

Attached: MV5BMjQ1MzcxMzE3NF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNTk2OTY3NjM@._V1_.jpg (1080x1350, 450K)

fuck, I was looking forward to more transgender alien episodes.

If I had my way the government would take all of Seth MacFarlanes money and put him in a work camp. But this is a step in the right direction.


and all along i thought fox was the one who knocks

>If only he was a worthless wageslave like me!
Whatever helps you sleep at night, incel.

/pol/ ruined the taste of this board and its prediction capabilities.

>$71.3 Billion
Nothing in that about Orville being cancelled, however.

*poot!* *poot!*
Onii-chan... my tummy hurts...
*poot!* *poot!*

Attached: Alara poot.png (720x404, 426K)

*dabs on Orville's corpse*
*stands up to the Mouse's forthcoming streaming dominion*
*dabs again on Orshills*

Attached: dabs.jpg (1422x1063, 781K)