

Attached: 91A948D0-4F4B-4634-AEFF-A51214EF31CA.jpg (1242x1485, 771K)

she cute

Nobody pays attention to these bullshit "Sexiest Man Alive of 2018!"-lists any more. They are 100% motivated by clickbait and politics.
GQ named Colin Kapernick their "sexist man of the year" last year.

>Asian beauty standards

Attached: korean girl before and after surgery.png (399x504, 311K)

They were also named China's ugliest man and woman by the same magazine

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>Wu Jing
>most handsome
Nigga what? Can he even get in the top 100 handsome chinese actors?

I like left better

is he the cousin of the head of the beauty commity or something

both are ugly as fuck and obvious lesser tier imitations of whites - how sad!

stonerfu on the left


why wasnt she cpt marvel?

Left is better

left will give you chad sons

They must all just take turns being sexiest in Asia, it's the only really fair way.

Right also give you chad son

>surgically turning yourself into a mouth breather
bravo, korea

BLACKPINK huh, interesting name

>most handsome Asian
>face looks like a bug


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Why do you feel the need to post plastic surgery operations whenever Asians come up, jealous roastie? Covering up for the fact that no matter how much plastic you put under and on your skin you still don't attract as many thirsty incels as they do?

but you dont know until they are born

What do you think it means?

This is nonsense. I've seen plenty of Nips, zipperheads and even chinks who are better looking than him. West Asians too btw. I mean it's still Asia. Every attractive Asian girl I've ever seen is better looking than her.


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surely there has to be some chad chinese actors
this guy looks like a fucking dweeb

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She's Thai. If this was an internet vote, no kidding she won.

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who let the mgtow weeb out of the r9k cuckshed?

>left is better

Attached: korean-plastic-surgery.jpg (600x333, 101K)

I prefer the one on the right, but left is good too.

Daily reminder that the guy that played Harry Kim on Voyager was the on the 1997 People list of sexiest people alive

imagine how many g*rman pussy he ravaged

does she show her p*nis?

all natural, guys

Attached: Lisa-before.jpg (500x667, 61K)

>the virgin Wu Jing vs the CHAD Liao Fan

Attached: LiaoFan.jpg (594x397, 48K)

Damn Jackie Chan is handsome

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jesus christ how horrifying

both look like shit in this one tbqh


Attached: bugscrowdfundporn1.jpg (1268x879, 235K)

Only Jomon Asians can look chaddy.


godammit chinks are insufferable. He's pretty fucking average

who let the butthurt ugly anglo out of /pol/?


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She obviously is the daughter of an oxygen or rice farmer. The other pic was a 8 on the left and 5 on the right.

Wtf is this post hahahaha

Lisa looks like she fucks black guys.

Attached: lisa.jpg (726x499, 43K)

Learn to read dumb ytei

For me? It's Aya.

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All Asian women are horrifying. If she doesn't look like a down syndromed monkey it's because she paid 20,000 dollars to have her face chopped apart. Faggots will deny this of course. I wholly encourage any and all yellow fever weebs to wife up Asians.

Attached: heres your waifus bros.png (1440x2249, 3.2M)

>literally paying money so other people can have sex because you feel inadequate
so this is the power of asian masculinity?


You mean Ayyalmao

> crowdfunding porn


Kill yourself.

Goddamn, left is gorgeous. Right looks disgusting and reminds me of Michael Cera

left is literally the most perfect skull shape a woman could have

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no bully

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>m-muh surgery

Attached: 1550060792708.webm (480x480, 2.19M)

why do colored people love chicks with eyes that might as well be on the side of their head?

They look like completely average people.

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A couple of insectoids is all I see.

people who defend kpop stars are worse than people who defend corporations they have no stake in

Why the bitch to the left look white?

Dude calm down, obviously the comparison pointing the differences out is fair. I was just laughing at how you managed to connect that to so many buzzwords like roasties and incels, PLUS outing yourself as someone who knights bugwomen on the internet. Its just banter lmao, no need to get mad.

>i am literally blind

Attached: morphbs.png (487x270, 235K)

Based Wu Jing

Attached: MV5BMWU5MWNkODEtYjgwZi00NTFlLTlhNTEtMTZiYjBhYjk2ZDViXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzI1NzMxNzM@._V1_.jpg (1280x720, 121K)

that's nice m8
no one cares

Is this fag wearing eyeliner?

talk more ytei all i hear is waah waah

shes thai they dont look so chinky in the face, plus her hair is dyed blonde and shes wearing makeup that makes her face appear paler

They look identical, what's wrong with you?

Left better. Right: Robo-Geisha

Not him, but I care.

>all that dyed hair

>a SEAnig
>most beautiful

was he robbed

Attached: andy_lau.jpg (619x618, 42K)

stay mad sliteyes

>ear surgery
>skin whitened
>eyes de-lidded

I'm a SEA-nig!

>Yea Forums and film

So, it was LISA?
I always knew she a whore

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Yeah it's totally not just growing into her features and makeup.

>hearing posts
you should consider a therapist dude, your posts read like insane ramblings of someone who defends people who dont even know they exist

>unique, attractive face with beautiful cheek bones, chin, lips and nose.
>decides to blow it all away to look like a carbon copy of every korean plastic whore
so this is the power of gooks...

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Back in the day when we had waifufags, these threads would still be kinda ok because it would just be one person posting images of an actress nonstop and there would barely be any discussion. Nowadays there's barely any pics and it's just polcels shitposting and getting angry with each other.

I miss the good ol days

this is so sad, it genuinely makes me feel for them and hope most asian guys aren't this pathetic.

>we want more porn representation!

jesus christ

Yea Forums is /trash/ 2.0

>They look identical, what's wrong with you?
goodbye goalposts

Christ user take your contacts out and wear your glasses.

Attached: meanwhile in south korea.jpg (783x1437, 242K)

Having trouble with abstract concepts there, my poor brainlet?

>Picks kpop girl
>Not even in Twice
>Let alone based Jihyo

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careful with those observations user, someone here wont like it

if you made a waifu thread right now it would be deleted already

the waifu-fags contributed quality tv and film discussion on other threads at a 5 to 1 ratio

down syndrome looking bitch

it applies to all women

Why are asians so moonheaded lol what was the evolutionary advantage to have a perfectly round head

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Is there any more pathetic argument technique on Yea Forums than claiming the other person is a woman? Who the fuck are you trying to kid.

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t. r/asianmasculinity

What the fuck is with all these faggots saying left looks beautiful. She looks butt fucking ugly, she wouldn't even be fuckable but I guess for your average incel anything with legs is.

>hope most asian guys aren't this pathetic
you would be wrong.

Attached: eurasiantiger1.jpg (1421x1890, 482K)

>posts picture of one of the most beautiful men

wtf this is spooky

Attached: eurasiantiger2.jpg (1401x1757, 604K)

2nd girl is the only ugly one, even before the reveal

>all these roasties damage control

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Poor girl. She was cute

east asians are adapted for cold air and hard winds

Why do half asians with white dads turn out like this? Is autism genetic?


>with white dads
go back to r/hapas. literally all bugmen are like this.

these are chinese men sperging over chinese women getting that sweet, sweet BBC.

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>Literally God tier cheekbones and jaw, perfectly proportioned nose and lips, sultry eyes
Legit looks like how I imagine the archetypal Japanese supermodel. Incredible bone structure for an asain.
>Turns herself into some some sort of stunted development pudgy prepubescent Soiboi, completely ruins jawline and removes cheekbones
This is the breast reduction surgery of the face. Not turned herself into a disgusting bimbo monster like western women, just done a complete downgrade making herself look fatter with weaker features

I also care

>Why do half asians with white dads turn out like this?
I doubt amwf are any different but I suppose being an ayy lmao gook is pretty jarring when you have a white father figure.

Top half of right's face, bottom half of left's face would be ideal

t. roastie

they gotta get eyelid surgery so they can see and look normal

this guys internal logic seems to be a complete mess.

I care and you cared or else you wouldn't have given him that (YOU). That is five people who care, haha u lose nigger

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>society views bugmen as insecure, petty and psychotic. what can I do to prove them wrong?
>oh I know!

Attached: thewifedoesntexistbtw.png (1853x1170, 212K)

>what is a dark photo vs a lighter one with flash
>skin tone is comparable + makeup
>child's nose is smaller version of adult's
>kid already has double eyelids

>ear surgery
Pigtails are forcing ears forwards

They look like they have Down Syndrome

>unironically posting pictures of plebbit

go back

Ears got pinned back, eyes got widened, lips probably botox'd (can't be sure) minimal jaw shaving at most, and looks like some eyebrow work done. Also, definitely a nose job

they're all from the lolcow thread. now go kys, insectoid.

post more of this thai bitch, where are the kpop webm people

go back cumtourist

Nose is clearly more piggish and a wider bridge if you look closely you can see it despite the graininess. Skin bleaching is common. Eye shape is completely different I don't even know what you're trying to say or how you can dispute this. Maybe try holding your slant eyes open so you can see the image clearly?

cut your eyes out, insect.

Attached: cuttingmyeyesout.jpg (750x404, 61K)

Attached: china merchant.jpg (1200x1401, 177K)

>3rd one

soul vs. soulless.

>Colin Kapernick
Jfc wtf

Damn. China sure loves white people, huh.

holy shit tenda
his problems go far beyond his racial background, what a goddamn sad case

That fucking nose

Whats the best kind of asian girl to fuck??

White roasties and beta orbiters BTFO

What do you mean?

Easiest to get with, best in bed, most attractive, etc

Why would I care if some gook was blacked?


This is pretty front loaded question.

In the US from my experience Chinese or Thai women are easiest to get with. I've been to Japan and Korea before and had no problems getting with any girls there and I'm a 5'10 manlet.

Best sex I would say tie with Chinese or Japanese. The girl I "dated" for 2 months when I was studying in japan gave the best blowjobs. Korean girls seemed really inexperienced but that was kind of fun in its own way.

Attractive is hard to say. In my opinion, in general, just walking outside and seeing women on the street I would say Japanese. They have a much more outgoing personality compared to Chinese and Korean girls I've met.

I'm Thai. AMA.

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im not afraid of a man who uses eyeliner and Photoshop

I sometimes fuck this vietnamese chick. Compared to the brazilian, the german, the portuguese and the itialian one, she actually seems like the most reasonable one. Not the cutest, the brazil shit is like a model, but she thrives on coke and booze, so....

strupid westerner, chinese do experimental dna plastic surgery

How big are your tits?

>i'm a ladyboy
Are you even trying?

What happened to that hot prime minister chick ?

u thai bitch, u want my america fist fuck you shitting hole little thai boi?????? yeah fuck you bou

My wife

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She got overthrown in a military coup and has since fled the country. You could probably find her on LinkedIn now or something.

Attached: coup-de-whoop.jpg (409x532, 86K)

how much does your sister(male) charge to sucky fat white tourists

what did they mean by this?

fucking hell some of them are pretty big

She looks just fine on the left and her features are very definitive while still being feminine.
My ex is half Vietnamese and has a similar face as the left.