Movies only you have fapped to

Movies only you have fapped to...

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Other urls found in this thread:

What is SW1 AOTC for $500

How do you fap to a movie? Do you have to edge for the entirety of it or do you come during the scene? Then it's just the scene, not the movie.

dubs confirm levels of autism

Half of europe has jacked it to jess' franco's movies, you're not alone, like at all.

>Watching extremely shit porno from the 70s
>1 Hour in, the entire cast breaks character and starts snorting coke.
What the fuck

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Extremely good post

Really made me think

i masturbated to candy shop music video by 50 cent once. i didnt jerk off to 50 cent but there was a lot of hot girls in that video and i was young.

>Latenight BET uncut videos
so many nuts.

Channel 4 used to showed this and films like it in the late 90s.

Queen of the Damned. Multiple times.

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My first fap was to the pornos on the wall in the background of that scene in Alien when Ash beats the fuck out of Ripley. No ragrets.

what is the naem of her and the movie

There was a scene in one of the Pink Panther movies with a nudist colony. Forgot which movie it was, but it was a good fap even though it didn’t show anything

All of Yea Forums fapped to orphan when it first came out.


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>not knowing based john holmes and his legendary cock

C'mon man.

Can someone just tell me what movie OP's image is from?

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This scene over and over but it took decades before i found porn like it

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Schindler's List

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OK said movies that ONLY you jerked off to. Not movies an entire generation used for ham slapping.

Thanks OP. Adding this one to my fapkino collection.

One of the 3 movies that came with the DVD player, it had Jim Carrey suckey on a mom's tits. I learned from it that you would pee all wrong after having sex.

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There's not a man over 30 who hasn't fapped to this.

I actually haven't.
Can say I've never seen it either.


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The Vomit Gore trilogy.
Really not any of my finest moments.

who directed this??

I haven't. It was a huge disappointment, actually. Those are two actresses who would have been better served by NOT taking their tops off.

Dad was a fool, all i'm saying

the oral sex, pubic hair in the mouth scene?

no comment

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how pissed was he when he found out she was actually like 30?

Note that I fapped not despite what she did to herself but because of it. I have some weird extreme modification/self mutilation (as well as other) fetishes...

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there's nothing hotter than christopher lee standing on an array of vaginas.

damn i've never seen this movie

This movie is where my psycho femdom fetish emerged from as a kid

>only you

>as a kid
>released in 2009

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That's Melinda Clarke, too (Mindy back then). She was hot as fuck in that movie.

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yeah I looked it up. starting a folder now. just remember her on the O.C.

She was but oddly enough I never found her hot in anything else. Her plus the piercings, it's a package fappage.

Me and a lot of Luiggis

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I pause the nipple frame. The moment the music stops is a little weird but it's okay.
Haven't use the repeat function yet


I did it too. The basement scene.

Women can't rape, so no.

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All the "movies only you have seen" threads are movies we all have seen

Same with games you've played



I jerked off to a clockwork orange a lot as a teenager. Kubrick really had an eye for nice bodies.

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When we had VHS movies, I'd watch the hot scene, then rewind back and watch it again while stroking. I'm assuming that's the same for any film, because it's not nonstop porn, you have to rewind back.

Wolf scene? If so, you ain't the only one

70's horror movies were comfy as fuck.

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I don't know what part of this equation you don't understand.

>Jim Carrey suckey on a mom's tits
Based/ I didn't jerk off to this but it made my peepee hard. Good times

Saw this movie on TV when I was 14 and fapped to the sex scenes. Barely even watched the rest of the movie because I always skipped to the good part

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>not fapping to her playboy pics instead

The Force Awakens

I'm 21, get over being old

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The Rugrats Movie. It actually started my child abuse fetish and my sense of justice.

>Tommy is lost with his brother
>His brother drinks all of his milk
>Steals his blanket and rips it apart
>Somehow Tommy is in the wrong for wanting to execute his brother

To this day, seeing mothers hitting/pinching their mischieving children and making them cry gives me an erection.

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Horny kid clearly wanted it

I fucking hated Dill.

The fap is something to be enjoyed, not something to be questioned

welcome to Yea Forums reddit

>he doesn't know

Taped it off of IFC and wore the tape out in fairly short order.

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That girl was so hot for some reason

Tommy should have snuffed him when he had the chance. He could have blamed it all on the monkeys. Could have ripped the little fucker apart.

>for some reason
I'm guessing it's her well developed secondary sexual characteristics.

I'm trying so hard to remember this scene. She just danced or something?

yeah, then she got eaten by a giant snake.

Oh yeah, that's right. It's all hazy to me since it's been forever. Was this another one that died willingly for the cult guy?

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It should be noted that those pics never appeared in Playboy itself as such. They were for a feature called "The Woman in the Child," which appeared in the 1976 "Sugar n' Spice" photobook (which was published by Playboy Press).



>yeah, then she got eaten by a giant snake.
The snake had already been slain by the Austrian Oak my friend...

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You ain't the only one, son.

Fly Away Home, anyone?

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For me, it’s Prisoner of Azkaban

This is nu-tv

hot as fuck.

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This. I started watching Franco for the titties, but soon realized a lot of his movies were genuinely works of art. Vampyros Lesbos in particular is kino, and has a fantastic soundtrack

no john, you are the reddit

That beach story in Persona

Lina Romay, Female Vampire

Conan's mom was so hot.

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what film

the forbidden zone
sorry jesus, it would come on during the day and had nudity


Leprechaun 3

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get out your handkerchiefs.

You absolutely weren't the only one

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All the kiddos born before March 19th 2001 are old enough to post on Yea Forums.

Just think about that a little bit.

Nope. Portman in that white thing have lucas has the monster rip half her clothes off was hot. The internet loved it at the time

a entire generation of germans fapped to this

Dressed to Kill

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>Shabby Blue

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Fuck, how I wish that were me.

Fuck, I finally watched this movie a while back after seeing all those webms. What a weirdly confusing and arousing movie. Was pretty much all I could think about for a week afterwards.

This looks familiar. Some Italian soft core porn yeah?

My man

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is this cunnykino?

At first I thought this was a /pol/ meme, then I remembered all those topless scenes.

>Used to unironically buy the Sport
>It had the TV listings in
>It had TittyVision or something
>It listed what was on TV that night that had lewds and at what time you seen them

It seemed like a good idea then, but it was too much hassle desu.

The implied attempted rape scene in Beethoven's 2nd.

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why not both?


did she just said Im Soaked at the end?

Kino and cunnykino.

So. Much. Bought my first DVD player for this flick.

A lot of people have fapped to Lina Romay, OP. She's done lots of hardcore porn in the late 70's and 80's.
For me, it's Alice Arno

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the way he has to work around the ridiculous dresses to grope the women and the one that has to psych herself up to have sex with the king to save her father, and due to misunderstanding has to beg to have sex still gets me

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A Shot in the Dark (1964)

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I mean I know people have fapped to this movie but it was probably the pool scenes. But this shot is so nice.

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>Jennifer Titty

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Whats with all these old school euro films of little boys getting frisky with grown women? I mean I'm not complaining but damn.

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>Movies only you have fapped to...
yeah sure, user

holy fuck i can't unsee it

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I spent my teenage years jerking off to shitty Sundance Art films, sometimes you'd hit the jackpot and get a gratuitous movie, sometimes you'd get a pretentious piece of shit like this one with that guy from In Bruges who shagged his gay buddy up the ass and jerked him off as a teenager. There was one movie about a teenage girl prostituting herself in an RV and another where a teenage girl fucks her stepdad. God what I wouldn't give to get the names of those movies, but for obvious reasons I don't want to google it.

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Not the only one senpai

manface + amazing boddeh

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I win.

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There can be only one, and thats me.

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>having a concept of female and male

The one chick Goethe was banging had some great tits

patrician taste

I dare say pretty Gigeresque

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That gluttonous mound of fat. Carried around by lesser bugs just to lazily gorge on the flesh served to it. I am not joking.

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REALLY gets the noggin joggin innit

>not having a concept of ant sex

>having a concept of sex

I forgot I jerked off to that

Im apparently the only one who fapped to Orphan because I thought the mom was hot

Which version should I watch? There's 3.

I tried, for half an hour, I was limp throughout
I don't know how you pedo fucks can do it. I switched to some softcore Ariel Rebel and busted instantly lol

I am gonna miss her when she's gone :'(

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bald or bust


>getting mouthful of pubes
never fails to make me laff. It's like a woman having bigass hair around her mouth, it's just not desirable to have hair on places you're kissing something.

what a roastie response

>implying roasties aren't the ones shaving constantly

For me personally, the last movie I can remember whacking it to was Secretary, which I feel bad about because it's a legitimately good movie, but yeah I pretty much slow jacked from the first sex scene and just nutted somewhere a few minutes before the credits

if she trims around the labia it's not a problem at all. Not saying shaved is bad but always some internet sex god's have some hardline opinion on pussy hair as if you even get any lmao

seriously nigger?


Where she strips naked, I fapped.

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yeah trimmed is fine too
that chick has a full on brillo pad bush

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>in just 3 years people born after 4 chan was created will be able to post here

she has a manface because she's literally a hermaphrodite. she was born with female and male genitalia. do you think christopher guest would marry anyone without a dick?

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...b-but dat boddeh tho'

I know right, but that Spader

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Grimm prairie tales.
You know EXACTLY why.

I was a kid and it haunted me for years before I even understood what sex was and thought I was a freak for always thinking about it, but then I saw wicked city at a later date and it evened me out just fine. I'm astonished that I didn't even know Bilquis and the "unbirthing" fetish existed until sometime in the middle of last year...

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vhs tape of my friend's mom masturbating that my friend's dad recorded. my friend and I spent the night at my place on friday and spent the night at their place on saturday. my friend and I made "action movies" out of our gi joes, star wars, spiderman, and xmen toys on sets built out of lego, and we recorded them with his family's giant vhs camcorder. you could play back the video in the viewfinder and we did that to "edit" the videos: record a scene, rewind fame by frame to where we wanted to cut it, then start recording the next scene. that saturday I saw checked the tape to see where we left off and in the viewfinder I saw his mom with a vibrator and a dildo. I put the tape in my backpack, then panicked and put the tape out on his patio between some boxes and got it when I left. his parents were hungover and the dad panicked when he saw us with the camcorder - they must have gotten too drunk to remember about the tape. he checked it, saw it was our tape, then scoured the house for his tape. he never found it. and technically he never watched it, so only I fapped to it.

who is that? looks pretty dope if I can be honest with you

My mom had a hidden vhs copy of this kino. Fapped countless times to that lesbian scene.

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great twinkino

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Haha. Win.

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I fapped to Hollow Man. The scenes in which the chick uses a flamethrower on Kevin Bacon and he runs away screaming. Don't ask.

In school during library class, there was a time during late-year third grade where we would be shown this campy-as-fuck sort of silly version of popular fairy tales filmed with both kids and adults on elaborate sets.

The kids always seemed to be acting more realistically than the adults who always went fill ham... and for whatever reason, Hanzel and gretel's fairytale had hands-down the hottest witch that looked exactly like Rika from Lethal Weapon 2.

She was creepy as shit trying to seduce the kids into her house and the girl playing gretel was legit jealous when she kisses Hansel on the cheek. In that version, she already has some simpering fat kid in a cage and bakes him into a pie (and he's still alive with his face poorly superimposed over the top of the pie with a lazy makeup effect when he cries during the closeup) and she eats the pie, rubbing her stomach and moaning all erotic while hansel and gretel watch. Everybody in the class was creeped out but me since every moan she made had me crossing my legs to hide the shrine I was erecting. Was A+plus over-the top audio porn that had no business being in a "made for kids" video production.

Although, all of that was undone when she was sleeping off the kid she ate. When gretel escapes her cage and tries stealing the key around the witch's neck, The witch unconsciously burps in Gretel's face and farts out the fat kid's crying spirit. as some green cloud with the fat kid's face momentarily appearing in it.

To this day, I still can't find these videos anywhere. It's like, all similar costumes and sets like that seen in Zoobilee Zoo. You'll know exactly what I mean if you've seen any hansel and gretel in a format similar to that with a milf-tier short-haired blond witch.

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Haha... flame... bacon...

There was nothing wrong with Jane March.

She was pretty hot in a Bruce Willis movie too, which also had full frontal.

I've seen that shit before.

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There needs to be a movie that basically opens with that shower scene and takes place in a milking/breeding factory.


mah nigga!
You a Brigitte- or Gingerfag?

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This sounds very familiar.


is that adam sandler?

no its Zohan

The scene where all the blind women get fucked by all the blind men for food. And Julienne Moore who can see sucks dick anyways.

So hard to find that scene online


Color of Night

The VHS tapes of those were orange? Like, before nickelodeon started doing it?
iirc, those fairytale videos had a few stories recalled with entire stories redone with replaced casts like the Jack & the Beanstalk and Hansel & gretel for questionable content? This was why the collection set of fairytales all matched orange in color except for the plain black tapes which were the replacements.


How dare you

okay you win

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Call your school and ask them what they showed during library class
maybe the teacher has a record or remembers.

watched this so many times. Based cryptkeeper

This was like, back in 1992/93. The school staff is most likely an entirely different faculty. Also, I'm doubtful of the condition of those VHS tapes given how often they were likely played.

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People never believed me when I said there was a weird-ass b-movie where this dude tried to fuck a girl at a carnival and when he went to try eating her out, she shoves his head into her stomach and digests his face off.
I found it on dvd somewhere long after I moved to the east coast far away from my friends and couldn't stop cranking to it.

those titties are serious kino

No, no, no
I need to see those tapes :(

Indian in the Cupboard

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>putting your mouth anywhere near that
Half past dead.
Chick frops down ass-first and lands on dude's shoulders crotch-to face and unloads an Uzi everywhere around the prison at nobody in particular.

It's never even shown to endanger the guy she mounts, she just rotates in place and eventually lets him collapse under her while she walks off. He basically is sucking pg 13 pussy free of charge or penalty for like 15 seconds.

>for some reason
that's because she was a prime fauxbait

No one is even a little amazed that they just witnessed a straight flush vs a royal flush. The odds of two people getting a hand that good at the same time are insane.

Do you think the queen rapes the whole colony until she's somehow fertilized?

i hate that movie but respect your dubs

>movies only you have fapped to
>post films featuring conventionally erotic scenes or characters


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challenge accepted:

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I’ve fapped to this, the scene where she’s desperate for dick and rips her clothes off.

Wow the men of that time are so ugly

>Channel 4 used to showed this and films like it in the late 90s.

I *think* 4 used to show all that hilariously bloody and foul-mouthed anime licensed by MangaUK as well. I missed it but my old man's so knowledgeable on the subject I'm left too stunned even to feel embarrassment.

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ant queens only have sex once in their entire life


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This one

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also, I forgot:

back then the only prerequisite you needed to have a career in porn is to be willing to have sex on camera, as long as you weren't grotesquely ugly.

such absorbent criteria still don't explain ron jeremy


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the 70s were wild

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big penis

Not a movie but...

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I can guarantee you're not the only one

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>$70 for the whole set
no wonder boomers fucked the economy

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Ron Jeremy was a legitimate good actor, at least for porn standards, and a funny dude. Back then all porn videos were feature films, so stuff like acting skills and on-screen presence mattered.
He also had a large pecker.

this was a good movie

I remember this

>Jade, go fuck yourself

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that's it mayne... pretty sure i cracked one off to her when it came out on dvd

I prefer the first movie. Trash was HOT.

As nice as her lips are she has a cracking pair of hips too. Obviously not on display in that.

She is in another film with full naked scene(s).. that's where my dick took control

was hoping she was going to tie it around her neck desu

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Look at this boomer. Ey boomer don't you know that your time is over. Its our time now boomer.


only the biggest beta virgins on the planet give chicks oral
the ones who talk about it have never done it, they have no frame of reference other than fantasies

>he doesn't enjoy making their pussies sore and red and driving them into fits before slamming it hard with your benis
I have an oral fixation anyway.

no, because i'm not a fucking virgin

also that milf humping scene in It follows

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what movie is that?

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Problem Child 2

in the 70's, that wasn't breaking character

What timeline are we in?

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the composition of this sentence. yikeoofers my doggywoggies


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>only you fapped to


You make a good point

>This looks familiar. Some Italian soft core porn yeah?

It's FEMALE VAMPIRE, Directed by Jess Franco and starring Lina Romay!!!FACT!!!

Scout's Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse

are you...
the Architect?

white woman gangbang in cannibal holocaust

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pierce brosnan

Crocodile Dundee

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>clear eyes
>nice stache
>nice body hair
he was quite handsome back then

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I used to jack off to american psycho before I had good access to porn

Not the human scenes.

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the accelerated birthing scene has been my guilty fap for years

The only ENTIRE movie I can fap to is 1995's "Species". The scene where she slides out of her coccoon, then runs around topless, amd then fucks Doc Ock.... this is truly an entire MOVIE that I can fap to, not just one single scene.

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Haven't used this in years.

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not a "meme" you jackass and it's an imgur piece of shit image

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Image macros were all the rage five years ago, kiddo. You're just too young to remember.

twelve years ago, newfag

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As a young 14 year old, it was maybe my first fap. And it certainly did not form the foundation of any strange fetish for me. Not one bit.

I don't understand, how come the alien is so humanoid?

fuck off tourist

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I remember renting it on VHS at some point in the late 90's and watching it with my family. When we got to the scene were the women are all shoved into the shower, the image got all twitchy and messed up like the tape was really worn out. The rest of the movie was fine...

That one south park episode with the catpiss drugs

do you actually think anyone watches it for reasons other than to fap?

who dis cutie? Talking about the girl

No. It's pretty boring.

>I learned from it that you would pee all wrong after having sex.
Me too user

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Wait a minute...

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he's jewish

Zoomer here, I've never seen one of these erotic 70s exploitation type movies, someone suggest the sexiest/best ones to me pls.

lmao I remember this scene very well, but I didn;t fap

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schindlers list?

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Havent read the thread.

Jean Rollin is a master who is only now understood by the plebians.

I just watched this last month. It's hilarious how different the subs and dubs were. It's like a completely different show. I really liked it. I hate to be a meme but "what are some other anime with this aeathetic".

>Jim Carrey suckey on a mom's tits
just recently found out that hot ass mom was a popular softcore movies actress at the time. based

anything with /ss/

Attached: Rifka Lodeizen in Verdwijnen.webm (1920x796, 2.78M)