Reminder luc besson married a 15 year old and that's what inspired him to make leon

Reminder luc besson married a 15 year old and that's what inspired him to make leon.

Attached: leon.png (540x352, 453K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I thought he only FUCKED a 15 y/0

I thought he fucked and impregnated the blue alien from 5th Element when she was 14?


why would he like sexy little girls if he was into grannies?

Yea ... That is one of few examples on mankind that one’s babenes has dude’s irrationality runs even wild (笑´・艸・) Everyone says THAT about Luc being pedo, but I know so much that dude just rip da crap out of “Gloria”, tho. You are NOT watching enough film.

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Attached: anfisariazhkina - BvKuIbIhNvi_BvKuIXIhd_C.jpg (802x802, 40K)

daily reminder this is a real cut scene

Attached: wtf.jpg (360x254, 34K)

>beautiful and lovely and sweet and tender

yeah, he knows

Attached: anastasia_orub - BvE1EWRFffG_BvE1ETRlMhC.jpg (1080x1349, 134K)

currently dling this in 4k but it's taking forever

Attached: leonmathildasleeping.webm (1920x812, 2.84M)

>He’s full of happiness, shame, so many emotions, he can’t control very well. But, hell, how beautiful it is seeing them sweetly making love.

Attached: 1394674242538.jpg (242x150, 8K)

reminder that /ss/ leon 2 will never be made

Attached: Leon 2.jpg (2060x3060, 768K)

probably worth the wait, mr netflixs

Attached: malininakids - Bu_8kC6DZt5_Bu_8j97jH-c.jpg (960x1200, 62K)

its 50 gigs I've been dling for the last 2 days and it's barely at 20%, there's only about 3 seeders that come and go. But yeah I can't wait to watch some of my favorite scenes in 4k.

Attached: mathildass.webm (1920x812, 2.77M)

>because you deserve it
Only a loli is pure enough to say that

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Pedophiles have this delusion about girls secretly wanting them. They are also weirdly proud of it apparently bragging about it even in prisons despite the guaranteed stabbings.

It's not fair. Why must it be illegal?

Attached: sad.png (1244x706, 996K)

its 50 gigs

dang, still worth it, tho

I haven't seen it in years, same with pretty baby

wew, this user is a pedophilia expert

Attached: sveta_mili_ - BvCJTH7h8e5.jpg (1080x1350, 139K)

Have you guys considered youre confusing an instinct to protect and nurture with a sexual impulse

yes I am so please take my word for it and do everyone a favour and kill yourself

lmao why are npc incels like you so obsessed with suicide, genuine question?

Attached: sara_descalzo - BvEE9YKlAWC_BvEE9UkFKnm.jpg (1080x1229, 73K)

They aren't "confused" they are pedophiles. It's an evolutionary behavior that exists because abducting and abusing kids in low trust societies is an effective breeding strategy for omega males. This is also why it exists in primarily nonwhite peoples.

>my daughterfu asks if I like it when she sits on my lap
>I say her mom doesn't like it because she's too old for that now
>but do YOU like it user
>I have to say not really but I like hugs or whatever
>okay I won't do it anymore

Attached: 1537927286763.jpg (400x300, 20K)


>being such a roastie you think people are pedos because they can't get real womanz
lol. it's not that they can't compete, YOU can't compete.

it really happened. 10 was too old to be sitting on my lap all the time though, but I liked how it was essentially one long hug.

Good job buddy, you're dumber than John from the movie Orphan.

If a girl is spending time with them and is just starting puberty they probably do get a "crush" on them, unless they are a clingy annoying stalker type pedo. Before that age they literally just want to play and use attention they get from you to make others jealous. No sexual element at all.

>because she's too old for that now

how old


savage burn

Attached: lina_r_official - Bs_0C4nhzGo.jpg (777x971, 172K)

wtf am i supposed to say? when her mom tells her to get off me she'll insist it's okay because I told her I like her on my lap, instead of me just being tolerant and letting her climb up.

some cringe right there. and thats coming from a pure hebe

unsurprising to see the same people from the chink threads are in the pedophile threads

she's 10. She hasn't had a growth spurt yet though and still looks like 7.

not that old, desu :3

Attached: sofi_makarenko_official - BspDH2_haO8_BspDHy1BKmm.jpg (1080x1350, 117K)

what a cute little bod

based Yea Forumsbros finding amazing new cuncuns 24/7

*tips hat

Attached: sofi_makarenko_official - BspDH2_haO8_BspDHy0BXcD.jpg (1080x1350, 147K)

Attached: OM9Zt8t.jpg (500x280, 35K)

kids are never too old to be loved and pair bond with. But boomers think kids should have no contact with adults once they stop being a toddler. So as much as they can remember they were never loved and end up being sluts in highschool because they crave validation.

>still no liinaliiis pics
getting worried now

yeah, it's pretty weird, particularly in murrica, it seems

few of my friend's sisters used to see on my lap all the time until they were 14 or so, when they start having bfs

Attached: lglovestodance - Bm-wqLCHMrj.jpg (1080x1080, 144K)

Reminder: Every facet of society hates you. You're a disgusting postule on the face of the planet. An attraction to children signifies that you are irreparably damaged, and in a just world we wouldn't have to tell you to kill yourself because the state would have already evicted your brains from your skull, you pathetic worm.
Luc Besson should also be killed but Leon did have some kino moments

she doesn't post anything interesting anymore

Attached: 36086364_406273633219196_8336525912308711424_n.jpg (960x960, 130K)

reminder that incels are rising up and you normie NPCs have no idea how to handle it.

It's not ok to pown them.

>Luc Besson should also be killed but Leon did have some kino moments
made me lol after the rest of that post

>this whole post

lmao, imagine being this guy

Attached: jolie.handler - BvDpMvChcMC.jpg (1080x1116, 113K)

go back to stone age or convert to muslim, ez

hes ok, hes a artist

>Every facet of society hates you
except for the cuncun that loves me back!

Attached: 1537438395090.png (1365x2048, 826K)

some lgs are into that

Attached: 53014202_551604525351289_4475019363748503851_n.jpg (1080x1225, 398K)

>go back to stone age

more like less than a 100 years ago, desu

le "underage" meme is a fairly recent post-feminism aberration

Attached: 1432359468981.jpg (612x612, 105K)

she's just the cutest

worth it

oy vey

is that costume kosher?

Attached: annapavaga - BvBSpwCBQRY.jpg (1066x1332, 317K)

are non pedos just people who cant think for themselves? Or do they really think lolis are unattractive? Conformity makes them rock hard.

Do you know where she posted this pic?

Attached: BA26372B391.jpg (667x557, 93K)

yup, the NPC meme is 100% real, and explicitly more evident in the redditors that get hysterically mad at pics of little girls

Attached: 1538115993062.jpg (858x1347, 169K)

most likely her vk

People only hate when they see aspects of themselves they don't like reflected in others...

o-oh, I didn't know they got that lewd

kek uploaded the wrong file

Attached: 4EwskT_HkB0.jpg (960x720, 195K)

bruh, there are videos that's how she got famous

Attached: GRuvhNaxtro.jpg (1215x2160, 450K)


how old is this bod?


bet he's the only actual sicko in this thread

Attached: angelpolikarpova - Bu_d_JvnwgJ.jpg (1080x1255, 93K)

Lolid have nothing
No tits no ass

well, I didn't know she was famous really


WTF is wrong with you pedos?

kekekek, I love it how titguys are peak-brute

Attached: ostin_official - Bu6fxi2n8gq.jpg (1080x1080, 150K)


14 at the time, she's 16 now

i suppose she's more known in russian sites

Attached: gyh_1.webm (640x640, 2.43M)

why do you think Lolita is regarded as one of the best books of all time. Art transcends silly social norms. everyone knows acting on desires is wrong but to say it is not natural is the last mainstream prejudice left in existence.

wew, extremely impressive

Attached: anfisariazhkina - BvKuIbIhNvi_BvKuIXIB-3l.jpg (1080x1080, 81K)

>tfw your niece says she wants to marry you

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>not marrying you're niece/gf

do normies really do this?

Attached: maisie_dek - BvCHkuLlaZl_BvCHkqOF_Pj.jpg (1080x1350, 101K)

live your own life, run away with her and live happily ever after

>Yea Forums capeshit & lifecoaching

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