>Shin Godzilla
>15 million $ budget
Well,what did Yea Forums think of the CGI and use of the budget? Is Japan handling budget better than U.S.?

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What's the best way to start the Gojira franchise? Original film? How should I watch them and in what order? English dub? Subtitles?

To be quite honest, they're all really shitty until final wars, so just watch everything after that.

I hated Shin Godzilla. It tried way too hard.



>watch everything after Final Wars

If you grew into a giant person which kaiju would you fuck? I'd fuck Mothra for that strange moth pussy. Even now I would jump into that giant moth pussy.

What's the best Kaiju kino other than Goji and Gamera?

Behold, the definitive kaiju

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Yeah. Godzilla has cool kaiju but let's be honest with ourselves, most of the movies are shit.
Not because they're dated, but are just shit

Sub IQ 80 post. Please, refrain yourself from posting again, thanks.

>implying Godzilla vs Biollante is shit

Rampage sequel when?

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That cgi is so realistic,how did they do it with 15 million $ budget but americans need 150-200 million $ budget and it doesn't even look that good.

hollywood money laundering


True kino here. Legion is underrated as fuck.

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Start with the original and take it from there. The Japanese '54 version with subtitles if you want the full experience, the English King of the Monsters with Raymond Burr if you want a more digestible, less politically charged version

My reasoning is not just because it's the first, but because many movies directly reference it, and at least half a dozen are direct sequels to it while ignoring the others.

From the original, I have a few recommendations. If you want serious, dark kaiju movies, go with Return of Godzilla (aka Godzilla 1984/'85), Godzilla vs Biolante, and Shin Godzilla. If you want more fun, campy fights and stories, go with Ghidorah the 3 headed monster, King Kong Vs Godzilla, or Son of Godzilla. If you want a balance, I recommend my favorite, Godzilla Mothra King Ghidorah Giant Monsters All Out Attack (or, GMK).

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Try some of the standalones from the Showa era.
Rodan comes to mind, War of the Gargantuas was also pretty fun.

Half the movie takes place in office buildings, the other quarter are aerial shots of Japan.

A reminder that Rodan is a cool guy.

Attached: Rodan eats a dolphin.webm (1164x480, 2.98M)

Very lovecraftian

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Its eyes look like one of those stick-on goggle eyes

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>That cgi is so realistic
fucking lol, it's mediocre at best. the helicopters look like toys.

Legion is the perfect mix the Heisei seriousness while being a love letter to the insanity of Showa and no one will ever tell me otherwise.

Will KotM be kino or shit?


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Good guide?

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See the original at the very least. Then you may want to look into some of the better Showa era movies, such as Godzilla vs Mothra, King Ghidorah the Three-Headed Monster, and Godzilla be Mechagodzilla. Ignore the rest unless you are really into rubber-suit wrestling or bad movies.

The Hesei series is a bit of a mixed bag. Some people swear by it, but personally I found it way more boring that the Showa era. If you’re gonna see them, then see them in order of release I suppose. There’s not that many of them anyway.

The Millenium series does not have a continuity (most of the time) so you can just see whichever you want from it. But I wouldn’t say that any of them are must sees.

And then, regardless of whether you saw the Hesei or Millenium movies or sat then out, make sure you see Shin Gojira.

How many days until KotM?

The real question is how the American CGI can be so bad that the entire movie has to be made too dark to see it.

Negra detected

the cg was killer you spaz, view it in hq not your phone

Pretty decent, vs Hedora should be higher, it's one of the best from the Showa era, hope it gets a good remaster, its too dark at times and more color would fit nicely.
It need a category for: dont even bother, specially for Godzillas Revenge


Attached: CGI Breakdown 1.webm (960x540, 2.98M)

So then why not let people see it?

Mechagodzilla when?

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Rodan thinks he's hot shit but King Ghidorah's gonna give him a slice of humble pie. Fresh outta the oven.

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>That cgi is so realistic
kill yourself anno dicksucking weebfaggot

i saw it just fine in theaters. the home release has contrast set too low or someshit

But to answer the question: like the other guy said most of the movie was inside office buildings and skyshots of Tokyo. Plus they blended CGI with real puppets for Godzilla's movements.

Attached: CGI Breakdown 4.webm (960x540, 2.99M)

>Procrastinating my 20 page paper for a intro to Kaiju movie marathon
Still need to watch the 1954 original and then I’m not sure if I’m taking the 60s Showa route, or speeding through them to the 80s Hesei which looks better and more appealing to me

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It was too dark in the theaters as well. In fact, it should be a criminal offense to shoot nightly action scenes entirely until Hollywood learns how to make something appear dark without literally making it black.

>Is Japan handling budget better than U.S.?
They don't have to pay 50 millions only for their cast and crew

>Plus they blended CGI with real puppets for Godzilla's movements.
Which is the correct way to use CGI.

Showa is fun. Monster Zero or King Kong vs. Godzilla (Japanese versions) would be my recommendations.

There were no real puppets of any kind, it was all cgi motion captured, the puppet wasnt used at all because it didnt look or move the same, it could move its eyes however.

>tfw procrastinating my 200 character essay due in 2 weeks to marathon Shin Godzilla tonight
Send help.

I mean the special features on the jp release show very much the making of almost every shot (if not all shots) with godzilla and there werent any puppets involved in the proccess


They should go back to dudes in rubber costumes. Fuck CGI.

They wasted half of that budget on attempting to build a giant Godzilla animatronic that never worked properly and went unused in the final movie.

Fuck that. Pic related adaptation when?

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Some of the best Kaiju flicks

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You really want to ask this everybody in every thread.
The movies are fine. That's about it.

The vast majority of Shin Godzilla scenes actually were a guy in a rubber suit, go fuck yourself.

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No they weren't. They didn't use a suit for Shin Godzilla at all. The original plan was to use this animatronic blended with CGI, but the animatronic never worked properly so it was all CGI in the end.

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If we run out of space I recommend leaving "Godzilla" 1998 off the chart.

This. You can do a lot on a much lower budget. But you have to think, you have to plan and you have to improvize and compromise. American studios have lost most of those abilities and just try to compensate by pouring more money into marketing and CGI.

Not true, there was barely any CGI for Godzilla.

Most, not all of them.

Entirely false, one look at any of the behind the scenes stuff shows that Godzilla was 100% CGI.

It's in the middle of the list at best desu.

Absolutely based breakdown

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I've seen the behind the scenes stuff, you're making shit up.

Pretty good, but it's out of date. Also, I think the "Similar Movies" section should be expanded, maybe just turning this into a Kaiju recommendation chart in general

Does anyone know if a site was used to make this?

No, a good list would include Mothra vs. Godzilla from 1964 (then maybe Ghidorah), perhaps at least one Mechagodzilla movie. I'd say the entire second series as well maybe aside from Godzilla vs. Mothra (1992) and Godzilla vs. SpaceGodzilla. I'm not sure about Millennium maybe it's better to start with the third movie.

Please post anything that showcases practical effects for Godzilla then. Meanwhile:

60/70 I guess.


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The CGI looked pretty bad in some places but when it looked good it looked like it was from a budget 20x more expensive. The Japanese movie industry has always managed alot with a shoestring budget. Even the original Godzilla movies had practical effects on par with the west for a fraction of the budget.

Millie Bobby Brown will ruin the movie

My complaint is that the arms don't move at all. It looks like only the tail is alive most of the time.

This movie had some pretty hype scenes, if only there was less humans babbling.

I love it exactly for that. The arms are locked in this perpetual WHY pose.


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Most likely


>only 72 days until Godzilla: King of the Monsters

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Post a more Kaiju Kino poster. You can't.

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How can americans even compete?

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Replacing the Shoblin twins and making her the main focus of the story.
>godzilla, mothra and gidorah are about to get at it
>millie bob crying for 10 minutes
>cuts back to post city destruction montage

im highly considering going to the thursday night midnight screening even if it means going alone


So....how will this go?

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Ghidorah's got some meaty thighs

Based Toho, they're probably already filming the first one already.
Sucks we wont get Shin Godzilla 2 and they missed hard on following that storyline in the anime.

>Yea Forums the only board that doesnt have generals sent to /trash/

Will I ever be strangled by them is the question.

Because Kaiju is kino and comfy

Like before so on a much smaller and more low budget scale than what Legendary is doing. It's good that Toho is done with subverting expectations but on the other hand it's not the 50s or 60s anymore. The series were getting shorter because people were losing interest faster. Doesn't mean I wouldn't love to see Varan vs. Baragon.
Another problem I have is that Legendary made the series international like in the IDW comics. WE're jumping from continent to continent. If we don't want to have a simple stand alone this approach is simply perfect.

>Replacing the Shoblin twins and making her the main focus of the story.

1. She's not replacing them. They're just not in the movie or part of this Mothra's mythos.
2. She's not the main focus of the story.

>godzilla, mothra and gidorah are about to get at it
>millie bob crying for 10 minutes
>cuts back to post city destruction montage
couldn't be more wrong.

IDW did a good job with Godzilla. They should use those stories for the reboot.

Did you actually see the movie?

Godzilla just hops in there at 0:17

> 200 character
> 2 weeks
That's not even an essay user, you'll be fine

No, but the plot's been leaked for months now and all of the marketing has confirmed the leaks.

> Godzilla just falls from the sky
Made me laugh desu

Post it

Five seconds

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Now for the breakdown of the human plot in greater detail

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Look at those googly eyes

they're fish eyes, not googly eyes

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There is some debate as to whether the object Dance purchases at the end is a juvenile Destoroyah or a severed Ghidorah head from the Mexico fight; there may have been two versions. Most test screeners seem to corraborate the Ghidorah version though. Team-up in Godzilla vs Kong basically confirmed

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i realy liked shin godzilla but we can all agree that heisei godzilla is best godzilla right?

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>women bring the apocalypse
>men save the world

For reference, here's the thread these were posted in


And pic related is a more detailed version of the leak that has had some stuff confirmed but might not be totally accurate compared to the Yea Forums leak

Attached: Lebbit Leak.png (1075x3887, 1.5M)


this scene alone is better than every capeshit movie combined

> the mom is secretly a crazy cultist trying to indoctrinate her kid
> dad should have got custody
It's like the movie is a stealth redpill

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Attached: Godzilla vs Hedorah.jpg (1783x2530, 903K)

Sounds about good, might have to rewatch the first one before checking this out.

Again, these have been confirmed by the marketing for the film.

>make wild assumptions from clips and set pieces
Just like TFA had a Force tree, right?

I like Godzilla but the fanbase is sonic-tier

Most notably can see the bit where Serizawa sacrifices himself to revive Godzilla with a nuke in the underground city, as well as a brief glimpse of Burning Godzilla in Boston in the trailers, and Vera lying on the ground saying "Long live the king" in the most recent TV spot
The Total Film article also confirmed that the movie begins with the Russel family mourning the death of their son in San Francisco 2014, that Vera's character invents a device called the "Orca" to communicate with monsters, and that Godzilla's "lair" is an elaborate underwater city/shrine built for him by an ancient civilization that worshipped and lived alongside him

Sounds kino to me,the media will shit on the movie though...only if they don't understand the redpill.

>I like Godzilla but the fanbase is sonic-tier
This is accurate unfortunately

>Serizawa dies

I want Gamera The Brave blu ray
I like it

Attached: Serizawa's Sacrifice.jpg (5760x4860, 2.87M)

Funnily enough according to one leaner an early cut had Vera living and reunited with her family while Charles Dance died, but test audiences evidently hated Vera so much that they changed the ending so that Vera dies and Dance escapes to do dastardly deeds another day

Is the old man James Conrad from Kong?

Why would James Conrad want to destroy the world? Doesn't it go against his character from Skull Island?

>Tfw Brie Larson wasn't bad in Kong

so other Titans/Kaiju? any notable ones?

Titanus Methuselah
Possibly Destoroyah

No, it’s not him. New character called “Jonah Allen” evidently, he’s a bad guy
Brie sucked in K:SI too

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Excuse you, he lands very elegantly.

Polish posters are the best.

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>That cgi is so realistic
...what? I even liked the movie but... no, no it wasn't.

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I want to have sex with Godzilla. I just want all in on that bloated cloaca.

>forget there's a Serizawa in Legendary
>wonder why people are bemoaning the death of the 1954 scientist

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This is like people being surprised and sad about Gwen Stacey.

There are still to this day people claiming that Godzilla was mostly a puppet/animatronic in the movie, even though there is direct evidence to the contrary. So either some people are in hardcore denial mode, or the CGI was pretty convincing.

I want to watch one post Godzilla 2000 movie because I haven't watched them yet.
I've only got time for one, so which one should I watch?

Post 2000, I'd recommend GMK (Godzilla Mothra King Ghidorah Giant Monsters All Out Attack) or Shin Godzilla. GMK is more balanced and has good multi monster action, Shin is a slower, darker movie

No unless we say the same about every other fandom. But I know some fans would like that comparison because that would imply that the fandom is big and it matters. And if it is are there any big content creators? Because all youtubers I could find make a low effort videos that nobody watches and streams with around 15 people.

It's as if people don't even remember that poster is a legitimate art form. Easy to forget in the age of blockbuster posters. You're not gonna hang those in your art gallery.

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Same. I want to try the King of the Monster's ass.