The eternal debate

The eternal debate

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Cruise and it's not even a debate faggot


Pitt=Cruise=Reeves>shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Le funny faces man

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Cruise is for manlets


the answer is clear

the good, the bad and the ugly

Brad: a legend denied his lineage and cucked by his adoptive children, his one child warped into trannyism by his insane wife. Has no more kinos and just rides his bike around
Leonardo: makes the same agonised face every film, no kids, the DiCaprio name will be forgotten
Cruise: a god of kino, is STILL making top films unlike the other two, still relevant, insanely high thetan levels, has kids, is practically immortal

There's no even a doubt, Tom. His only flaw is being needy and naive, giving his soul to the SC. He's actually incredible talented and now only does safe movies to fund his church.
Break with them again and go see your daughter, Tommy.

Brad Pitt>Cruise>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Leo

I've met Leo at my local Liddle, he was there to buy some bottles of Pataya.
He was very nice.

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Nick cage: the patricians choice

Pitt 100% in terms of looks and acting
Leo close second in acting and is actually the most based human ever to live

>Fell for the space religion meme

Brad Pitt shouldn't even be in the picture.

And even Leonardo isn't nowhere near as based as Cruise.

Cruise wins hands down.

Cruise is by far the best actor. The other two have dogshit range. Pitt was the worst part of 12 Years a Slave, I wanted to vomit listening to his delivery.

Cruise is the best for obvious reasons, the guys off screen personality is untouched.

Leo is the best womanizer and is a paragon of manliness that all men should aspire to be

Pitt is actually the best actor of the 3, and got to fuck angelina jolie before she went crazy and chopped her tits off

Pitt is the better actor, but Cruise is the most charismatic and fun. DiCaprio is a guy who had a lucky break as a kid and tries way too hard to fit into Hollywood.

None of them have appeared in a good movie

>and a tip to you, my fellow Leo fan

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Cruise sucks ass, all he does in movies is run. He’s a meme.

DiCaprio has a very feminine looking face next to those two.

Cruise is a little whiny manlet

Leo is not in their age group I don't see how you'd make that comparison
Cruise vs Pitt the answer is always Cruise

2/3 appeared in Interview With The Vampire and Cruise outshone Pitt and Christian Slater badly.

Also only ONE was in The Last Samurai.

DiCaprio is good and sometimes fun but with the exception of The Revenant not lately. Even then Tom Fucking Hardy nearly outclassed him.

Cruise's career is legendary compared to the other two.

All of them look a bit weird to me.




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>Tom Hardy nearly outclassed him
Tom Hardy was by far the best part of the movie and acted circles around AGHHHHH IM IN PAIN GIVE ME OSCAR man

How's that a fucking debate? Cruise all the way, every day.


>insanely high thetan levels

inevitable remake cast decided

Cruise is an absolute fucking mad man

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Why is Pitt even an acclaimed actor? Besides his looks? Same goes for Clooney.

You can't refuse the Cruise




Oh wow Brad Pitt is actually a manlet, wtf I thought he was taller

Cruise is on another level compared to those two. Cruise is literally the only post-80s action superstar

as far as Leo and Brad go I feel like Brad is cooler as a person and more of /ourguy/ but both have has a similar amount of quality movies.

The real question is where does Keanu rank?

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What happened?

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Pitt can't act but at least he's likeable.

DiCaprio can neither act nor is he likable.

Based Tom is both a great actor as well as a great human being like whom we should all aspire to be.


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Cruise. There's no debate here.

for me its the based scientology manlet

I think many of you don't appreciate pit because he was a mainstream pretty boy, but dude actually is above other two in acting also.

Memes aside, Cruise, even considering he is into Looney stuff
Then Pitt
Then Jonah Hill
Then 10 million turds
Then Leo Nicholson DiCaprio


That’s because cruise is basically the platonic ideal of male attractiveness, according to computer analysis. And brad pitt looks like testosterone in human form.

Pitt was good in fight club, all memes aside. Except for the cringey ad-Lib about gump.

Jesse James is kino.

True romance is kino.

>Cruise is literally the only post-80s action superstar

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and me too

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Whoever smelt it, dealt it, manlet bitch


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>Jesse James
Okay I'll give you that one but he was this supposed great actor already before he made that kino in 2007.
>True Romance
Okay but he only had a small role in it.

He's good in 12 monkeys.

Brad without a doubt. Se7en, Fight Club, Oceans trilogy, Moneyball, Intervies with the Vampire, Legends of the Fall, 12 Monkeys, Troy, Benjamin Button, Babel, Jesse James, Tree of Life, Burn After Reading, Inglorious Basterds, Killing Them Softly, Fury, The Big Short.

His resume is insane.

bc he behave like one...

Have they ever been in a movie together?

Fuck, marry, kill

cruise could have been a true hollywood alpha like pitt and dicaprio but that scientology shit definitely fucked him over

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I don't understand what you mean. Who the fuck cares about Cruise's scientology shit?

He’s basically a god to scientologists. I’d say that’s more alpha.

>Who the fuck cares about Cruise's scientology shit?
a large amount of people

and they all think he's an idiot because of it

There correct answer is Joaquin Phoenix. A true Chad tier actor in every way.

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Scientology made Cruise more powerful than ever

Based and Joaq-pilled. A true artist (and autist) who gives zero shits about Hollywood, media, awards etc.

who the fuck cares what some rednecks think? Cruice is atm sitting on the hollywood throne by himself.

>tom cruise
in contact with bogs, has scientology powers rendering him immortal

blocks your path

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Actually, Zoomer-god Timothee Chalamet is sitting on the throne now.


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please fuck off redditor, phoenix is not even on the same planet of stardom at the OP 3

Jared Leto is dogshit.

Who gives a fuck about stardom, nigger? Ironic you're calling ME Reddit tier.
Everyone below 6 is a manlet. Stay seething, midget.

Best looking = Pitt (at least during their peaks)
Best actor = Cruise (Magnolia alone would cement this, but when Cruise and Pitt were together in Interview with the Vampie, Cruise absolute shat all over Pitt in acting stakes...)
Best movies = Leo (on average)

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Jesus christ is this guy even going to be in another movie?

the only true answer

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He's an AUTEUR now. Acting is for plebs.

This guy has been in at least 30 TERRIBLE movies.

top kek its funny cause is break through role was loser virgin and now he looks like one more than ever but his career is ded

>tries way too hard to fit into Hollywood.
The man is the biggest A-list actor alive, wtf are you on about? He's never had a box office bomb and his name alone drags crowds to the theater

Leo seems the most normal/

Tom Cruise has that Scientology shit

Court records and press statements seem to show Brad Pitt regrets marrying a crazy lady and that he is pretty beta in his relationship with Jolie

Leo is just a hypocrite who flies on private planes all the time and on his cruise ship

I prefer Keanu though.

what? the movies maybe are bad, but not his acting.

mate, you're either trolling, ignorant or delusional
cage has turned in some of the all time worst performances

I'm stick on Michael Pitt.

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ok, i understand.
this board is so mainstream now...

Even women are that tall nowadays. Society has evolved but unfortunately you're obsolete.

he was great in boardwalk empire

Cruise is on his own league, but Brad and Leo are also great. This makes me think, after these three are gone who will be the 3 biggest male superstars in Hollywood?

He was kino in Hannibal

There are none. Really who young actor has the charisma, look and acting skills of these guys?

John boyega

Idris Elba, Mahershala Ali and Michael B Jordan.

John boyega

He just keeps getting cooler with age.

The negro ignored based Mel and went for her girl. That's why Mel felt disgusted. He didn't even look at him when reaching.

Honestly, I quite like all three of them.

But as far as quality of movies, roles, and ultimately the acting, the answer is obviously Cruise.

>Pitt is the better actor

He really steps up to the plate sometimes, although it's more the character being likeable and memorable.

But then there's his acting in Meet Joe Black and Interview with a Vampire (the latter of which I like)

I actually think that Leo purposely messed up his pretty looks a bit with sun and a red-meat-heavy diet and rough workout regimen to look more masculine for adult leading roles.

Straight leading men can have male beauty, as Pitt or Cruise do, but not in that femtwink way that Leo had, past your teen idol phase. America is too rugged and macho for that.

wish cruise hadn't spent so much time on the mission impossible movies

wish leo would make more movies, and take more risks

pitt's peaks and valleys are the most dramatic, for every time he blows my mind theres a role or two that he doesn't quite nail.

of the three i see pitt "acting" the most.

Fucking legend.

I think they are all raw kino in their own way, and the thought that they will die in my lifetime troubles me deeply

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this is my first time seeing that pedro.

well in terms of look Brad shits all over them.
Best Actor obviously Cruise, Brad's been in coupled of good movies and Leo in only one.


It took me a bunch of times seeing the pic to notice


There's no contest

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Based negro

he's pretty good but even shorter than the other pitt

1 - Tom
1.5 - Brad
3 - Leo

Based and redlight, greenlight

Wait a minute
is this thread an Ornella reference?

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Leo = Pitt >>> Cruise

Unrelated but I'd say Bale has them all by a triple power gap, then DDL & Joaquim have Bale by about the same with DDL barely taking the lead over Phoenix.

Brad: Attractive. Marketable. Plays the game. Slightly above average when it comes to the acting part. All of which makes him the perfect movie star.
Leo: Attractive. Marketable. Plays the game. Slightly above average when it comes to the acting part. All of which makes him the perfect movie star.
Brad: Attractive. Marketable. Plays the game. Slightly above average when it comes to the acting part. Does his own stunts. All of which makes him the perfect movie star.

The only difference is the stunt part.

Leo aged terribly

Tom Cruise by far. I love Leo and Brad, but they are legitimately fags that were provably raped and buttfucked earlier in their careers. Not only that but Cruise has the most masculine and great main character roles. Brad plays good side-kick/crazy characters. Leo used to play pretty boy but now plays emotionally scarred degenerate roles. idk I dont really care lol

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His fucking death in Burn After Reading caught me off guard so hard that I woke up the kids I was babysitting with my bursting laughter.