Why the fuck is he so traumatized? He did it. He saved Private Ryan. He should be proud

Why the fuck is he so traumatized? He did it. He saved Private Ryan. He should be proud.

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Yeah but all his homies are fucking dead.
All he has left are his dipshot kids and their little zoomers

It's dramatic you retard. Did you want him skipping and whistling zippidy doo dah?

This would’ve been unironically based af. But (((Spielberg))) takes no risks.

He didn't PUNCH enough NAZIS

because like 8 guys died purely for him which is pretty weird. Makes you think the film is fucking stupid if you really think hard of it

He is Ryan you absolute retard.

>Why the fuck is he so traumatized?
Because he realized he fought in a war for global jewish supremacy and watched his country spiral into degeneracy for the next 60 years.

>Why the fuck is he so traumatized?
Because he lived long enough to become the villain

No, Ryan is Tom Hanks

A better question is wtf was up with the white streaks on the image borders effect they had in that scene. I thought the tape had been damaged or something, it looked weird, served no purpose and only ended up confusing people.

We know what a flashback is. Going into his eye as a wipe was enough, we don't need additional shit.

Spielberg is a sex offended, I can’t waiy until China takes over Hollywood so their relics can be exposed as the human garbage they are

Have sex.

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Movie is full of that proto-abrams shit.

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Shout out to the one person that read OPs post

>He saved Private Ryan.
nigga were you even paying attention

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EXCELLENT bait, user

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top kek

The destination is not important. It is the journey he was after.

the birth of onions

Yes. He couldn't save himself, however.

literally me

uh what? what the fuck are you talking about

wasn't that Tom Hanks and his family in the future?

>tfw you're are ryan

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On the off chance this isn't b8, no. Tommy boi died. Everyone died to save him. Survivors guilt and all that.

Why DID they have to save Private Ryan?
Like, you're fighting a fucking WAR, let's use up valuable human resources to find a boy and take him home because something something.

It's been years since I've seen it.

Reiben and Upham didn't die, you fucking colossal dipshit.

He was the last surviving brother of a large family so the head brass wanted to save him to prevent the negative PR that would have resulted from news of his impending death.

Most of them then you pedantic fag.

I think the entire point of this movie went wooshing over your head like those planes that come out of nowhere at the end to destroy the tiger tank.

>”Now truly, I am saving Private Ryan.”
Thought the ending was a bit on the nose desu

The real Private Ryan was the friends they made on the way

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If he had just left when the team first showed up to take him back they would have all lived. But noooo, he has to stay and get them all killed.

They were all Ryan, you idiot. It was a Spartacus type situation

>shoots the tank in the engine with a pistol
>it explodes
How the fuck did they let that in the movie?

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He shot the tank with a handgun and hit the fuel tank

Did you even watch the movie

i dont think he's being serious user...

Didn't do anything wrong desu

Just FYI if you go frame-by-frame during this scene there literally is no "bomb" that hits the tank.

The only thing that hits it is the handgun bullets. Everyone likes to think the planes bombed it but they didnt drop anything.

that wasn't even his real name

Oh fug. Kek.

I always though he shot it in the barrel.

the real ryan was the friend we made along the way

This, fucking thank you

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and what of good solonius?

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Thanks, OP. I haven't laughed so hard in while.


Wasn't he Vin Diesel's dad? I thought he was upset because he never got the letter.

guess there wouldn't be much of a movie if Matt Damon rolled up to the 82nd HQ and was tld he had to go back home

That's the whole twist of the movie. It starts from Tom Hanks' POV, so you assume the old man you see in the beginning is Tom Hanks' character, but then Hanks' character dies at the end, and it's revealed he's actually Matt Damon's character as an old man.

If you knew Private Ryan was alive as an old man at the start of the movie, there'd be no dramatic tension.

upam ? ............UPHAM ?

>450 yards, Captain. Maybe more.

Lol hitting the scope directly at that distance being the most phenomenal shot in the history of the human race aside, at that distance he would have to arc the bullet making it physically impossible for it to go straight through scope.

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its a movie genie arse

movie snipers are the military equivalent of movie hackers, their abilities are basically magic

What is PTSD

God willed it.

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twist, or as it’s more commonly known as, a cheat.

He realized that he was fighting for the wrong side and that him and all of his friends died so child trannies could exist

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Not only that but it was a goodwill measure. Not even Uncle Sam has the balls to tell a mother that he killed all four of her sons

grim picture

True, and what a lot of people don’t realise is the old dude actually IS Matt Damon, in prosthetics.

The only unrealistic part is that Ryan was allowed to disobey direct orders from a captain and continue to fight. In actuality, he would've been dragged out of France by his heels.

/pol/ and the alt-right pretending that WWII vets would be on their side has to be one of the most delusional and autistic fantasies there is


He wanted Hitler to win....

yes because snipers have never gotten headshots before in human history

your retarded

literally Yea Forums incarnated

Who the hell was talking about race before you brought it up?

It's not a head shot you illiterate ape, he shoots him through the scope.

He singlehandedly spawned a generation of internet tough guys. I still skip the stabbing scene, fuck that shit.

>not knowing about Carlos "Scope Shot" Hatchcock

Eyes are in the head

> didn’t save the kike

>sacrifice the sons of 8 mothers to make 1 mother 25% less depressed

>if he opposes child trannies then he must be a nazi
>here let me post some retarded clickbait from the most overhyped news cycle of the last 4 years.

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those mothers had more than one son so the overall happiness in the world went up

I'm sure dementia ridden 90 year old vets know what they're talking about.

they know what they're talking about but trump is old and has dementia so he doesn't know what he's talking about

t. son cuck

But he was on the ground facing an enemy in a tower. It would be just a diagonal line.