He's not funny

He's not funny.

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>Dane Cook 4 life!!!!11one

The final redpill is that no comedian is funny

Thanks for the input, zoomer.


He sucks ass but pleased the normies of his time

Now we have shitty feminist comedians. Times never change

>t buttblasted boomer/zoomer

What is funny then?

99% of stand-up isn't

Your one rep max.

Couldn't have said it better myself

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Stand-up is garbage

You have absolutely no cultural framework to place him in, no context. So you don't understand how revolutionary his material actually was. If you didn't at least gleam that from his performance, you are a total fool or even more of a cynic than be was.

audibly chuckled

Teenage faggots are incapable of understanding historical context. That's why they keep laughing like hyenas when The Exorcist is shown in theaters, because the demon is cursing fucking lmao SHE SAID CUNT

He’s not funny get over it.

Will stand up comedy even survive? I don't think zoomers give a fuck about it or ever will

Him, Bill Hicks, Robin Williams and Andy Kaufman are the fucking Mount Rushmore of revered comedians that were truly, painfully unfunny. Painfully. Fucking. Unfunny.

armpits, asshole, crotch, and teeth

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Robin Williams I’ll agree with. Bill Hicks had some funny bits when he wasn’t being a psychedelic cringelord. I completely disagree with Andy Kaufman. Much of his material still holds up.

You're probably the type that likes comics that joke about their young child doing things young children do.

He copied Lenny Bruce. Eventually he found the passion in the form and it was good. But he was never "original" and it was pretty fucking awkward in the beginning.

His early stuff is fantastic, but his late 90's on where pretty much the same thing because it was the age of comedians like Bill Maher.

Go watch some of his early shit.

>I completely disagree with Andy Kaufman. Much of his material still holds up
Name one example.

Something that makes you feel superior or catches you by surprise.

Stand-up comedy is the 2d point and click sidescroller of television

something that isn't trying to be funny

I always liked listening to Hicks but never thought he was that funny. I feel like if he lived, he would have been one of the first comedians to move into podcasting and been highly successful at it.

Everything wrong in this comment lol

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Life, my friend.



Check ‘em haters lmao

I'm old and grew up watching Carlin. You either think he is funny or you don't. You have to appreciate his fact paced delivery no matter your opinion of him. I saw him live while he was rehearsing things for an upcoming HBO special in the early aughts. He was much more calm and relaxed than he was during his specials. He even had a stack of papers with notes sitting on his stool. It was really interesting to watch him live compared to seeing his almost flawless execution during HBO specials.

I liked his female wrestling promo. I remember laughing at other stuff but I can’t be arsed to remember. But I’m partial to awkward anti-humor. He’s definitely not for everyone.