poor defenseless breeders into dressing their children in drag?

>also, remember (((them)))
So why get mad at gays of they're just tools of the Jews?

This. PDA is bullshit and only is done to make sure other people see it. Gays and overly clingy women are the worst offenders of this.
>inb4 have sex
I've been married for 5 years, and you won't see me do anything more in public other than occasionally holding hands. It's just not needed and I have nothing to prove.

it's because they rape them
being abused as a child is what turns you gay and that's how they recruit more gays

based and public decencypilled

Can you link you an actual study on this?

>if I keep repeating this then it makes it true

>Relevant how?
dunno, you're the one who brought it up
>why get mad at gays of they're just tools of the Jews?
I'm not mad, I just want 'em gone.

Not a Christian, just the irony of saying Christians aren't peaceful but muslims are is too tasty to miss out

>Children raised by homosexuals are more likely to be homosexual
Source? And is it any different than the rate of children raised in families that accept homosexuality vs those that dont?

Seems to me like kids are a lot more likely to embrace their innate sexuality in environments where they aren't taught it's shameful and less likely in environments where they are, no?

spoiler that revolting shit

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What he said has no basis in fact, but gays on average have been abused more often than a straight person.

if you celebrate christmas you're christian

Yep no reason to do that in public. That's why you rarely see it aside from bars where nobody gives a shit because alcohol.

I'm sure it's just a coincidence that the percentage of gays who were abused as children is much much higher than that of the normal population ;)

I brought up the civil war? Are you being obtuse?

Fact is that STRAIGHT parents brought up that child drag queen. Take some fucking responsibility for your own people. If you're that easy to manipulate than isn't the problem with you?

Pedos target weak and effeminate children. News at 11

The video shows a short goodbye kiss though. People do those all the time.

>Kids are gay before puberty
No, faggot.

Ah yes "Pedos"
who just HAPPEN to all be gay HMMMMMMMMM
you know who's weak? effeminate
you know who's effeminate? girls. and you, faggot

I'm still waiting on any sources

Are straight kids straight before puberty?

unironically very based & redpilled

>you know who's weak? effeminate
whoops haha ,))

Majority of pedos come from heterosexual relationships. What are you even talking about?

acquire intercourse

Lol, they may not be sexually attracted to people before then, but there are gays you can clock as soon as they start swishing around at 4 years old. The mannerisms of a flamboyant gay man start long before they start thinking of sucking dick. I guess if you didn't have anyone like that you noticed in elementary growing up you don't know what im talking about, but there were two kids in my kindergarten class with gay voice/mannerisms in tow and both turned out to ride the cock carousel as everyone predicted.

Not him, but those parents should be held a lot more accountable than they are. Degenerates, sexualizing their own child.


little boys famously like girls a lot, ah yes
have you ever even seen a child? i hope not, fag

You mean children raised by homosexuals parents are more prone to come out because they don't risk being kicked out of the house.

I could've made thisbpost

Don't bother. The fact that pedos care less about the gender of their targets based on all research, overwhelmingly are straight in their adult sexuality, and that men are consistently given more 1 on 1 time with boys than girls for cultural reasons are arguments they refuse to address.

>BBC puts out the same video but from the perspective of the elderly man who buys used Japanese panties
>This is what pedophobia looks like