Can you really blame directors for the current state of hollywood when they're primarily producing for american retards?

can you really blame directors for the current state of hollywood when they're primarily producing for american retards?

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>can you really blame directors for the current state of hollywood when they're primarily produced by american retards?

Wow thanks for the fucking spoiler, I will be mad and boycott this cineplex if I ever saw this.

it cant be true
I dont accept it

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Note, its not silent, its just very soft, retard.

They probably had to do it because some retard thought the movie theater fucked up the scene and demanded his money back.

This notice wouldn't be necessary if Johnson wasn't a convention-dropping retard. He's so fucking dumb that he legitimately thought, "lol dumb fly-overs, there's no sound in space!" and then dropped the convention for nothing but the cheap, manipulative shock of it, apparently oblivious to the fact that not only do people understand that already, but they also understand how utterly fucking retarded he was for not thinking through the repercussions of treating Hyperspace travel as something that could have been weaponized at any time. What a complete fucking imbecile.

>demanded his money back
>after watching this garbage
Kys tranny

Even though the light speed crash into the ship makes zero sense and really ruined a lot of things if you objectively look at the scene by itself it was really awesome to see that first time. Something about an entire packed theater completely quiet and you could feel the energy and excitement was great.

Actually I didn't even bother to ask for my money back, I simply poured the extra coca cola I always buy over my seat and walked out

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Anyone else notice how third-world ESL faggots like OP have this bizzare phobia about capitalizing their words? Pretty sure it’s only a handful of dumbasses across multiple boards who have this distinct fuckup, but it’s very easily recognizable.

No you can't
retards eat up shit movies
and insult good acting and kinos

I haven't watched the movie. Did people get upset by this in theaters?

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The Ultimate Power Move Is To Capitalise Every Word

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Yes. In my theater, that "energy" culminated in someone saying in a perfect conversational tone, "What the fuck?" followed by a smattering of incredulous laughter. One couple stood up and left. They didn't come back. I wish I had joined them.

That's pretty funny


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like half of the posts on Yea Forums don't have capitalization you faggot

>7 previous Star Wars movies with SOUND IN SPACE engine and weapons and explosion sounds, establishing Star Wars is FANTASY and is not bound by the laws of Science Fiction

>Rian has a shitload of ships getting rammed with no sound at all for 10 seconds in episode 8

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>Rian utilized sound in an audiovisual medium
Yeah what a jerk. Star Wars "fans" are such patricians who praise shit like rogue one and the prequels.


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Modern movies are made for shitskins and chinks with liberal Americans as an afterthought. Let that sink in and think about the quality of modern films.

This is the world's future in all areas.

No its because they making movies to appeal to the braindead international audience

Shit like this is why some people (myself included) consider TLJ an okay movie, but a shitty Star Wars movie. Taken out of context, it's visually great and emotionally heavy. In context it's dog shit all over the SW universe.

That surely subverted your expectations, right?

i intentionally don't capitalize or put spaces between paragraphs so that people don't call me a redditor. if i accidentally capitalize or space out of habbit, i go back and fix it.

In my screening Floating Space Leia elicited the same exact reaction.

If you take most major scenes from the movie out of context, then they're probably all nice looking.
But a movie needs the context to be whole, so it's not a bad star wars movie, it's a bad movie overall.
A pretty looking turd is still a turd.

What a pleb audience desu
TLJ is a pleb filter

TLJ sucked balls and killed the franchise

NPC statement

sorry, my computer came broken. my keyboard has the capital letter imprinted into the keys, but whenever i press a key, it gives lowercase. i dont know how to fix it

searched your pleb heart. you know it to be true.

It got some groans at mine.

I laughed out loud at superman leia.

The context is in a standalone trilogy. 1st movie they need to stop a doomsday weapon and find a mythic hero who can save them. 2nd movie continues in this new standalone universe. It's still not a perfect movie by any stretch and has lots of flaws (Rey is still a Mary Sue for example, but its not shitting on previous characters having to actually train to get good). But all of the flaws that are rooted in shitting on previous lore are now gone.

The point of the sign is so people don't start talking during the superleia scene.
It's the superleia scene that was silent, right? I never watched tlj.

kek same, I got shushed but I couldn’t physically stop giggling, I had to bury my face in my elbow

Nobody's going to give your money back just because you didn't like the movie, king tard.

It is a really great scene.

But the message of sacrifice to save others is undermined quickly by Rose.

The character uses a thing that is not hinted at or used before in the movie. There is no reason given why this can't be done again.

Much like the rest of TLJ, it undermines itself.

>please remain quiet and in your seats while your expectations are being subverted

>yuropoopens still seething from their WWII loss against America

Imagine being retarded enough to watch a Disney Star Wars movie.

Based Devil-Man.

Rian is a moron

the scene literally isn't silent though

Kek.. american cucks cant ask for a refund if they hated the movie. I always ask for a refund after leaving the theater if I didnt enjoy the film, and I get refunded plus an extra tip for the trouble (sometimes they also pay for my gas)

In fact I dont even pay taxes since the government hasnt fixed the roads outside my house yet, I just ask for a refund of my taxes and I get all back in a few weeks. In practice I have pretty much paid 0% taxes in my life. God bless EU.

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no, the Leia scene had music playing over it, or at least sfx; the silent bit was when Admiral Social Justice destroys the entire First Order singlehandedly

My friend (who actually liked TFA) started laughing like maniacs when that scene came. It just felt so weird and looked incredibly retarded, even he said that the movie sucked when it was finished and he's a massive pleb. As a Star Wars movie and especially a sequel to the OT, this is hands down the worst material of all time. I've never read the Vong books but even those seem to treat the OT characters with more respect than TLJ. The new characters were fucking butchered too, it's pathetic. It's funny how in a matter of five years, I went from being a Disney (MCU, SW, etc) fan to outright hating Disney as a company and all its franchises. I literally will never pay for any of those movies again, fuck those retards

Kek but also reeeeeeee

>no complimentary crab legs for the road home

Thank God we're leaving you cucks.

>primarily producing for american retards?
Have you been living under a rock for the past 7 years? China is the biggest market by a wide margin and more and more films are catering to them to the point that an entire segment of one of the transformers films was reworked to be set in China just for them.

Star Wars isn't just a thing for socially alienated white men/boys anymore. It's grown beyond that little niche, and it also needs to lose the baggage associated with whiteness/maleness to reach a larger audience and have more influence.

Lots of the lessons and teachings embodied by Luke Skywalker are white, masculine and western in character. They've been done to death. The monomyth, Joseph Campbellian structure is dated and stale, and it can't keep running on those fumes forever.

I sympathize with lots of the grumbling white male neckbeards are doing. Star Wars was their thing and they don't want to share their beloved toys. And they're obviously gonna hate The Last Jedi because, in essence, it's about how Luke's legend really was flawed and limited in its scope.

The Jedi philosophy, just like the phallocentric white male western patriarchy, was bogged down in its own dogma. There's something beautiful and touching about the sentiment of "passing the torch" in TLJ. The white western male, long held as the only source of heroism and power in the canon, gracefully steps aside not only for his own good, but for the good of the universe.

In more diverse and progressive hands, there's no telling what this universe, and the force along with it, might become. It's an exciting prospect, to say the least, for those who aren't embittered neckbeards living in their parents' basements.

TLJ is going to be a watershed moment in sci-fi and genre films generally. It's all about letting go, letting your creation grow beyond you. And Star Wars, like civilization itself, has evolved beyond its parochial and patriarchal past.

based paranoia poster
we're watching you faggot

>black grandma begins a sickly hacking cough that would have happened either way

Within the 10 seconds the screeching has crescendoed to a deafening roar, despite the fact that the film is back on, with sound, it is drowned out.

You sound like a retarded faggot. Jengo’s Sonic bombs in AOTC are amazing.

wasted trips

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It was anime tier.

Are Americans even human?

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are you also the guy who jams popcorn down into the seats? And dumps his soda out while walking?

we went from nuclear energy to weaponization in less than 10 years, but an advanced, intersteller, multi-species space faring society that has been in a constant state of war took how many generations to weaponize FTL travel

Me and you both, man. My disillusionment started with Age of Craptron.

They were seismic bombs, faggot.