Everyone should watch Clone Wars season 1 episode 15 because it is extremely relevant to humankind in today's day and age. This silly cartoon is awesome in terms of not only it's entertainment-value but it's relevance to today's struggles.
Everyone should watch Clone Wars season 1 episode 15 because it is extremely relevant to humankind in today's day and...
hot blue ayy lmao
Choochi, Barriss and Ashoka should rent an apartment together. Then we'd have the beginning of a sexy Friends style sitcom.
*family guy stormtrooper pillow fight dot webm*
y'all need to get handjobs
Why did this show handle female characters so much better than Disney?
god why can't nu wars have a couple sexy aliens? is it too much to ask for aliens that aren't earth-toned, squinty eyed, obese creatures?
The zoomer age has truly begun.
>talking about cartoons
Shut up manchild go have sex first.
>it is extremely relevant to humankind in today's day and age
I fucking wish this cancer would die & fuckers would just make shit that was fucking GOOD instead of trying to be fucking allegorical with everything.
I know how she garners support in the senate
Formerly senate you mean
Grow up.
>Muh practical effects
Ventress>any other Star Wars Girl
I raise.
It's because they have to show off how advanced CGI is. Nu-wars starts in 1999.
For hugs, not fugs
>not blue
I can accept the other two, but you need to define wtf you consider "edgy", as it's a term that's entirely lost any real meaning & typically is a general stand-in for "something I dislike".
>not edgy
Blessed thread
Because nerds think about sex all the time while non-incels can get it whenever they want so sex has no meaning to them.