We are getting a third Bill and Ted movie with the Galaxy Quest director on board

We are getting a third Bill and Ted movie with the Galaxy Quest director on board.

Not sure what to make if this.

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Sounds fucking stupid.

Me on the left

Sounds like shit

They were stupid fun movies so may work.

The director makes me optimistic

Hey, remember Dumb and Dumber To?

Reddit tier shitflick

all I want is the director's cut of Galaxy Quest where they don't cut the references to tony shalhoub's character being stoned the whole movie and the swearing

>Bill and Ted was kino
>Galaxy Quest was kino
Things are looking up, boys

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>references to tony shalhoub's character being stoned the whole movie
Is this confirmed or just speculation?

>Not sure what to make if this.
>Sounds fucking stupid
>Sounds like shit
>Reddit tier shitflick
Zoomers were a mistake


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I'm a boomer fuckface

Wtf Keanu looks old

spoken like a true zoomer

That's what all the zoomers say

Unlike, say, the recent Ghostbusters reboot, all of the original cast and writers are on board and seem enthusiastic about continuing the story. Now with news of Dean Parisot being involved I'm getting very optimistic.

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I heard rumblings that it would focus on their daughters who become the REAL rockstar saviors of the world because they have girl power

That would mean retconning little Bill and little Ted

Didn't like the originals. Maybe because I was too much like the lead characters they made sport of.