Now that the dust has settled, what are your non-pleb thoughts about Lost Highway?

Now that the dust has settled, what are your non-pleb thoughts about Lost Highway?

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who was phone????

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literally the best lynch movie
also a better version than Mulholland Drive was on the same theme

Love it. I’ve watched it more times than both MD and IE, thats not tomsayni dont like those movies too though, Lost Highway is just the most fun and the Rammstein scene does it for me every time

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>still no criterion release
>instead got a repackaged version of Fire Walk With Me the other year for twice the price of the regular blu ray

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3rd best Lynch movie

So what exactly is the chronological order of events in the film?
What's imagined and what actually occurred?

lol look at this dude

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Best stick to Mulholland Drive. Its a much more interprettable film.

great fucking soundtrack

Fantastic soundtrack

Best Smashing Pumpkins song in the film too

Silent hill 2 did it better

kino prehistoric youtube coming through

is lost highway the best film of bill pullman's career

*blocks your path

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Is Inland Empire worth a watch?

Feels like two movies in one. Ending could have been better. Seems like Lynch had a very clear vision for the first act and not the rest. Still a great film

Lost Highway > Mulholland Drive = Inland Empire

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-I found the halfway/inflection mark to be confusing and disorienting. I guess this was the point.

-I think the casting is interesting. Richard Pryor and Jack Nance each made their last turn. Also, Bill Pullman and Robert Loggia worked together again, both fresh off of Independence Day. I've wondered if one of them was all "hey I'm on a David Lynch picture, you should try out too!", or if something else happened.

if you like twin peaks season 3 yes
if youre one of those megalynched s3 haters no

The Last Seduction is better.

Twin Peaks season 3 is one of my favorite things in any medium ever

Well then you should most def watch Inland Empire

watch the behinds the scenes stuff first it's a good primer for the how lynch makes movies and the general mood of everything

Unironically his best film.

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thanks user I'll check it out

Thanks for the recommendation. I'll check it out


>und ich hab nix gesagt

I watched Mulholland last night and now this comfy thread is tempting me to do Lost Highway tonight

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better question, why is it so hard to find a cheap copy of the film on DVD?

At least in the US

It's kino, but be warned, it's long as shit.


I'm fine with 3 hour long films

Did you wanna talk to me? Huh?
Did you wanna ask me

GOD-tier soundtrack user

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Im pretty jealous. Inland blew my ass out pretty hard first time i saw it

I watched Lost Highway last night and this comfy thread is tempting me to do Mulholland Drive tonight


the Lynch fans pasta better show up here soon

You're doing it wrong.

Good. It's kind of a slow burn but totally worth it, and if you were down with Twin Peaks season 3 you'll probably like it.


still would

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>Best Smashing Pumpkins song in the film too
Good track for sure but ole Billy wrote a lot of great songs, and I'll take about a dozen ones with fucking Jimmy Chamberlain on drums over this.

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>mfw she looks better now.

It's top three Lynch for me and honestly pure kino and I never use that word.

In MD the first half happens before the second half.

In LH time is basically a loop.

great ass shot though
>proper silent hill 2 adaptation never ever

Overrated crap to make pretentious neckbeards get into foreign indie films while they finger themselves

Lynch was a mistake

>In MD the first half happens before the second half.
In MD, the first half doesn't happen at all

I bet you like capeshit

Lost Highway > Mulholland Shit

>Lynch was a mistake
America was a mistake.

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>brit bong posting in a Lynch thread like he owns the place

>everyone talking shit about my beloved Burgerland is a Brit
user, I...

Not a britbong, but what Lynch does, is done much better outside hollywood. It's just more obscure. He's the spice girls of surreal cinema

>but what Lynch does, is done much better outside hollywood
I also feel this. Making this type of films in America is kind of hypocritical.

Are they stuck in a time loop?

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lol share some more BASED Lynch memes

Good soundtrack

>what are your non-pleb thoughts about Lost Highway

Patricia Arquette has a GREAT ass.

did Lynch invent the headpaste?

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patrician taste, my friend.


Fire Walk With Me and Lost Highway are the two masterpieces from Lynch for me, i love them by all my heart.

Yea Forums's opinions on The Straight Story?

still havne't watched it, been meaning to for like a year now. what mood should i be in to watch it?

Any mood is fine

but if you're filled with complete regret it will get to you more.

Elephant Man>Straight Story>>>>>>>>>>>who cares the rest of his movies suck

alright that's helpful, thanks, i get struck with that at least once a week. Straight Story and Elephant Man are the only two Lynch films i've not yet seen.

now that's what I call timing

Both are great

haven't seen it since i was a kid but i remember liking it

So what was the incident that Gary Busey didn't want to talk about in the movie?

It does happen, it just happens as the result of a wish.

And making these types of posts on an American website, on a board that almost exclusively discusses American media is even more hypocritical.

>tfw even David fucking Lynch in this shit mess of a movie has an interracial couple

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Fuck, is that actually Kabosu?

OMG how will I ever recover from the ol' reddit switcharoo?? Pronounce me dead already.

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In which order should I watch: MD, LH, IE, TPs3

in that very order

I'd rather have this, IE, or The Straight Story instead of repackagings of FWWM or Blue Velvet

I'd watch lost highway first, but otherwise looks good

Top 3

>in the east
>the far east

This Watch them in production order
Lynch has been building up his style and TP S3 is the peak of it

Sweet, been going chronologically and the few TPs3 clips I've seen are fucking weird, probably best I don't dive directly in

oh dude, if you don't like 'fucking weird', then don't watch any of them at all

>what are your non-pleb thoughts about Lost Highway?
I literally don't have any. I saw this when I was like 13 or 14 and just did not understand what the fuck was happening.
I've re-watched it over the years hoping to eventually get it, but I was just as confused each time. I knew the name david lynch, but I didn't know what it meant.
Even now that I'm older, and genuinely like his stuff this one just keeps getting me LYNCHED.

>Elephant Man>Straight Story
Unironically this.

Legitimately underrated. The ending is absolutely perfect. I'd rank it above Blue Velvet and Lost Highway.

when i first saw this it disturbed me for a few days after

Don't get me wrong, I love Eraserhead and the weirder parts of TP, I just don't want to get completely over my head with the most Lynchian content from the getgo

Just watch the film with the following thoughts in mind:

Fred is a murderer. He had Dick Laurent killed because Laurent was having an affair with his wife, and Laurent was also the kingpin of a crime syndicate that included a pornographic film business, which used Fred's wife Renee in some of his films.

Why would anyone give Fred a message that "Dick Laurent is dead?" Because Fred needed to know this since he's the one who paid to have Laurent killed.

Andy killed Renee--or was at least an accomplice in bringing about her death. Why'd they kill Renee? Because they worked for Laurent and Fred had had Laurent killed.

The beginning of the film is pretty much straight depictions of actual events. Each tape delivered shows more of the house. What's the message being sent? "We're watching you." Why send this message? Laurent's loyal henchmen want Fred and Renee to call the cops to watch their house.

Why would the gang want surveillance on Fred's house? Because they're going to set him up to get caught "red-handed."

When Fred goes to play sax at night, Renee stays home. She's not just goofing off, though, she has a job. Andy has her starring in a new porn film, to be shot in Fred's "sound-proof studio." She has probably been doing these films for some time. Cute bit here--Fred plays sax, Renee plays sex.

They actually do make a film, but not the one Renee was expecting. They kill her and wait for Fred to come home. Then they film him discovering the body. Fred promptly goes bonkers (or goes into a "fugue state" if you prefer) after he sees the body. He doesn't know he's been filmed. He doesn't even remember seeing the body. He doesn't want to remember. This is his "madness" of denial.

They send Fred the tape of him with the body. All the earlier "surveillance" scenes are also on this tape. The scene with Fred standing in the carnage is the Big Finish. Fred is faced with the "evidence" of what he has seen, but he doesn't remember witnessing it. The video of the dismembered body does not show Fred killing Renee. It shows him finding the pieces of her corpse. He looks pretty upset about it.

I think the cops come to the house while Fred is watching the tape. Either that or he brings them the tape after he sees it. He says "tell me I didn't do it" because he really doesn't know. The line is also important because in a way he "did it," since by killing Laurent he brought on the murder of Renee as retaliation.

Fred gets convicted of the murder and is imprisoned, presumably on death row.

While on death row, he is tormented by his inability to figure out what exactly happened to Renee. He still thinks he might have killed her, but he doesn't know for sure. "Could it have been me?" he wonders. If it was someone else, he probably suspects why they killed her--but he suppresses this thought, because either way, he would be responsible. He’s so distraught he has terrible headaches and can’t sleep.

The prison doctor gives Fred a strong sleeping pill and tells him "You'll sleep now." And Fred does. He has a dream.

In "Lost Highway" we're told exactly when the dream starts, the doctor tells Fred "You'll sleep now."

In Fred's dream, he wakes up in prison and is a different person. He gets out. He is now a capable young man who can go get revenge. He realizes in the dream how Renee was killed, and who did it. His dream self goes out with his "spirit guide" Alice, the re-incarnation of Renee, to kill Andy. She not only takes him to Andy, she also becomes his lover again and shows him where she, as Renee, had her liaisons with Laurent--at the Lost Highway hotel.

Alice has to leave, though. She tells Fred's dream-self that he'll never have her. Of course not, she's a phantom. The main wish-fulfillment of the dream goes sour and Fred turns back into his sorry old self, but his quest for answers continues. He finds Mystery Man in the same cabin where Alice disappeared. Mystery man is now his "sprit guide" in the dream. Mystery Man shows Fred how and where Laurent died. He even points out that Fred really killed Laurent, even though it was murder for hire.

How does the Mystery Man know this? Because he killed Laurent.

Fred hired Mystery Man for the hit on Laurent. Mystery Man is an accomplished assassin. "In the East, the Far East..." Fred doesn't know his name, of course. Hit men don't tell you their name.

In his dream, Fred goes back to his house and announces to himself that Dick Laurent is dead. His subconscious is telling him that he is a killer, and he must take responsibility. It's a double-edged sword. He got that bastard Laurent, but he also caused his own wife's death.

Back in the beginning of the film, it was Mystery Man who reported to Fred that Dick Laurent was dead. The job was done, and presumably he wanted to get paid whatever the agreed-upon completion fee was.

Fred winds up on the Lost Highway at the end of his dream, because his subconscious is telling him that his plan for revenge has come to nothing but endless pain. He screams and the light comes up. Fred is about to wake up back in his prison cell, screaming in agony.

The ultimate "hint" is the moment when he's escaping from the police in his car. We see him shaking uncontrollably, lights, and smoke. What's that? Well, he's obviously being executed on an electric chair and he's still conscious only in his alternate reality -- created wholly in his mind.

yeah that's how i saw it too but i'd appreciate if you wouldn't spoonfeed the plebs because it's more fun to say LYNCHED

>When Fred goes to play sax at night, Renee stays home. She's not just goofing off, though, she has a job. Andy has her starring in a new porn film, to be shot in Fred's "sound-proof studio." She has probably been doing these films for some time
Whoa, so that's why she doesn't fucking answer when Fred calls her. She's busy being fucked and filmed. Mystery solved, pack it up, boys.

incredible soundtrack

it sucks after he first transforms. Very good up to that point though.

dayum bill pullman was a handsome dude.

Sincere and heartfelt. Truly underrated.

As soon as I heard that song start playing I knew the movie was about to be kino.

Comfy and wholesome. Good to watch on a light night when you can sit through the whole thing without pausing to shitpost.

You fucking Americans wasted him in his golden years but now have ugly niggers everywhere like it's God's command REEEEEEEE


Kinda like Twin Peaks with none of the camp or crazy shit. Very understated but enjoyable. Just kinda dull at times.

Secretly his best movie.

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The Entirety of Twin Peaks(it's cheating but whatever) > Lost Highway > Blue Velvet > Eraserhead > Inland Empire > Wild At Heart > Muholand Drive > Elephant Man >The Straight Story > Dune

I love Kyle but I think Laura Dern is Lynch's greatest asset.

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was this peak Americana? it was, wasnt it? nothing will come close

really really based rating

Is Wild At Heart kino? It's the only Lynch film I haven't watched.

It's pretty great. One of my favorite Nic Cage and Laura Dern performances, but also the most disgusting and putrid Willem Dafoe I've ever seen. Plus Elvis-impersonating and Wizard Of Oz-retelling. Immensely kino.

lost highway is a very high test flick and i understand if low test boomers dont like it


the camera strapped to the car with the headlights only reaching so far was so fucking tense

>mulholland drive not first
only plebs who doesn't understand it would do this

Lost Highway was the Beverly Hills 90210 of Lynch movies. The devil is in his apartment right now. Because the devil isn't real. None of it was. Just like Beverly Hills 90210. Except for Aaron Spelling. He was the only real thing about it all.

Yes at least once. Be prepared though, it's very very long and the pacing makes it feel longer. It's also a bit aimless, but imo the most mysterious Lynch movie.

You invited me

Warm up before Mulholland Dr

Holy shit what a brainlet

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REMINDER: the mystery man is supposed to be a nightmare geisha

NOTE: the facepaint, the mention of the far east, geishas were "classy" whores, like freds wife (and the mystery man's face is projected on her)

He's a δαίμων

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he's meant to be "Orientalism" . As in a romantic concept of the other, the protagonist's own demon of how he perceives the reincarnation of his wife, a metaphor for how he blames her for his sexual "failings" and believing in a deeper her that could gratify him

it's a snoozefest. the digital shit doesn't help.

Yeah, she was a good girl. Mama's apple pie, the Fourth of July…SHE WAS A HOOKER

Lost Highway is his best film. Prove me wrong.


I bought it back in probably 2005 and there wasn't even a US DVD release. Had to order it from Canada.


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Patricia Arquette has amazing milkers

You can't be serious. Virtually everything other than a few early scenes are all in his head. He murders his wife and goes to jail, then creates an alternate reality in his mind. The final scene is him being electrocuted.

>still no robert loggia sticky

Nothing like normal Lynch. Well made, but dull. Pretty sure he just made it as a favor to his wife who liked the story. Just a conjecture, but I'm pretty sure the title is supposed to be a joke.

Chronologically. If you haven't seen them start with BV, then TP 1&2, FWWM, you can skip WaH (though it's worth a watch), and then move onto Lost Highway. They all take place in the same universe.

It was a dream

I'd watched everything Lynch multiple times over the years and was really hyped about The Return and still had no fucking clue what was going on most of the time.

MD is admittedly low on that list (most likely to trigger you), but if you honestly think it's top 3 Lynch you're the pleb.

How is blue velvet in the same universe?

It's not technically, as there's no mythos/lore connecting it to the others, but it's the beginning of that phase of Lynch's oeuvre, with the general theme of a darkness/evil lurking behind the shiny veneer of the Western/American dream.

Came here to post this.

Nah, it's not real. The singer at Club Silencio is a metaphor for the whole movie. Just when you think she's delivering a real, impassioned, intense performance, it's exposed as fake and harsh reality suddenly crashes in.

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I always interpreted The Mystery Man being the protagonists worst nightmare (He stated he liked to remember things how he wanted to which is the biggest signpost of the film). The Mystery man was the phone conversation. He was the video tape evidence. He was the witness in the Motel room. He was self doubt..."WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?" He was reality tormenting him in his fantasy.

Its Great..Comfy as fuck

It's not surreal, you pretentious pleb. Un Chien Andalou is surreal. Lost Highway is not.

You're not wrong, user.

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One of the only things Lynch has said about Lost Highway is that it's about a fugue state, and I always interpreted the Mystery Man as the Lacanian Real. I don't think there's any one right interpretation, but it matches up pretty straight forward. Fred hates video cameras and likes to remember things his own way, and the MM carries around a camera and shows him the inescapable reality of what he's done, and laughing asks him, "who the fuck are you?" after he reverts back into his middle aged wife murdering self.

FWWM is underrated as fuck. I never saw a single episode of Twin Peaks, but I still love that film.

Twister was better

It's Lynch for people who don't like Lynch. A straight-up bid for mainstream success. Thankfully he didn't try it again.

>never saw a single episode of Twin Peaks, but I still love that film

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Literally the most plebeian post possible in a Lynch thread. Well done.

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>Lacanian Real
Yep This! I met Barry Gifford (got the book signed) and this lines up to what he said to me. Lost Highway is one of the simpler Lynch films to follow.

>actual grown-up film interpretation on Yea Forums
Based. There's hope for this shithole yet.

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>actual grown-up film interpretation
That's a terrible interpretation of the film, though.

a weaker mulholland drive

Neat. I actually wrote a paper back in college comparing Lost Highway to The Dialectic of Enlightenment (didn't even realize at the time that the central song was Song to the Siren) and I still stand by everything I thought about it over a decade ago. The Mystery Man is the unironic redpill (the opposite of how /pol/ uses it); the Real is at the basis of all horror, and is why Lost Highway and a couple select scenes from MD (you know which ones) are so utterly terrifying.

Care to explain the redpill part user ? Also where could i read your paper ?

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>patrician detected

Eh, I've been up all night drinking and bought a ticket to Alita for today so need to get some sleep. The basic gist is that /pol/ took "redpill" to mean seeing the real reality in the broadest, most superficial sense, which they could then just apply to whatever retarded conspiracy theory they wanted. In reality the idea comes from Marxist theory, and has to do with seeing through ideology. Post-Marxist philosophers and Post-Freudian psychoanalysts like Lacan both intersect and deconstruct (not the right word) the 19th century model of the subject, which is where concepts like the Real come from. Shit dude, I'm drunk. Just read some Zizek; for all his shortcomings he's basically postmodern theory for dummy's. The point being that all these ideas are anathema to what /pol/ is all about. The paper was something I did in undergrad and never published.

and tits

I'd love to read yours, faggot. Post your version or gtfo.