What the fuck happened to American comedy?

What the fuck happened to American comedy?

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one has to hope its a phase and they will eventually grow out of it sometime in President Pence's first term

Nothing. It was never good to begin with and then it never got better.

This, you just got older.

over consumption
if everything has to be funny nothing is funny

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You're not watching/listening to the right things. SNL is for moms

SNL was never good I know, but it's all terrible now. Only shit I find funny these days is old British shows (Blackadder, fry & Laurie etc).

drump dumb lol

i have crohns too and I could never get the women he does. fuck

Veep is good, but it's a Thick of It remake, but other than that, I don't know any other good comedy coming out of USA right now.

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Uh oh! I wonder who that is!

I liked late eighties early nineties snl

Felons can vote in Florida now, anyone who thinks a Republican will ever win an election from now on is deluding themselves.

If you wanted to keep your party from dying you should have tried a bit harder in 2018.

It's Always Sunny is pretty good desu

heard hes gonna b in the next apatow movie
what do you guys think?
I heard hes a decent actor

what an aids opinion
>we expanded the voter pool to overwhelmingly pad one side of the aisle
>just try harder!

The bad guys won.

lmao sad!

No it's not. The first 6 seasons are great, and then it goes to shit. This latest season was fucking unwatchable.

At least parts of the Farley / Rock / Sandler / Spade era SNL were gold.

It went from being a few jokes with some applause break lines concerning leftist politics to nearly all leftist politics.

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He had a short role in set it up, and he can be the next pothead manchild guy Hollywood needs after Rogen etc, but his irl persona and snl stuff is cancer.

Also, when was the last time apatow made anything good? His last movie was starring Amy Schumer

They're already working on it.


Source on right?

pretty sure every new comedian from the last 10 years is dogshit. nick mullen from cumtown is legit the only person under 30 i can think of thats funny right now

>If you wanted to keep your party from dying you should have tried a bit harder in 2018.
Funny opinion coming from a supporter of a party that's currently dividing itself into moderates and progressives because there are apparently no brakes on the social justice train.
Trump will divide perfectly on party lines because he's divisive as fuck, everything else ... don't bet on it.

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imagine expecting black men to show up in any number to vote

ya trainwreck objectively sucked, but you cant deny the run he was on prior to that dating back to freaks and geeks...

snl was good in the 90s, well mostly cuz of norm but still

>lookout faggot!
No its still funny, you're just autistic

Same. Cum Town is the only shit I can listen to without cringing, even though it's just dick jokes. I've either become irony poisoned and depressed or entertainment really has gotten that bad.

why are they trying to act like pete davidson is the future of comedy, now that fag apatow is giving him his own movie too, yuck! basically anytime apatow tries to push someone on the masses, i know that person is shit

Most of it just lacks any of the subtlety that actually makes comedy comedy. SNL is by far the worst culprit for lack of subtlety

i can't wait until this faggot is found dead from a heroin OD

“Trigger” warnings


Weed won't kill you but it will kill who you could be. It's easy to forget that emotions we become some numb to are feedback. They tell us when we are uncomfortable and they push us to overcome whatever situation we are in. Weed makes us comfortable with being uncomfortable. That shit job you are stuck in? Don't worry about it. You can smoke and chill out right after your shift is done.That huge test you are studying for? You're really stressed out. Maybe a little toke will make you more focused.

All weed really does is freeze you in time. The world will keep spinning and your peers will progress through life while you live the same day in a smoke filled haze. Isn't it better to feel emotions? Isn't it better to cherish the boredom you feel that motivates you to pick up a guitar, go to the gym, or otherwise be productive? Think about all you could've accomplished if so much time and money weren't spent on a disassociating from the real you.

Weed is the most dangerous drug in the world because of how safe it is. It takes the potential of all that you could ever be and makes you content with what you are. It's sad to think I've felt much more human and alive these past few weeks than I have these past few years of daily smoking. I'm angry that I've let myself be okay with a mediocre life but I'm putting everything I can into changing that.

Stay off the weed, if you fall off the wagon get right back on it. There's much more to life than getting high!

Snl has had 3 periods of greatness the belushi period.
Then the Chris rock Adam Sandler days.
Finally the bill harder days


This ugly sonofabitch is fucking Kate Beckinsale. What the ever loving fuck??

>trumpshit kids complain about a comedy show
Absolutely pathetic.

and basically you're fucking stupid

>posting Phil quotes unironically
please keep that retard in his containment threads on /k/ thank you

hell yes bitch

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>tfw a few years ago I was smoking weed daily and would have called you a faggot for this pasta
>tfw quit smoking weed and now realize this is 100% factual

Liberals were always better at comedy than Conservatives. Now they are practitioners of hate-substitute comedy. It is sad. Their impotent rage has ruined their once great comedic sense.
SNL is a great barometer for this sour phenomenon.

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prime rib more like

does their website even exist anymore?

A big problem now is everyone thinks they are a comedian with the advent of social media. There is higher capital placed on regurgitation of jokes rather than original material. In fact most truly funny original jokes I see go under the radar now because zoomers and younger millennial just don't even know how to process it. People want stuff that seems like comedy is Pavlovian sense as opposed to actual comedic genius. Just take Yea Forums for example, 10 years ago the racist jokes here were witty and funny and well timed. Now they are just indicative of a low IQ poster and there's no shortage of them to circle jerk over a punchline that's been heard a million times.


They are doing it for applause and not for laughter

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Big dick energy.

I just wanted Underworld 6. Fuck you God

annoying pasta because it's true