How did Eddie Murphy become such a box office draw in the 1980s?

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Stand up specials mainly bashing fags.

Because he was a good black comedian and a good actor. How hard is that to understand? Oh I'm sorry I get it, this is a bait thread. Yawn. Once you get a long term relationship you will understand. Having a steady stream of reliable comedies you can both laugh to is key to a healthy relationship. Has been since the beggining of humanity.



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I was born in 97 he was a bit before my time

He was on SNL. It was pretty popular at the time and then he graduated into acting in movie films. When other cast members got popular they followed him

Because he could carry entire projects and was the genesis of le black actors plays alllllll the stereotypes except he's were actually good and we're uplifting instead of derogatory MADEAS NTH movie shit.

Got to have some money
to get some pussy in the '80s.
lt's fucked up, that's why I say,
hey, I'm a target.
lf I ever get married, I have to go off
to the woods of Africa
and find me some crazy,
naked, zebra bitch...
...that knows nothing about money.
She got to be butt naked on a zebra

millennials didnt exist
ahh the good old days when it was normal to laugh at faggot jokes, take me back to the 80s and 90s!


This is considered comedy? UGH

This coming from the guy who fucks trannies. Holy projection

Millenials were kids or just young, and couldn't ruin every aspect of society by shoving their "tolerance" and political correctness in everyone's faces at every occasion they had. Compare Blade and Black Panther: one is just a nice enjoyable movie about a dude killing vampires, black or not, didn't really matter, even made the movies better tbqh. Other one is YAAAAS KWEEN SLAAAY SO BRAAAVE SHOW DEM RAYCISTS BLACK ACTORS EXIST!
Can't wait until every single american millenial is in a retirement home.

Blame social media

Why did Norm refuse credit as the main animal character in all of these movies? Also was I the only one who saw these?

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Because he made good, funny movies?

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Considering they made a few sequels, I'd say no

does anyone else think he would've made a good johnny cochrane on the oj mini series

jews knew that you cannot have blacks fucking white women that soon

first, you got to introduce the blacks, as funny, likeable people. but HOLD ON A SECOND, they have to have black female love interest, black wives, black girlfriends...that's important. that's when shit like eddie murphy or every buddy cop movie comes in. DUDE WHITES AND BLACKS WORKING TOGETHER. dude racism totally ended

fast forward to today....every movie has a black guy nutting in white fertile pussy while white boys play the bad guys. indoctrination has succeeded. welcome to the new brave world

Seek help

> don’t think about things bro

Amen brother I grew up on Eddie Murphy

black peopel are funnyy lol

Beverly Hills cop was Comfy.

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He's not wrong

As was 48 hours.

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Beverly Hills Cop had no jokes. I didn't laugh once. Same with Groundhog Day.

I never liked Beverly Hills Cop. It's supposed be an action comedy, but the action isn't that exciting, and the comedy isn't that pronounced

>How did Eddie Murphy become such a box office draw in the 1980s?
He loved white people.

He's probably the most charismatic actor ever to have existed

We can tell zoomer


What are some movies with jokes in them where you laughed?

I like BHC just fine but Midnight Run is the superior 80s action/comedy kino imo

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This. My dad who grew up in east Baltimore and could not stand niggers asked me one day in the early 00's, "have you seen that movie Blade yet? It's on HBO, it's pretty fuckin good."

Naked Gun, Fifth Element, Tropic Thunder comes to mind

Have suicide

SNL was that impactful

Doing the neutron dance

Imagine this place if this was made today. Yea Forumspol would lose their mind.

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Trading places lacked proper character development.
It also lacked references to technical details of finance that made it seem naive and ill researched.