Even when reading the books, I didn't really like her bits at all.
Anyone else hate her and her whole subplot?
Have sex
I don't like sex. It's coarse, and rough, and irritating, and it gets everywhere
I like her bits if you know what I mean
I hated her since the beginning. Her only claim to fame is being hot and getting raped by Aquachad. After that she is literally handed everything on a silver platter.
They are average at best. Not at all impressed.
Yeah, pretty much. She is not at all exciting. She's like the slutty miraculous Virgin Mary.
>dany faces problem
>solves problem by roasting people alive
>repeat for 9 seasons
How to fix the plot:
>remove white walker bullshit
>remove dragon bullshit
>replace with 2 invading armies, one from across the sea, one from the north
Strength of the story is in the scheming and mysterious alliances which would be amplified with more human enemies.
She's great for all the wrong reasons in the book. She's a bumbling, incompetent retard who barely manages to remember how to breath while her retainers do all the work for her. Her storyline is basically a rube goldberg machine which has zany ups and downs leading to where the last book ended off - with her dying of shitting out all her fluids in the middle of a desert alone.
She's basically the hilarious anti-thesis to Stannis and the BLINDINGLY obvious plotline that supports "it's who has the must cunning and power, not prophecy and honor that wins". I hope to God, every fucking day, that the final book ends with her dying in misery like the entire series has been implying would happen since book one.
Also, Stannis is the one true king. Get fucked all incorrect faggots.
Maario Naharis