It's all so tiresome

It's all so tiresome.

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Other urls found in this thread:

And yet you had to make a thread about it

Wow, what a cunt. Wonder if she will get shunned by Hollywood...probably not since shes a waman.


This. Who even cares.

hope this vapid cunt burns

i knew i jacked off to her for a reason

I try to generally follow a policy of not presuming too much about a person by their appearance, but I do think she's one of those people whose evil nature just immediately comes across, like she's not even trying to hide her selfish expression, and it confuses me that more people don't see it.

Maybe it's just that I lived in Southern California for 18 odd years and there are a lot of people like this and you learn to spot / read them really quickly. Peoples' inner nature usually shines right out of them, and she's so clearly a total sociopath.

Hahaha fuck them both libtard cunt thespian queers growling movie star rich stealing my life energy shit eating 360 degree eye rolling vipers

why do some absolute cunts have so much power? look at her. what straight man could resist her if she came up and did her thing? fuck this gay earth

A true feminist hero.

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Not only is she still my waifu, I'm even more attracted to her in light of all this.

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Honest answer - I'm not remotely attracted to her. I'm not attracted to people with ugly souls or mean natures, and her inner nature makes her look like some kind of demonic pig in my eyes. Also, I really do think she's overrated. Definition of a basic bitch. All the parts in the right place but no *beauty* in there.

>im gay heres why

Based and redpillen, unironically

I just have some standards and she repulses me for several reasons.

Is one of those reasons having no test?

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white women are the devil

based larry the cable guy poster

Or, you know, you could not resorts to extreme blanket pronouncements and recognize that there some major psychopaths out there that come in any shape or form or political orientation or whatever, and other people who are more or less decent.

Do yourself a favor and learn to have some damned balance in your thinking.

roastie spotted

Shut up, roastie.

Life isn't fair

ive been around white women my whole life, related to several, dated a bunch. they're all fucking crazy, probably because retards like you put them on a pedestal so their perspective of reality is totally skewed.

>not blanketly labeling an entire gender "evil" is putting them on a pedestal

You're mentally ill, man.

I'm asexual.

Why did she have to be a career self destructing psycho cunt? Why couldn't it be someone I wouldn't enjoy masturbating to regularly?

Genuinely insane women are hot though. I don't mean SJW dumdums, but actual psychos.

>t. virgin autist

Based. Is it wrong if I want to be slowly smothered by her seconds after I released my seed in her vagina.

If Depp can backup all the talk with real evidence, she's done.

Fuck this cunt.

take the praying mantis pill

Looks like the first picture of a BLACKED photoset

did she really take a big steamer on his bed?
serious question.




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None of you that say you're more attracted to her now would be singing the same tune if she was running rampant in your life. This bullshit about how evil psycho bitches are hot doesn't hold true IRL. You would want to get as far away from her as possible. My own mother was like that and emotionally abused my father, stole from him, etc. and it was far from "hot"

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Hi Elliot. Thought you were dead.

Fuck, it actually does.


damn imagine finally getting your big break and then losing everything you earned to your ex husband

lol fag

That's fucking awesome. She lives up to her succubus meme.

People who are actually attracted to being hurt and mistreated by psychos are mentally ill themselves, don't take them seriously.

I can understand that when a guy is still just a horny teenager then he will put up with a lot of shit because a hot girl is flirting with him, but once you get some experience and have met a couple loonies, you develop an aversion to that, as any healthy and self-respecting person would. And I'm not saying all women are psychos. An Amber Heard is on another level.

>Or, you know,

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*tips fedora*

reminds me of a post here

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Stay mad.

Stfu roastie bitch

sounds pretty hot to me.

You're setting yourself up for an extremely unhappy life with that mentality. Again, I seriously recommend adopting a bit of balance.

Tell me more about myself.

You're talking out your ass because there's absolutely problem calling out some dumb cunt.

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I noticed Amber early in her career because she looked so much like a girl I was dating at the time. I knew this girl was mentally unstable early on, but she had an unexplainable hold over me. She made my life a living hell for over a year until I finally managed to break free of her spell. I guess the takeaway is be wary of girls who look like this.

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>women and SJWs are monsters
gee what a surprise

This. Your dick doesn't know true pleasure till it fucks crazy.

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god, lads...

t. wh*Toid roastie

Hmm, never heard of her.

don't stick your dick in crazy

it's okay to be a masochist, user, just as long as you know it

Would you marry Amber Heard for two years if it lead to your life being ruined?

>seems legit
i never knew she was un-diagnosed dyslexic

What if I believe I can tame her? I don't think a guy like Johnny was ever up for the task.

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Of course

Negresses are no better. Women need to be tamed. Let them loose and you lose.

Without a second thought.

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My life is already in ruins. Atleast I'll get 2 years of pleasure

yeah, not a chance.

She's like the embodiment of women getting away with everything and living life on easy mode just because she is pretty and has a vagina.

Shes the epitome of the metoo "movement"

You think she would mind if a guy actually beat the hell out of her?

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then they'd have to admit they fucked up

better to just let everyone forget, as usual

All you incels hating on women again. Amber didn't do anything wrong.

Anyone whose been with a crazy girl knows exactly whats going on. It was by far the best sex imaginable. And the craziness makes it that much better. So she kept ramping it up and Depp kept letting her. The crazier things got, the better the sex got. Once she let it spill over into the legal system, he was ready to bury her in response. Smart man.


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I think it would probably turn her on in a way she's never been turned on before because no guy has ever had the strength to put her in her place. I think the only way to break a succubus like this is through sheer dominance.


the chad thot vs the virgin decent man

Why can't the crazy ones be the ugly ones. That would make it all easier

Someone post the pic of the interview where he tells the kid that he bit off his fingertip and that's why he has those bandages.

Would let her shit on my bed


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Elliott being a delusional incel doesn't mean he wasn't right about a few things.

Because only the hot ones know they'll get away with it. Uggos are equally crazy, but can't have it both, so they just end up bitter and feminists.

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I want to beat the shit out of her. Sign me up

that was the gayest butt patting i've ever seen

Id let her shit on my face and also into my mouth. Except probably not now she's too old but back when she was hot

Memory holed soon, men can't be abused

He was tapping out. The movie is about MMA.

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But you said you wanted a yandere gf ;_;

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Now we know who should've been cast in gone girl

>mfw giving oral sex

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Why is Yea Forums so obsessed with celebrity gossip? I thought only women cared about that shit?

Watch all the boys love mandy lane, pretty sure she played herself in that movie. Also the ending is kino

For Ben's sake I'm glad she wasn't. He may have ruined his marriage over fucking Ratatitski, but he came out of it otherwise relatively unscathed. Given his already existing alcohol problems who knows the damage someone like Amber could have caused.

Holy based

>not wanting amber to figuratively castrate male actors one after the other

this innie cuntry

lol @ all the mad incels getting angry at a serious and truthful post

It's amazing what you can get away with just by being a woman.

Realistically what will come of all this?

I do otherwise, but Ben is /ourguy/

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God I wish she'd do that to me

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>by being an 11/10 woman.

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maybe the problem is just you? but yeah, putting the blame on others is always easier. go die alone loser lmfao

Evidence is a white male tool of oppression.

Dealing with crazy goes hand in hand with dealing with true hotness. Amber might be a crazy bitch. But I'd take two years of absolute madness if I could get one kid for each year out of her before she drives me to the point of insanity.

Just imagine choke fucking her, or fucking her on the sofa after she's trashed the house. Your twin son and daughters are off with your mother while you and Amber 'try and work it out', she's destroyed the living room and jumped you after an hour long argument, demanding another child to try and make things better.

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Based Amber Heard making #MeToo movement look like hypocrites.

He's literally me only I'm Casey Affleck height.

>or, you know
literally r/eddit

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She would unironically make a good villian in most zoomer movies

It's always who you least suspect

Well can't argue with Satan

>those trips
Givin me shivers

Show me the man who doesn't want to see her looking up at him from a hospital bed as she nurses the son you gave her and I'll show you a faggot.
Crazy goes hand in hand with sexy; you just gotta ride that bronco until you get what you need from it.

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i have two kids with a hispanic woman who knows how to treat a man and be a mom. if you think white women aren't trouble then you're free to try your luck. i doubt you'll ever reproduce though.

Crazy was an acceptable trait back when you could beat a woman with a broom handle smaller than your thumb.
Nowadays theres no recourse for handling them, theyve got too much of an upperhand in life.

You gotta get them pregnant ASAP, and get them locked down. Gaslight everyone around them early on or be ready to run like fuck or be sure to sign a prenup.
Otherwise yes, you're in heavy dangerzone territory, But you know the saying 'If you grab the bull by the horns, don't act surprised when it takes you for a ride'

biggest mistake in the history of film?

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Hello roastie .

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>ugly souls or mean natures

Either a colossal fag or 12 y old. Either way youre probably dying alone

Just saw Aquaman and I couldnt stop thinking how fucking hot this one is, and now I learn she was the one with all the JD controversy. My boner only got bigger desu

>i have two kids with a hispanic woman

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oh no!

I judge people by their appearance all the time and it almost never fails.
I guess in her case, she has perfect shapes and plebs assume attractiveness means she's not evil.

Beating a woman is for weak beta males who can't otherwise control them. A strong willed alpha can dominate them psychologically, which is much more effective.

Is that one of those things you're born knowing how to do or can you give me some examples?

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Society has taught us that men want nothing more than a quick fuck, when it's the complete opposite. Men want a quick fuck from women who are easy. They treat it as a clinical act, but when men meet someone that they find hits all their criteria for a good woman you'll see some of the most stunning gestures of love in the world. Men are the founders of romance, men are the ones who value passion and vibrancy; women often talk about how they 'put up' with the talks their men have about their day, their hobbies and their thoughts. They say this is 'emotional labour' and act annoyed when men are confused, the reason men get confused is because when they find a woman they think is worth being with they want to hear about the woman's day, their hobby and their thoughts because they love them; they don't love them some of the time, or love them when they're being nice. They love all of them, the crazy and the good, the angry and the happy.

We often hear about 'true love'. Women don't know what love is, they have some pathetic imitation of it. You want to know love then don't look to romance films, or bullshit novels written by middle aged lesbians. The easiest place to find love is to walk into a classroom, or an office, or a college and take five minutes out of your day to find the man who sits staring wistfully at a woman, once you see him watch her angry days, her crazy days, her sad days and still stare at her with that unbroken adoration then you'll see love.

Women cheapen the fucking word.

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If you mean they shouldve cast amber instead of pyke - you're wrong. Amber may be hot af but she can't even begin to even match what this woman can do with her eyes

Seriously, the whole fucking movie was carried by Trent Reznor and that face.

Shes white though

Stop victim blaming

Wouldn't a yandere gf hurt everyone else but you? Seems like she did the opposite

She's older than Brie

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Yandere tropes also include the "if I can't have you, no one can" -thing where they kill you so that you'll forever be hers. That or injuring you to the point where you are unable to escape and she'll "care for you".

The Legend of the Depp Hero.

Congrats, you are an alpha male. Only desperate beta males still like Amber. Real chads don’t give a fuck how good looking you are. If you’re crazy you can GTFO.

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No tits, no ass? Nah you’re alright. T&A beats face everytime.

wh*Te women are placed 1st in the hierarchy

Needs to go to prison.
Too bad she has the "Get out of jail free" trifecta, woman, white and hot.

Fake it until you make it, fuck this world and all the cunts in it.

Let me in, user. You do love me right?

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Do you think she will be raped by dykes if she does go to prison? Or will she become the succubus leader?

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She will rule.

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I hurt myself today

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that image is funny

She becomes the leader and escapes prison to form a massive group of semen demons who kidnap and rape incels

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Example. "We shouldn't see each other anymore, I'm not interested in being with someone who posts those types of photos on Instagram." Notice you're not telling her not to do it, you're telling her you disapprove and are dismissing her because of it. If she doesn't immediately vow to stop and try to change your mind about leaving her, she will hit you up within a week and do so. Women want to be controlled deep down, but they don't want to be given ultimatums. They also have a massive inferiority complex regardless of how hot they are, and you being able to easily dismiss them will drive them crazy. They might initially try to call your bluff, but as soon as they see it's not a bluff they'll come crawling back. That's why so many women will break up with a guy only to get back together with him shortly after.


>be lying bitch
>get named "a Human Rights Champion of the United Nations Human Rights Office"
>get appointed "ambassador on women's rights at the American Civil Liberties Union"
>get job at "L'Oreal Paris as its global spokesperson"

holy shit. what's worse, bitches, or the dickless faggots running the UN and ACLU?

What happens, did millennials get tired of making constant ultra sarcastic jokes all the time because no one thought they were funny, so they moved to the next best thing, intentionally misspelling words?

She's a lying, manipulative, needy, insecure, hateful, psychotic lump of flesh with tits and a cunt. Yep, she's a typical woman.



muslims are first, idiot.

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UN for sure.

>thinking this is typical
Is this the mommy issues general?
Can't blame you all, boomers were terrible parents, but it's hilarious how this entire generation all has mommy and daddy issues.
Probably why this generation is composed entirely of autists.




Wrongo buddy. An alpha sees Amber as the ultimate trophy because he knows he can break her where so many others failed. Look at some of the guys she's been with, Johnny, Elon, Crispin fuckin Glover. These aren't your manly, alpha types. She is choosing these guys for a reason, because she can control them.

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>thread gets posted with no source
>better not ask, ill just use this random image that totally isn't fake to confirm my bias against women, minorities, or the jews
Why are you faggots so goddamn retarded? I mean, if it's real it's real but you could at least fucking ask for some kind of proof.

Is this even from anything? Fucking mouthbreathers.

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the gender traitors of course

What the fuck would millennials in Yea Forums know about being alpha.
An alpha would just pump and dump.
"Challenging" relationships are complete retardation that only people in movies are attracted to.
Relationships by themselves are hard to mantain, you actually think anyone with experience wants to make it even harder in exchange for nothing?

>An alpha sees Amber as the ultimate trophy because he knows he can break her where so many others failed.

You guys spend so much time presenting your assholes for these so-called "alphas" I'm almost inclined to take you at your word.

common knowledge she fucked him over and faked everything to get millions of dollars

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the earth being round is "common knowledge" too

This is what betas tell themselves because they still want to fuck her.
No one with half a brain would try to "fix" some gold digging basic bitch.

try google for once you dumbfaggot

Oh Jesus. The Earth is a sphere you absolute brainlet, just because you don't understand basic fucking physics doesn't make the rest of the planet wrong, it just makes you dumb.

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As you have clearly demonstrated an embarrassingly naive understanding of women you must therefore be:
1. Homosexual
2. Homosexual
3. Homosexual
4. A woman.

>basic fucking physics
hi r*ddit

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If it's real, it's real, like I said.

Doesn't change the fact that 90% of the people in this thread didn't even bother to ask. They just opened their mouths and let people shovel shit into them. You can post anything on here and make it sound even marginally believable and people will eat it up. Easy 200 replies, particularly if it's even remotely related to politics.

Is this true? I'm sorta kinda with a girl who generally just dominates me, because I've been obsessively in love with her for years. She knows the power she holds over me. Should I try something like this, to kinda "get control"?


you realize that ever since this came out Yea Forums has discussed how she ruined his life in purpose? you dont need a verified source to know that water is wet

also, you and i know this is more of a thread about how hot it would be to be the victim of amber heard

Oh yeah, we all no one knows more about women than millennials, even better, autistic Yea Forums millennials.
What happened to self awareness in here?
When did everyone, for no reason at all, start thinking themselves as chads and knowing about women and all this shit, when everyone's contact in here with society is through Twitter screencaps and clickbait articles?

#metoo movement once again BTFO by truth

Yet here you are.

Why would you want to destroy that movement, when only kikes are hurt?
Metoo has the potential of ruining Hollywood, it's a gift from god.

No, you're just a dipshit. The ancient Greeks can demonstrate that the Earth is a sphere using sticks and papyrus messengers. It's not some big conspiracy out to prove that we're a goddamned frisbee zipping through space, you're just an easily deluded idiot who failed secondary level education.

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What's with flat earthers being like stupid idealists on furfags, in that they wear their beliefs (or fetishes) like a badge for everyone to see, and building their entire identity around it?

>pretending like anyone actually cares about Muslims
I unironically think that the left would go crazy if people spoke about Jews the way people talk about Muslims

>implying there's not a huge degree of pride and satisfaction in taking a gold digging man eater and making her your subservient bitch

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It's the 'I don't need no edumakashun!' coping mechanism that idiots throw out when people ask why they're homeless.

There's no fixing, that's the fucking point.
What the fuck is this approach to relationships, as if it was a mission or some shit?
Have you ever been in one before?

Probably noticed other people using their various Yea Forums affiliations to do the same thing.

i wish she strangled me to death

It's probably too late for you. It's nearly impossible to flip the power dynamic once it's been established.

God I'm so lonely

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Psychos are hot, but only from the distance. Trust me, jerk off to them all you want, but never try an actual relationship

I want her to look up at me with her doe eyes while I empty myself into her gulping throat. And make her have my babies before she drives me away with her crazy fucking personality.

looks like a beta cuck got what all beta cucks get. why do men provide for sluts that they fail to tame?

That would be kino

Amber is not insane, she's just a gold digging bitch who thought she was untouchable.

You can see in a girl's eyes when there's something legitimately wrong with her.
Sometimes not even that, just in the way they look.

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Also shes a legit 9/10. Thats probably the reason she tgought she could get away with it since shes been getting away with this kind of stuff her whole life

Oh... :(
It's strange, I'm just 23, but I've loved her since the day I saw her 8 (eight) years ago. Lately, though, she's been getting worse and worse to deal with, and I took a break one day and went off to smoke some weed. After getting high as a kite, I sat down to think about my life, and I realized I hate myself for how I treat her, and allow her to treat me. I think there's some serious clarity to be had in drugs

who dis qt

lol people don't "understand" things at primary school they just regurgitate what they're told

lot of great sources there OP, you'll make a great lawyer some day

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Do you mean actual children? Or adults? Because if it's adults then there is literally no excuse for not understand the effect that angles have on calculating the circumference of an object unless you went to a poverty tier government school and were fed lead paint chips. Children are taught a basic foundation that then informs their full education, but if you can genuinely look at a at a primary school KS1 maths or science book and not understand it then I'm sorry to break this to you but you're actually mentally deficient.

fuuuuck, I forgot about Elon, man, he really likes 'em crazy doesn't he

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>you're actually mentally deficient

I can't tell if this is meant as a joke. I want to say it is because I have faith in the world, but we have a man claiming that the Earth is a literal frisbee slightly upthread.

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I would not be happy until she tortured my physically and emotionally to the point where I take my life and she uses my soul to preserve her youth.

>picture of white girl
>"it's just like blacked"

kys cucks

it's a cube (all humans live on the same side)

The only thing that can manage her is a black man

W-what lives on the other sides?

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>Trent Reznor and that face

Yeah because he'd just leave her before she can do it lmao.

>An alpha would just pump and dump
lmaoing at your life

lmao imagine being such a beta male cuck you let a woman bully you and abuse you lol

Oh yeah, an alpha would try to get into a relationship with some basic gold digging bitch who has nothing to offer because "it's a challenge to fix her".
I doubt anyone who thinks like this has even sticked their dick in anything.

They are millennials, they are inherently cuckolds.

we don't know

>bitch almost ruined two rich men, and borderline killed the reputation of another simply with straight up lies
>"hurr yeah, that's what i want"

You don't know what the fuck you are talking about, you are just beta orbiters who waifu that whore.

The slap from that spiderman webm automatically played in my head instead.

>Got role as aquaman's love interest in a billion dollar move
Any more kinos where the bad guy(girl) wins in the end?

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haha how weird and unrelatable

Spoken like a true retarded beta, how abou you keep jacking off to your imaginary waifu faggot?


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who the fuck cares if shes a crazy feminazi

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this. the fact that shes pure evil just makes her sexier

>implying Yea Forums has a life to ruin

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>ywn fuck Amber Heard

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Based Amber

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have sex

You are a bitter little cunt, arent you?

As far as popular Hollywood actresses go, she's one of the very few that doesn't look like an absolute dog without makeup or with minimal makeup.
If only she wasn't so batshit insane she'd be quality wife material


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Elizabeth Gillies

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I don't like sex. It's coarse, and rough, and irritating, and it gets everywhere

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>She used tongue
That's bad form while acting. They must have been fucking

My sides

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She pulls off well enough the crazy, dead inside look.


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>An alpha sees Amber as the ultimate trophy
Way to out yourself as a beta male. Have sex.

It's just like The 9th Gate

Based. You are 100% correct. It’s hilarious seeing these virgins fawn over Amber. These dudes would get with a single mother of 3 and claim they are alpha now. Fucking embarrassing.

Hah, I had a similar experience with a girl who looked like that when I was 18, good fun while it lasted but I always likened her to Kim Basinger in the movie Blind Date.

Reminder that if Anakin existed, he would have joined ISIS.

>lmaoing at your life
Lmaoing at your virginity

>halfway through shitflix and chill she gives you this look
what do?

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Explain to me how wanting to dominate and reprogram a succubus is beta?

Got that image of the yandere who is actually accepted by the guy she's obsessed with (he pre-empts giving her keys to his place etc.) and the final panel is her in the hospital with their child with a confused look on her face as the man is super joyful?

women don't face consequences, sweaty

She cute

But remember. Run out of money and looks in a godless marriage and this is the result

Because that's an autistic fantasy that only betas who have never been in a relationship have.
Having a girlfriend, even if she's an actual nice girl, is complicated, and you want to get a batshit insane gold digging whore?
How would you even "reprogram" her?
Tie her to a basement and beating her?

Imagine being this desperate. You will have sex one day user and all will become clear.

This is an extremely feminine post. If you're an honest to god dude it's time to get off Yea Forums and hit the gym buddy.

Back to the topic-Heard only did all this shit because Depp is a soiboi. I've seen lots of arty little emo homos like him with dominating mean girlfriends. Heard is an alpha bitch that needs alpha dick. A modern Hera. There's nothing wrong with her that a good fucking and a slap in the face wouldn't fix.

Have sex

Reminder that Amber Heard was Elon Musk's waifu in the literal sense. He'd been trying to date her since 2013, emails to her and her agent, roses, gave her a Tesla car. I'm 100% certain he had an Amber Heard folder on his personal computer even.

>Elon, 45, sent emails to the movie’s director Rodriguez and other movie execs asking them to set up a meeting between him and Amber on set, according to The Hollywood Reporter .

>He said he “wasn’t angling for a date”, just thought they’d get on as friends thanks to their common interests.

>The trade publication quotes an email that Elon reportedly sent someone on set, saying: “If there is a party or event with Amber, I'd be interested in meeting her just out of curiosity. Allegedly, she is a fan of George Orwell and Ayn Rand … most unusual.”

>Another email apparently read: "Can you send her a note saying I would like to get together for lunch in LA? Am not angling for a date. I know she's in a long-term relationship, but … Amber just seems like an interesting person to meet."

She had him in the palm of her hand since day fucking one.

Attached: Amber-Heard-and-Elon-Musk-go-Insta-official.jpg (615x460, 47K)

The rule with all women is that if they ever try to get physical with you then you correct them in a way that tells them you are definitely the wrong person to play that game with, they will all at some point try to push their luck, usually when they're drunk.

Depp can't handle a woman like this because he's a drug addled pussy who probably weighed less than her anyway.

Women are like Children and animals, they need to understand the hierarchy and require authority.

Can't take the beta out of the man.

Give sex

To be fair, her actions are a pretty good representation of women in general.

I think it goes past gossip when you get the law involved

Elon is based, he gets whatever he wants and he didn't even lose half his shit like Bezos did when it went pear shaped. Boy got succubus pussy and escaped with his life, not many people can say that

Chad Elon

>brunette blonde highlights

based free market

imagine you're Johnny Depp

you've spent most of your life playing sensitive whimsical characters, who are at the the same time; men that women fall in love with -- you're known for this, and the image that's mirrored by society starts to become part of who you believe yourself to be, building that sense of self on some grain of truth in your person

on top of that, in everything from edward scissorhands via that weird out-of-time vympyr flik to captain jack sparrow, you're pictured as a hopeless romantic hero doomed to love with absolute abandon even at the risk of self-destruction; and that too becomes part of your makeup and self-belief -- for even at your most wild and windswept, you're the kind of bawdy pirate who would take a slap from a wench and quip 'i probably deserved that'

you starting to get the picture here?

now what if some sociopathic starlet played damsel in distress, tells you tales of woe not unlike the fair maidens you continually rescue in adolescent fantasy - seeding these stories with just the right amount of victimhood to burn the breast of manhood and compel you to protect her

then having captivated your heart by making you her hero - and herself the epitome of womanhood you've always dreamt of - she begins to belittle you, saying it's not her fault she lashes out, it was the memory of those mean nasty ex-boyfriends and experiences that you triggered in her; you understand don't you, please rescue her again and don't do anything to upset her because that just reminds her of the bad man

at that point you are hooked, and you overlook all kinds of overreaction on her part because that's just who she is, and you can change her by being better -- the kind of man she deserves after all the abuse, and who could do it better than you, the sensitive and soulful johnny depp

and the more you compromise of yourself, the more the loving hero you must be, and you must really love her to put up with this, right?

and then she guts you with a bottle

Attached: HAAAAY YOOOOO GUYYYZZ.jpg (1120x742, 770K)

Elon is a beta, but he's a really powerful beta with a lot of influence.

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and he doesn't even understand how lucky he is


To be fair Bezo's wife was with him when they started Amazon in their garage, she was CFO back then.

>he's a really powerful beta with a lot of influence.
>a really powerful beta
>with a lot of influence

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It's true, Elon is awkward as fuck.

only the smallest space in these "meaning maps" is left for ambivalence

Never Trust women Anons.

No, build your own experience and never take any dating advice from the internet, even less from Yea Forums.
The internet is full of millennials, and millennials are complete, utter failures regarding relationships.

LARPing incel spotted.

i'd take the word of my daughters shitty boyfriend over my daughter.
women can't be trusted, ever.

based and redpilled
cringe and bluepilled
also you yourself are a millennial you dumbfuck

What, you actually, unironically take dating advice from a website known for being filled with the biggest autists on the internet?
From a generation composed entirely of autists who are mentally 5, and have proved it to the world by turning political discussion into childish namecalling as if they were kids fighting over consoles?

>also you yourself are a millennial you dumbfuck
No, i'm not, millennials are around their 30s.

you never "drop" or "quit" a waifu, it's about love, not just some bitch you like.

Based Satan dude

she's 4/10 at best
get standards

BPD girls will ruin your life. It's not worth the amazing sex. Well, maybe a little bit.

Millennials can be as young as 22, so if you insist you aren't one that you're underage basically, or are 40 years old.
>never trust women
>dating advice
More like life advice in general.

Elon is proof that no matter how smart you are, it’s still possible to be a weak beta male. Some men never learn. Elon is one of them.

HOMEWRECKER PUTA you and MEW are fucking dead chicka!

That’s literally the opposite of chad behaviour. He’s like those pajeets on facebook who constantly message bitches.


No, i'm 20.

>More like life advice in general.
You take advice from people who lead succesful lives so you can be succesful too.
Who the fuck wants to follow the footsteps of a millennial?
So that you too end up being a failure with no job, no family, addicted to terrible superhero movies and living in your parents' home in your 30s?

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I've seen plenty of great dating advice on this site. Mostly on /fit/ and Yea Forums though. But then again I can determine what good advice looks like because I have some experience.

Misogyny is only cool and legit if you able to get laid. Otherwise it's just sour grapes and pathetic incel shit.

I'm so fucking tired of Ryan Gosling screaming pictures, fix your fucking lives instead pathetic bitchbabbys. 90% of the people on Yea Forums reject legit advice and dont even want to try - they just wanna complain like fat girls on tubmlr.

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Jesus I've been arguing with basically a high schooler this whole time. By the way one of my dad's best friends gave me that exact line of advice when I was like 12 and it still rings true. So I didn't hear it on Yea Forums first.

>Jesus I've been arguing with basically a high schooler
As opposed to a 5 year old in the body of an unhealthy 30 year old like millennials?
Hell, you never moved on from your "ewww girls/boys have cooties" phase.
Millennials should all be drafted so they drop all their manchild shit.

>Humans Rights Champion of the United Nations Human Rights Office
Remember this next time leftists start screeching about Drumpf "disrespecting" the UN and "embarrassing the country" in front of them.

she's just a whore


Can't argue with those digits

Wowser, there's no word to express the lack of fuck I give about this.
Depp is a moron, and Amber is a succubus. What did he expect? Faggot should have stayed with his french gf instead of trying new blood.

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Why did it have to be her? The one actually beautiful woman cast by DC or Marvel and she’s a psycho, condemning us to years of pig faced Weinstein sloppies.

That's what Eva Mendes thinks about every time she sees a pic of Goose and Emma or Ana.

I know right

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>dumbass kid is white knighting a roastie sociopath
no more (You)s from me sonny

>Wow, what a cunt. Wonder if she will get shunned by Hollywood...probably not since shes a waman.
Brad Pitt is now doing OK despite Jolie’s accusations against him.
When he emerged after Jolie first accused him, Brad was given a standing ovation, because everyone in Hollywood new what Jolie was like.

roastie about to get toastie

As my dad says, they’re all nuts. There’s not a sane one in the lot of them.

Movie material


>Am not angling for a date. I know she's in a long-term relationship, but … Amber just seems like an interesting person to meet."
thats not even orbiting. Thats like being a fucking moon

I don't really care about this story, but I'm kinda afraid of white knights that would harass her. It's never a good thing.

I like having functional fingertips.

>recognize that there some major psychopaths out there that come in any shape or form
theyre called women

Attached: ifyouonlyknew.jpg (445x472, 36K)

Hi inexperienced Zoomer,
"Never trust women" is a quick rhetorical way of saying "you probably trust women far more than they deserve to be trusted." And based on your posts I'm guessing that's true and you'll either be an incel for extended periods or will wind up massively fucked over by a woman relatively soon.

If I was him i'd have done whatever I could do too i guess.

Not really, I lost my virginity already.
Not being able to get laid is a millennial thing because they were brainwashed into being a bunch of autistic betas.

it's the drugs that are most likely the problem you retard

this will not hurt her career at all
bitch is godmodding life

her face thinking about you not hurting

Attached: amber-heard-court-27may16-07.jpg (812x970, 92K)

Enjoy her burrito body and your creaturas

She looks solid without makeup. Fucking love this whore

>extremely attractive woman who's been wronged by a man
i'm surprised she isn't commanding her own army by now

t. butthurt fat scottish pink cuck can't handle Castizo Chad Futurism

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Technically Castizos are pretty godly compared to pure blacks, pure anglos, pure jews, pure indians, and pure chinks

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>fooling yourself to think a malicious gold digger of the highest order is simply some horse that needs breaking
go ahead and crash yourself against her, fool. Wiser men follow the lead of Odysseus.

Her expressions though. There's no kindness or sweetness in them. She exudes evil, which makes it very difficult to be attracted to her in spite of acknowledging how physically attractive she actually is. When guys stop being thirsty little fucks that worship women, they realise there's more to a deep attraction than tits, ass, and face. know for certain the woman I was most attracted to IRL would not have inspired those feelings had she had the personality of a crass, mentally defective chav.

Attached: amber heard roses.webm (2000x1600, 2.99M)

being this triggered

When you get a really attractive English guy or Scots, they're really damn attractive and the accents help them a lot... but a lot are ugly, pink orcs... so... well... I suppose it at least makes the attractive ones shine that much brighter as diamonds in the rough?

>She exudes evil
>which makes it very difficult to be attracted to her

London Fields was amazing.

Attached: amber a cute.webm (1920x804, 3M)

My wife bot will look and sound exactly like her

This thread is full of guys still thirsty over Heard despite what she is and screaming about low test and betas, etc. to anons that aren't attracted to her and whose peepees don't get hard over his sociopathic expressions. So yeah, I really do have to break down into those terms for these idiots to understand.


She'd shit on your face as you slept. She'd tie me down and shit on my face and poor rubbing alcohol on my dick and as I shake in fear, discomfort and pain from my dick and balls burning because of the rubbing alcohol she within seconds the lights my crotch on fire and all but immediately dumps a five gallon bucket of her own piss she meticulously collected over a great many weeks all over my shit covered face and burning crotch. And then she leaves me to squirm in the assembly of filth for all that day and into the night.

that loopey lesbian should be stoned to death allah whackbar

exuding evil makes more attractive pleb

i mean she would get like 5 bucks in divorce money so why not

Typical low sentience mong.


After careful deliberation, Congress has approved the bill for the re-bimboifcation of Amber Heard. Police and highly skilled mercenaries have been ordered to track down and capture Amber Heard so that she my be Bunnyfied for the good of the country and Johnny Depp.

If you see Amber Heard, please contact police immediately. Do not attempt to capture Amber Heard yourself as she is prone to accuse people of domestic abuse and throw liquor bottles.

This has been an Amber Alert!

Attached: Amber Heard Bunnyfication.jpg (500x731, 134K)

Are you a defective roastie?



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He's right though. Fucking Amber would be like bungee jumping without checking the rope was properly tied. Stupid and dangerous but oh god the rush.

Statistically zoomers have the least amount of sex out of all the generations. If anything youve got an incel surplus