Twisted pair

who's got a mp4/link/torrent to Neil Breen's latest masterpiece? Don't feel like paying $35 and waiting 4-6 weeks for a physical copy

Attached: Neil_breen_i_came.jpg (528x351, 38K)


Testicular torsion is no joke.
Shame on Neil Breen


Is he in on the the fact that his movies are shit or is he still serious about them?
He's gonna be in on it because $35 seems ungodly expensive for movie.

Learn to Usenet, breh.

I'll give you a hint : alt.binaries.frogs

I mean he plays his movies straight as far as I can tell, and funds basically everything himself so I guess he wants every bit of profit he can get. Honestly I'd pay $15 for an online download but he hasn't made a deal with any digital distributors yet

I got on usenet (never used it before) through the newshosting app and am lost as to where to go next.

) < see here

plugged that into the newsgroup list and got to see the files listed under each a.b. thing. Searched "breen", "twisted pair" etc. no relevant results unfortunately unless I'm still doing it wrong

I don't use an NNTP server anymore because it's a pain in the ass, but want to look for binaries with with reference to this subject 936072d4617"7f218ac909d88f3a91344"

Watching it now. Never seen a Breen film. Heard they were a special sort of terrible... I had no idea.

Feels like something Google's AI directed after watching nothing but David Lynch and running directions through Chinese to English online translator.

Has this man ever seen a film?

All the subjects for this file have been encrypted. They were all published on the 18th by [email protected]

you got a digital link or hard copy?

Find these Subject lines. Collect the binaries and decode them and you will have rars that you can unpack the file with. Grab the parity files for these if you can find them, as well...
> de83fc4eaa5324eeff0470a4992426cd
> 2bc8d3869a3179d9a12af48e55280a73
> 33fb0dd2f6eda3aaba9edcd6a347c354
> d200ece197b796aaaf54be95b1eed1e3
> f015f37c728088496ba02c9650b00e6a
> 30d211fdf45a27cb8fa2981706a7d916
> bc40dcd07a8e771c8863745fb3b7c1df
> 5159ee3efec797413163b7e35c270fcc
> 936072d46177f218ac909d88f3a91344


Get an HTTP supported Usenet server and search out Twisted Pair like I did. NNTP is shit for ease of use.

btw: post this to request next time.

sorry fellas Im not tech-savvy. Tried doing a search for that string of numbers/letters (I assume that's what im supposed to do?) and got nothing. Oh well. appreciate the help nonetheless, I'll keep my eye out other places for it too

Digital copy, yes. Digital link? No.

thanks I;ll sreenshot this and give it a try in the morning

What are you using as a news reader?

the app I'm using to access usenet? Newshosting with a free trial


thanks I'll give it a go

I located and downloaded these files. They don't have any file extension on them and you mentioned decoding-is there a specific program you recommend I use to do this?


Attached: 1535510776701.gif (447x415, 253K)

>telling that to Yea Forums users