China thinks Larson is too ugly

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Other urls found in this thread:

She's not ugly on the outside but she is very ugly on the inside.

Captain fungus

What is bree larson's preferred sexual position, /tv?

so true. it's all about how you feel on the inside. If you're a genuinely sweet and kind person it can bump you up several attractive points, and if you're a 10/10 with a horrible bitchy attitude it can bring you down to a 5/10

not attractive enough =! too ugly

based chinks going to save capeshit for the rest of us

Based and Dahlpilled

im really wondering who wanted captain marvel in this "cinematic universe". every movie before was done with a purpose all leading to the avengers movies which allowed their audience to get used to the characters and grow with them. pulling this cunt out of the woodwork, making her overpowered and tied to fury, and thrusting her into the thanos arc makes zero sense from a film/literary/financial perspective.

its like bvs introducing everyone at the same time, it falls flat if you dont write the characters really well.

Brie looks like she ordered a Double Ristretto Venti Half-Onions Nonfat Decaf Organic Chocolate Brownie Iced Vanilla Double-Shot Gingerbread Frappuccino Extra Hot With Foam Whipped Cream Upside Down Double Blended, One Sweet'N Low and One Nutrasweet, and Ice and got a Double Ristretto Venti Half-Onions Nonfat Decaf Organic Chocolate Brownie Iced Vanilla Double-Shot Gingerbread Frappuccino Extra Hot With Foam Whipped Cream Upside Down Double Blended, One cane sugar and One Nutrasweet, and Ice

whether or not i agree is irrelevant. the fact is i dont give a fuck what china has to say about anything

>that feel when 1.5 billion people think you are too ugly and would rather fuck Tom holland and a cat

China says this about everybody. They have stupid high standards.

They have sex, there are billions of Chinese people

I'm an obese piece of shit with an above average face and i've fucked hotter women than brie larson. there's no excuse for how average she looks.

DCEU is trash but at least they cast attractive women.

how dare they pass up this aryan goddess

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>Brie looks like she ordered a Double Ristretto Venti Half-Onions Nonfat Decaf Organic Chocolate Brownie Iced Vanilla Double-Shot Gingerbread Frappuccino Extra Hot With Foam Whipped Cream Upside Down Double Blended, One Sweet'N Low and One Nutrasweet, and Ice and got a Double Ristretto Venti Half-Onions Nonfat Decaf Organic Chocolate Brownie Iced Vanilla Double-Shot Gingerbread Frappuccino Extra Hot With Foam Whipped Cream Upside Down Double Blended, One cane sugar and One Nutrasweet, and Ice

Actually she looks like she ordered a Double Ristretto Venti Half-Onions Nonfat Decaf Organic Chocolate Brownie Iced Vanilla Double-Shot Gingerbread Frappuccino Extra Hot With Foam Whipped Cream Upside Down Double Blended, One Sweet'N Low and One Nutrasweet, and Ice and got a Double Ristretto Venti Half-Onions Nonfat Decaf Organic Chocolate Brownie Iced Vanilla Double-Shot Gingerbread Frappuccino Extra Hot With Foam Whipped Cream Upside Down Double Blended, One cane sugar and One Nutrasweet, and Ice, but they used 1% instead of non-fat, and she demands to talk to the manager

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China doesn't want to see her 'gina

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As if Brie wasn't dead inside enough.
There's nothing worse you can tell a girl than saying that she is not good looking.
Even feminists try to make you tell them that they are pretty.
I almost feel bad for her.

Why the FUCK didn't they cast Debicki as Carol?

>ocular rape text

They couldn't properly frame her with any of the other avengers.


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Who cares, she's ideal for it. Tall and frigid without being am uppity snooty cunt like B*ie.

She's ugly
She's just...has no real features to determine attractiveness.

Nah she's ugly on the outside too. Not surprised a tranny think's Brie is pretty.

There are people who consider this attractive.

Wtf is going on this thread? She is pretty as fuck, like most hollywood actresses are. None of you fat idiots would get a girl that would be 0.0001% as pretty as she is lol

Brie, please.

This image literally looks like someone put their female manager in a movie.

Ugly from the ankles down too

This just reinforces my theory that trannies love her because she's the first hon marvel star.


Have sex.

why does Bre Larson lives rent free in almost all of Yea Forums heads?

I sometimes do, and never with anyone better looking than that woman. 1 bad feet pic doesn't ruin the fact she's gorgeous. Y'all blind


based chinaman

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you can unironically get a sugarbaby that is much hotter and probably a decade younger than her for a few hundred bucks a week.

Trannies crawl back to your dumpsters of rejected surgical parts.

they needed a huge tax write off
black panther worked
this time they chose le xd womyn to do it

sad nig and cunts get played by jews so easily

No, those are troglodytes.

they are right

>Larson is too ugly

In comics the heroines are muscular, fat ass, big tits and Grace Kelly face

Yes, shit casting
And Disney keep doing it with Black Widow movie

Disinterested handjobs. Actually, that would be kind of hot

I think the world will never see a super heroine with this body of work again

Thank the Onions Boys, Feminazi and SJW for this

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i would have loved for CM to look this this version. She seems like a bro in every piece of comic book art i see.

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>tfw we didn't get this smile

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is this a cropped frame from the ring?

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Captain Marvel is a character without a soul, dead inside
It is a character created by Disney order to have its Wonder Woman in the MCU
Ms Marvel was a character with more personality and charisma

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China and I finally have something in common.

a-any more in that outfit?

God, I can't wait for Asians to rescue us this from this neverending multiculti nightmare. I don't even care if they strip me of my belongings and put me in some reeducation list. As long as they separate me from the brainless animals, we're good.


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You have to look away from her, because otherwise it's eye rape.

Anything done by a black man.

it's probably this


Lmao ybois be butthurt

Ever smell a Whitehall woman? I don't blame them.

So her mom really did whore her out.

true they did have the big fox deal coming

Based China tells it like it is. No SJWs in China to force people to say untrue things like "Brie Larson is attractive. I love trannies."


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why was he so based

...Isn't this just Phrenology?

Missionary I hope.

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Getting fucked by a black guy, doggy style, while you watch through the cracked door of the bedroom closet, masturbating and ruminating on your White Male Privilege.

>pretty as fuck
Come on now, dude. She has the kind of face where a good personality does it a favor. She isn't Natalie Portman who's a cunt but pretty anyway.

no, phrenology is reading what a person's personality and tendencies are by looking at bumps on their head.

And this is reading what a person's personality and tendencies are by looking at their facial features. From a Reductavist standpoint, facial features could very easily be described as essentially "bumps on your head".

There may be some actual science to this.

This may explain why SJW's are consistently so fucking ugly.
Even when they start out as normal people, there have actually been cases of normal-looking and even attractive people degenerating into harpy-like abominations after a mere two or three years of Bluepilling.

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The ultimate dahlpill

Tell me honestly that she doesn't look like Joseph Gordon Levitt.

There is a thing called histrionic personality disorder, look it up. You might say it's the academics' term for compulsive drama queens. I am quite convinced that Wu is saying the most retardedly outragous shit for no other real purpose than to get attention and cause a ruckus. Modern leftist identity politics are tailor made for that type of person and modern social media is heavily incentivised to let that type of person run wild. A hundred years ago Wu would have merely annoyed his immediate social circle. But now he and his ilk are actively encouraged to shit all over the national discourse.

I think the the biggest blind spot in Western politics for the last several years has been in regards to the personality/character of individuals. The last group to focus on that kind of thing was the christian fundamentalists, and they got BTFO'd.
While the capitalists and commies fight over what system to use, no one addresses whether or not political leadership is sufficiently suited to properly implement those systems. The rhetoric of "inclusion" arguably vilifies it. But what good is the highest-tech nuclear sub, if a monkey's at the helm?

Naturally, the dregs of society fill the gap. The most extreme case being the alt-right's "race realism," all the way to Jordan Peterson daring to say people have immutable personalities. You're a nazi either way tho.

>sad nig and cunts get played by jews so easily
Wow, it's like you don't see how hilariously stupid and hypocritical your bias is.

>Wow, it's like you don't see how hilariously stupid and hypocritical your bias is.
Fun fact: you can take any 3 consecutive words from that sentence and it'll still sound faggy no matter which ones you choose

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>your sentence is faggy
Hey good one. What sexual orientation is this fuck you?

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I remember really taking this to heart as a kid and trying my hardest not to think negatively

no it's basically talking about the jolly fat person stereotype, and saying that ugly people need to put extra effort in to look happy and approachable.

I remember when everyone was shitting on Gal Gadot’s lack of curves but she actually managed to put on some weight and was charismatic as fuck that it hides her acting ability. Captain Fungus has an Oscar and purportedly deadlifts 2 plates but she’s flat as a board and can’t act.

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Yeah, it was a bog standard, slightly below average film like the first Thor movie or Wonder Woman, but her abject cuntiness lowered it an extra point (while Chris and Gal's charmingness raised their movies up a point)

that just makes her look like a kpop idol :^)

>What sexual orientation is this? fuck you
>What sexual orientation is this fuck, you?
>What? sexual orientation. Is this fuck you?
>What sexual orientation? Is this fuck? you?
Which one did he mean

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how long ago was this

>can’t act
have you seen the film she won an oscar for?

I think Brie Larson is cute. And she seems like a cool person.

Black bull breeding

But she is cute

>seems like a cool person
Objectively false, if you see her little shitfit speech where she unloads about not caring about what (((white))) (((male))) critics say, while simultaneously acknowledging that she would be no where without said critics.

She's fucking nuts, m8e.

sounds like a selective memory case, gadot is still shit

Why do you guys disguise your love toward Brie? She is cute enough to attract everyone.


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Guys, I can't do it anymore. I literally have lost all my willpower...I want Brie...I literally am in love. I don't care about her feet those can be covered, I just want to embrace her and love her forever. She's so sexy, even the dumb stupid faces she makes in Captain Marvel turn me on so much, just to touch her shoulder would make me happy.

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Turns out that living in a literal Communist Dystopia for your entire life is a pretty fast track to getting fucking Redpilled.

Have you not watched Alita or something doober? There's no going back once that pill is taken

You may pick only one.

I did watch Alita and she's so cute but Brie is so real...I am choking but the Brie pill is going down.

>"I-I-It's not REAL Communism though....."

It never is with you fuckin' people.

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The fungus has taken you brother, digits confirm there is no escape

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chinks opinions are at least better than jewish ones

Awesome cope.

Define communism. China isn't even fake communist. It's straight fucking libertarian with some random authoritarianism.

Communism is a failure. Mao's china was communist. Xi's is not. It's not an issue of pedantry, no true scotsman, or semantics. It's just unequivocally not communism, just like how the democratic people's republic of korea is not a democracy.



Dirty knees

Look at these....

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When you lost the footfags, you KNOW it's bad!

communism is just an evil strawman for americans who have been taught for half a century that it's the greatest evil, and anything even vaguely to the left of a laizze fairre, completely unregulated free market, is communism, and evil.
It's not a literal or specific thing to them, it's just a boogey man.

Never mind that actual communism is a terrible idea and that by labelling any kind of slightly more to the left social democracy like most of the western world, or authoritarian free market like china as communism, makes communism appealing for americans on the left, who also have no idea what it actually is.

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no wonder
asians are pedophiles

Capitalism has failed every time it's been tried.

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I just vomited up my tutti fuckin fruity.

Is this a shop? Ballet dancers have less fucked up feet.

CIA occasionally crashing a plane is peanuts to literally millions of people dying for no reason. Family is Russian, we all hate fucking commies here

Yeah that's the funny thing. While capitalists fund death squads to kill rural families and their kids or bomb hospitals and schools with drones, communists were killing landlords and literal slave owners. While capitalism's murders are NEVER justified, because they're always committed to make someone money, communists at least sometimes kill rich cunts and monsters.

>CIA occasionally crashing a plane is peanuts to literally millions of people dying for no reason
You mean like in the Middle East? Or all of tropical America?

>Family is Russian, we all hate fucking commies here
Is that a fact?

>Ever since the fall of the Soviet Union and the Socialist Bloc, annual polling by the Levada Center has shown that over 50 percent of Russia's population lamented its collapse, with the only exception to this being in the year 2012 when support for the Soviet Union dipped below 50 percent. A 2018 poll showed that 66% of Russians regretted the fall of the Soviet Union, setting a 15-year record. The majority were people older than 55.

Hmm that's odd.

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Russians are alcoholic retards.

And you all take the polls for face value? Even burger polls are completely fucked up let alone Russian ones

Kek. This babe insulted white boiz so much that now she gets hated by A-boiz ... This explains that this film makes so much money because of Samuel. A dude needs to be Captain Marvel in the sequel YOO !!!

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>When Russians agree with me: "Trust these people, they lived through communism!"
>When Russians disagree with me: "Russians are stupid alkie retards. Ignore them!"

Defund the CIA.

>hop in tranny dude

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do americans really think that china is a communist country? is he just pretending?

americans think half the democratic party are communists

American politics is a special breed of retarded. Wherever you are, thank christ you don't live here. It's fucking insufferable. It's like trying to get a painting commissioned when every single artist you find refuses to stop calling orange blue and eats half their art supplies.

no it's the opposite, its assuming their physical appearance from their suspected thought patterns.

>thanks to Captain Marvel, THIS will be the physique women will aspire to

This was Brie's workout, by the way.

just makes me laugh the idea that in the future, capeshit casting directors will start looking at feet attractiveness as a metric

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I AM the russians you dookie

No, you are RussiaN (1), if you're even Russian at all. It's about 10000% more likely you're just a shithead plant.


>She's not ugly on the outside

I will translate your post into russian phonetically.
>net, te ne ruskie (1), yesley te vapshe ruskie.. garasda bolshe chance shto te rastenia s galoavoyu' gavno

Based and chinkpilled

capitalism ftw
I just want all the good shit in life without having some faggot governmentnigger harassing me for not staying loyal to the party

I literally fell in love with Brie Larson. It's sad that i can not marry her

>te rastenia s galoavoyu' gavno

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Anal doggystyle, with hairpulling. Like all smug harpies, she probably loves to be dominated in bed

Doggystyle. Cowgirl. Any position that doesn't show her face.

I'd let her give me a footjob with those desu, they look massive and I feel like she'd be skilled at it

I mean.....they are paying to seeing these movies and Brie isn't that spectacular. Im not saying she's ugly, Im just saying she's not super sexy or eyecatching. Hollywood usually shows that off in films, like amber heard in aquman.

Brie is awesome. As an Indian dude she's pretty enough for me
Sorry chinks real men prefer women not anime lolis

Raw-dogged anal from behind if your a black guy, with lots of hair pulling, slapping etc

Disinterested handjob while she's on the phone if your a white guy

She already plays a character in guardians?

Take the Dahlpill

Meaningless. If you meant the Japanese, then yeah. But Japan is like the West in that it is constantly losing influence.

The real tastemakers are going to be the newest, most arrogant and cynical litter of bourgeois upstarts in the world

Oscar award = sucking the cock of Harvey Weinstein. Let's not kid ourselves

What about Mahershala Ali? He can really act. Doubt he sucked anyone off.

Nah they should consider Emily Blunt

>10 BILLION fucking articles talking about how problematic & terrible white male incels are for their views
>Barely fucking any about the Chinese, they get a pass

>dude its just a boogieman lol

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>Capitalism has failed every time it's been tried.

>Every single First-World Power and nearly every Second-World Power is Capitalist and most have been since their start


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>btw everyone i dont like is an "ENEMY OF THE REVOLUTION"

That is good rightthink, comrade.
+20 points have been added to your social profile.

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>dude they revere Marx-Leninism and organize their entire government around it and they literally have the hammer & sickle on their national flag but they're NOT communists!

At what fucking point do we ignore that something is walking like a duck, quacking like a duck, acting like a duck and telling you outright that it is, in fact, a duck?

How specific does shit need to get before you pedants shut up?
Fine, even if they're technically not a "Communist" system then they are invariably incorporating Communist elements into their structure.

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>A Chink has the all-time high score
Color me surprised.

>Capitalism has failed every time it's been tried.

>Literally created the entire Modern World, including the technology you're currently using to shitpost

Let me guess: You're one of those inbred-looking suburbanite millennials with "FUCK CAPITALISM" written on your iPhone 10 case?

She is still an anorexic rat faced cunt.

He's gay. He definitely slept his way.
>He can really act.

Not only china, OP.


Amerifats have the most accurate surnames

t. ignorant Europhile that wants American politics to resemble Europe: i.e. a choice between a party that wants Muslim immigrants put in jail after their FIFTH rape, and a party that thinks Muslims committing rape shouldn't even be a crime.

the modern world sucks and tecnology already existed before capitalism and the industrial revolution

go back to school amerifat

>Never mind that actual communism is a terrible idea
It's like you didn't even read my post, and even while complaining about false strawmen, you are literally getting triggered by a strawman which you have constructed.

>its assuming their physical appearance

You don't "assume" someone's physical appearance in real-life. You never have to. You can fucking SEE what someone looks like.

>poo in the loo refers to himself as a "real man"

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>Everybody on the Internet is a Russian troll!
>...Except for the people actually claiming to be Russians! They're non-Russian plants!

The Leftist mind-set is a baffling and scary thing sometimes.

Enjoy catching her toenail fungus on your pecker faget.

>newest, most arrogant and cynical litter of bourgeois upstarts in the world
That would be the Chinese, you unread peasant.

>the modern world sucks

He said, while enjoying vaccines, democracy, and the Internet. All simultaneously.

God dammit. I went through the entire thing, three words at a time, and you’re absolutely right. What a cocksucker.

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Democracy is shit and so are vaccines. Internet is alright

>tecnology already existed before capitalism and the industrial revolution

Not the technology you're using to shitpost, you fucking brainlet.

And you're also demonstrably wrong no matter what "technology" you mention.
Capitalism as a practice fucking predates economic theory itself and is as old as fucking trade an unit-based money itself, i.e. roughly 15,000 BC.
So unless the technology you were going to mention was a fucking club made out of mammoth bones you would STILL be demonstrably wrong.

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Is that why they gave the movie:
China Disney 3/8/19 $86,376,752 65.5% $131,897,761

She's pro toilet witch you know. She is fighting to raise the minimum toilet witch salary and allowing them to take more people into the depths.

If Communism is an objectively terrible and as such presents a legitimate threat then it's not a "boogieman" you fucking mental midget.

>*dies of Cholera*

Kills don't count if the thing you're killing isn't white.

at least read wikipedia amerifat:

globohomos are a recent thing, commerce is not the same than capitalism

>tfw in the past years I've become more and more bitter and mean, to the point of deliberately sending away most of my friends, only keeping the gf and one or two friends around
>at the same time in looking better than ever

It's almost as if my foul energies are feeding me. I looked like shit when I was a good boy in my teens.

>you can have a wonky nose and crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth and you will always look lovely
the precursor to body-positivity movement

Your dick would be permanently unusable the next morning.

Any man who has more than a handful of friends after 25 isn't a real man and probably watches The Walking Dead while his wife's son kicks his ass. Business partners and co-workers aren't friends, and by that point in life you should have put enough friends in the ground that you don't care to make new ones. Wife, kids, dogs, two or three buddies you talk sports and drink with, and Jesus Christ are the only friends a real man needs.



It also becomes incredibly exhausting to go through the whole "getting to know one another" shit necessary for any kind of "real" friendship again & again, especially as you age & there gets to be more & more & more to it.
Eventually you just stop giving a shit about it altogether.

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I just hang out with the lads my bird meets on tinder and brings home with her. Simple as that they are there for a few hours and we watch some footy and have a pint or two then they do their business and farewell.

The Amazon

That's the history of Capitalism as an ECONOMIC THEORY, not as a practice, faggot.

Learn to read.

>those fucking income numbers
Extinction please.

and coincidentially we're talking about that very thing

go kys bootlicker, the revolution won't be kind on the likes of oyu

Have Sex

We literally live in a fucking Clown World. Fuck the whiteknights, fuck the e-girls, and fuck the king. Fuck them all, I want to get off of this Clown World

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It is objectively terrible, but it's not a legitimate threat to American society, and it never has been. And the widespread notion in America, of what it actually is, is a boogieman. A shift to the left, to put America more politically inline with most of Europe, Australia and New Zealand is not 'communism' and nor are any of those countries at risk of becoming communist.

Even Marx never envisioned that a communist revolution would be feasable in America, because the society and economy are too stable and prosperous. Basically the pre-conditions for communism, and what was the case in China, Russia, Vietnam, etc, were a totally fucked society with a totally fucked economy. Otherwise people are just too complacent for a revolution.

who are you going to borrow an engine lift, an air compressor, a welder, plumbing rods, etc, those sorts of things from?

so is the 700k assuming all 7k backers are picking the most expensive option? and not just backing $1? either way pateron was a mistake

lol why exactly does it matter if a fool and his money are parted?

>A shift to the left, to put America more politically inline with most of Europe
This is a shit move regardless of whether it'd be communistic or not.

700k a month for doing fucking nothing is shit. It's just shit, period. It's a sign of the end.

If you think my income should be siphoned for communal use then you're a commie nigger.

Not the point.
What the right in America has been doing, for half a century, is labeling any such shift as 'communism' to fear monger against it. And it is such a cancerous lie, that even many in the American left have started mis-labelling their own not-communism views as either communism or socialism, because of it, and having a positive impression of communism and socialism, because they have had the right throwing it at what they're actually doing for decades.

It's an intentional misuse of language for propoganda purposes, which has spun so far out of control that now the lie is prevalant in the public discourse and hardly anyone any longer understands what things are and what words mean and it's necessary to further propogate falsehoods to be understood and even still both sides will routinely return to actualy definitions, or alternate lies, when it's convenient for them.

The effect is that regular people don't understand politics and are manipulated against their interests.

my brain tells me that you must be joking but i don't trust my brain to gauge the limits of some people's stupidity

Is a faggot still a bundle of sticks, or do words change when we use them differently?

I'm saying that the meaning of Communism and Socialism in American discourse has actually changed from its original meaning, and the meaning understood by most of the rest of the world.

But that's not a good thing.

>history of capitalism
>written by a 19 year old communist studying gender studies

And? If I point to a thing and you point to a thing and we both call it a duck, then what's the problem?

dress up as a tranny yourself and larp as a commie
or get a trio of dimwitted girls and whore them out on patreon and take a chunk of their income
nothing's stopping you losers from minting big bux sitting on your bed.

who cares you pinko rat, go to Cuba if you love it so much. Fucking Redditor cunt

For example, you might give examples of the evils of actual socialism, or communism, to discount democratic party policy to raise taxes slightly.
If both are 'socialism' or 'communism'.
But at the same time, people on the left, who are just as much still stupid Americans, will see that what they believe is 'socialism' or 'communism' is good, and so retrospectively they'll develop an appreciation for actual socialism and communism.
And that appreciation might actually bleed through into what they think and into what happens to your country.

So instead of having just slightly more to the left moderates, like in most first world countries, now you have a left, which is actually still to the right of the mainstream in many other first world countries, but which idolises communist tyrants.

It's not good.

Does truth have no value to you?

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>dyke hair
Ewww no

what the fuck is wrong with pinkos

I suppose anyone's pretty enough when you live in a nation with Abo tier women.

>"communism is a terrible idea"

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She’s still a skelly kike

Doc we got a serious fungal infection here

Oh I see what you're getting at. Its a lazy rhetoric trick, like slapping the label nazi on everything. Fair enough.

You're still a thieving nigger for trying to siphon my income though.

You're also reducing complex political issues, to a simple morality tale of good vs evil

Which is so common, and so dangerous, because it means people don't think, and their unfounded self belief and self righteousness becomes infinite.

I’ve always wondered if foot fetishists liked large feet.

Didn’t think my question would be answered

>Great Yorkshire Show
Tha's got t'ave gud duks t'win theyer, gud on thi lad

Is that supposed to make her look ugly?

Is that what most Japanese women look like? How horrific.

Yeah, and I see how it is effective. So I do understand why, If Schlomo Goldstein doesn't want slightly higher corporate taxes, or a higher capital gains tax, he'll get his Republican fluffers to call it 'communism' and people who don't understand what he's even trying to stop will get riled up and support him.

Fair play to Schlomo.

But there are a whole host of unintended consequences.

>China thinks Larson is too ugly

Can't say I agree with that.

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Personally I blame democracy. If the retards couldn't vote, there wouldn't be any incentive to (((convince))) them.

t. Brie

democracy is the true evil desu

>Every single First-World Power and nearly every Second-World Power is Capitalist and most have been since their start
China is communist my senpai

No it isn't. Its a capitalist country larping with communist insignia. Hell, its probably more free market than most of the west.

Regardless of whether China is communist or not Brie Larson is a pretty woman

based chinks, i cant wait until china completely replaces the USA

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how about without makeup, brie?

The wealth disparity between the rich and the poor is verrry similar in China and America.

The wealth of the richest 10% is on average 21 times that of the poorest 10% in China. It's 19 times in the US. For the top and bottom 20%, it's 9.2 times for China & 9.4 times for America.

>You hope hatred might someday replace the pain, but it never goes away. It makes a man hideous, inside and out. Wouldn't you agree?

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even the ass doesn't even

they should've released avengers:endgame first

everything has been a sign of 'the end' since the beginning
you're just bitter you're not getting money for having a vagina

I am okay with this

I am Chinese. I live in China.
Do you like this actress?
In China she is no person. Very ugly. She is dog. No one likes her.
This is means you American are bad for put her into many movies?

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Honestly not even a problem if the rich are culturally similar to their people. Problem is in the US that our (((elites))) are actively hostile to the people they're supposed to rule over.

Brie is objectively the hottest woman in the MCU outside of Colbie Smulders and Elizabeth Debicki.

that's some nice old pasta you got there

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They could have chosen almost anyone aside from Larson. Even the obnoxious cunt from Westworld would have been fine.

Absolute meme exercises. Basically crossfit.

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virgins from /pol are still ass-mad about being shown up as weak power-less faggots when brie's movie made 800 million dollars


why not just hire gal gadot and bleach her hair

>Chinese calling someone ugly
I don't like this bitch either, but lmao have they looked at them selves

Brie, we know it's you. Don't be afraid of the truth.

Now I want to see her to be DP'd

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it's ok Brie, I'd still fuck you

that's why they're not in movies
they don't cast ugly people
for some reason brie is a 2/10 in a major motion picture

good goy!

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>t. reddit macroimage
Yikes oof thats gonna be a cringe from me dawg.

Whoa, dude! That's their UNDERWEAR. That's what sex looks like!

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dios mio

You need cancer to diagnose cancer.
t. Chinaman

>DCEU is trash but at least they cast attractive women.

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>Ugh... Becky, give me my lipstick back

Except there is nothing hotter than a sweet innocent looking girl who's actually a psychopathic bitch

>China isn't even fake communist

China doesn't even have private ownership of land so it's not capitalism either.

>implying Stalin killed more than Hitler

That's (((CIA))) propaganda.

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You need a shovel to take all that make up off.

dude but good movie that actually MADE money and didnt fake it

Ah to be 59 years old, what a lovely existence that must be

kys ivan

But those people are awful people inside and out.

You may think so dude, but people are better at spotting bitterness in people's eyes and mannerisms than you think

That's like saying "not enough to the right" doesn't mean the same as "too far to the left."

>wanting the neo-liberal captain marvel
>and not the confident woman, ms marvel

Attached: msmarvel.png (608x912, 1.01M)

i dont want to hear about this movie or any cape shit for the rest of my life. who is with me? what can be done about it. have you heard of that site called REDDIT, some third party did a thing called RES reddit enhancement suite where you have more control, more info on your usage of the site... i would like a 4chES where i could filter out certain key words and maybe images to block threads... it's either that or i stop coming to /tv because this shit wont be contained any time sooon isnt it

>shit on movie with woman lead
>take more reasonable, possibly alternative stance later and pretend like the same thing wouldn't happen
you're cute sometimes Yea Forums

She’s not ugly but not really movie pretty. Looks like a normal 6-7/10 at best. In Hollywood California world she’s like a 5. Compared to scar jo she’s trash which is sad because Bri is younger. Can’t say I care because I’ve never given a shit about obscure marvel characters. China doesn’t have sjw culture so are we really surprised?

shut up idiot this is a superhero board

>A literal rectangled face
>literally NO ASS

She's also a shit actress so I don't get why she's famous, must be good at sucking dick or something

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Give it time she'll look more attractive to you
Attainability is a little attractive too
But I largely agree with you - she's definitely not ugly.

65 you mean

>Somewhat valid point only by virtue of being largely subjective
>sucks dick
You've said barely anything substantive

>She's also a shit actress
>hasn't seen Room
Not surprised, Yea Forums watches nothing but capeshit.

>be Disney
>in talks with Fox for decades about acquisition
>Captain Marvel due for release in a few months
>get close to striking a deal to acquire Fox
>deal will mostly be paid in shares in Disney stock
>deal will finalize after Captain Marvel release
>can't have Captain Marvel bomb, which would reduce Disney's stock value
>movie is projected to not do too well, especially in China
>can't bomb
>send employees to buy out entire Captain Marvel showings around the nation
>Captain Marvel becomes 6th most profitable release in movie history
>but numerous reports of empty or near empty "sold out" showings for Captain Marvel
>Fox thinks these numbers are legit, finalizes the deal
>movie tanks in China
>Disney shares drop slightly
>Fox gets fucked over
>The Mouse gets away with it

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Scar jo is 5 years older and looks more feminine and more like carol. Bri by herself is fine but if you compare her to someone actually pretty then Bri looks much worse. China is wrong that she’s ugly but she’s def not hot.

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>watches nothing but capeshit
only brie haters really
people outside of brie haters know she's excellent

They are both more oligarch republics with some free market. There is no true capitalist society or no true communist society and nor should there be.

>definitely not hot
But our minds are stupid and they play tricks on us
tricks like
>average woman next to an attractive one
>look at them for long enough
>attractive woman becomes more like the norm (because you look at her more often)
>average woman looks ugly because your norm changes
Also that blue eyeliner shit in Brie's photo isn't doing her any favours imo.

>its probably more free market than most of the west.
>China's 12 biggest companies are state owned

>She seems like a bro in every piece of comic book art i see.
that's just the impression they want to give you, that she's inspiring and nice
but she's a bitch

He did lol


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was this before she swallowed a bottle of blue pills?

imagine being not just the champion, but the supreme champion
>truly the goat

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That's one damn fine looking duck. Quack quack little guy.

Her attempts to break it into the music industry is a obvious sign.

no way, Scarlett looks like a man

>None of you fat idiots would get a girl that would be 0.0001% as pretty as she is lol
and that invalidates our opinion on her attractiveness because?

that's a big camel toe

you know things are REALLY FUCKED when even a billion+ insects think the bitch has no soul.

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>t. virgin

That's a common story for most child/teen stars. Greedy parents pimping out their kids and turning the blind eye if and when slimy producers do their thing.
It really isn't a wonder those who break to be a adult stars as well end up being so fucked.

and yet she hates her dad

>She's not ugly on the outside but she is very ugly on the inside.

And it seeps out of her feet!!!FACT!!!

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Wouldn't if your father wouldn't do anything to stop it?

She's unattractive in any regard. Utterly undeserved smugness and her fake tits throw her completely off-balance. She's a 2, 3/10 on her best day.

Not like dis

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Here is a mug shot of Brie Larson

Say something nice about her

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The woman on the left. One of the most beloved female characters in cinema history (played by one of the most respected actresses of the last 40 years) who is strong, intelligent, determined and succeeds because of her perseverance and yet still feminine while able to command authority by using logic and reason. She has a cat. Same thing could be applied to Clarice Starling in The Silence of the Lambs, except for the cat, although Jodie Foster does like pussy.

The woman on the right. A slithering cunt, played by a sociopathic narcissistic fungi breeding greaseball, being forced upon the public as a feminist icon and shilled by a corporation who is silencing critics while using misguided political activists to promote their product and attack anyone who see's through their agenda. She also has a cat.

Finally, When some feminazi and/or one of their SJW white guilt numale closet faggot lapdogs calls you an "INCEL", it's because women are nothing more than three holes which is why even the ugliest, fattest, poorest amongst them can get laid whenever they like. Withholding sex from men is the only power they have. Without that they have nothing and are nothing!

And the so-called "men" who use the word are even worse because they're virtue signaling numale cucks who think that they'll get some of that sweet college/university hipster chick pussy when those women will be fucking Chad Thundercock and only settle for them once they're looking to nest with a beta orbiter provider after they're done riding the cock carousel!!!FACT!!!

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People who can barely see and they even they know she's ugly as fuck.

>but she actually managed to put on some weight


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Calling out incels is semi-justified. The misery of inceldom clouds a person's perception of reality and discussion becomes worthless in many cases. Problem is, they started overdoing it, calling everyone who doesn't eat their shit up 'incel', making it the 'nazi' of 2018/19. Especially funny who those people are, that are abusing it.

Disney killed the last female progressive character they have

>Calling out incels is semi-justified.

Sure if it's fat fedora tipping katana wielding neckbeards but it's feminazi's and their Numale cucks who throw the term at ANYONE who doesn't like having politics shoved into their popcorn movies!!!FACT!!!

She's so fucking average my ex is model tier compared to her. On top of that she has zero charisma, zero ass and and one of the most unattractive personalities I've ever seen.


you call this flat?

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