is this actually worth buying now that its cheap? is it dead?
Is this actually worth buying now that its cheap? is it dead?
wrong board. Worth it for cheap
I had to do a double take because I thought I was on /k/
planes are OP
stop playing games and start watching classical war movies you faggot
>Yea Forums
>implying this and most other modern AAA vidya isn't chock full o' riveting cinematic storytelling on par with the all-time greats of TV and film.
I challenge you to watch one hour of the latest video game like Cowboy Game 2 or Dad of Boy or Black Women of D-Day V and not be floored by the maturity, intellectual depth, and emotional nuance of their narrative.
No buy, better get baba is you
Imagine being so indoctrinated you feel some obligation to fuel kike companies with even more money than they already make for a mediocre at best product.
its a multiplayer game
Proof that Yea Forums has ruined this board
I got it free with my 2080, played the first few missions and then uninstalled. Meh.
If you buy EA games I really wish you will die soon.
This. I cried when cowboy man from cowboy game died, it was so deep.
>playing games
>watching films
>reading books
>consuming media of any kind
stop giving them money
I'm still waiting for Battlefield 1 to come out with modding tools. Why can't they just make these games good to begin with? Why rely on a modding community to fix their garbage?
they have no reason to allow mods and custom maps. they make more money by pushing shitty dlc.
also, zoomers only use official matchmaking
you can boil literally everything down this way
Just use AA guns and have buds distract with tanks
Sad. I just wanted a WW1 shooter. Not a run and gun shitshow with nothing but full autos.
I actually bought Red Orchestra 2 instead of BF1 and have been playing it ever since.
anyone can make that kind of Yea Forums post.
>is it dead?
Wasn't even alive in the first place
ro2 is a lot of fun. i usually play day of infamy or rising storm 2 when i feel like some fps now.
you can look into verdun for ww1, but it's kind of slow and not arcadey like bf1. servers look pretty dead now though.
If you want to play a dead game just by bf4 for $10, it at least has good gunplay.
Pirate it faggot
>start BF1
>get another ad if you wanna buy BFV
Fuck you EA
AA guns are shit in this game.
>have buds
Wait until it becomes available on Origin basic vault.
Bf3 and bf4 were good games
>yfw multiplayer video games are the closest thing we have to live improvised cinema
I wish i could go back to those games in their prime
BF1 and BFV are better.