What *Generic Capeshit Movie* Tells Us About Society: A Video Essay

>What *Generic Capeshit Movie* Tells Us About Society: A Video Essay
>How *Generic Hollywood Director* Creates Atmosphere of Unease
>*Random Hollywood Movie* Rewrite
>Critique of *Shitty Blockbuster*
>*Capeshit Character*: A Fallen Hero
Why are there so many white males in their late 20s with wimpy voices and british accent making these types of videos on youtube?

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overconsumption of sòy

Because guys like you watch them

>literally no u
Pathetic lmao

Projecting a bit there


Because people refuse to actually study film history and understand their medium properly.

If they watched films from before 1940, they wouldn't find shit like Wonder Woman and Black Panther impressive.

> literally no u again
pathetic, lmao

You could've also asked "why are so many trying to do shit on Patreon when some fuckers make $750k a fucking month for nothing there?"

>wimpy voices
The pitiful voices are honestly one of the most grating aspects of those types of videos. It baffles me why they all fucking sound like that too.

That's literally what you're doing you idiot

>no u

on cinema is a pretty good pisstake of all these guys

>nu-Star Wars BAD! Part 5870825086355

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>no u again
fucking lol

Too jealous to simply move on, too cowardly to create something themselves. These are men with female minds who need to make everything about themselves and need to be a part of everything, ruining everything in the process. In fact, they're not men, they're not even human, they're objects who exist only to perpetuate the loop of commodification and consumption.

I have literally never watched a single one of these faggots anywhere. You’re complaining about a something that doesn’t exist, like the average IQ in your household being above 90.

>Why are there so many white males
because it's a race issue
soibois, are all white

it. is. a fucking. race issue.

remember that.

>Creating the Perfect Villain (thumbnail of Heath Ledger's Joker)

Even though some of these content creators have some decent vids that I actually learned a thing or two - Lessons From the Screenplay is largely easy to watch and I enjoy most of what he offers, often cited from books about film - I absolutely CANNOT STAND how fucking condescending and self-important most of them fucking sound and present their "essays".

Patrick (H) Willems and The Closer Look come to mind.

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Why are you complaining about these? These are totally and completely benign.

The real soiboy pissers on YouTube are the ones that make political videos. For every actual film analysis video there's five videos where some effeminate-voiced """""""male ally""""""" literally revises history and makes up some story about how GamerGate was a Trump psyop or some shit to harm women.

>Patrick (H) Willems
>actually watching this embarrassing retard

I don't know, the guys who look like this typically make these videos

>Why I LOVE The Orville!
>Captain Marvel: It's Going to Flop!
>10 Ways The Last Jedi RUINED Star Wars

Because I am a right-wing extremist so those vids do not come up based on what youtube knows I watch. But because I watch a lot of videos about film and movies I see the shit I am complaining about.

I watched 1 of his vids and realized I can't stand him tho

Don't slander the cumboys

I like Jesse Cox. Sue me.
He behaves like a weirdo, but he's smarter than he appears to be, and I respect his insistence on keeping his channel wholesome and politics-free.

>Because I am a right-wing extremist

You mean by the standards of YouTube's algorithm? Because if so, that basically just means you watched a James Allsup or a Jordan Peterson video at some point.

>top comment (pinned by the creator) is Pushing Up Roses telling him how correct he is
>every comment beneath that are people calling bullshit on his video and the fact it provably lies to the audience

Fucking kek.
Surprised this guy hasn't turned off the comment-section. Or at least obsessively pruned it Steve Shives style.

I can't believe someone's trying to copy Razor's cringy metal act

Patrick (H) Willems literally shoe-horned in a chance to call Trump a """"""super-villain"""""" in one of his videos that was completely unrelated to Trump or politics.

It makes sense that he's a prematurely balding soi-fed lanklet that is obsessed with capeshit.

Please do not bully Cox
He can be a bit onions but he's suffered enough

>According to James Johnson's book "how to write a character"
God I fucking hate these video essay faggots. It's like they read one or two books and now think they're experts on storytelling.

What happened to Cox anyway? I know that his supposed girlfriend turned out to be a shallow thot that cucked him and he took it really badly, and afterwards his best friend and mentor died of cancer. I symphatize with the guy. Was there anything else?

Low testosterone. Poor diets, lack of physical activity, and masturbation drains their testosterone preventing them from developing conventionally masculine features.

his podcast with wowcrendor is comfy

Bizarrely, this guy did a decent vid about Russian-American relationships and how both countries and governments are fucked in a similar way. Most of his stuff is shit tho, not gonna lie.

>libfags finally trying to no u soiboy after all this time
Took you long enough

Have sex

I've noticed this too.
Shocked it took them this long to Photoshop MAGA-hats onto the soi-boy caricature.

I can't trust him on anything remotely politics-related after he outright lied to viewers about GamerGate being the brainchild of Steve Bannon.

Fair. That was absolute retardation.

Why are you all intimidated by us? The average Yea Forums poster is obviously also much, much lower in testosterone because you lot don't even have the balls to put your opinion out there for the rest of the world to scrutinize and pick apart. You just stay huddled up in this hug box and call things you like "based"
Give me a break, you candy assed, skinny-fat losers.

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Beta nerds on the internet love to be patted on the back and told they're intelligent for liking a show or movie made to appeal to literal children
It's also the grown man equivalent of those kids who have an iPad and just watch an endless series of auto played preschool videos, people like noise and once you've watched one youtube will be more than happy to feed you 50,000 more

what kind of burly bloke is going to make video essays about reason they all sound like dorks is because you’d have to be a dork to make shitty videos like that

>he's smarter than he appears to be
>calls Barron Trump ugly
>is a fatass with a pube beard

Because it takes a sucker to catch another. They know these videos will be flooded with the onions guzzling faggots who enjoy these mind numbing movies.

Who is "us"?

>my own apartment and car
>good paying, steady job with plenty of career opportunities
>bare minimum presence on social media
>confident and great in social situations
>never watched a youtuber/eceleb video
Feels good to not be a numale faglord, lads.

It's what the youtube algorithm has decided that we should watch.


You don't have to space after greentext, plebbit.

you mean a line break?


ugh, just..ugh fuck Bill Maher

What about "The Hauntology of Sonic Adventure 2"?

What a fucking whiny cunt, couldn't make it very far but from what I've seen Bill Maher is right on this one.


How dare you, how DARE you not like Mahbul movies?

why do they all have animated avatars of themselves? usually 100x more flatterring than their real life appearances

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>20 minutes of that annoying voice
Yeah I'm not gonna make it, but I can say his initial attempts at "humour" are fucking pathetic and would bet they don't get any better later on, he just shouldn't bother.

>I've never saw it around so it doesn't exist

I don't like sex. It's coarse, and rough, and irritating, and it gets everywhere

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>Conan the Barbarian: An essay about ideal society
>2 hour podcast: Comparing 2001: A Space Odyssey and Thus spoke Zarathustra
>Blade Runner and Isolation in the modern world, my personal opinion
>Blade Runner 2049 and we still are isolated, my second personal opinion
>Comparing Aguirre the Wrath of God and Apocalypse Now
>Thief (1981) a secret masterpiece?
>Travis Bickle: A character study
>Friedkin, Mann, Lynch: An analysis of the most important directors
>Nolan, or how overvalueing directors can destroy art

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>needs half an hour to do a job
Pathetic photoshop skills, kid

Capeshit isn't deep and it doesn't have a message no matter how much people want to pretend.
And thats a good thing.

>YouTube video essay
Cringe and always bluepilled

If he's so smart then why did his friend die from ass cancer?

Atmospheric horror, capeshit and ironic humor cater to the same audience, pseudo intellectual soi cucks

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>Nolan, or how being a big guy is relative

These types of videos feel uninspired.

>when you fail even in spamming a successful bait chart after months of 'work'
You should try easier places, champ

They are always the most retarded shit too. It's 30 minutes of going through the plot and pointing out what made or didn't make sense, then 5 minutes of
>but this and that shot were really nice you could tell he has eye for cinematography but alas it wasted in most scenes
just to appear more credible without understanding what they're even talking about. They're high school tier "critiques" that never even scratch the surface, they're just describing what they saw in a literal sense

Try less hard, this is embarrassing

I love how he "fails" by getting people like you to respond every time. I hope he keeps posting it.

>The philosophy of *generic anime*

He didn't honor kill TB's wife after his death. That shows that he's either stupid or he never really cared about the blood-shitting fucker

>$750k a month

Have a you too

Yeah, ''''''''he'''''''''', right?

You forgot
> tfw no gf

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I loath The Closer Look. I remember having one of his capeshit videos on in the background and then turning it off in pure disgust when he was explaining why Marvel does better than DC and says something to the effect of 'The reason Marvel does so well is because...' then he pauses after already delivering the first bit in that self important, condescending tone, and the: '...of character'. No fucking shit you pretentious hack. Guys like him, captainmidnight, etc. I can't stand because they have the most banal, basic 'no shit sherlock' observations that they dress up to make sound profound, insightful, etc. They're an idiot's idea of a smart, deep thinker.

will everyone in this thread please get a life and have sex

thank you

They could at least make horror movies that are interesting as thrillers, but they don't.

We would but you refuse to put out

>, and masturbation drains their testosterone

That doesn't make any sense. Are guys that have sex everyday getting their testosterone "drained" as well?

Nofap is a kike cult don't acknowledge them, just ignore

> Bald
Are these people made in a factory?

>Patrick (H) Willems
>says TLJ is a kids movie so people should stop hating it
>hails a children's movie as a masterpiece of cinema
I honestly don't get the mindset of this guy. And what's up with the indoor sunglasses? Does he think he looks tough? He looks like a clown.

I had sex but it didn't take

>the farce awakens

Normies like confidence and so should you anons.

Shitty reviews and analyses that barely qualify as either has been probably most of YouTube for over ten years now.

Thats only the camwhores. Neckbeards at least have to make videos.

I always want to punch people like this in thier stupid fucking faces. Imagine them walking down the street, s o y ing it up with thier stupid s o y face, nasally prattling on about capeshit and Overwatch, when a massive haymaker hits them dead-center in the teeth, making them lose control of thier buttfucked bowels and sploosh estrogen drenched tofu shits in thier dad jeans.

>dad's jeans
These guys come from single mother households.

Get a channel blocker. Most of the things YouTube tries to recommend me ends up there these days and now the platform is actually useable.

Have sex.

>almost only american directors


Then you stand over them, laugh wickedly. They look up with their jaws a bloody, mangled mess in fear and pain. Their eyes begging for mercy. You show none. You raise your foot, stamp down, and split their heads open like a watermelon, thus ending their pathetic existence.

I love reruns of "angsty newfag" episodes.

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>Newfag informer 6
Post the other 5

I love wathing those vids as I disagree with it a lot and laugh at some tries to be deep in the videos. Sometimes I do agree with their points which feels good as well. I have to not hate their voices tho if they are too wimoy an annoying

it's one thing to have sex once everyday and masturbating and edging 10 times a day

but he's right, newfag. you newfags just shit everything up and then wile out like women when called out for your retarded posting. learn to greentext or don't post.

>we best villains don't think they be villains but they do
>dey got baggage
>they make us feel like we could be bad guys if we are misled enough
It's literally the same video everytime

Tell me your favorite movies

You always fall for using the basedguments depicted in the pic.

you're not good at this bro

>The main theme of the film is, actually, alienation. As [thinker undergrads are exposed to] said, alienation happens when...

>no one seems to actually know what a plothole is
I've heard this 'point' being used to deflect common criticisms so many times.

Is it weird that I imagine that all these people probably smell bad in real life?

bresson, godard, tarkovsky, the list goes on...

No, I get a similar feeling with their eyes. They all look either empty or depressed, hence why they cling so hard to colorful capeshit.