Temple of Doom

Is it true what they say? Is it really the worst Indiana Jones?

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I still don't get what the hate is about. Literally the only bad thing is the annoying love interest. besides that it has the exact same style, with a slithly darker if anything, tone compared with 1 and 3

Crystal Skull is clearly the worst, followed by Last Crusade which is just a soulless remake of Raiders

>Crystal Skull is clearly the worst

Let's face it, no one counts that film anyway.

It's different in that it's a bit darker, scarier and more grotesque for kids to see. It's the only one of the originals with no Nazis. The love interest is a bit annoying. The mine cart chase is the best action sequence in the whole series

Fuck no, it's an excellent movie. As a kid I liked it almost more than Raiders.
Crystal Skull is the worst by fucking far.

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Doom > Crusade > POWER GAP > Raiders

Why is the second one considered more grotesque when Raiders had like 10 guys get shot, a guy getting splattered by a propeller and another guy getting his face disintegrated?

Crystal of the what? Last Crusade was the last one, anons

I couldve enjoyed this 100 times more if it wasnt for that useless screeching cunt

I can't describe her appearance on screen better than when they zoom in the guys asshole in porn movies. I'm enjoying the movie, and then i go ''for fucks sake'' because they force me to watch that shit

Raiders>Crusade (mostly just cause of based Connery)>Doom>Crystal Skull

I actually really like Temple of Doom, but I just can't place it lower than third because of Willie.

It is the worst, but we're talking like 8.5/10 when the other two are 9 and 10. Still a great movie. It loses points for Willie and it not really fitting the narrative.


It's the second best after Raiders. Crusade is too sappy and slapsticky with less interesting re-dos of shit from Raiders.

I wish there was a cut where his girlfriend wasn't screaming so fucking much. Otherwise; it's a really fun ride

takes a while to take off
i think it spends too much time on random stuff and then "temple" feels too empty

>annoying love interest
That and the usual Spielberg intrusive orchestra.

It ain't great...I dunno if I'd even call it good, BUT I will always give it credit for NOT trying to be a remake of Raiders like Crusade & Skull felt like and it attempted to tell a different type of adventure.

I can never decide who was more annoying, Short Round or Willie...

It's a great movie. Only retards hate it. Only parts I can remember that are worth hating are Willie and her screaming and the raft out of the plane.

that girl was hot though. boner bonus.

MFW no adventure movies anymore

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sorry, capeshit and star wars only until the day you die

This part when he starts to explore the temple is the 50 minute mark. It takes a long ass time to take off.

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I was never bothered by that lady. Am I the only one?

Yeah but that intro though

It's actually the best one.
It has a ton of energy to it, the best Harrison Ford performance, and the villains actually do seriously villainous things rather than relying on historical shorthand.

>Least amount of exotic locations (Shanghai and India)
>More gross out scenes then any other Indian Jones
>Love Interest was both annoying and the least attractive of the three
>No Nazis
>Villain was meh
>Stupid Mind Control side plot

It's the second best one. The entire series would be better off if they'd continued to go in a strange direction instead of going back to Nazis and latter Soviets.

it had poos in it.

>slithly darker
That's literally the only reason. Steven Spielberg said that only thing he liked about it is that's how he met his wife.

>Only takes off once it gets to the temple
The first hour is the best half of the film, it goes downhill when it gets to the temple. How long did it take to get to the casino in Casino Royale, like 90 minutes?

That's what made the arcade video game so great. You could whip the poos into the lava all while they were babbling about being Microsoft support.

>bad guy wants Willie till for some reason he doesn't
>Indy punches a cigarette lady for no reason
>balloons fall during gun fight just because
>random Dan Aykroyd appearance
>plane makes a stop in a city before pilot decides to abandon them
>raft parachute fall to a mountain
>2nd raft parachute fall into the water

The intro is hilariously dumb.

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Yes. It is the weakest of the trilogy.

Which is not to say it's a bad film, because Raiders is literally perfect, and Last Crusade isn't far from it.

This. We don't talk about that one.

>I can never decide who was more annoying, Short Round or Willie...
That's no contest. It's Willie by a country mile.

Having an annoying and mostly unlikable and unsympathetic love interest is a significant problem, though. The other two films don't have that problem. And you can't deny that it has some pacing issues in the middle (to be fair, Last Crusade has a bit of that, too), nor that it risks losing a little bit of dramatic tension by informing the audience up front that it's a prequel to Raiders (so we know it has to turn out alright in the end, for Indy at least). It also retroactively creates problems for Raiders, since Indy apparently immediately goes back into skeptic mode despite the events of ToD. So there's just a bit more sloppiness here than in the others, IMO.

The intro and the dinner scene are the memorable parts before the temple.

He really only wanted willie to sacrifice her he didn’t have any chicks in his thugee cult and Indy punches the lady on accident. Don’t remember the plane stopping in another city before the pilots peaced out but fuck you the raft scene was cool

I dunno what the hate is about. This was the first Indy film I saw as a kid and I loved it.
I rank em as...
1. Last Crusade
2. Raiders
3. Temple of Doom
4. Crystal Skull

>Least amount of exotic locations (Shanghai and India)

Holy shit your right. I never thought about that.

Raiders had Peru, Nepal, Egypt and the island at the end.
Last Crusade had Utah, Venice, Germany, Turkey, Syria and Jordan.

Not him, but the dinner scene, while certainly memorable, is also one of the bigger problems I have with the film. It does very little to advance the plot compared to the amount of screen time it occupies, and thus contributes significantly to the feeling that the film has rather bogged down in the middle.

It’s there to introduce Willie and Short Round and explain how he winds up in bum fuck India so that’s some significant set up there

I think ToD is better then Crystal Skull, but it's worse then Raiders and Last Crusade. I actually like the intro cause it's so damn weird though.

Sorry, I thought the dinner scene at the palace (the one with the monkey brains, etc.) was meant, not the one in the opening. I have no issue with the Shanghai sequence at all.

No it's the best one

Temple of Doom is fine. What isn't fine is the intro to The Last Crusade. What an insultingly bad start to an otherwise pretty great film. Only worth it for the kino cut from young to old with Indy getting punched (someone post the gif if they have it please).

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Nah, Willie and Shortround are introduced as comedic sidekicks before that. They end up going to that temple cause the one Indian man tells them that's where they took the kids and stones they worship after they fall into the river.

Also introduces the British guard, otherwise it's an asspull at the end.

>people ignoring the foot bridge scene, the booby trap scene and others

Doom had some great sequences.

Oh gotcha my b

Yea I thought he meant the Shanghai scene not the palace dinner scene

Temple of Doom
Last Crusaide
National Treasure
National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets
Indiana Jones Ride
Indiana Jones Stunt Show
Mummy 2
Uncharted games
Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

>Ark of the Covenant
>Holy Grail
>Crystal Skull
>Uhhh some rocks or something?

Willie being unlikable was good because the movie was able to indiscriminately throw misfortunes at her for our entertainment, and that's exactly what they did

Temple has its obvious flaws, but it also excels in a lot of areas. The cinematography, production design, costumes, and makeup during the temple scenes all reach high points for the entire series. The visual effects still look amazing. The music is wonderful.

Spielbergs Shiksa


River Phoenix was spectacular in that whole sequence. The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles TV series would never have been a thing but for those scenes.

The Indiana Jones ride is pure kino.

No, it's the best

Doom > Raiders > Skull > Crusade

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Pure kino

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>triggers your autism

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Romancing the Stone and Jewel of the Nile are pretty good adventure movies. Along with Pirates.

I always forget about this and then get really pissed off when she walks in front of the logo. I'll bet Spielberg thought he was real fucking clever, having his crush obscure the title.

He's fantastic, he really is. BUT think about it. Indiana Jones gets every defining character trait in a single day
>isn't afraid of snakes but suddenly is by the end of the sequence
>uses a whip
>gets his hat
>fights bad guys to protect treasure
List goes on. He becomes Indy in a matter of hours and it's infuriating.

>introduces the British guard, otherwise it's an asspull at the end.
Which is why I said it did "very little" to advance the plot, and not "nothing." The scene just went on far too long and went into excess with the gross-out stuff, to the point of being kind of demeaning towards Indian culture in a way that the other films weren't (e.g., Raiders doesn't demean Egyptians in that way). It wasn't without reason that the film was banned in India (for that matter, it had to be filmed in Sri Lanka in the first place because India objected to the script).

It was the literal temple where they held the children Indy was trying to find you moron

>Iz raciz
oy vey

I guess to point out the obvious flaws, there's zero chemistry between Indy and Willie, Willie's screeching takes up way too much screen time, and the MacGuffin is just lame.

Their arrival at the end will always be an asspull.

Short Round is hilarious because he's such a dated racist stereotype, you don't get that kind of stuff in movies nowadays.
I had an Asian friend in high school who'd always wear baseball hats, people would see him and yell DOCTAH JONES DOCTAH JONES! and he'd get so fucking mad, he's probably an r/asianmasculinity mod now lmao

Willie and Indys relationship works exactly like it's supposed to, people who are attracted to each other but have zero chemistry is a real relationship dynamic and the movie uses Willie's lack of likability to use her as a punching bag for gags.

>a jew with a whip walks into a temple

>What poison?!
>The one you just draaaank BAHAHAHAHAHAAA!

Literally one of the best openings to a movie ever

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>Indy walks in
>oooohh Indy
>be gentle with me, be gentle with me
>I'm here
>hey, I'm right here!

Her wanting Indy so bad was pretty hot as hell, but she really didn't have much chemistry with Indy.

True enough, but I wouldn't consider that particularly objectionable given the genre.

>I had an Asian friend in high school who'd always wear baseball hats, people would see him and yell DOCTAH JONES DOCTAH JONES!
Fucking based

Way to significantly oversimplify my point.

BTW, I'm not saying a I agree with India banning the film, only that I can understand it.

I get what you're saying. I guess it's more about how much screen time she has. Think of the other movies and how much the love interest is on screen. Willie, a character who is purposely unlikable, has almost as much screen time as Indy in Temple. Don't know what they were thinking.

>Indy gets in plane
>"nice try, Lao Che"
>closes door
>it's Lao Che's plane
>"goodbye, Mr. Jones." BAHAHAHAHAHAAA

The problem is that the viewers' genre-awareness leads them to expect a likable love interest who has good chemistry with the protagonist. It's the same essential problem as, for instance, an unlikable Bond Girl who lacks chemistry with the actor playing Bond (a good example, IMO, would be Jill St. John in Diamonds are Forever, although let me be clear that I'm not comparing TOD as a film to that hot mess).

Nobody counts Skullfuck but I agree about 3 being the worst the exact reason you stated. I still enjoy it, but I enjoy it the least out if all of them. Temple of Doom is also, by far, my favorite. Raiders is fucking fantastic too, though. But ToD is just such perfect corny goofy fun with plenty of badass action.

Last Crusade was the first movie i saw, i love it.


The dinner at the palace was there to begin to build the tension encountered in the movie in which the facade of a modern, Western palace at Pankot was flimsy and something else deeper and more sinister was going on in the palace. While the interactions with Willie and Shortround and the weird foods was funny, it also illustrated some lingering of the old ways of India that were still at work at Pankot which was foreshadowing the deeper mysteries encountered later in the movie.

>I can never decide who was more annoying, Short Round or Willie.
Shorty is based as fuck, only plebs dislike him.
Willie is annoying as fuck but her hotness makes up for it a little.

This so hard.

>Asian kid who can barely speak and barely act in a goofy movie has a lot of fun with the role
Americanized Asians are the worst. Nobody gives a flying fuck in Asian countries (at least Vietnam and Japan, dunno about China desu)

Kate Capshaw in that movie was one of my first wack-off fantasies as a kid. She was also sexy as hell in the movie Dreamscape.

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>what is tone

Like I said, I understand the purposes the sequence is trying to serve, I just question how effective it was compared to the amount of screen time it occupied. IMO, it's contribution was, on the whole more negative than positive, particularly in terms of pacing, but also, to some extent, in terms of tone as well.

Tone, and having a dude's heart ripped out on screen.

Is The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles any good?

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The hate probably stems from two main changes from the first.

1: It is no longer a glob trotting adventure film. You don't go from South America, to the US, to Nepal, to Egypt, and then Greece. You're in China for 10 minutes then dropped off in India for the rest of the movie. It has the exotic adventure vibe, but not the grand scale anymore.

2: It plays up the comedy too much, includes a zanny cast, and then suddenly has deeply serious moments. It's too stark in contrast between emotions that makes the serious stuff sound stupid and the jokes can't land.

The first point is forgivable, but the second traps you into what essentially becomes a theme park ride. Which the ending literally becomes.

For all the shit Crystal Skull gets at least it doesn't try to be deadly serious before throwing some laughable nonsense into the mix. It doesn't play between extremes in such a bad fashion. That said, over the years Temple of Doom still edges out Crystal Skull for me because it still feels more realistic even given its bullshit bipolar disorder. Fame kind of killed the franchise by giving them too much freedom.

He was already well on his way to becoming a scholar, which is his main defining trait I would argue. The rest happening in a single day isn't that crazy if you take into account how emotional the whole ride was. Finally find something to step out from your father's shadow only to be pushed back by authority. The hat part was the catalyst to choosing to work in the field instead of the library like his dad is implied to be. The guy who bests you one day inspires you to become better than you were, and that symbol of the hat becomes the anchor point.

Also, the snakes thing could be a life long fear. It's just there to really sell the character is Indy, not so much the origin of the fear.

yeah I never thought about the first point

fpbp and checked
trips of truth once again BTFOing the Yea Forumsniggers

>Breath of God - "Only the penitent man will pass."
>Word of God - "Only in the footsteps of God will he proceed."
>Path of God - "Only in the leap from the lion's head will he prove his worth."
>Beat the Grail Knight
>Choose wisely
>he chose poorly
>saving his dad
>riding off into the sunset

The trials and ending of Last Crusade is fucking great.

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>Don't know what they were thinking.
Spielberg: I want to fuck her, maybe if I put her onscreen more she'll let me

and now they're married

I haven't watched it since it originally aired, but my recollection is that it was quite good.

You think he ever dressed up like Indy and her like Willie in the bedroom?

>essentially becomes a theme park ride
Ding ding ding.

“Raiders Of Lost Ark”, sooo flick. “Temple Of Doom”, too much flick. “Last Crusade”, awesome kino. This should explain whole goddamn thang.

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Mostly. It's admittedly a niggling detail, but the middle one has issues.

Firstly, the "Word of God," in Christian theology would generally refer specifically to the second person of the Trinity (following the beginning of St. John's gospel: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God...," which is taken as describing the relationship of the Son to the Father), rather than the name of God. So the name of the incarnate Son, "Jesus," or even the title "Christ" (in Latin "Christus"), would have been a far more expected answer than "Jehovah" (though I'm not surprised that Spielberg didn't go that route).

Secondly, the form "Jehovah" as a Latin rendering of the vowel-less and ineffable Hebrew יְהֹוָה (usually transcribed as JHVH or YHWH), dates to well after the time of the First Crusade: it is first attested from ca. 1270, and was only popularized in the 16th century. So those who built the grail sanctuary and its trials/traps would not have been familiar with it.

Thirdly, medieval Latin did actually make use of "j" as the consonantal form of "i." And where "j" was in use at all, it would have been used in "Jehovah." Only where the cursive-derived forms "j," "u," (the vowel form of classical "v") and the ligature "w" were being avoided completely (such as in formal inscriptions using capital letter forms rather than uncials) would "Iehovah" have been correct. The letters on the tiles appear to be uncial forms, and there is a "j", so "i" should be a vowel only, and to use "Iehovah" would be very odd indeed.

Every time I see Indiana Jones I think, "Man, I really need to get into these movies." Then I start up Raiders and I realize, I've tried, several times. And I just can't get into it. The locations and cinematography are outstanding but everything else is the usual mass produced puzzle pieces of the usual Hollywood big-budget box office milker. Performance-wise Harrison Ford carries it up a mountain witht he occasional budge from the female lead; everyone else seems like they were meticulously positioned and manipulated with tweezers under Spielberg's microscope. It comes off as a fun cinema experience that gets completely neutered if you watch it any other way but the theater.