

Attached: hmmm.png (949x899, 1.8M)

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oh boy

>The weak must fear the strong

Is it true Millie fucks alot? I hear she is expertly trained to please wealthy clients.

I've seen those exact same outfits in a piss video

>it's another zoomers have nostalgia for the 80s show

Women are so ridiculous

Probably not. She's dating David Beckham's kid. She doesn't need to yacht.

>we need that Boy George aesthetic

They look like retards.

Thats probably why she looks different now, took too much cock at too young of an age.

soulless vs soulful

Who are these trannys?

>/pol/ """science"""

Why did you post this

what the fuck are you on about

The joke is trannies look better

Women's labia become elongated due to having lots of sex, just like your penis gets a little longer each time you masturbate.

I'm mocking the unscientific idea that her appearance has changed because of (purportedly) having sex. I thought that was clear.

This is how you detect roasties

Nigger my penis must be longer than the Empire State Building by that logic.

>Women's labia get roastie if they slut around
>That wouldn't happen at all if she saved herself for marriage and we fucked just as much though, because. Reasons.

Attached: 1512768967874.jpg (407x399, 21K)

Like I said, /pol/ """science"""

Goddamn you whores are insane, stop whoring around and maybe your hole wouldnt be gaping mound of flesh strands

Ask Drake.


Actually women get roastie labia if they slut around while ruining their systems with alcohol and drugs for 10 years


So let me ask you something. Why does it only get loose from slutting around and not from regular sex with a long term boyfriend ?

>Incel confirmed

It's almost like they're incels who believe anything, and don't understand that the more they use words like "roasties", the harder everyone laughs at them.

Because Jesus made it that way.

(It doesn't)

>14 years old

Attached: poaqrk7cco18i.jpg (508x640, 48K)

peanut butter and jaaaaaaam

>t. seething roastie

t. roaster, exposing yourself by using that redd it word

STIs are basically inevitable when she fucks random guys for years, also the correlation that a woman in a stable relationship is less likely to be partying and fucking herself up with coke and liquor every night


That's actually untrue. Get your facts right.

Why is Michael Rosenbaum in drag?