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Other urls found in this thread:

Based and self defense pilled

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oh no no no no

mew on suicide (squad) watch

Watching that Jewish twink do anything physically demanding is a no for me.

looks like karate kid directed by wes anderson

all my moniez

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You're the man riley get that homewrecking puta

big number and MEW dies in her sleep


Premiere in Scotland when?

21st June

Based Riley

Riley and his mom

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I don't know how directors/actors can watch movies they make with their moms

I mean, I get shit like capeshit, but artsy films where people are at their most personal....

me on the right

Fuck this socially awkward little fuck.

>he actually made the movie
>people may not see it but they will know about it
Meme magic is real.

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for real and no homo if my boy got to working out and put some muscle on him he'd be a literal god among men

is riley a black belt?

Ewan’s finna get her next

Trailer genuinely makes this movie look good

This nigga back on the soye? Anyway I'm looking forward to this after the trailer

Based Riley not afraid to be around his mother and proudly show her his kino
He has fucking risen lads

The movie is inspired by his own practice of Jiu Jitsu

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guys.. it looks good

shh there not true riley fans

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Get That Scottish Cocksucker

Sounds like some kino British film from the 60's/70's. Would watch.

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unironically happy for him.

being happy is not enough
support me with your money when the times comes

Your mother has wiped shit off your arse and had your puke in her hair, there's not much more personal than that

Whatever happened to MEW? I haven't seen her in any movies recently.

She's in Birds of Prey... with Ewan. Also she's done a nude scene recently.

She got bullied off instagram lol and had to respond when the dailymail got trolled by rileyposting.

Reminder that Riley is aware of his status on Yea Forums and fucking hates us

she fucking died nevar forget

based riley on the road to redemption. forget the hoMEWrecker

Why would he? Yea Forums supported him all allong.

Why do you hate us, Riley?

hes absolutely cut. he's been doing ju jitsu for years and looks great. probably bangs 18 year olds on tinder in LA hourly

Because of the Daily Mail article that thought some photoshopped instagram pics made here were legit

Imagine Sam Hyde'ing Imogen Gay Poots. his heels are probably damp from the sopping through her leggings

riley! so great to see you here

He'll come around

I think Riley is too smart to blame memesters and not the gossip-hungry tabloids.

>tfw started martial arts recently and I could completely relate to Eiseberg's monologue at the start of the trailer
>tfw feel legitimately less intimidated by stupid shit since I've started


What's Yea Forums?
I only use and have been coming here for literally many weeks.

>riley about to be the next Wes Anderson
>Mew and and that scottish cocksuckers careers spiraling down the toilet


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Became a PUTA

>hated by his own children
karma's a bitch, obi wan


Pics of mother and Clara, please.


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Based SmartSelect poster.

>leaving THIS and two kids for a second-hand 34 year old roastie
wtf was Ewan thinking

Unfortunately Clara got more of the Scottish side than her moms genetics. She has that weird Scottish face

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I don't get the comparisons to Wes Anderson. That's probably how they decided to market/shill the movie but I'll watch it.

>comparisons to Wes Anderson
No one outside of Yea Forums does it. Most describe it as "absurdist satire of American spirit"

>can't practice jiu jitsu due to shoulder dislocations
End it lads

that actually looks good

Riley has had the greatest arc of anyone on Yea Forums, from waifufags seething at him for being married to MEW, to being JUST'ed and mocked, and now his complete unjust'ing and our celebration of him. It's been quite a ride

Based Riley has arisen from the ashes. Elizabeth's career a complete failure.

is this the story of Jonah learning jui jitsu?

*uncucks self*

Based Riley.


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Based retard Wil using his personal account for trolling. Everyone who was trolling Riley is probably blocked by now or are too scared of getting exposed.

imagine shilling a movie with jessie jewberger because of an RT score
on here

Obi Wan isn't too smart

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>daughters inherited Ewan's facial features, eyes and hair
Damn, this cocksucker's seed is strong...

>too scared of getting exposed

I know you don't mean that, user.

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>Yea Forums actually memed this onto the news
Not that Daily Mail has any actual integrity or anything but this was fucking classic

Riley still hates you Yea Forums

Uh, why is Yea Forums so obsessed with this Riley Stearns fellow?

>Tomatoshit meaning anything

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Because we see the greatness.
Both in his own personal story and in its acual filmmaking. Imagine if he gets to be one of the Big Guns while MEW carreer slowly devolves into nothingness

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Riley teasing new film already
>mfw some compatriota italiano made a wikipedia page about the movie

I don’t understand why Yea Forums hates him so much. He’s a talented actor giving the industry his all. What’s not to like?

You don’t have any actual reason for liking Riley Stearns, do you?

I actually watched Faults and The Cub
The Cub sucked, but Faults was easily a 7/10 movie. Really good debut

Betas and incels see too much of themselves in Jesse and project their self-loathing.

I don't hate him at all. I made some instagram edits for the laughs but I liked him still.

I feel like a fucking idiot for cheating on and losing my 2 year gf
I can’t imagine how much of a fuck up it would feel like to lose your wife of 20+ years and end up estranged and publicly scorned by your kids

Makes me feel a little better
Maybe it’s a good thing I learnt my lesson early

Lmao this still makes him seem super butthurt

based and redpilled

wil looks like a pretty cool guy

I really dont understand the mental gymnastics you have to do to defend this literal onions cuck. Unless its ironic.

He has. Yea Forums anons were having a laugh about his post and calling him a bitch

he could literally beat you up, and he seems like a down to earth dude who'd be cool to have a beer with

reminder that people only cheat because they suffer from “my life is a movie” syndrome and want attention and drama in their lives. it takes literally zero self-control not to cheat.

She was just in an episode of Love, Death, & Robots and the latest season of Fargo

Sometimes you just get tired of woman's shit and neither her looks nor even your own kids can change that

Riley's mad thay he isn't happy like Wil

But his life does look quite fulfilling? What's the point Riley is trying to make here?

I unironically tried to help him during one of his eurotour but he didn't answer the messages

Wtf? Wil looks so happy and seems like he has a lot of things going on in his life, what was Riley on about

>no audience score
jesse eisenberg is terrible and thoroughly embarrassing and critics always praise dumb shit


>even darker

His descent into psychopathy continues

show that jedi FUCK what happens

Jealousy and envy

well Riley, we all think you're based
AND redpilled

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takes no prisoners

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>blue belt in brazilian ass grabbing

It's quite possible she became a nagging cunt. Most do.

Ah, so it just plebs being plebs.

Old coworker used to say "show me the hottest woman in the world and I'll find you a man who's tired of fucking her"

In his head he's being smug and thinks his profession makes him superior. In reality he's seething because that guy genuinely looks happy with a family and their pet and that was the way it was supposed to be with MEW.

i'll heem you, and i'll heem everyone else in this thread.

She is.

If you watch that documentary with Obi Wan and is friend going through Africa on bikes, she constantly annoy him insisting of being part of the thing despite never riding a bike before.

>a dog
>a woman
>a child
>a barcade
>a jewish friend
Fuck Wil has it all.

We hate roasties and MEW is as roasted as they come


I actually really like Jesse Eisenberg. I even liked him as Lex Luthor, even though Michael Rosenbaum is my favorite Lex. I even bought Jesse's book that he wrote.

This guy sucks. Would he have a career if his name wasn't Eisenberg? Seriously, he's an awful actor and has the face of a random brooklyn jew.

God damn, that actually looks like a great film.

i don't speak ebonics

bjj wont get you big

Den u finna bout to get heem'd, nigga!

Imagine being proud of doing something that you should have started doinf when you were 9 if you actually ever wanted to be good at. Competing in sports as an adult reeks of insecurity

Why is it always the weirdos that try to start doing bjj to make them feel better about themselves? martial arts is something people start doing as a kid so they can get good at it. Adults doing sports seriously and not for recreation is cringe as hell.

Ah yes, the Al Bundy syndrome

You never know how you are gonna react,never. Everything could have been fine but he had a fear of missing out and he met a charming younger woman who made him feel young and took him to a care free time where he is young and in love,without children and family.

But most of the time that shit ends badly and you realize that you ruined what you have with your delusions of what you could have.


Mew and Ewan are happy without him and laughing at what a boring beta he is though

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