Cast her

Cast her

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Puddingfu. She's Italian but fuck it, having an Anglo as Joan would be ridiculous.

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>God's patrician waifu

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I do believe this is an excellent role for MEW

she looks like Alita

She is Mew, or maybe st vincent a decade ago

Literal who

Dunno. Who's the biggest dyke in Hollywood?

She actually looks good like that. Believably Dune

You know I heard there's some horrifying documentation about Joan being imprisoned and the guards commenting about her huge perky young French tits, I wonder if anybody has this so I can read it (to be horrified)

MEW has zero fucking charisma, no way she could be Joan

Do you even need to ask?

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her knights talked about her big tits too but that she was too pure for her fat french funbags to arouse sexual feelings


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Idris elba

too old


Alice Pagani, star of Netflix's Italian teen prostitution drama "Baby"

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Impossible, her presence on the screen has forever been tainted now. When I saw her on that Robot Love series, I was literally screaming puta the whole time. She should retire from acting.

She's fifteen years too old anyway.

imagine the smells that are under her body armor I bet she has some hairy pits too

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Brie Larson

Well. She can hold my sword.

>The Count of Dunois, one of her commanders: "... when myself and the others were in the Maiden's company none of us had any wish or desire to have intercourse with women; and it seemed that this was almost miraculous

>Bertrand de Poulengy, who escorted her to Chinon: "Each night, Jehanne lay down to sleep beside Jean de Metz and myself, wearing her surcoat and her hosen [i.e., pants], laced and secured [this refers to the fact that such clothing was designed so that the tunic and pants could be fastened together]. At that time I was young, nevertheless I never had any desire or carnal impulse to know her as a woman; I wouldn't have dared to make such a request of Jehanne, as a result of the goodness that I saw in her

>Jean de Metz: "[In the fields along the way to Chinon] She, myself and Bertrand took our rest together each night, but the Maiden slept near me, wearing her tunic and hosen, and I felt such dread of her that I would not have dared to ask [her to have sex]; and upon my oath I never had any desire towards her nor carnal feeling

>Gobert Thibault, King's squire: "In the army she was always with the soldiers; and I have heard it said by many of Jehanne's companions that they never had desire for her, or rather sometimes desire was present but they never would have been so presumptuous [i.e., to actually act on it]; and they believed that such was not possible; and many times, when they were speaking about sins of the flesh and words which could incite carnal desires, when they saw and came near to her, they could not speak of such things, as they suddenly lost all carnal desire. And I questioned several who sometimes slept at night in Jehanne's company, who answered me as I have just testified..."

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>Jean d'Aulon, her squire and bodyguard: "Even though she was a young girl, beautiful and shapely, and there were many times, when helping her to put on her armor or otherwise, I have seen her breasts [i.e., the shape of the breasts underneath her tunic: clothing was always worn with armor, needless to say]; and sometimes her legs completely bare when dressing her wounds, [i.e., at the siege of Paris where she was shot in the thigh] and I went near to her many times, and I was [at that time] strong, young and in my prime, never did I feel carnal desire towards her from any sight or contact I had with the Maiden; neither did any of her soldiers or squires, based on what I heard them say many times."

>Duke Jean II d'Alençon, one of her commanders: "Sometimes in the army I slept in the field beside Jehanne and the soldiers, and I sometimes saw Jehanne prepare for sleep, and sometimes saw her breasts [again, only the shape: she always slept fully clothed, according to the other eyewitnesses], which were beautiful; however, at no time did I ever have any carnal desire for her."

>"Chronique de la Pucelle": "if it so happened that she had to take her lodging in the fields with the soldiers, she never removed her armor. There were many, even among the great lords, who determined to find out whether they could spend the night with her; and for this purpose they went to her nobly dressed; but as soon as they saw her, all feelings of desire ceased"

She was too pure for this world

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shapely =/= huge

Unironically not for sexuals.

The only reasonable choice.

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No one in Hollywood is pure enough. They're all whores.

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How much of this is propaganda written centuries later


bet she was a massive whore really

i'd have fucked her im not a puff like these lads, i'd have told her to get her fanny out

It's from contemporary records of the ecclesiastical re-trial after her death. All ecclesiastical courts kept pretty good records but the re-trial of Joan that cleared her of allegations of heresy was held at the specific instruction of the pope and the King of France so it was of course extra-well documented. The men who fought with her and knew her in life testified like witnesses would in court today. They really said those things.

Ok but would they really admit she was a putrid whore if the king of france made it clear he badly needed a hero?

Any black woman off the street. 100% on rottentomatoes

Literally all of it

And also the church making her a saint, cant have her sleeping around.

How embarrassing.

>you will never not know a world without roasties but instead with pure warrior women who battle hardened operators would feel such reverence for and sleep at her feet in subservance to her and God in service of holy mission
why has God abandoned us?

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>lying before God and your King

They would do no such thing

>believing the propaganda about Joan where she was a frontline warrior

lmao she was a propaganda ornament and you don't let mortal propaganda on the frontline

I suppose it was possible that there was lying or exaggeration, but I dont't think it's likely because she wouldn't have risen to the level she did if she was acting like a normal camp follower and sleeping with the troops.

Ecclesial courts weren't just fake either. They didn't have the same level of procedural methods to get at the truth as we do today, but there were actual arguments and stuff going on in them. People were allowed to say what they wanted to say for the most part.

You're on a date with Joan of Arc. What would you do to impress her?

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For you, yes.

Casual reminder that when arriving at Blois, Joan's first order of business was to remove all the promiscuous, rowdy and unruly women from camp, so the men could train better and with more focus.

Thotslayer from day 1 that Joan, what a lady.

He hasn't abandoned us it's just that we can no longer hear and feel his presence do to Jewish suppression of our spirituality

But fret not for the last pogrom is soon approaching

>you will slay anglos at Joan's side.
We live a cursed existence

Percect body double for the guard dickings scenes.

Heathens and heretics like you shall burn at the stake, faggot

>a war that went on for 100 years
>you still missed out

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Any old heretical whore off the streets of Paris.

don't lewd the christfu
imagine the massive boner you would get, weeks without time to jerk off, helping sweaty jean d'arc undressing after battle

sounds like someone was afraid of getting #MeToo'd centuries later

I hate how Hollywood is reinventing all those classic princess stories by making the female a warrior in armor who slays the dragon, there isn't even a place for a male character. Both SnowWhite and Alice in Wonderland end the exact same way. The princess becomes a knight and kills the villain in a fight. Ridiculous.

Reminder that Joan Of Arc is a french legend, and even in that legend she never fought any battle.



based Necro fan

It's not SJW or feminist politics ruining the media like incels might think. It's just greedy hack producers trying to cash in on LOTR bux. Braveheart then LOTR effectively killed the fantasy genre by making every fantasy film need huge battles. Remember the Narnia remake had to include a LOTR style battle just because every film needed one. The grimdark "realistic" medieval fantasy fad with GOT is a natural evolution of this. And still GOT looks with envy at Helm's Deep, the one battle that has never been bettered and changed the whole game.

>Muh incels
You have to go back

Cool this hairstyle is back in fashion

Of course we all think that, but I imagine of we could go back in time with the very purpose of fucking her as soon as we saw her purity we could not bring ourselves to do it

Have sex

Fuck of to plebbit

Jane Wiedlin will always be my Joan.

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All of it, she never existed

A big battle in heroci fantasy is nothing new. the new thing is that female characters can't be damsels in distress, they are both the princess and the prince character. All these movies are pretty awful and od pretty bad at the BO despite the stellar reviews from the regular paid shill. Yet Hollywood is still pushing the same kind of stronk wemen. There is obviously an agenda at play and they're willing to lose money for it.

>17yo peasant girl
>from the east of France
>had big tits.
people actually believe this.

Well, I guess retards also believe in a non greedy jew...

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Renée Falconetti

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>this is 16

fuck off brainlet

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16 with 3 years on the pill and growth hormones in meat and water

is she from the east of France? (where all the girls have small tits even today)
is she a peasant
is she from the 15th century?

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kill yourself
Joan was born in modern-day germany, duchy of bar, and you want her to be played by a black person ?
yes pls
plus she is francophile

Kek I lived near her when I was in Maine


Based and Falconettipilled

>falling for centuries old propaganda

have sex

Noah was a lucky man.

Or else...

>doesn't understand genetics being a primary determinant of fat distribution and mammary size
>because my anecdotal information is accurate as people don't move and migrate and everything started as soon as i was born

keep posting your pictures of yourself

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not that user, what are you trying to argue here? that some 16yo peasant girl from the late middleages had big tiddies??

>doesn't understand what a joke is
how embarrassing.

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>3 years on the pill
>On the pill since 13
If not shitposting that's sorta disturbing

That webm needs a disclaimer that those tits are 1/4 of what they appear.

Can i have it with you OwO ?
Lets yff

some girls get the pill for menstruation pains, but who knows if she's already a tiktok thot at the humble age of 16

>telling the truth when the God (or his men) and the King tell you to lie
they would do no such thing, poltard

chaturbate com/passionsarah

>Everyone who disagrees with my theory is le pol


you are though

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If you think so

Show her my big Mexican dick

>thinks im here to do anything else but post tits

how embarrassing indeed brainlet joker man

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bit slow, innit ?


Jokes aside, I think there's nothing more depressing than seeing a woman like that and knowing YOU WILL NEVER fuck her

here's our joan

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The Volcel Maker

It's just wonderful how men can overcome their animal instincts when they're witnessing something great.

she is poor and dumb

there are lots of them around. She just happens to be visible

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Leelee Sobieski, Milla Jojovich


I mean... fuck I need to get laid...
>mfw the only girl in the vicinity who maube wants to fuck me I'm not attracted to

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Lay siege to Calais


>joan d'arc
>first battle
>wanted to suicidally charge english lines
>captains had to trick her into not doing it

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>all these old hags to play a 16 year old girl

Dude have you ever seen real Francs before? They're swarthy af
If anything that bitches hair is too light


ITT: "these wymen have similar haircut, such perfect cast!"

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Her smile with decimate the anglos

this is all i could find on the subject:

shut up nazy bigot
what is most important? historical accuracy or diversity?

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Shakespeare's Joan isn't canon

so what did she actually do? Cheerleading?

I would kill Lindybeige with my bare hands in front of her.

reminder that the anglos ran a train on her pusy before burning her alive

She looks like elizabeth from bioshock.

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Show her my big heart and let her feel my massive faith in her divine mission

by our standards today of course we'd have no problems assuming she was a slut. but back then they undoubtedly thought she was an actual angel sent from heaven so pissing off god is a big no no.

>be 14 yeard old girl
>claim to be sent by god to fight the enemies of france
>decide canons are good and should be used en masse
>sacre blue...
just how incompetent was the french army at this time?

she was a witch m8

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Are we ready for the astounding diversity of a transgender joan d'arc?

The fuck happened to my girl.

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Who is that?

Wait a minute, she looks like

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>having a whore homewrecker play Joan

She wasnt imprisoned it was the diary of one of the guys on her side that saw her breasts because she changed into her armor with everyone else.

Ur mom

>she changed into her armor with everyone else.
what a slut


Milla Jovovich is cute and does the role well, even if the movie sucked.

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how about a titcow version?

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Casting a whore who thinks she's a lot more important than she actually is to play a whore who thinks she's a lot more important than she actually is.
I like this

Why did he have to die so young bros?

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>first time Joan of Ark was played by a real virgin.

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Sounds to me like they respected her.

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I don't see no tits.

I could play her, once I'm finished up with my HRT, of course

my bad

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Sounds like a personal problem. I don't feel bad for you

Some autistic faggot actually made that

Probably would nut in my pants desu. That would be good enough.

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olive glass

Is that gauntlet loose or something ?

it's over

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Joan d'Arc was a woman user. We need an actress.

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