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Watching first man right now with Ryan Gosling. its a pretty good one so far.

I don't think I'm going to make it, guys.

I've actually been talking to a grill on a dating site for a week now, but I already know I'll fuck it up at some point.

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>itt incels

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The panic attacks have returned after a month of calm...

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How having sex feels like?

ok but having a girl lay/sit on top of you is superior

I just want a Ana gf desu

>start getting panic attacks after a long period of depression
>get prescription antidepressants
>they actually help, start getting better and feel things
>tfw the only thing I can feel now is loneliness drilling a hole in my chest every evening
At least before the panic attacks I used to be numb to everything, now I'm better but I feel so much I actually cry every week

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There's no god here only suffering


Have sex.

I did, but you will never

I just did with your mom. She's a fine woman.

>put pussy on a pedestal
>don't get any pussy

>don't put pussy on a pedestal
>don't get any pussy

Well fuck


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congrats on losing ur virginity user!

Please try every form of fitness and fulfilling lifestyles before you throw your brain away to the SSRI jew fren

how do i get over my fear of putting myself on the internet

its the only way im ever gonna meet a girl at this point

>stop to put pussy on a pedestal
>pussy comes at me
>now I'm too anxious to even talk to girls hitting at me

Well, lads. Seems like I'm always too late.


I cried last night for the first time in ages. And today I almost had a breakdown in public, I was doing so well and now I feel numb again.

But I will never take anti-depressants. I'm hurting... but I'm alive.

Just masturbate 4 times a day until you have no testosterone or sex drive left.

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The one's who put pussy on a pedestal DO get pussy because they pursue it.

I have less experience because I try less...

>tfw don't even care about sex anymore, I just want female care and attention

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That doesn't cure loneliness or depression, just enables it.

Not him but I lost the ability to cry when I was maybe 14 years old. Sometimes, I just can't breathe for hours and I wish I could cried. Don't be ashamed of it, user, it must be a relieve.

hug your mum, user

>tfw I only care about losing my virginity because I'm too afraid to accept a deeper emotional connection with a stranger

I'm not ashamed, it was good. But I've got so much shit idek.

>when this meme gets coopted by shitskins

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Stay strong user, let it out when you're alone. It's cathartic.

She doesn't like to do that, never told me she loves me either

this tbqh.

I already rejected three different girls only because a guy I knew in middle school told them I had problems in my youth and deserved a better life. I don't want a pity fuck and yet nobody seems to understand.
I'll wait until I become a regular functional human bean.

some girls like the idea of a mentally fucked man that they can try and fix.


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It's really sick, the day after he told them behind my back, I just knew it, they all wanted my dick all of a sudden. I'm afraid they would see me as some kind of beta guy to cuck or something, I told them that if I ever fix myself, I want all the credit for it. I still have panic attacks almost every night but at least my honor is safe.

I respect that approach. Don't let horniness take over, you're your own man and you can take control over your own life.

Only if they're rich and attractive and tall, though.

Jesus guys, why are you so unhappy :(

Thanks man, you put better words than me on how I feel.

Some girl at work touched me on the shoulder today. One more day without suicide.

Being horny and lonely trancends racial boundaries

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It's over

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If only they knew how much those things mean

Stop it.



Yet here you are.



M8 wut?




6/10, I'll let that one slide.

Don't do it. If you better yourself, and improve YOU, it will attract people to you.


Based if true


Well there's probably about 1/4 of your issues right there. If you're jackin it 4 times a day for years, you'll prematurely ejaculate forever.

You can only stop pursuing pussy once you've slept with more women than your current age or you are over the hill.



Freud over here..



That's probably about 3/4 of your issues right there.

That's enablement. He needs to learn to not internalize, but control those emotions.

Look, I don't know what it's like for my parents to not tell me they love me, but I've been in some much shittier shit than that, and I've recovered.

Women that want to fix you are a red flag anyway.


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>tfw you're on the list multiple times
>tfw response to each of your post is "Wow"

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>reddit spaced shit posting

>IKEA frames
what a pleb

It is what it is.

Try improving your diet. No drugs. Not even caffeine for just a week and see how you feel. I would say a month, but you seem easily overwhelmed. Maybe if you do that, all that anxiety build up and tension it causes it your gut/breathing will go away.

Haters gonna hate, dog.

I just want a gf who resembles a young Jennifer Connelly

Is that so much to ask?

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I'm going to find a way to tap your loneliness and horniness as an energy source to rival the sun.

you dummies realize that this 'wah wah no girlfriend' garbage is fear mongering from people who despise you, because you are white or otherwise opposed to their politics?

being aware that there are people who hate you this much, to dump this much garbage on you, should actually make you feel strong

they are a joke, these people have so little power that their entire strategy is 'make people feel bad on the internet'

Is the little incel angry? ;)

>Women that want to fix you are a red flag anyway.
Any personal experience with that? Just curious.


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I'm actually a virgin unlike all you LARPers. Still waiting on that white girl to suck my cock.

>hands not shaking
>car relatively clean
>not brown bagging that shit

The only thing they got right was how sad and desperate his face looks

When I was 19, I was with a girl for about a year I really liked. I let her change me into something she THOUGHT she liked. I realized I lost respect for myself and was trying to be something I wasn't. Some women can help stay on track and actually help improve you, but that's not what I'm talking about. I changed into something that made me awkward and vulnerable to being taken advantage of.

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Who's this girl?

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aye m8 thats cringe
show me ya minge

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It's been over since I was 13 years old.

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I want her so much ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Thats a literal BLACKED video

>sat in cramped backseat of my mates car with two girls
>one of them laughs at a joke I make and touches my leg
>mfw I realise how starved of physical affection I really am

felt melancholic for the rest of the car journey

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>Don't be shy, user! I know it's your first date with a girl but I promise to give you a good time. Try not to look at the coffee and talk to me!

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No, Hailee is pure.

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>tfw its getting harder and harder to avoid talking to myself in public
anyone else here /losingit/?

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