Everyone should watch Clone Wars season 1 episode 15 because it is extremely relevant to humankind in today's day and...

Everyone should watch Clone Wars season 1 episode 15 because it is extremely relevant to humankind in today's day and age. This silly cartoon is awesome in terms of not only it's entertainment-value but it's relevance to today's struggles.

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hot blue ayy lmao

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Choochi, Barriss and Ashoka should rent an apartment together. Then we'd have the beginning of a sexy Friends style sitcom.

*family guy stormtrooper pillow fight dot webm*

y'all need to get handjobs

Why did this show handle female characters so much better than Disney?

god why can't nu wars have a couple sexy aliens? is it too much to ask for aliens that aren't earth-toned, squinty eyed, obese creatures?

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The zoomer age has truly begun.

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>talking about cartoons

Shut up manchild go have sex first.


>it is extremely relevant to humankind in today's day and age
I fucking wish this cancer would die & fuckers would just make shit that was fucking GOOD instead of trying to be fucking allegorical with everything.

I know how she garners support in the senate

Formerly senate you mean

Grow up.

>Muh practical effects

Ventress>any other Star Wars Girl

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I raise.

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It's because they have to show off how advanced CGI is. Nu-wars starts in 1999.

For hugs, not fugs

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>not blue


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I can accept the other two, but you need to define wtf you consider "edgy", as it's a term that's entirely lost any real meaning & typically is a general stand-in for "something I dislike".

>not edgy

Blessed thread

Because nerds think about sex all the time while non-incels can get it whenever they want so sex has no meaning to them.