>last threads >is this show worth watching? Throw out all your misconceptions away and give season 1 a try >where should I watch Netflix or Amazon Prime BUT do NOT watch season 1 from these because of OST changes that watered down the show. OST change is due to licensing issues. You can always stream/rip it >why should I care Supernatural has Emmy noms for sound in the early seasons, so trust us when we say you have to watch it with the OST >convince me to watch past season 5 If you have to ask us that, you know deep down you already want to. Just do it. >it ended in season 5 yeah yeah we already know that, you can always rewatch 1-5, post here anyway
This show depresses me because all the dudes in it are handsome and have great hair and I wanna be handsome and I'm not handsome
Matthew Lee
This. I keep pausing and trying to find deans jackets to buy but literally no jackets look good
Doesnt matter if dean wears a blue jacket, black shirt or black coat, it looks sooo good. Then i google blue jacket and literally evry single result looks like total shit. totaaal shit. Shit jacket, ugly jacket, fuck ugly jacket, followed by hundreds more. How fucking hard is it for a clothing company to make a fucking jacket that looks good like the costumes team at supernatural found? Am i doing something wrong?
Clothes are only the first step user. You gotta listen to boomer dad rock and pick the confidence up as well >tfw picking up Dean’s mannerisms helped me carry out small talk and socializing better
God, what a beautiful man. I'm not gay but I'd love a look at his cock.
Justin Mitchell
I have a Dean jacket that I bought in 2008. I've been looking for simar jackets since then but I can't find any and mine is very overused now so I haven worn it in 4 years.
Connor Lewis
What mannerisms have helped you.
Nolan Turner
We’ve all been there
Logan Bailey
The quips and the facial expressions make it seem you are more involved in the conversation than you actually are
>Have you accepted Abaddon as our lady and saviour? Abaddon is for quick dirty sinful fugging but Anna is for pure waifu apple pie life. Wouldn't mind a three way though
You're not wrong, but if I wanted pure I'd Jopost. Abbie is bestgirl because you just know she'd be the best to howl at the moon with Abbie is top tier. You know nothing.
>implying an angel and a demon at the same time won't be the hottest thing and possibly the most memorable thing ever >supernatural beings lusting over you and your cock >walking the line between good and evil >angel cake and devil cake
She ate that cop that saved her as a baby, killed her demon nanny, and then also ate that qt angel that said she and Cas were expendable and tried to bond over having rhyming names. Also she killed a lot more people but no spoilers plz I'm not caught up
That's real life user. But the French Mistake was Season 6
Bentley Martinez
Thanks. I was going to skip ahead and just watch it, because I remember loving that episode, but I'm almost there as is, so I guess I'll just wait for it to happen supernaturally.
also let's try to not max to image limit too soon, otherwise some homoanon who says he would let dean fuck him if he could gets the heaven's promised digits instead of some based image or meme
>otherwise some homoanon who says he would let dean fuck him if he could gets the heaven's promised digits instead of some based image or meme We all know that’s you, user
Luis Williams
>He still thinks he's in charge When we stop you from getting the heavenget you'll feel differently.
who would have known that hunting for heaven and hell's gets is what would make these threads more active
Chase Gonzalez
Had I known I’d have tried it years ago. The closest we got was rolling for a random superpower and coming up with a villain based on that power hell posters must CONFESS
Samuel Foster
It's fun while it lasts but I hope it doesn't. We don't want Supernatural to turn into the new American Psycho thread. Even waifuposting is more show friendly because at least that invites discussion on character and eventually L O R E
>tfw shilled for hell's get last time but will shill for heaven's get this this time
Jace White
>heaven's get What would that be?
Nathan Reyes
Supernatural remains the best visuals for angel wings even with the influx of occult shows with depictions of angels. And Raphael’s electric wings remain among the best
Aaron Jackson
heaven's get is seven sevens today we have a chance of six sevens which is close enough
Wyatt Lee
>deAN the L O R E said we have to talk about our feefees
Jace Stewart
You betrayed the hellposters? Agreed, although it's weird none of the other archangels ever displayed special wings. I had hoped Lucifer's would be pure white or made of fire or something
Lucifer is more attuned to cold remember? Raphael had an affinity with electricity since aside the wings, he also blacked out the eastern seaboard on touchdown. Gabriel showed no such elemental affinity but I always thought Michael would be fire
Seasons 1-5 are some of the greatest TV enjoyment I have ever had but man everything after just makes me sad. Sam and Dean are still great but seasons 6-9 are just not as good. The stakes arent there anymore.
I cant even believe they are up to 14 now. I stopped at like 10.
Jaxon Sullivan
Based Cecily
Robert Campbell
>I stopped at like 10 Poor chap, season 11 is the best post-Kripke season so far and 11-14 is a much better run than 6-10 although I like 6-7 a lot
Adam Wright
Abbie did nothing wrong but theoretically, if she had, it would have been killing Cecily. She could have been a fun recurring character
I don't think it was. S7 was the first underwhelming season, was the first season where I found myself watching the episodes days later. Fucking Sarah Gamble doing what she did to pump up her big bad as a threat in a midseason cliffhanger and it wasn't even a good death, running from the big bad and taking a lucky shot to the head? Meh.
Samuel Walker
I thought it was automatic
Ayden Wilson
I like that the Leviathans weren’t the same old fire and brimstone end the world type of deal. The way they sneakily infiltrated human society fits their description as intelligent beasts. They also have lots of references that flew over people’s heads and the one that really struck me well (although late) was that they referenced the reptilians/shapeshifting aliens that take control of our society and the X-stiles vibe of “there are no conspiracies” conspiracy
>purgatory wasn’t developed well enough to its potential >washed out forest with humanoid monsters 3 seconds of the Season 7 finale with the dark forest and quadruped glows eyed creatures >>>>>> all of season 8 scenes of Purgatory
Jacob Wright
im so fucking hungry right now i want a goddamn burger
Cameron Gutierrez
I wear a denim Sherpa lined jacket user. You just gotta be confident in it like Dean
Gabriel Thomas
>You just gotta be confident in it like Dean this. it's how you carry yourself around
I gave up in the middle of the last season. Is this one worth a try ? I'm mostly here for Sam & Dean shenanigans, I honestly don't care that much about the overall season plot.
Jaxson Rivera
>I gave up in the middle of the last season did you even reach Scoobynatural? souls like yours power our show. thank you for your contribution
>did you even reach Scoobynatural? No, but I've heard of it. I'm keeping it for a time when I'll need it.
Jackson Clark
>Sam & Dean shenanigans can't really there been any this season. important note: you can't be so fat that the jacket can't be buttoned up
Levi Walker
Everyone is dead. maybe I missed something but I don't know why heaven has not collapsed already. alt Micheal is also dead, human lucy went nowhere, I guess the black goo monster is the only thing left.
Caleb Edwards
Its called hentai and its art.
Connor Hill
>you can't be so fat that the jacket can't be buttoned up they wear it in layers with buttons open most of the time but yeah of course, losing weight will always help unless you're already Garth-tier >why heaven has not collapsed already some pagan deities worked as outsourcing
>they wear it in layers with buttons open most of the time but yeah of course, losing weight will always help unless you're already Garth-tier well yeah you always wear it with buttons open, Im just saying that for it to look good on you it should be theoretically possible for you to button it up without looking like a bursting bratwurst
Jeremiah Wood
>without looking like a bursting bratwurst So you mean like Lucifer/Nick?
Brandon Murphy
fuck webp. yes, chances are average poster is even fatter, 10-20kg at least.
Eugenie has such a ladyboner for this guy. Don't get me wrong, Pellegrino is a good actor but his story should have ended last season and even then it was already a stretch
Zachary Harris
hello homosexuals, I'm at work, but I try to be home by the time livestream starts
Elijah Barnes
Season 7 is so underrated. Leviathan arc was one of the best, the Dick was magnificent.
Brandon Russell
he should have died history on the fury road. his character flip flopped and was never as awesome on screen as he was in his own head. once lucy was out of that body, his screen time should have ended. imho after season 5, rocker lucy was the best lucy
Christopher Moore
lies, in your house of god?
Landon Turner
aren't you the yuro who has been on season 12 for months? pick up the place slacker. it's like you people have lives or something
Andrew Carter
give him some slack, he (re)started from season 8 last year
Carter Fisher
actually never mind I think he started from season 6 instead of 8 because I recall him liveposting and liking season 7
Angel Howard
It hurts to see what they've done to my favorite show, bros... I want to go back to when wendigos were threatening, when demons made Sam and Dean shit their pants and when angels were these legendary beings whose presence scared the living shit out of even the most powerful demons.
Kayden Jackson
did you really think if Supernatural ended in season 5 they WONT be rebooting it in a much more awful manner with forced "current year" messages and casting? Supernatural continued to live as a revenant instead of being replaced entirely by a SJW-changeling
I always loved the wings effects from Diablo the best. I never played 3, so I don't know if it still looks the same, but Tyrael in 2 had fantastic wings.
who cares about other shows. The CW cancelled Jane the Virgin for poor ratings just a few years back and they're already rebooting it next season. Charmed has started. Buffy reboot is in the works. Supernatural will be rebooted to fit the rest of the CW lineup as soon as the original dies
they'd be black and one of them would be gay at least, if not a full blown tranny. instead of hunting monsters they'd hunt down social justice offenders
Owen Evans
Exactly. Or they’d be women and one is a lesbian and they’ll fight the demons of patriarchy or some shit
You mean Time After Time in season 7 when they killed Chronos?
Aaron Gray
no, I mean slice of life episode with drinking beers and eating burgers in a motel.
Michael Walker
2 hours
David Sanders
>another show finally acknowledges Supernatural’s existence Any other references like this?
Mason Lewis
>we're still HOURS away from 111777777
Wyatt Williams
>111777777 deAN the L O R E says this is the perfect balance because the three 1s taken from the six 7s produces hell trips and heaven trips and this is what shuts the gates of heaven and hell for good and we are left in peace to talk about our feefees
bad thing is that it's now a CW show so it's shit. i agree that it was fine at first but the amount of good episodes per season has diminished drastically
Wyatt Brown
no refunds on your soul, buddy, now exit's thataway
yeah but the same episode has Ghostfacers and it's not like everybody believed
Nolan Parker
Trump supporters switch to Chevys
Matthew Bailey
I haven't kept up since S12. What was tonight's monster and what is the bigger storyline now that Michael seems to be over and done with?
William Hernandez
>Sam cornering deAN into another feefee discussion
Mason Williams
No they switch to Yang 2020
Cooper Harris
good Jack episode meh MOTW
Isaac Wilson
Native American zombie and Jack going full evil.
Jaxon Garcia
I can see how this is going to go already >Dean goes to store for beer >See black haired girl and friends >They flip their shit >Tell Dean to keep that freak away from them
James Harris
Dont forget we still have the Empty hanging out in the bleachers
Hudson Ortiz
>Dean goes to store for beer >See black haired girl and friends >They have a threesome while the guy watches from the corner
Jayden James
>What was tonight's monster Cahunta >and what is the bigger storyline now that Michael seems to be over and done with?
the empty is coming for cas, heaven is down to its last angel, jack is some kind of arch angel now, and last but not least...lucifer is coming back
Easton Martinez
Go home dean, this isnt one of your Japanese anime
Kayden Smith
Seems like the show is setting up for their end game I take it. I'll probably catch up with 13-14 when this season is finished or before 15 starts.
Jaxson Clark
Someone pointed out that Jack wore a black shirt at the end. Has he ever worn a dark undershirt? It was always white no?
The first scene after the intro was great. >deAN there are things other than naked people on the internet, you know that right? >not on my internet Man Dean has really become a boomer.
Have Sam and Dean dealt with the hook nosed lizard people yet?
Charles Moore
>it's a meta episode it's a beta episode fixed
Landon Campbell
>Jack shows no empathy towards stabbing girl >Insteads freaks out and blames her (Even though it was technically her fault) >Sees a dying person as something to be fixed rather than healed >Shows no remorse afterwards, just confusion Yep, hes soulless
Wyatt Gray
No, but that would unironically make a great season arc. They start to spread awareness of monsters and demons to the masses via a radio station/youtube channel but the hook-nosed lizard people shut them down, Sam and Dean then work to take them down.
usually more active during a livestream thread what gives?
Jason Lewis
she looks cute too but the black haired girl has THAT stare
James Wright
nah, this is the usual. it usually dies less than an hour after the ep finishes unless there are straggles from central or west coast
Jaxson Miller
I just came back because the live episode is over. I'm not too concerned about spoilers, even less so since I'm maybe eight seasons behind, but there is really nothing for me to talk about since I'm not watching with you guys.
Anyone else half expect one of the girls to pop black eyes while Jack was giving the angel blade demo?
Elijah Jones
oh they'll pop something alright
Elijah Morgan
Well I did marathon up through maybe season 10 or 11 back when it was the newest thing, but I really don't remember a whole lot of it, and I only just started watching from the start not too long ago. I'm on season six episode six right now.
Juan Lewis
Seriously Dean, you need to get off the internet already. Just...put Sam on the computer or something and go have a beer
That scene where the silhouette of the monster was focused on before moving to run after victim 2 was kino. And the whistling was a good effect
Juan Peterson
i still don't even get what the monster was? that was probably the worst monster in the entire series. total joke.
Isaac Gutierrez
>implying bad dentures werewolf was cooler >implying the fly monster was any good We havent seen this much effort on prosthetics since last season’s canids.