Just watched this documentary on HBO

Just watched this documentary on HBO.
How did no one know she was insane? Just look at her fucking eyes, they scream crazy.

What a weird bitch.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I bet she fucks like a crazy tho

This. Imagine looking down at those big blues 15 years ago with your cock in her mouth and a handful of hair. Scrumptious.

this. i bet she's dynamite in the sack

Too bad it was a scamming poo who got that.

I've learned that some people have next to no ability to detect bullshit, and all the people she scammed over prove it. Of course greed helped with that too.

>How did no one know she was insane?
People did know she was insane. That's why people working there called her expectations ridiculous and left her company and people not working there felt it was a good idea to scrutinize her ridiculous claims, both of which led to her getting found out and shut down.
Are you asking why everyone who had any sort of involvement with her or her company didn't take immediate action against her or something? Most people are passive, it's only a small minority who will actually act on encountering a crazy person by actively going after them. Most non-crazy people would simply note "that's a crazy person" to themselves and leave it at that. If anything, someone being crazy is a deterrent for wanting to do anything against them.

because that sexism a woman can't be insane


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>Holmes was in a relationship with her COO Ramesh "Sunny" Balwani, whom she met when she was 18 and he was 37.
what the fuck

Damn, one of them actually got bob and vagene. Impressive.

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Her bloated face is so hideous I mean good god

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she looks like an downie tho

She looks like those mass effect andromeda faces before they fixed them.

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>can you delete my account

her voice was a dead give away

Nah, you can by how she walks shes a dead fish. Sorry guys.

she triggers the fuck out of me because i'm a stemfag phd who had on-sites interviews at biotech but no offers because they hired people like her

i'm going with dead fish too

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Can you post a vid of her walking? What should I search for.

I bet shes into bloodplay.

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Silicon Valley is full of braindead leftists.

Braindead leftists are inherently trusting of dead-eyed people that are obviously fucking insane, so long as they have a vagina.
See also: This cunt's inexplicable success.

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not her fault the sjw wanted a female steve jobs. she did nothing wrong.

republicans need to believe this is somehow unique to demonrats.

back to facebook grandpa

Yeah, just look at the literal bug-eyed commie millennials that Republicans are trying to put in positions of power in the name of "diversity".

Oh wait. That isn't happening.

It's interesting that the product was named the "Edison Device".
Thomas Edison, among his other achievements, is often credited as being the creator of "Vaporware". In the late 1800's he announced early-development and incomplete projects as if they already WERE complete to garner interest and support from investors. That invested capital would then be used to fund the actual completion of the promised product.

The difference between Edison and Holmes was that Edison actually delivered the fucking product.

a lot of investors were old republican guys

god she seems fucking weird af. I'd fuck her silly tho.

she can make that weird voice noise too.

the board of directors having no people with industry experience is why she was able to do what she did.

The combination of Silicon Valley con artist and feminist propaganda. The worst of the worst.

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I lived in a "tech" city in Canada for a bit of time. Everyone was pretty delusional that they would be the next steve jobs or some shit. It got annoying very fast.
Everyone thought there were going to get rich and build some company. Hell even the universities kind of promoted this shit.

most kids were autistic retards that bluff more then anything.

The funny thing is, she posted this because she felt special. She thought Sanjay was doing this because he was in love with her. Little does she know Sanjay(who is a doctor, btw) does this with dozens if not hundreds of women at any given moment he's connected to the internet.

Do we want women to aspire to being a soldering robot in a Chinese factory with nets below the windows?

yah I've had a female friend show me some messages from some guy. She kept showing me. I asked her what his background was and where he lived. she said India.
I just looked at her.

I want her to give me a handjob without ever breaking eye contact.

The more these threads get posted the more I grow attracted to her. She is hypnotizing me

What if this happened to me but it was a girl sending the messages.

post yfw you heard her real voice

why do none of us ever talk about he nigga with a half shaved beard and an accent?
niggas faces is half shaved half beard and no one mentions it.

wow very spooky

Should have imprisoned every person employed by the company.

Seems legit to me

kek, i think it was scar tissue from a burn or something

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This will be my first non-shitpost in almost two years.

I work(ed) in this woman's industry, and I can tell you that many people raised concerns. The very sight of her fills me with rage. To understand how she managed to carry on so long there are two forces to examine:

1. Her leveraging institutional/establishment power.

Look at her Board of Directors.

In May 2016 members of the Theranos board of directors were:[119]

Elizabeth Holmes, founder and CEO
Riley Bechtel, former Bechtel Group CEO
David Boies, a founder and the chairman of Boies Schiller Flexner
William Foege, former director CDC
Richard Kovacevich, former Wells Fargo CEO and chairman
James Mattis, later US Secretary of Defense
Fabrizio Bonanni, former executive vice president of Amgen

They also had a Board of Counselors, which included people like Henry Kissinger and George Shutltz. Several of these folks were also invested in Theranos, and decided to be willfully ignorant or independently contribute to positive spin/ a cover up.

Trust me when I tell you they had all the clout in the world to push things forward while ignoring complaints from those within the industry. High-level relationships, long time agreements and solid threats were all executed.

2. Her transparent and somewhat successful attempt at leveraging SJWs and a cult of personality

This isn't really something I need to go into detail about. She was a "woman in tech". Seemingly the first genius of her type. She specifically spoke with a deeper voice, tried to emulate Steve Jobs and did her best to court the press.

Many people knew Theranos was ROTTEN. People screamed and cried about it, but if Henry fucking Kissinger, or fucking George Shultz couldn't push past your reservations, an SJW mob or her psychologically conditioned sycophants would.

Fuck Theranos
and FUCK Lizzy

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go back to facebook gramps

Why women are cold hearth bitches?, I dont get it user...

Don't care, Democrats will give me NEETbux and tendies and wh*toid tears

Whats the story?

>guys why aren't we making fun of a burn victim?!?!?!?!

maybe this site isn't your speed?

>cold hearth bitches
mfw this misspelling still makes sense

Biopic starring Mackenzie Davis WHEN?!?

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yes me too


Based drain on society poster

Sorry user...not a english native speaker...What I wrote wrong?

Holy shit she's just pouring psychopathy out of her like a flood, jesus

a hearth is where you build a fire in a home.
the heart pushes blood around your body.
cold hearth bitch evokes some woman who doesn't take care of her home, her man - she doesn't tend the actual fire (hearth) needed for warmth and cooking b/c she is doesn't care about that relationship/person (cold hearted).

I didn't even notice, but i love it. No need to correct it, that's just water under the fridge now.

where can i watch this? does anyone have a link or stream of it?

you should go back to shitposting

It's not the HBO docu.. but this 20ish min youtube documentary about it hits all the bases. Everything from her dropping out, the BS of her company, the fake voice etc.. It's pretty good..

Thanks user

more like it was a defense front for the us military

>i'm going with dead fish too

The general rule is that the hotter the chick the less effort they put into it. It's why rockstar/actor groupie fucking is said be so addictive and top tier. Being it's the hottest chicks all thinking they have to do the most effort to impress the guy and top the other 100s of chicks he has banged.

She's a woman, user. They are all like this. If craziness was a criterion for not taking women seriously, they would have no voting rights as a whole.

thanks, ill check it out. but still gonna look for a link to the hbo doc too

Just watched this, it's terrible

>admitting to being a drain on society

Good to know.




stop trying to make AOC ugly, she's not ugly

Cope, wagie.

>yet in the.............united states today..........healthcare is the leading cause of............ death.......your loved ones........are dead..........my uncle.......liked crosswords.......and brain cancer

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She's shilled, not successful.

She looks like a donkey farmer.

one sexy donkey farmer....

and don't get me started on that jew-hating goddess, Ilhan Omar....

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>Braindead leftists are inherently trusting of dead-eyed people that are obviously fucking insane

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Already have faggot, thanks

That was a "conspiracy" as well.

I just want to protect her bros

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who are these people
I'm a leftie but don't know

>check Yea Forums - its all about SJWs and hating on women
>check twitter - ist all about her white privilege and that only the female professor called her out while all the white men threw money at her

why cant we have nice things

Biopic starring Jlaw soon

>Dat ass
>Dat phone grip
I like her.

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She's a billionaire user so probably a satainist into alister Crowley shit like the rest of them, it's just more obvious with a woman


or just maybe because the poo was being ridiculously autistic

Is he really the next Jobs/Musk/Bezos/Zuck/big Silicon Valley darling?

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>the chad phone pinch

>the virgin palm phone

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>Elizabeth smugly dancing to hammer time after the she avoids FDA heat
>Pan to all the Silicon Valley progressives awkwardly dancing and tripping over their false idol

Jesus Christ I hate these people.

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The end of the internet in an image.

Any person putting on a fake voice with a straight face for this long, immediately goes in my sociopath category.
If they are committed to manipulating others' perception every second of every day, they won't bat an eye at fudging their company's performance reports.


dealing with a crazy person is not a casual thing, you have to commit 100% to the fallout and see it through to the end and most people just don't have the energy for that

>still no link posted

What compels poojeets to be this autistically horny?

What the fuck is going on? Does she blink? Why is her voice so deep? Why does she only speak in 3 word phrases? I can't follow what she says.

quick rundown?

jesus christ did that really happen

i bet she only served as their mascot

I'm going to send her letters in prison


I'm going to give her congical visits if you know what I mean

Literally no woman on earth wants to fuck a poo

Guys an absolute beast, he's going to conquer the world and doesn't take shit from anyone.


I don’t know what you mean since that’s not a word

Lol sounds like you want to suck his dick

I suspected from the moment I saw some news special back when she got started. On top of her fucked up look, it felt like a big lie ("we just need this tiny amount of blood to run every test known to man!") but it got so far along so I thought, maybe I'm wrong and the far future is a lot closer than I imagined? Kek.

That's only standard protocol for you.


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Won't block him because that's one less like on her pictures. Fucking hate women.

>Seems like she's about to burp or puke every 2 seconds
>I think that accounts for the low pitch and pausing of her speech
based youtube commenter

this, shes my wife now and literally cannot stop me from contacting her via letters

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Confirmation that she’s not well in the head.



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What goes through his mind

id kind of like to fuck her in a weird way

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i no giv me sheqelz 2 da jooz

he obviously does

>so, then I realized that posing for every picture with an over-the-top gaping-mouth cartoon grin and wide crazy-person eyes isn't funny or ironic or cool
>since then, i've settled into a depression, i guess. I've stopped consuming onions but I think i'm going to keep the beard.
>Not for ironic purposes, though
>I think I come by it honestly now.
He's a monologist that does stand-up comedy, but he's pretty woke so it's cool.

Remember me Eddie? When I killed your brother!

Imagine taking this guy seriously

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Lost it. She even maintained a fake lower voice just like the Judge did.

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yeah. like conservatives never do that.


How come it seems like this shit and stuff like Fyre Festival just slipped under the Radar. Were we just drowning in Trump news or what?

She sounds a bit like Ted from Bill & Ted

>yes the machine sucks but what if we called the cloud Yoda?

get some sleep. you're exhausted.

Nobody hired her, dummy. She started her own company at 19. That's the scandal, the VC idiots who thought a 19 year old who dropped out of college could run a company, or invent anything.

>35 years old
>no children
>fucks a dirt monger

Do at least SOME reading about her company, before making retarded comments like this?

The chairman of the board of her company was George Schultz, Republican. She had a mix of dems and pubs backing her - and all of them government or military, through her parent's connections.

How is the documentary, is it overly sympathetic or balanced, informative etc
I'm curious about it but I really don't want to watch a fluff piece

Her fake story about her one pair of shoes irritates me so much. Democracy is such a flawed system when demographics aren't controlled.

Webm please

They talk to people in the company who go into how shitty the product was and how gullible investors are, it’s pretty funny

>when demographics aren't controlled
sup rabbi?

Not anymore, she's not. All of her wealth was in stocks in Theranos. She's dead broke. And, lawyers for all of the criminal charges and lawsuits she faces will suck her parents dry.

The reason the documentary got released is she had a pitbull lawyer on retainer, who threatened everybody. As soon as the money was gone, he hit the road before anyone else.

I was following the shitshow that the Fyre Festival was, as it happened. People were tweeting about it, on site. Bunch of forums I read were talking about it, too. It just didn't hit the mainstream news, because nobody died.

>now this
Is this the next documentary of the month?

>silicon valley
>post rep from new york

brainwashed fuck

hes the most powerful oracle dealer

what are you guys talking about i wanna talk about it


Going to be fucking terrible. Jennifer Lawrence is a talentless hack "actress".

>Insisting that demographics not be allowed to get to a level where Iow iq shitskins canvote in self-admitted socialist conwomen because "muh 1 pair of shoes, I'm just like you cleaning lady!"
Ok lol

Didn't she just get engaged to a billionaire or something though lol

She has the Zuck lizard eyes.

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of course it's a jew loving recucklican good goy

Explains how leftists could take so much power.

You're all over the place.

Yeah I'm sure the fact that she was a media darling because she was female had absolutely nothing to do with people's reticence to call her out.
It's one thing for employees and co-workers to shrug and put up with it, it's another thing when it's investors you're talking about.

Im just waiting for a black female Elon Musk.

Could you imagine?

She has to speak with that cadence otherwise she risks her voice act breaking. When I force myself to speak at a lower register it feels easier to stop every few words to sort of reset my vocal cords. I bet it is extremely tiring to keep that up.

I don't know why YouTube keeps recommending videos about this bitch. Already clicked not interested.

She looks like Roger Ebert post-jaw surgery.

where can i watch it free?


It really fucking depends you virgin.
And that woman is a plain Jane with creepy eyes. Get some standards.

I dunno. People give Amber Heard a pass when she's clearly a psychopath. World's retarded. What are ya gonna do?

So how fucking desperate people are over here? Jesus

to be a successful CEO you need to be a little sociopathic/psycopathic

t. sociopathic startup CEO

imagine hearing her voice while you’re fucking her.

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That only makes it gooder tho..

i've come to realize that a lot of people, some of them on this board right now, filter everything from their bowel movements to the weather through their extreme political party views.
it's just part of who they are.
anything and everything they see/hear/taste/feel will trigger a response adverse to whatever political association they feel is responsible for everything they see as bad in the world.
imho these are crazy people. just scroll past

>being this delusional

She's a a shitskin that looks like a Pez Dispenser that contracted Rabies.

The fact that people are unironically trying to meme this woman into some kind of sex-symbol really shows how fucking low the standards of the modern Left really are.
It shouldn't be that surprising, though, considering the Left's women are primarily pink-haired ham-planets with unshaven legs.

>leftists are trying to make her a sex symbol

are you fucking retarded they hate shit like that

Its all nepotism and good optics. How else do you stack a board with so many successful people and suck hundreds of millions of dollars out of them based on a complete and utter fraud.

They wanted a female steve jobs to keep the drones in line a while longer, if she produced anything al all the company would have been a massive success just based on PR and inertia.


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Theres something sbout her eyes, hypnotic.

How the fuck did no one notice her ridiculous voice?

And the rest of her obvious sociopathic behaviour

The people from the cringe-inducing far-left "FUCK H8" lobbying group.
Their entire MO is to shriek liberal talking-points at the camera in order to create political ads. That's literally the entire spectrum of their content.
They had a video about the "Wage Gap" (lol) where the entire hook was that they had taught girls aged 5 to 7 years old to virulently swear.


Classy people.

I love how like half of them are morbidly overweight.

For the interested: I recommend reading up on the similar story of Ana Dulvey, aka the "Magician of Manhattan", another fraudster who successfully conned several banks out of a few hundred thousand dollars by pretending to be a socialite.

You'll be amazed at what it is possible to achieve if you have the balls to try it. The system isn't perfect, and works largely by making people think that it is.

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What the fuck are you talking about?

Why do people keep doing this? You know that when Democrats are insulted, saying "W-W-Well Conservatives do it t-to!..." isn't automatically a valid comeback. It has to be something Conservatives ACTUALLY do to for the comeback/counterargument to work.
You can't just appropriate insults/arguments and throw them around, regardless of context. They have to actually make sense. I don't remember the last time Conservatives were dancing to Hammer Time in an awkward show of conformity while ignoring FDA scrutiny.

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>Her fake story about her one pair of shoes

Didn't hear about this. She had ANOTHER fake story?
It's getting hard to keep track of them all.

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>are you fucking retarded they hate shit like that

Consider the way this AoC bitch is promoted, apparently not.

>How the fuck did no one notice her ridiculous voice?

They did. But Silicon valley is a leftist dystopia of Orwellian conformity.
If you notice the Emperor is naked, you shut the fuck up about that and instead talk about how beautiful their New Clothes look.

>If they are committed to manipulating others' perception every second of every day
That's literally every woman though. It's no different than putting on make-up or black chicks wearing fake hair.

I liked the tone of the documentary a lot, but I think they could have included a few more attacks on her (like interviewing the Stanford professors who say her voice used to sound completely different) without it making the film too tabloidy. The persona she crafted helps explain the story after all. They touched on the subject of her tailored image a lot but I wanted to know just how inauthentic it was.

You mean like Mark Zuckerberg? Or Bill Gates?

That's the real moral of the story.
Old rich investors are idiots.

Oh no no no no

Based pathetic autist. The people in your pic have the crazy eye of the fanatic. The woman in the op the dead-eye of the psycho.

is that zuckerberg's sister?

Everyone did though. From day 1 everyone knew theranos was a scam.


>I knew she was a fake piece of shit the second she opened her mouth at this ted talk. The fake metering to keep the audience in anticipation, the fake deep voice to sound intimidating and more like a male, everything about her persona and body language told me it was an act.

Mackenzie is too nice, she wouldn't pull it off. JLaw is perfect bitch for the role.

Do they talk about her banging the Pajeet executive?

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She stole billions...

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FFS where can I watch it for free? I tried paying via HBO, but it says you need to be a resident of America.

I'm already paying for HBO in Scandinavia, and it's not available. Fuck is this shit?

The same what happens with muslims. They are so extremely sexist and conservative that it went out of hand. They literally cannot have dates with girls, for girls arenot allowed outside the house alone. Therefore they cant have dates, relationships, casual sex, girlfriends, etc. They are stuck with arranged marriages or their cousins.


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Search for the inventor, I watched it on there 10 hours ago

I found it on 123movieshd. Thanks anyway.

Fyre Festival was a shitshow, but it was mostly just a ploy for nouveaux riches to lose their money in. It's not at all rare for someone to get massive amounts of money and lose it all in a year.

Thanks for all you r shit posting service. Salute

chill cuckservative. you look triggered

>*deep masculine voice*Oh yeah.....fuck my tight......ass like you......really want it.

>her father was a VP at enron
explains a whole lot

She only fucks middle aged pajeets

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just took a great fibrous republican shit today, diarrhea libtards will never understand

y tho

Man I miss the early days of Trump Derangement Syndrome. It was such a blast

never put your dick in crazy

All of her board members were satanic conservatives. Yikes.

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ALWAYS put your dick in crazy

nice sixes, very kosher.

pls get your doo-hickey device working *coughs* I need to know if I'm dying *coughs and splutters* pls, here take another 50 million.

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the thing is that kind of delusion can actually get you very far. Lots of people today make absurd amounts of wealth by creating startups, receiving funding from the government, and then jumping ship and creating yet another startup.


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very impressive

I get it

Yeah because it used to be so great. /s

Really it was just the end of everyone's delusions.

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It's not fair bros, she's innocent.

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>mfw she beats all her charges with an insanity plea

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they could have cut 20m from this doc if they cut out all the scenes of her holding the vile

matriarchal society

Does anybody else feel like the greatest feeling in the world seeing a woman fail?

Ever seen her and Mark Zuckerberg in the same room together? Clone city baby.

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Dubs confirm it: she should also be doing the one hand over the eye Illuminati thing

based incel fantasies going over reality

torrent/dl link where?

>bro its okay im in love
>no she's the one, she is in no way manipulating and i have not changed

The fake voice is even more disturbing. Knew a female security guard who pulled the same shit. You know it's bad when Jezebel is making fun of her:
>Elizabeth Holmes's Fake Voice Is Actually Just 'Stupid Man' Voice
>There are so many ways to consume the rise and fall of Elizabeth Holmes, the founder of scam blood-testing company Theranos and Steve Jobs cosplayer: you can return to the archives of the Wall Street Journal for its formative reporting on the company, read the book that journalist John Carreyrou wrote after breaking the story, listen to ABC News’ investigative podcast, watch ABC News’ corresponding documentary based on the same source material, or watch the HBO documentary that was just released. (Or all of these things, which has so far been my preference.)
>I will say though that it’s only the latter three options that offer the specific pleasure of hearing Holmes’s bizarrely low and very clearly affected voice for yourself. A lot has been written about her fake voice, but none of it touches on this crucial point: Elizabeth Holmes’s chosen fake voice, meant to project gravitas and business acumen, is the same voice that I (and maybe you) put on when making fun of very stupid men.
>It is the voice—indignant, coming straight from the back of the throat—of a man saying: I don’t know Chad, why don’t you clean out the protein shake blender this time. It’s a voice that tells you: I was reading about Medicare for All on Reddit yesterday and actually learned a lot about how current prescription drug costs fund medical innovation.
>If you haven’t heard Holmes’s voice yet, please watch this representatively credulous interview from 2015, featuring Holmes and disgraced sexual harasser Charlie Rose:
>“When she came to me she didn’t have a low voice,” Dr. Phyllis Gardner, a professor of medicine at Stanford University...

>I've learned that some people have next to no ability to detect bullshit, and all the people she scammed over prove it

But the people she scammed sat on the boards of huge multi-million/billion dollar companies. She got investors from very rich well connected businessmen. If she could bullshit them her skills as a bullshitter must have been incredible - having read accounts of how she described her company and products though it makes me scared people could fall for such blatant bullshit especially people so high up in society with so much money.

shut up
no one talks shit about my man Jordi

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sooo. whats wrong with this guy?

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She is trans right?

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I bet she had a top notch email game. This is one area women excel over dudes in the workplace- overlong, detailed emails.

Stupid old boomer, leftists know what they're doing

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Maybe in her youth, not anymore
Driven, ambitious and witty? Sure. Intelligent? No
If she truly were a conservative, shed be at home preparing dinner for her 5 children.

I refer to these women as drama sponges. They can't help themselves when they get a glimpse of rabid attention

madams' apples are beautiful lmao

I like that her eyes make me feel uncomfortable and the idea that she might be a psychopath. baka what's wrong with me..

He's heir to some hotel fortune. Personally I wouldn't get engaged to someone on trial with -0 net worth but either way good luck to the guy

just finished this flick
it didnt really answer any questions or present anything interesting we didnt already know and had a very rushed ending
that Shulz guy got fucked hard tho:
>grandpa knows Holmes since she was a baby
>invests in her and lends her his credibility
>grandson starts interning for Theranos
>finds out all kind of fuckery
>raise concerns internally, get ignored
>snitch to press, Theranos finds out
>grandpa doesnt believe you
>getting pummeled by Theranos lawyers in his grandpa's home
>pay 500k in legal fees over broken NDA
>parents need to sell their house
>grandpa stays on Holmes side till the very end
>after everything comes out, grandpa finally acknowledges your balls

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If you don't unconditionally believe in this woman and the REVOLUTIONARY work she's done, you might be a bigoted, sexist incel.

Elizabeth Holmes is a Queen.

Imagine having sex :(

Surely does. Thankfully all those retarded rich people who got scammed were right-wing

Let's see Paul Allen's dubs...

She needs him, she's broke.

Good for her. It's great that she got away from that mess.

Can anyone unironically deny that the only reason she got as far as she did was because she was a woman? Any man in STEM would get called out on his bullshit in an instant if they attempted something like this.

>Rupert murdoch is a leftist
Yikes kys

>aoc living rent free in your head


She didn't get that far because ''she is a woman'', it was because she's a leader and alpha.

ahahahaha the absolute state


kys beta leftist incel faggot

>he's not right-wing anymore
Yikes, kys retard

I'm more upset by the men responding than I am about those texts.

It's not like there are not any male Silicon Valley fraudsters am I right?
>Any man in STEM would get called out on his bullshit in an instant if they attempted something like this

It's hard to make eyes lie.

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Name one comparable to her in the scale of money involved and the complete lack of tangible or even physically possible in theory product.

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Visual storytelling. Pedestrian in this case, but effective.



Plenty of fraud cases perpetrated all the time. They just don't get as much coverage because it's not as juicy as a propped up Fem Jobs savior of tech.

We can also bring up Enron if you'd like.

Nope. Let's try this again. Name one comparable to her in the scale of money involved and the complete lack of tangible or even physically possible in theory product. Healthsouth wasn't a made up impossible to develop product.

Did she stop wearing all black? Wonder if she dropped the deep voice too

I don't see what difference it makes. Fraud is fraud whether or not the product exists. But I guess the closest that comes to mind would then be Enron. Many "projects" "completed" but never realizing any kind of revenue or return. Phantom money out of nonexistent operations.

But please, let's not be hyperautistic here. Perhaps her case of your strict definition of the scale of many *and* the lack of possible product is a unique one, but fraud is fraud is fraud.

eyes can't show emotion

Yes she did. She was spotted at F1 race in America with her bf, some rando took bunch of photos of her, she was wearing colourful clothes.

Fuck why do i immediately recognize all 3, I spend way to much time here

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who is the one in the middle

This guy

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Better picture here

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>tfw you’re a reptile

I swear to god some pakis are literal kikes

Just a very bad shapeshifter

Ty my friend I needed that

Are you, by any chance, an Indian or Pakistani/Bangladeshi?

Her eyes are pretty but why are they so red, like she's been crying a lot? I wish she'd talk in her feminine voice.

Psych meds.


sociopaths never blink so their eyes turn red from the lack of moisture

in what world are criminals not allowed to be happy

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All I see is veins and bulge.

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And moans like Barry White.

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>A real hero will ALWAYS find a way!

This. Soon as you see the fluoride stare you should know immediately not to trust a word they say. Like fucking zombies man

Doctor?! Doctor oblivious.

based and pajeetpilled

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>Really it was just the end of everyone's delusions.

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I had a gf like that. But she had been molested so had an excuse. I knew she was a liar putting up a front but she had great tits. Once I said she's full of shit and I could ask her 3 questions and she wouldn't answer them. 'Ask me', she says. I said her name and asked 'is that even your name?' And she said something like 'oh I told you that name?'

What if the Pajeet secretly recorded a sex tape and then released it, showing how her voice was fake the whole time?

Why didn't you shoot the place up? That would've been kino.

she cute

she was trying to come off as masculine as possible cause people with big money (rightfully) dont trust women with it.

You think the kids that libtards abuse will eventually grow up and sue them for child abuse?

no, they are already indoctrinated into the teachings of the cult.

Currently yeah, but when they inevitably get "redpilled." Especially trans kids who literally had no say. They're gonna go ballistic.

her's is bigger

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>documentary on HBO
oy vey

Why Reipost?

>Especially trans kids who literally had no say
They'll be long dead by their own hand.
Taking the information to take *them* down to their graves.

*They* have committed the perfect crime.

Because go get em entrepreneurs are insane, but some of them get it right

HBO has been putting out some good documentaries lately.

Michael Jackson and now this.

High social ranking psychos are interesting.

Yeah, fraud cases are fascinating. I think white collar crimes are more interesting than regular crimes since you can see a lot of different ways of creativity in getting away with it (until they're caught). I hope to see more of this. It's got good production value.


Gotta say the most entertaining parts are the Mario 64 face stretching visuals of her face

>be Yea Forums
>also Yea Forums:

My world.

The weak willed ones will die. The strong willed ones will get revenge. I hope the NZ guy empowers some of them.

Acknowledging aesthetics doesn't mean I'd date her. Men are capable of reason, unlike women.