These movies are so much better than the Star Wars saga

These movies are so much better than the Star Wars saga...

Attached: dumbledore-portrai_1385200i.jpg (620x400, 35K)

Other urls found in this thread: /ghost/only/


However, yes.

Well LOTR hasn't been ruined by social justice politics... yet.

Is Christopher Tolkien still alive?

>Lotr has been ruined
Return of the king and the hobbit are trash

LOTR is the best III movies of all time you soicucks.
In H.P they swing their little chopsticks like some retards and family drama war's is just the same shit over and over again.

Commit Sudoku

Hobbit, yes. RotK, how dare you.

It's a meme on 4chinz bc of the Legolas scene at the fields

Why are you talking about lord of the rings you fucking mutt? Nobody mentioned them stop fucking comparing everything to your overrated trilogy by Jackson.

>how dare you
Theres the reddit in you, you have shit fucking taste

Give me 5 reasons why rotk is shit
You literally can't, you containment little bitch

Agreed SOLEly because of Galadriel's feet.

honestly, yeah. but it's mostly because the quality of sw films is all over the place. at lease hp has 8 good films. sw only has 3 and a half and lotr only has 3.

>you fucking mutt
Why is a halfbreed pleb with no taste or understanding of cinema calling anyone a mutt? Do we need to remind the board about who you are?

>Hackson's shit tier directing
>Hackson's use of the dead army as a meme army
>Hacksons potrayal of Denethor
>Hacksons fifteen ending
>Hacksons cutting of Saruman in the theatrical cut
>Hacksons terrible extended cut


Yes, yes, well done, Rowling. Well done, Rowling. HOWEVER

Rewatched them recently and they're kind of dumb at places, mostly wherever Jackson when all in with his fan fiction ideas.

Also visually it aged terribly, looks like someone smeared vaseline all over the lens all the time, were the blu rays scanned from VHS tapes?

>hp has 8 good films
These studio products are movies at best.

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You're talking about lord of the rings? the fucked up the bluray
That's a pseudo, they are 8 good films.

Forgot the rest
“A movie is made for an audience and a film is made for both the audience and the filmmakers. I think that The Game is a movie and I think Fight Club‘s a film. I think that Fight Club is more than the sum of its parts, whereas Panic Room is the sum of its parts. I didn’t look at Panic Room and think: Wow, this is gonna set the world on fire. These are footnote movies, guilty pleasure movies. Thrillers. Woman-trapped-in-a-house movies. They’re not particularly important.” - David Fincher

"My film is not a movie. My film is not about Vietnam. It is Vietnam. It's what it was really like. It was crazy. We were in the jungle, there were too many of us, we had access to too much money, too much equipment, and little by little we went insane." — Francis Ford Coppola

>By contrast, in the US "movie" is the predominant form. Although the words "film" and "movie" are sometimes used interchangeably, "film" is more often used when considering artistic, theoretical, or technical aspects, as studies in a university class and "movies" more often refers to entertainment or commercial aspects, as where to go for fun on a date. For example, a book titled "How to Read a Film" would be about the aesthetics or theory of film, while "Lets Go to the Movies" would be about the history of entertaining movies.

movies are about economics.
cinema is about esthetics.
film is about politics.
-"How To Read A Film" by James Monaco
Also the separation is recognized in these texts
Bresson's Notes on the Cinematographer
Tarkovsky's Sculpting in Time
Delleuze's Cinema I&II
You can get these books from Yea Forumss wiki if you need

Get a taste you little bitch
Or go and watch your shitty animu and star war's family drama.
Do you really think you can translate a book 100% to screen?
You are delusional.
Also find me a better scene in any movie you little cuckboi.

Thanks for reposting the most overposted scene you could

>half of the movies are dark colorless shit because "muh war"
Even if you ignore the story and acting, HP is just plain unwatchable.

>It's popular so it's bad
I can pull up at least 5 more good scenes you memelord

>five overrated scenes
>pulling everything from youtube like a pleb
>actually posting the pelanor fields cgi fest as your scene
>that cringey singing scene
>everything has to have time slowing down for it to be epic for frodo
Very cliche 2/5 one of those for based serkis only

Maybe get a better television they look great to me.

Not him but RotK is objectively different and worse than the first two in the series. Fellowship and then Towers were so popular because they brought heart and magic/lore to what were ostensibly action-adventure films. RotK subverts that with overblown battle sequences, clichéd villains and forced emotional scenes. The seed for The Hobbit was already there in RotK.

You must have been watching them high on LSD then, because literally everyone else complains about not being able to see shit in Deathly Hallows.

I mean I saw them all in theaters and could see everything? And also have 4K copies that aren't yify. I admit Part 2 is pretty dark, but most of the movie either takes place in a dark castle thats being blown up or outside at night?

The visuals just change as they go on, but the first 6 or 7 movies all have distinct looks and are filmed nicely to me.

Your eyes must be burned from all the ghost posting you've done /ghost/only/

Exactly how I feel, I can see the hobbit tier stuff when i rewatch ROTK and i wish i didnt but i see it all, in the normal scenes and action scenes.

For movies about fucking MAGIC with endless possibilities, they do a pretty damn good job at NOT making it magical

Two good Star Wars movies, three good LotR movies. You're rite opie

I agree. Just rewatched all 3 movies for the first time in 12 years. They are epic and they certainly don't make movies like this anymore.

Holly shit you people are living memes
Muh cgi bad
Muh jewtube like a Pol idiot
Muh songs in movies bad

You probably love anime you contained shit lords


Did you ever read the books?
The fight scenes would be even more extreme if peter Jackson would stick to the books.

characters > everything
Say what you will about Potter movies, but they have great characters.
Nu-Wars doesn't have good characters, just icons. Rey is Mary Sue, all powerful flawless girl jedi who never fails. Finn is wise cracking black guy. Poe is tough fighter pilot man. First Order is angry white men who shout a lot. Only character who has any sort of depth is Kylo Ren.

Legolas on elephant bad
Now all the 3 1/2 hours of the movie bad

Yea Forums is just a containment board

I never mentioned CGI, YouTube or the music. Why are you so upset that I'm critical of a lesser movie and why are you (you)ing me with false accusations? You sound more pol than anyone here.

2. Harry Potter
99. Star War's

>>Hacksons potrayal of Denethor
I'll give you that one.

>He cries bc someone called him bad names on 4chinz
Relax bitch

is that gandalf or dumbledore?

It's not the only bad portrayal. Gimli and Legolas were good in fellowship but afterwards don't really have much to contribute besides killing things or quipping.

It's Gandore

Absolute cringe

Baseded and bluepilled

LotR is the best trilogy of all time, of course it beats Star Wars.

think of something non-shitty for once

>DO I FIT IN YET: The post

According to 4 Chanel only 1 (one) and 2 (two) good

That's not a picture of lotr

There’s no movie as good as Empire but there’s also no movie as bad as (insert your least favorite SW film)

4 Chanel can suck my tiny little dick

>I'm your daddy xD

The third is the weakest, but it's in keeping with with the first two and it's a fitting end. Most trilogies completely fall off by the third movie, Return is merely not as perfect as Fellowship.

Are you memeing or are you actually autistic?

>there's no movie as good as empire
3 and 6 are much better

i liked the 3-4-5-6 a lot, especially the 5 and especially ++ the 6

fuck I though that was Gandalf

Nobody is debating lotr being better than star wars but lotr is 1 > 2 > 3


>There’s no movie as good as Empire

Fellowship of the Ring shits all over Empire. Empire is a good movie, but it's carried by Mark Hamill and there's a lot of weak shit lurking under the hood, particularly in terms of story development.

May be not as good, at least in your opinion but it's not comparable to even episode VI

I don't think many people would disagree.

I personally see them as one big ass movie so for me they are on one level.
But you are right, star war's is a joke to LOTR and I still think the original star war's movies are pretty good.

seems to be the reason of how this thread went

The top harry potter films
1 2 3 4 6 7?

the top lotr films
1 2 3 ?

the top star wars films
4 5 ?

A New Hope is a great story that is underdeveloped.
Empire Strikes Back is a poor story that is brilliantly developed.
Return of the Jedi is derivative and goofy. It's only worthwhile for the closure it gives to the principle characters (and the well crafted scenes in which that happens).

There's no Harry Potter films which aren't a giant crock of shit. The early ones have horrible child acting, the later ones have horrible everything else. The third nearly strikes a balance, but that just makes it average, not good.

For me it's 1>3>2
I don't know it's bitching on a very high level but 2 felled a little like building up and maybe filler to a very fulfilling end

and? the story isnt about them.

Nah, that's fair, but it applies to most second movies in a unified trilogy. For me, Two Towers has a really interesting, gritty style and is way, way more subtle about CGI than the third, which hasn't aged as well. Helm's Deep (with the very minor problem of Legolas surfing down the stairs like a dick) is a fantastic piece of film and everything involving Rohan is delivered brilliantly.

user every single harry potter movie is better than almost every single star wars movie, you have shit taste. Stop posting.

I know the dullest franchise is a meme but Harry Potter fucking sucks

>movies become progressively more gray and grim
>absolutely no attempt to capture any sort of magical or whimsical feeling in the world
>costume design nonexistent by the third or fourth movie, it's all just normal casual clothes even though they're fucking WIZARDS
>fights are just dragon ball Z shooting lasers at each other
>besides Azkaban every single movie has some of the most unimaginative, work-for-hire direction I've ever seen. Cuaron was too good fort his franchise and Yates is one of the biggest hacks to ever make it

Elfs and especially Legolas are portrait in the books like ninjas so I think it's fair
But you are right about the trilogies



They are some of the most or only magical and whimsical movies made besides the first lord of the rings which isn't even that magical or whimsical. The first 3 alone have more in them than most entire franchises ever will

In contrast it had the best battles. Charge of the Rohirrim is one of the best moments in the whole series.
Rotk is worst of the first three, but still miles ahead of the Hobbit.

>In contrast it had the best battles.
Nope Helms deep is better than anything in ROTK
the best "battle" in rotk or best action scene is shelob. which could have been in ttt if they wanted but theres fuck all for frodo and sam to do otherwise after

True. Helms deep is great. Not a fan of Shelob scenes though.
Still I think RotK ties up the series pretty well.

The harry potter movies from 3-8 all have the same color grader that did the lord of the rings and the matrix

The first three, maybe, but all of the Yates directed movies fucking suck

The first three are magical and whimsical like the books

the books yates did were not like the first three or two books at all they were the opposite so his directing was good. esp for the shit scripts he was given for 5 and 6 i thought they were very good.

They’re about on par. Lotr even has crappy prequels.

I don't know what kind of mentally regressive problem you have, but you should get it looked into.

Even being mistaken for Lord of the Rings isn't enough to liven up the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises. Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

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What a shithead retort as expected from someone who thinks star wars movies are good or better than one of the only consistently good franchises

Anyone who thinks that garbage is good, consistent or both either wants to be a kid or wants to be in one.

See you're such a psuedo shithead pleb. They are the only good movie franchise with that many entries. Fuck off.

T. armond nigger white

>with that many entries

Good goalpost moving, you manchild, no-one with any taste would watch unironically watch long running franchises. Yet, even by the shit standards of long running franchise movies, HP is dismal.

user you're a psuedo pleb bitch, nobody cares what you think
The potter series is the only consistently good franchise.
You don't like anything of quality and you're a miserable shithead faggot

What is it about Harry Potter that completely filters out all the plebs who call it shit bros?

This is who you're talking to
A complete and utter pleb that joined Yea Forums because of star wars 7

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>of quality

If you knew what quality was you wouldn't be sperging out a bunch of incoherent ad homimen. Go back to watching 11 year olds stumble over a bad script and worse CGI, but don't bother actual people by telling them it's worthy.

>bad cgi
Says the guy who watches on his failtop
The 4Ks look fantastic

Anons can't admit to liking anything that is objectively good because they hate their lives and were bulled throughout elementary school and middle school and high school for being ugly or fat.

>Says the guy who watches on his failtop

What the fuck are you talking about? And how much of a sad fuck do you have to be to buy repeat copies of a kid's movie?

i hate people who shit on the movies for not following the book to a T. "muh tom bombadil, muh denethor"

Bombadil and Denethor would have made the trilogy worse, but the Scouring of the Shire would have been kino as fuck.

>Low tier
God I love this pasta.

RotK may be the weakest of the three but by no means does it qualify as trash

That's Dumbledore not Gandalf but you're still right

>having less IQ than a pajeet

prequel trilogy > matrix trilogy > lotr trilogy > spider-man 2 > harry potter

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Even viggo admits its trash and jackson slopped it together compared to fellowship m80

>spiderman 2
>above anything
>matrix trilogy above lotr trilogy
Shit taste

go home harry potter pedo

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>matrix trilogy > lotr trilogy
u wot m8


If you actually break it down, RotK only has a few glaring flaws. Legolas vs the Oliphaunt was weak as fuck, but most of the set pieces in that battle were really strong. The long winded ending was a chore when the movie is judged on it's own, but the length was appropriate if it's the conclusion of a 9 hour story.

Think about how fucked most third films are. The Godfather, Spiderman, The Matrix. RotK is leagues ahead, it just sucks in comparison to Fellowship.

millenials used to have so many options

zoomers only have a steady diet of Marvel Cinematic Universe

The godfather part 3 is the only good one

>zoomers only have a steady diet of Marvel Cinematic Universe

The Disney Event Horizon isn't even here yet. Pretty soon every fucking blockbuster will follow the Marvel formula.


shit taste as usual for a frogposter