Other urls found in this thread:
>they want me to do what...
Jiu Jitsu alien fighter...
>For fucks sake, you're the worst agent, what's the pay
One months rent
Sounds kino
God I wish they did that Superman movie with him already
I’m thinking he’s back.
wtf raimi, they're undocumented immigrants and this is not okay
Pitch me a movie with these two
Isnt that the plot for DBZ
Based "pitch me a movie with these two" poster
I saw the first 10 minutes of his submarine captain or maybe it was a ship captain movie on netflix while I was on acid and his screaming, face, hair and the incredibly close to his face yet jumpy camera angles produced a feeling of discomfort that cannot be recreated.
Even when this guy was a meme I always hated him due to the whole nepotism thing. And something about his face.
That dyejob is disgusting.
same shit as that garbage Mandy
>Look how carzy cage is! Isnt this wacky!?
Die in a fire, you faggot.
The movie.
Absolutely seething
I like being in movies Gary
Invincible, with Robby the Alien.
So that Sean Cheinsaw meme from yesterday is real? Wtf
>they want me to do what...
Jiu Jitsu...
>For fucks sake, you're the worst ag-
... alien fighter
>I’m in.
>why didn't Nic ask me
>I would've done it for free man
based on the life of Eddy Bravo
bad lieutenant sequel
gay mafia insted of the niggers
Ay lmao you stole my concept you hack fraud
Sounds kino AF
it's not that original you dumb-dumby-poo-poo
sounds fucking great
this is highly likely
t. 60 iq poster.