So underrated

so underrated

such a great script

and such a red pilled flick

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best movie of the decade

REINER How’s the bride?


REINER That sounds about right. Nice lady. I assume she’s not privy to your newest business venture.

COUNSELOR She’s not. And your lady?


COUNSELOR Yeah what.

REINER She’s fine. I don’t know what she knows. I don’t want to know.

COUNSELOR You don’t trust her.

REINER Jesus, Counselor. She’s a woman.

COUNSELOR Is there a perfect diamond?

DEALER En este mundo nada es perfecto. As my father would say.

COUNSELOR You are Sephardic.


COUNSELOR Do you know Spain?

DEALER I do. And Spain me. At one time I thought that she would return from the grave. But that is not to be. Every country that has driven out the Jews has suffered the same fate.

COUNSELOR (Looking up) Which is?

DEALER I’m sorry?

COUNSELOR What is that fate?

DEALER Ach. You don’t want to hear.

The counselor starts across the street. Westray watches him.

WESTRAY Counselor.

The counselor stops in the middle of the street and turns.

WESTRAY You know why Jesus Christ wasn’t born in Mexico?


WESTRAY They couldn’t find three wise men or a virgin.

is there any real nudity in this film? It's pointless if there's no tits.

It's a great script but with a horrible director.

>unironically using 'red pilled'
have sex

Tony Scott would have done a better job.

COUNSELOR Where’s all this beheading shit come from? You never used to see that.

REINER Yeah. It’s blown in here from the east.

COUNSELOR Meaning the east.

REINER Yeah. You put nine Mexicans and an Arab in a room and give them each a hundred dollars and come back in eight hours who do you think is going to be holding the grand?

COUNSELOR So are you gearing to do business with them down the road?

REINER The Arabs?



COUNSELOR Why is that?

REINER Because they don’t need your money.

Sup Cinebro

It's a movie about race relations. Race relations in contemporary America.

Its a piece of shit and you know it you little faggot.

WESTRAY Have you ever seen a snuff film?

COUNSELOR No. Have you?

WESTRAY No. Would you?

COUNSELOR I would not.

WESTRAY Because the consumer of the product is necessary to its production. You can’t watch without being implicated in a murder.

COUNSELOR Yes. Would you watch one?

WESTRAY No. But in my case I just wouldn’t want to see it. I know what takes place. What can take place.

COUNSELOR You know somebody who’s seen one.

WESTRAY Sure. You’re probably at no more than three degrees of separation. Maybe two. He said that the girl was beheaded with a machete. While being sodomized by a hooded figure. She was about thirteen and she was looking into the camera and crying when her head fell off.

COUNSELOR Jesus, I can’t even imagine watching that.

WESTRAY Well. You might want to think about your involvement the next time you do a line.

Made me paranoid for a week. Good movie, but too depressing for a rewatch.

ya boys let ridley down on this one

also with prometheus and covenant

haha. yeah. suck my dick.

again: movie of the decade. i guess Yea Forums just has bad taste.

This movie is basically a pleb filter. If someone says he hates it, you can safely disregard his opinion

Had the same thought when watching Cheaper by the Dozen

>No country for old men but worse
>retarded plot
>retarded dialogues
>Diaz was great but couldnt make up for retarded Pit
fuck off


>No country for old man is good
opinion discarded

implying I said it was good

It was shit. I didn't see it just to be fair

Its the best movie Ridley has done in the last 20 years.

nah. it's more universal. women. greed. fateful consequences. like a greek tragedy.

it's quite unconventional for modern movie standards, so normies hated it.

i'm quoting the "racist" bits here because they're funny. i'm no racist i swear.

You should just watch it as a visually illustrated audiobook

Dont mind me just being a way better 'The Counselor"

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Nobody here gave a shit about Tony Scott while he was alive. Now you hipster contrarians can't stop talking about how he's better than his brother and that he woud've definitely made the greatest masterpiece of modern cinema had he lived for another few years.

I never said that, I simply said he would have done a better job.

"no country" is good.

the violence in "the counselor", well, it's a cormac mccarthy script.

and the script is great. witty. unremittingly cynical. cool literary allusions (if you know your kjv bible you can spot a few). zero politically correct inanities. just a fucking great script.

what a fantastic film. One of Ridley's best and that's saying something. The feeling of threat and danger throughout the film is a work of art. Also the ultimate plebfilter.

Literally the other way around. Would have made a great book but was an awful screenplay

It was OK, but what's the deal with Mexican videos? That is any video media that comes from or relates to Mexico makes me not want to go there or do business with them, even disregarding the cartel aztec ritual gore. Now I won't buy a volkswagen because maybe some poor son of a bitch was mixed into the engine block when it was forged.