ITT: Popular movies that you haven't seen

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No DC comics movies since Man of Steel.

Attached: Schindlers list_1.png (420x630, 460K)


Never seen them.
Only one I haven't seen.

Almost all superhero movies ever made, especially the batch from the past decade or so.* Any Harry Potter film.

*exceptions includ TDK, having heard (correct) praise for Ledger's swan song, and TDKR since I browse this board regularly and, well, y'know.

Star Wars movies

A thread for plebs.

star wars, blackity black black panther, any netflix movie/show besides first season of housa cards

It's a Disney holocaust popcorn flick. A real crowd pleaser for brainlets. I don't blame Jerry for making out during the movie. I would've done the same had the opportunity provided itself

I need to watch Full Metal Jacket.

Seen it.

Seen it.

Haven't seen it.

Seen it.

Seen them.

I haven't seen Black panther and I rarely watch TV series.

This. I have no interest, and as far as I can tell, there hasn't been anything of note to come out of the genre. It's artistically bankrupt.

I've never actually watched a movie, I just come here to shitpost

Godfather 1/2/3
Citizen Kane
Lawrence of Arabia
Schindler's List
2001 Space Odyssey
The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly
12 Angry Men
One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest
Black Panther
Get Out

skip the part where he's in Italy
skip the part where a woman talks

schindler's list sucks, dont bother with it
nigger panther too
good bad and ugly is pretty good though

Lord of the rings

schindler's list is p good and would be in the top 5 recommendations from that list desu

No country for old men

have you actually sat down and watched the thing more than once? its ridiculously bad and low effort

Most of those are good, and actually worth watching. A few aren't. It'll be easy for you to guess which are which.

Should I see the other 2 movies? I already know that the part 3 sucks but I like to watch the whole saga

One Flew Over the cuckoos nest is pretty good I'd recommend to watch it

I can't remember anything about #2 even though I watched it and I didn't watch #3
I'm not sure why the series is held in high regard. The 1st one isn't even that good.

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Gone with the Wind

these are absolute must watch films

8/10. Sequel is a 9/10.
Never seen it, plan to.
Never seen it, dont plan to.
Godfather 3: Never seen it, dont plan to.
Citizen Kane: 6/10
Casablanca: 7/10
The Shining: 10/10
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly: Never seen it, but plan to.
12 Angry Men: Never seen it but plan to.
One flew over the cuckoos Nest: 9/10
Black Panther and Get Out: Never seen nor do I want to
8.5/10, overrated, but still great.

What are your top 3 movies faggot?

Pulp fiction

I haven't seen any of the back to the future movies, raiders, Ghostbusters or Jaws movies.

The Godfather is a bad film. There I said it. Its extremely tedious, and one of the most pretentious films possibly ever made. It insists that it is something more than it really is. Much like the "Mafia" in real life. Almost no "mafia custom" presented in the film exists in real life. No characters, parallel real characters. The Mafia has always been street thugs, which as much class as you'd find down at the local dive bar. The characterization of "the godfather" is so outlandish (and yet strangely sterile), that it can only be rivaled by literal soap operas, concerning how much it embellishes. In fact, pretty much the only reason the movie was allowed to exist, was because the actual mafia influenced the production of the film so much. They presented that fake, glamorized image of themselves, that has never existed.
Beyond that, the acting in the film is sub-par, barring 2 or 3 performances. The special effects, and adherence to logic is also scattershot throughout. The physics of the firearms is inane, and I almost don't believe one must even bring up the scene where Sonny dies to mock it. Like other pleb """classics""" its a film many like to say is there favorite, but given any opportunity, they find an excuse to avoid it. As long as they can keep telling their friends at the water cooler that "its one of my favorites."

Hate the 80s or something?

other articles that expand on what I'm saying in my post

to add something to this thread: the lion king
Only ever seen a bunch of pieces, probably close to 75% of the film. famous scenes like the restaurant, Sonny's death, Michael visiting the dude near the end, the horse head, Sonny beating the shit out of his sister's husband, etc. never seen it in one sitting though
I'll admit I only watched like the first 45 minutes a few years ago, never got to finish it. really want to at some point though
never saw it and don't have the inclination to
yeah never seen this one either, tough scene

Any MCU capeflick
Any Uncharted Movie
Heavy Rain
Godfather 2 and 3
Dark Knight and Rises
Boss of the Gym
No Country for Old Men

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