Anyone else have a feeling this will end up winning Best Picture?

Anyone else have a feeling this will end up winning Best Picture?

Attached: us.jpg (384x600, 43K)

I do
I’m more annoyed by the people saying it’s all about race than anything else though. Not everything to do with blacks is about race, once in a while we can enjoy a good movie just about black people without any racial context.
Also I’m a fucking racist myself, that’s not gonna stop me from enjoying a talented directors movie

Doubt it. Once Upon A Time in Hollywood will win best picture.

Why are white people such a cucked race? Like why are they so defeatists and self loathing? A race that's actively destroying itself, I need some white people to explain this phenomenon to me

American guilt.

What do you base this on?

It's a movie about Hollywood, it's pretty obviously it'll win.

a) Hollywood loves Hollywood
b) it's one Tarantino's farewells to cinema
c) it will be superior in every way to Us
d) the cast is absolutely insane
It has Best Picture written all over it.

>Best Picture winner
Pick one and only one. It never happened and it won't happen soon.

Do liberals realize they're treating blacks like retarded children? Do they care? Praising them by putting their shit crayon artwork on the refrigerator.
Do blacks realize how hard they're getting pandered to? Do they care? White guilt infected people praising their mediocre work as genius because it was made by blacks.

Silence of the Lambs won best picture and a ton of other awards.

Yeah, cops shooting unarmed black people by the numbers is so pandering lmao

>Do liberals realize they're treating blacks like retarded children? Do they care? Praising them by putting their shit crayon artwork on the refrigerator.
These are my thoughts exactly as a foreigner lmao I couldn't find the words, though.

Silence of the Lambs wasn't a horror, or even close to being one. It was a standard serial killer thriller.

>Praising them by putting their shit crayon artwork on the refrigerator.
well put

Silence of the Lambs was a great movie, though.

nice 4d chess nigger

blm failed nigger no one believes you anymore, blacks dont even believe you, go shoot each other

Nah, Tarantino is definitely winning Best Director. Joker will probably take Best Picture imho

whites get shot proportionally more by police and thats a fact. pluss 99% of blacks shot by police were hostile and the shooting was justified. stop committing crime if you dont want to get shot

>talented directors movie