Neytiri is...
Neytiri is
Charles Anderson
Jace Sullivan
don't know never seen it
Carson Scott
have sex
Aiden Cruz
fuck you
Carter Scott
for the mouse
Brayden Smith
you're mom is booked
Wyatt Martinez
Alexander Cook
only with Neytiri
Isaac Gray
Joshua Gray
fuck off
Levi Martin
a big girl
Brody Ward
A species traitor liberal roastie
David Cruz
please do not call Neytiri "A species traitor liberal roastie", it's both offensive and incorrect
David Perez
Ok myabe not a roastie, but after she interspecied with the filthy human, she gonna pay the toll
Cooper Campbell
she's not liberal and she didn't betray the na'vi either
Josiah Brooks
Caleb Reed
Yes she did, she let in the enemy to the fold she poisoned society from within
Brandon Young
Jake is assimilated
Jordan Sullivan
Christopher Gomez
blue dabbu dee dabbu die
Luis Cooper
tiny areola
Grayson Flores
only if you kill me first baby *kisses*
Robert Jones
and that's a good thing!