ITT: characters who ruined their show or movie

ITT: characters who ruined their show or movie

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Never forget. Never forgive.

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this fucking nigger ruined the second half of of S04 Fear the Walking Dead

everybody, armed and presumably cautious after living in the zombie apocalypse for 3+ years is helpless against a fucking homeless nigger with a rake

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>show is trash
>20 seasons, no threat of cancellation
>show is great
>cancelled after 2 seasons if it's lucky
I fucking hate Hollywood so god damn much.

He cute.

>what I like is great
>what I don't like is trash

She should have never existed.

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I love her, but she was worse than the ending

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I know he was raised in a demon dimension by a crazy man, but he still did some seriously stupid shit
He and possessed Cordelia were so annoying

Shut the fuck up faggot he's right, there are a fucking assload of great shows cancelled after 2-3 seasons while this puddle of dog vomit limps on like a zombie for 20.
Go fuck yourself queer.

>bawwww stop liking what I don't like bawwww
tranny faggot

What show is this?

Why in the cunt fuck did they canceled Firefly again? Wasn't the show like, reaaly popular while it was airing? Wtf happened?

Basilone = Ack Ack > Snafu > Sledge > Shit > Leckie

because it sucked ass and Summer Glau is repulsive

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you suck ass and you are repulsive

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Joss Weadon had a small cult following loud and annoying enough to convince itself that his shows were genuinely popular and well-liked.

>I lost the argument like a bitch: the post.

>unable to refute truth
>smokescreen instead
s m h

>the king ordered it