Dracula films

Our guy made kino again. Do you agree with him?


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Fuck off e-celeb faggot

How did he get this past his Screenwave masters? Big Poppa Ryan asleep at the wheel?

Ryan had a heart attack, he's dead bro.

It's not Halloween yet James

It's a historical period piece

Attached: madmike2bootsty.webm (1920x1080, 862K)

>Do you agree with him?
That was a completely pointless exercise that only someone developmentally challenged could think was worth the effort. I found it very enjoyable.

Attached: game bad.jpg (559x523, 55K)

>Do you agree with him?
I mean, I guess? The ones that have less Dracula seem to be the better of the lot.

Those weird video effects from BBC version are really distracting but kinda work

He is an complete autist for putting so much effort in a pointless video like this. I enjoyed it.

>James knows how to read

sure lol

>Mike has a patreon
>James doesn't
>Screenwave now owns the AVGN IP

How after the screwattack fuck up is he getting buttfucked again just by a different company?
He is a literal autist isn't he?

because of all the other absolute trash on the cinemassacre channel now i forget that james himself makes good stuff

James is the autist,
Mike is the low IQ retard.

It was pretty good.
James solo videos are usually decent.

not enough Kireen

No Mike = shit video desu.

No one besides Mike would ever say that.

Reminder that Bootsy called James out in the shitfest that Board James final season was. Maybe that was the beginning of the end.


im bootsy's personal friend irl

Does he talk about the shitty Argento movie?

Pushing up roses >AVGN

Is this worth watching threadmates yes or no?
My time is exceptionally valuable and I end up 2x'ing youtube vids to cram them into my busy schedule.

Attached: open bob.png (327x89, 50K)

mike sucks

Coppola's Dracula was the most faithful

Attached: dracula wall.webm (720x384, 845K)

which mike?

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I love James

Attached: sidekicks.jpg (800x400, 89K)

It might be worth watching/listening to as an ASMR video if you enjoy James' voice. Otherwise the video itself is not a lot of fun, it's just James being autistic about monster movies.

Attached: angryvideogamechan.jpg (540x720, 189K)

>words words words words words words words words

my dick was more faithful

I'm not comfy about the Dracula character. When you read Stoker's book he's really depicted like an antisemite caricature.

wtf I love dracula now

the only thing worse than listening to words is reading words, amirite fellow retarded man?

it's on my reading list, but I guess I'll bump it up now

I always knew I liked Drac the best out of the traditional monster movie characters. Now I know why.

thank you user speedwatching that shit right now as i shit and brush my teeth and fap simultaneously

>*rubs his hands together with a look of triumph*

Attached: humphries_tudor-dracula_a_formal_portrait.jpg (420x600, 81K)

>When you read Stoker's book he's really depicted like an antisemite caricature.
Actually, I find that Stoker's take on the character to be quite problematic for very different reasons:
Dracula, when having a discussion with Harker over dinner, presents some very distinctly islamophobic tendencies.
After all, the historical character on which he is based spent his lifetime killing poor, innocent turks, and Dracula in the novel also alludes to this with some prideful glee.
Dracula is racist and should be banned to defend the poor peaceful turks from further slander to their name.

>innocent turks
>peaceful turks
Who could be behind this post.

Attached: hesfast.png (500x325, 217K)

I know this has probably been said many times but the dumb tattoo he has on his bicep just doesn't fit his personality
same thing with stuckmann and his tattoos


avgn looking old and jaundiced
can we go back to 2006 lads

It's true; the belligerent christians in Wallachia and eastern europe violently resisted the gentle ministrations of the Prophet Of Peace.
That Vlad Tepes' younger brother, Ragu 'the Handsome', craved for Turkish mancock at the tender age of 9 during his totally consensual habitation in Istanbul thus perhaps precipitating Vlad's own predilection for ramming iron stakes up the posteriors of innocent turkish guardians of peace, is totally inconsequential to the fact that Muslims were killed in their thousands by this violent psychopath championed by this christian writer, Stoker.
I can only hope the EU bans this filth before Turkey is fully admitted into the EU and can finally bring in a level head into that convention of right wing, racist extremists.

I’m sorry

in a few months they'll just be 'celebs'
that's how big the internet is

>James solo videos are usually decent.
Yeah, always disappointed when I open up a video expecting him to be solo and there's a bunch of other guys there

I wish he included dead and loving it, makes me curious to see how it measures up to his criteria

Imagine shilling this cuck.


James and Mike both have a low IQ. At least Mike has a huge penis.

I saw the picture of his dong here long ago. His balls were on the table and it was a fair measurement of 9 inches

I had a good laff when I went on the Cinemassacre youtube page and saw a link to Mike's Patreon

Coppolas Dracula was heavily marketed when James was a kid

I'm glad Jane's did this movie review solo instead of with the fat guys that never watch the full movies just clips and trailers then joke about it during the review.

Pic or is a lie.

This was the best Cinemassacre video they've released in a long while. James going full autismo with charts and counters was great. It's kind of weird too because I read Dracula last summer and was wondering then what the closest movie to the novel was.

I saw it but I'm not posting. It is big