
Chief just called, and he said this is it.

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“People say, ‘Why do you always got to say that you used to be a stripper? We get it,’” she told the magazine. “Because y’all don’t respect me because of it, and y’all going to respect these strippers from now on… Just because somebody was a stripper don’t mean they don’t have no brain.”

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Am I the only one who genuinely cannot fathom how people find cardi b attractive

So it’s Oceans 8 with strippers?

Twitter screencap threads are EXTREMELY MY SHIT

>Used up whores team up and work together to take down rich cutthroat sharks on wall street

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i love how we somehow tricked women into believing that sex work is empowering

>extremely my shit
who talks like that?

Lili reinhart I hope she shows her pussy tits und ass
Tasty I would lick her vagina so much
I wonder if hairy, hope she!

i can't fathomh how anyone can enjoy her music. she genuinely sounds like a deaf person trying to speak

I hope Constance Wu gets blacked. I'll watch it for her alone.

Stupid whores

twist ending
the dudes are all into humiliation play and have payed the women to do whatever they do in the movie

i want to see what Lili's asshole looks like from the inside

I want to churn up in her guts like a bad case of food poisoning

I want to whitewash her colon like I'm preparing it for a hard winter, I want to plunge her butthole like her plumbing is clogged and I'm the only plumber in town man enough to take the job.

These are my feelings.

You talk like that in front of your mother too?

Well there goes my interest in seeing it.


Julia Stiles?


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This is the post

Is he saying that they were formerly prostitutes?

I'm not sure we tricked them, it's standard roastie cope: "All the degenerate shit I do that is making me miserable is in fact a necessary rebellion. Now to let this random faggot touch my ass if he slips me a $5."

No, you are not alone. She must've fucked someone high up on the scale to get this much attention so fast

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Yes...let's normalize sex work until that's literally all women do..

Sex robots can't come soon enough

Hollywood again celebrates the slut culture. Meanwhile absolutely no films about being a good mother nor spouse.

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Lmao this was my reaction too. Genuinely forgot she was alive, she must be 40 by now.

>Yes...let's normalize sex work until that's literally all women do..
>Sex robots can't come soon enough

I feel you bro. I'm counting down myself. This has really gotten out of control.

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She must give mindblowing head succ

Young women influenced by Black culture.

All young women want to be "influenced" by black "culture"

>2 black women
Why is "diversity" never equal?

The plot sounds like a joke. I can't even imagine a bunch of strippers trying to get together to make a plan for revenge. They aren't smart enough. The worst thing they can do is tell the wives(something they would never be) about what their husbands did. Honestly it sounds like a terrible idea. I hope Wu steps away from this project.

Grrrl power! Sex! Exploitation! Man's world!

>he thinks sex bots would ever be a reality

The second there's a robo-ho that is self cleaning women are going to cry slavery.

>women will see it because female empowerment
>men will see it hoping to see a tiddie
Watch everyone be extremely disappointment.

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Not at all. But the thing about being a female celebrity is you'll be pushed as attractive no matter what you do. Look at female athletes, aside from a few extreme outliers the "hot" ones are all 5/10s who get propped up on a pedestal for being okay.

Cardi B to me has always looked like that sad bloodhound from those old cartoons.

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>Stonetoss being right for once
A nice ass is a lot more appreciable than nice tits

CIA I hope his flight plan lists him his men und only one of you.
Loyalty I would hire his gun so much
I wonder if big guy, hope he is!

I know bro

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Well, if all women were prostitutes we wouldn't need sex robots anymore.

sick fuck

>Strip club employees
So.. strippers? Kinda pathetic that he tried tip toeing around that

Sneed Chuck

fpr me? it's remy lacroix

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They're accountants and sweepers and receptionists bro.

Female characters’ entire background is once again revolves around them being literal whores and victims

Blacks don't talk like that.
>now we cant even go a strip club without some wildin thot tryna shoot a nigga, smdh
Just like how blacks don't call people "stans," or "incels." It's faggot twitter talk from people that have no idea how blacks actually talk.

Oh fuck off alreayd you can say it about every movie about males too.

>(((weasel man)))

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They're a bit old to be high dollar strippers.

This was... unexpected. And Cardi B? Really? Can she even act?

Wh*tes never cease to amaze me.


apart from jlo and lili who the fuck wants to see them strip lmao

This is like the first time I've seen someone accurately predict how black men would react to twitter bullshit.

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What's next, will it turn out pornstars all have MIT diplomas and are just way overqualified for current job markets?

>using stonenazi to defend your shit opinion

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hell yeah strippers are totally normal bruh its JUST ANOTHER JOB, actually very empowering

so these fine gals are gonna be criminal too? this is kinda wrong, strippers are very honorable people , oh wait they re gonna steal from some wall street millionaire dudes! NOW THATS MY SHIT, its all good because they are from wallstreet and also millionaire so its ok if you rob them, this movie needs more diversity tho, like no eskimo girls? but still #SLAYQWEENZ

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really makes you think...

These movies are power fantasies for whom. Like how marvel movies are power fantasies for low-test omega men.

This is the world we live in now. Glorified whores. Explain why they like Cardi B so much. I was saying it for years. They all want to be sluts. Just hate being called one.

Wow she doesn't shave her armpits? Fucking revolutionary over here. I care very much.

>strippers being smart enough to do anything


The purge cant come soon enough

Holy BAZINGA what is this from???

I took a twitter screencap and posted it on Yea Forums! It’s like I’m on Twitter all time



>Brave, noble, powerful, amazing, sexy, incredible, independent, special

>Men that watch strippers
>Pathetic, losers, Nazis, incels, dudebrobabies, cowards, evil

I don't get it...

What did the Wall Street clients do? Wouldn't you want wealthy, white collar clients if you were a stripper? They would be preferable to Tyrone and Carlos who are much more likely to act thuggish in the club seeing as they have more to lose.

Or is this just a case of "Rich white men bad!"

The second one

holy shit, after fucking 25 years will I finally get even a brief shot of Jennifer Lopez's ass naked?!

Back when backpage was still around it was funny how 50% of escorts flat out said no black men, and they only wanted older "gentlemen" white guys.

Women in general aren't better than professional whores.

But didn't we actually support the occupy wall street movement? Wasn't the whole fucking SJW movement made mainstream by wall street financing as a way to divide and destroy them?

Who is this Cardi B you keep talking about? Never heard of her

It's funny that these actors are probably more wealthy than most wall street workers

but I guess stripping good and making honest living doing a white collar job bad

>y’all going to respect these strippers from now on

News flash user, women dont actually know what cause they are for or against, they just follow like attention and follow anything that's trending atm

Don't forget about being against what some man said just because it shows they are strong and independent

This shit literally made me frown. I visit the strip club every night and find this movie offensive. They should be happy I pay money to see them shake their asses and fuck their holes with beer bottles on my say-so. I swear tomorrow night I'm going to pay a bitch to beat her ass, closed hand. Don't they realize a large percentage of their patrons are psychopaths? I'm gonna make them fucking feel it. It's been so long since I thrashed a dumb cunt.

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Sounds like an absolute diarrhea attempt to make Gale from Sin City but a bad movie written by a retard and strictly for fags instead of a character in a good one.

Based methed-up poo

Jennifer Lopez was an old whore twenty years ago

>Jenny from the block

It's sad the level the whores will go to to stay relevant. I wonder would she co sign her daughters being sex workers or pole dancers.


Everything from her appearance,to voice,to personality is disgusting

she's legit ugly.

it never will be because it's done for a pat on the back.

So we went from "you can't slut-shame" to elevating sluts to some sort of dignified status. And yeah rich corporate fucks are the bad guys.
How much more leftist liberal bullshit can it get

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Is Constance her real name? Or is it one of those poor choice of names that chinese students call themselves like Doreen, Margaret, or Gladys?

All women are prostitutes yet I still can't get laid

It’s black gay talk. Still black.

At first this post made me laugh, but then it genuinely disturbed me. Theres something about this that makes me believe this isn't just edgelord posting. Get help dude

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>take down their wall street clients
and the left's war on jews reaches ever absurd heights
who okayed this piece of anti-semitic filth?

you're being ironic, right?

Have (violent) sex (with a stripper)

get a load of travis bickle over here

not at all
wall street is predominately jewish bankers going about their daily business, banking, which benefits the entire nation with no thought to their own benefit
without the federal reserve and the bank that backs it, there would be no economy
this film promotes violence against these ordinary citizens plying their humble trade and implies that "taking them down" is a virtuous act
it's monstrous and indicates just the sort of rhetoric that's permissible these days
look at the Ilhan Omar debacle in congress right now and how the democrat party and their sycophants are doing nothing to stop it
this "wieselman" really should know better
i'm sure that he'll get a right tongue lashing by his parents next month during passover
truly disgusting

>Just because somebody was a stripper don’t mean they don’t have no brain.
A rarely seen triple negative

Why are liberals trying so hard to make sex work a dignified profession?

How about they team up to take on Hollywood Jewish producers like Weinstein? or would Wieselman have a problem with that?

No Jarrett, they still won't sleep with you.

Holy Nigger, go back to RetrannyEra and Twatter

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people with big dick energy

>Cardi B
The same woman who shoved a beer bottle in her pussy?

This movie, Twitter, female sexual liberation and the vapid sluts that run rampant around the globe today are EXTREMELY SHIT.

He's always right

10/10, you rarely see quality bait like this anymore

Did you get lost in your way to the chapohouse?

>name is literally weasel mann

Not even /pol/ could make that up

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That’s the most asian American person I’ve ever seen.

In her defense it is reasonable for a female to be bitter about being castigated for not constantly having bald armpits/legs, not that hairy women arent disgusting.

i want to marry Constance Wu! i really hope she doesn’t play a stripper. I love my wife, but let’s be honest here fellas, she ain’t got a lot of uh, “junk in the trunk” if you catch my drift. hehe

>every single one of those women is richer than your while family tree
Seething incels

I shaved my armpits just two days ago, because hairy armpits are disgusting. I'll castigate men for it too

I don't understand what a carbi b is.

>strip club employees
Just call them strippers.

Ex strip turned rapper, soon to be bankrupt.
See: bragging about buying a rapidly depreciating maintenance pit Lamborghini ‘straight cash’.

I don't talk to my mother since the incident