>68% on Rotten Tomatoes
What the fuck, this is one of the best movies of the century, why are critics such morons?
Also Samantha Morton is extremely hot.
68% on Rotten Tomatoes
>one of the best movies of the century
Also rotten tomatoes is useless. Not quite sure what you are confused about here.
>>one of the best movies of the century
I stand by my opinion, this movie is absolutely surreal
Sharknado has 83% or so on there so that should tell you how reliable that site is
IMDb is slightly better
Pretentious art school jerk off material
You're thinking of A Ghost Story
That, too.
Pretentious as fuck
Kaufman’s worst film easily.
Nice buzzword, what is the actual reason you don't like the movie?
Threadly reminder that this is a troll thread designed to get you to watch one of the shittiest movies of the last decade, get fucked OP this movie was garbage
It’s my least favorite Kaufman movie but it’s far from a bad movie. It’s a great brainlet filter, the riff Rafi and peasants attack what they don’t understand after all
I.. I actually like the movie. A lot.
>tfw no hazel gf
I unironically love this movie. I don’t consider it a brainlet filter or anything really profound, it just strikes all the right chords with me.
It's incredibly self indulgent
And this is coming from someone who kinda likes the movie
>it just strikes all the right chords with me.
Is that not a reason to like a movie? Fuck you.
>it's pretentious
>it's self indulgent
>it strikes all the right chords with me
>it's boring
>it's shit
Yeah, now I see why you like this movie so much.
soi garbage
hey, stop being so mean
It's an anti-intellectual wankfest. A Jackie Chan movie is better than this garbo.
>this comment
Yea Forums in a nutshell everyone
best part of the movie
Jew York
The spiral into madness around the second act is pretty good. Not subtle but really well-edited. That and the performances are the only things of worth the movie offers.
Incredibly nihilistic film, but I guess that goes hand in hand with the jewish director. Weird how it predicted how the first world will devolve into civil conflict and no one cares because they’re wrapped up inside their own heads.
I recommend it, but I almost needed to vomit from the mind poison it gave me.
your mum is pretentious