Is it possible to dislike Gladiator? I know some of the editing is sloppy but the whole thing is just so cinematic. The production design, cast and score are all fantastic.
Is it possible to dislike Gladiator? I know some of the editing is sloppy but the whole thing is just so cinematic...
Well once you get redpilled on the anglo menace you get annoyed with seeing anglos as latins but otherwise it’s still good.
You just remembered my I must watch Noe. Thanks bro! Also Gladiator rox!
Alexander is better
Choppy camera-work right at the start annoyed me. I'll get through a rewatch at some point.
watching Rome instead now
I rewatched it last year and was wholly unimpressed.
But I still have vivid memories of staring at the Rome sets when I was 8.
Who else are gonna play latins? Latins? Gtfoutta here, they're all completely shit actors who cant even speak English. Who would the movie be made for? Latins? They're all poor as shit with the exception of the French. No, anglos playing Latins is fine because Latins are complete and total shit.
Hell in the fuck no my good hombre.
Thanks for the spergout anglo. Be sure to let Mr. Goldberg know how good of a got you’ve been so he can let you in more films.
Maybe if you're a woman.
Lol. This is one of the worst miscast epics of all time. Jolie is laughable. Everything Oliver Stone has done in the last 30 years is shit.
I have zero clue what this means, and I'm 6'4"
No one wants to hear actors with Italian accents speaking English. And if you want super historical accuracy then maybe get on Italy's case and get them to make their own movies see how far they get.
If you spent more time making historical epics instead of crying on the internet, then you would have many Gladiator-like movies stacked to the rafters with Latins.
Actually they shouldn’t be speaking English at all. Also the Italians are making movies. Like Il Primo Re. Good stuff too.
>movie starts in Germania
>it's not analogous to Vietnam
>the Romans don't get wiped out by crazy barbarians
>when you realize the movie is based off a true story
We do though lol. Your movies aren’t the only ones. You just have your Anglo echocamber.
>they shouldn't be speaking English at all
Nobody wants to hear a bunch of modern day Hollywood types massacre classical Latin. Imagine Keanu saying the Pater Noster...that's a yikes from me
We're in the minority, but I really liked Stone's ultimate cut. Pure kino
>anglos LARPing as Romans
Why do they do it? It’s almost as obsessive as jews and the Nazis.
>we do though
This is true, but they all suck.
I like, it though I would say the score overpowers the scene at many points in the movie. It's a good movie, just not a "fun" infinitely watchable movie for me. Have never felt much of a need to revisit it.
I prefer Troy.
Yeah that’s why they should get some real Latins to play the Romans. Hollywood audiences deserve authenticity in their historical epics.
no one speaks latin anymore dingus
>Actually they shouldn’t be speaking English at all.
Jesus Christ FUCK OFF you for damn sperg.
I hate to break it to you dear friend, but nobody today speaks classical Latin. All the latino countries speak impossibly bastardized and modernized forms of Latin patois and slang. Even Italians. Even the Catholic Church. Church Latin is not classical Latin and is probably closer to medival Toscana dialect than classical latin
Troy is comfy, but really bad in some parts.
Have sex.
The filler score sounds too much like Pirates of the Caribbean and it pulls me out of the movie everytime
I like Troy but Pitt's acting range is pretty limited and was kinda miscast imo. The scene where he kills Hector was pretty good tho
Simply false. It’s still retained through various colleges and institutions in Italy and even by the Vatican. Don’t speak of things of which you don’t know.
Also, no one speaks Aramaic but Gibson still used it for authenticity in his Passion film and it worked great.
Eveybody point and laugh at this tryhard faggot.
amazing soundtrack too
>tfw my echo chamber is bigger than yours
I like all swords and sandals kino. Shit, I even liked Spartacus with Kirk Douglas.
Debate me.
not classical latin brainlet
it will never be accurate to roman latin
you're also comparing a religious film which would get enormous views even if it was a silent film
I liked it too user
Better than William Wallace's speech
Not at all. The world echochamber is much larger than the small Anglo echo chamber in which you are trapped in.
I decided to watch Gladiator again, thanks OP
>US economy crashes
>takes the whole world down with it
ohhhhhh that sucks
They should be flattered, having white actors portray them.
Yes Classical Latin. You need to stop speaking from your American mutt soapbox. You are ignorant of the world and should learn to not speak until you know. It is one of the great unwritten universal laws.
>this is what Americans actually believe
Just like during the American depression in 1920s huh?
>When you realize it's complete fiction and the only thing in the movie that's historical is some of the names, and places.
You're retarded.
What's some other cheesy but good Anglo-Roman films which women will never fully understand?
yes, exactly like that
you really don't know any history, do you?
Troy is better
yeah bro the Sun revolves around the USA
>muh Wikipedia sources
Haha Isus Cristus
Look, we get it. The Spics fucked up their chance to run the world, and lost out to the superior Anglos. But you don't have to be so butthurt about it several centuries later.
Church laying isnt classical Latin. Of the miniscule amount of people in Italy who can speak classical Latin, I'm willing to bet not one of them is an actor
not an argument
we have lost classical latin since the 6th century which is why it's considered a dead language
we know words, phrases, some structure but the vast majority of the language is gone and it can't evolve now
The best thing about that film is Rosario Dawson's beautiful mocha milkers, and the sex scene that follows them.
Everything else is embarrassing.
Glad you realize this, my good vassal
are you Israeli by any chance?
Look, I get it. You're another anglo butthurt over the comment and spazzing out over something that's been in conversational flight with others already. But you don't have to cry about it over and over. Read your peers doing that for you instead!
Funny article! Doesnt change the fact that America is the single most influential country on earth atm.
You’re not from Italy. There are colleges and guilds and groups that still retain the languages. Hell people in villages can still speak it through family traditions passed down. You know nothing of the world through your Wikipedia/American media lense.
As a film? Yes.
As an adaptation of The Illiad? Absolutely not.
Dude, I fucking love Alex as a historical figure, but Oliver Stone made a big mistake when he chose to pick Farrell.
At least, Vangelis' music is godlike.
This is nectar for the ears.
>muh anecdotes without evidence
it's been lost since the 6th century, even the Byzantines admitted as much
Vangelis has no flaws
>muh anecdotes
That’s Wikipedia for ya
the article I posted was well sourced and researched, stay mad
I fucking lold too loud now my manager is looking toward my desk
No such thing as "classical latin", in terms of dialect. Vulgar latin was a common language used by the government and in the military, but the Roman Empire didn't have a standard language, people spoke a mixture of dialects, switching in and out as needed. That would be too confusing to modern audiences, and would only be bizarrely satisifying to neckbeards like you, so you could bash other people with your virtue signalling, like an infant bashes people randomly with toys.
Pointing out anglos not belonging in swords and sandals movies is becoming my new favourite thing. Watching anglos squirm and cry when they’re found out is delicious.
I am not a fan of the music work in this movie. Wish they used silence more, that battle in the start would of been a lot better with out the cheesy actions music blaring.
>there no such thing as classical Latin
I'm done. Later dudes
this is your manager. get back to work.
Uh oh, gaps in your knowledge about things? Quick! Run!
Do you really think anyone honestly cares? I mean, really?
They didn’t start getting BTFO by Goths until a few centuries after the events of Gladiator.
Gladiator was one of the last great hans zimmer scores, before he started using a legion of ghostwriters, shamelessly ripping himself off (including ripping off gladiator for most of his blockbuster scores) and slapping together horns going BWOOM and cello ostinatos and calling it a day.
It was one of Ridley Scott's last gasps too; only Kingdom of Heaven (the director's cut) was as good afterwards.
Troy is pure b-movie garbage.
Classical latin in the WRITTEN form of latin.
If you don't even know that distinction, you shouldn't be engaging in neckbeard slap fights about it.
classical latin is meant for literary, not dialectic purpose
a couple of retards using classical latin to talk to each other is not the way people spoke in the period of the roman empire
I'm sorry that this is hard for you to understand, but it's also why a lot of classical languages died because of lack of standardized systems and in most cases lack of writing
look of Battle of Teutoberg forest
Rome never conquered Germany
>You’re not from Italy.
Neither are you.
Gladiator came out earlier. If anything hearing Gladiator in POTC should pull you out of the latter.
No love for Black Hawk Down or American Gangster?
>sneeding at work
Based chuck.
Oh I know the anglos will pretend they don't, but the spectacle is provided to us regardless and thoroughly enjoyed by myself and others. I guess you can say it's an acquired taste.
Even if you're not a fan of the incredibly quotable dialogue, the action scenes are amazing. The duel between Hector and Achilles was undistilled kino.
>Anglos conquer and colonize and the results are powerful countries
>Mediterraneans conquer and racemix and the results are thirdworld shitholes
Who's the menace, retard?
Black Hawk Down is good, but it's not on Kingdom of Heaven's level. I forgot American Gangster even existed, honestly.
I know he’s gone to shit recently but I love Ridley Scott’s no-bullshit approach to filmmaking.
IN TERMS OF DIALECT, you insufferable cunt of a neckbeard.
And you know you're still here, butthurt and FUMING.
If you don't know the distinction between classical and vulgar latin, don't neckbeard about it, m'kay?
Anyone that unironically likes Troy and Alexander over Gladiator are contrarian plebeians.
Gladiator is a fucking masterpiece. The rest are cheap attempts to cash in on the new wave of historical pieces Gladiator created. Enjoy them, enjoy Spartacus, enjoy Rome, enjoy them all, but give respect to the original kino and Ridley's greatest work.
Who the fuck is "us", sperg?
>”conquer the world”
>colonies become garbage dumps and culture less hellholes full of murderers and idiots
>become laughingstock of the world and everyone thinks you are cucks
Good job anglos!
8/10 times the Romans crossed the Danube it was to slaughter GERM*n scum and subjugate the barbarian retards until another group's of barbarian subhumans decided to cause trouble by migrating. This is how it was up until the last 300's
Not you
So explain who "us" is.
>Germans around the Danube
It was Dacians, not Germanics
Germanics became more abundant later as their immigration from Central Asia increased. More around the ADs.
He basically brought in the cast of Father Ted to play all the Macedonians, which was a retarded idea from the start.
True user it ought to, but I am cursed you see.
People who are not you.
I can't even imagine what it feels like to have that kind of pleb taste.
Gladiator is an undisputed masterpiece but Troy is underrated as hell. People who like Alexander over either probably need a lobotomy though.
as points out this is objectively false
Romans had trouble getting a foothold in Germania and later settled for trading with them
the massive Germanic migrations later on where a huge threat to Rome and they ended up hiring them as auxiliaries to essentially pay to keep them away which failed spectacularly in the end
Who the fuck didn't like Spartacus?
You're talking about yourself in third person aren't you, sperg? Just admit it.
Troy is pulp movie. Casting an American farm boy as Achilles is hilarious and awful. Trying to play The Iliad as a straight swords and sandels epic only highlights the movie’s shortcomings. Petersen should’ve embraced the mythic aspects and incorporated the gods. I don’t think 300 is a great movie but it does mythical surrealism well.
if only Hollywood casting choices could be as accurate as British ones
Every time g*rman scum crossed the Danube or the Rhine they were completely btfo for 1000 years. Sorry cucks your autism won't change the fact the Romans were disgusted at how subhuman and disgusting smelling your G*rman ancestors were.literal niggers
not a single bit of history to back that up
germans were allowed to serve in legions and fight wars and lived in relative relaxation in their relationship with rome until later on the government got bitchy and stopped paying german mercenaries
Troy is a silly pulp swords and sandals epic taken to its logical, glorious, conclusion. That's what makes it so good. Everything about that movie oozes testosterone.
It's an entertaining butchery of history.
The whole collapse of the Empire was because too many G*erman subhumans were immigrating to the Empire and serving in the legions. You fucking niggers ruined everything.
Ignoring the complete failure of plot and immersion others already pointed out to you, the fighting scenes are abhorrent garbage. So if you still want to s/o/yboy-worship that trash you can just return to >>>/reddit/
It's juvenile
Dacian wars kino when?
Sure thing kid
>getting your history from films.
Thats where you went wrong
inb4 Thracian blacks
Petersen is German, dummy.
Tell us about who actually conquered Rome, we'd love to hear about it.
Butthurt Spics, apparently.
indo-european steppenigs
>Apollodorus coming up with engineering feats to help Trajan
>Roman troops surrounding and driving Sarmizegetuza to the ground
>Trajan then sets his eyes on Parthia
Absolute kino
Steppenigs,Germ*noid subhumans, roads that allowed subhuman Germs to fuck everything up, economic mismanagement and of course Christcuckery.
2/5 but you'll learn eventually
Did Ridley or anyone else explain why they went with the Aurelius wanting a Republic again angle?
I am not trying to win an argument with this post or spew hatred at the film as a whole with this post - I seriously cannot think of one good thing in that scene.
Probably just to make him and Maximus seem more intelligent.
Enlighten me then
what annoys me the most is how shit the helmet looks.
The Greeks were fucking wizards on how insanely slick and sexy they made their helmets
political mismanagement did more to end western rome and just as much to end eastern rome
To prevent SJWs screeching at a positive portrayal of imperialism.
it's alright
since this is the dedicated /his/ thread:
>Haγία Σοφία
>translated to English is Hagia Sophia
>But its said as 'Ar-ree-a Sophia'
what went wrong? I know the H is eta in greek but translating it to English wouldn't give an H. Also keeping the gamma as a g?
Remember that Eta is derived from the Phoenecian "Heta", and that "E" sounds were frequently preceded by an undenoted "H" (which is sometimes transliterated as an apostrophe.)
You see the same phenomenon in Semitic languages, which are also descended from Phoenecian. In particular, the Hebrew "He" is often transliterated as "E". Also the Hebrew equivalent to Eta is "Heth".
>Everything Oliver Stone has done in the last 30 years is shit
thanks. it still seems an odd translation
I mean if you're an historian probably.
The 4K version looks glorious, pure kino.
Yeah. I said 30 years for effect. It’s more like 28 years.
I really like Gladiator but i'm a massive autist when it comes to historical films.
Just can't switch my brain off, i nitpick every single inaccuracy.
Still a good movie though.
Ralph Cifaretto
Not even close.
have any films accurately portrayed the praetorian guard?
Your historically accurate helmet covers too much of the face though user
How are we supposed to know there is a strong person of color wearing it if we can't see his simian visage?
no films but some vidya games
Gladiator 2 when?
yeah and where are anglos now?
Both Rome and Britain were founded by Trojans, according to legend, so it's more than a larp.
I don't hate it, but I never thought it was as great as people who love it.
Given that it has no basis in historical fact? Easily.
I always thought the music with the woman singing was her saying 'nigger' constantly
>muh accuracy
It’s not like Gladiator goes out of its way to bastardise historic figures the way Braveheart did.