does Yea Forums like this show ?
Love, Death & Robots
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90% of the shorts are directionless degenerate or sociopolitical garbage
the rest are literally video game cutscenes
artistic styles were pretty cool but the writers are hot garbage
This. I just watched a few episodes and 3 out of the 4 were boring or stupid. I don’t know why I expected more depth from 15 minute episodes, but nearly everyone I watched just felt vapid, and the nearly every other female was either a dyke or some gender fluid bullshit. On top of all that the humor is just the “XD CATS, I’m so random!!” shit, and the political commentary is on par with pic related
Fuck Netflix and fuck Netflix shills
It was great.
Only bother watching The Witness for the jiggle physics
damn. was hoping it was good when i saw ppl comparing it to animatrix. rip
Post the rankings boys! I don’t want to hear shit about how Beyond the Aquila Rift was the best, it was predictable as fuck
It was a mixed bag but I ended up liking a lot of them.
All IMO, in order of viewing:
Sonnie's Edge: Good art direction, good action. The rape-revenge stuff is painfully malefeminist but I like it in spite of that
Three Robots: God it's so bad. Not a single redeeming quality beyond the premise *maybe*
Witness: Great, for obvious reasons.
Suits: Probably my favorite. Fun concept, good visuals, straightforward and effective execution.
Sucker of Souls: Decent action, decent visuals, decent jokes. Not a whole lot to it. Dracula can't eat pussy.
When the Yogurt took Over: Trite, weak social commentary. Generic art style. Decent to bad jokes.
Beyond the Aquila Rift: Maybe a little weak but I liked it regardless. Wish we'd gotten more proper suspense and less vanilla CGI sex scenes but maybe that's just me.
Good Hunting: Skirts dangerously close to furry territory but tells a satisfying revenge story regardless. Political commentary is pretty basic liberal/left stuff (imperialism, rape), doesn't really say anything new or interesting, but it doesn't weight the story down at all.
The Dump: None of the jokes landed for me. -10 points for floppy redneck dong.
Shape-Shifters: More floppy dong and more furries, but without decent story or action to save it.
Helping Hand: Gravity, but without Sandra Bullock slamming into the ISS. Kinda lame.
Fish Night: Loved it. Fun to watch. False nostalgia is dangerous, I guess.
Lucky 13: Predictable the whole way through, but fun to watch regardless.
Zima Blue: Art style was cool but felt a bit off. I can't really put my finger on it. I'm not sure if it's mocking the pretentiousness of the "high art" crowd or celebrating it, but I'm leaning towards the latter.
Blindspot. Needed at least two of action, dialogue, and character designs to be good. I didn't find any of them memorable.
Ice Age: Neat premise but lacking in execution. All we really get is some okay jokes and gags.
Alternate Histories: They made killing Hitler boring.
The Secret War: Predictable story, told decently well. Good action.
Reading normie comments is mental, it's like watching another fucking species
How long are most of the episodes?
>or sociopolitical garbage
I wonder who could be behind this post.
The episodes that aren't trying to be anything other than mindless action are a lot of fun, in a take your brain out kind of way, but executed well.
I mostly enjoyed the ones that played with a simple concept, Aquila rift and Zima blue were my favourites
all the "comedies" sucked
Mostly 5-10 minutes. I think Good Hunting is the longest at 17 minutes.
My understanding of zima blue was when we fixate on the pursuit for the more complex and over analytical things in life, we often lose site of the simple pleasures, which in a round about way is mocking high art.
>Sonnie's Edge: Good art direction, good action. The rape-revenge stuff is painfully malefeminist but I like it in spite of that
I had a cringe attack within the first five minutes of this one. I watched the whole thing, and then I closed the video and gave thus piece of shit a thumbs down.
>masculine female protagonist with a dyke haircut
>surprise, surprise, she's actually a dyke
>she's the one and only female contestant in some kind of underground fight club, plus she's undefeated
>female empowerment black woman sidekick
>nerdy beta white male ally
>villain of the story is a rich white male
This was all within the first 5 minutes. After that:
>the underground fight club is actually "digimon for adults"
>the enemy contestants catcall the female protagonist. Her current opponent makes a comment about fucking her
>boring edgy digimon fight scene
>the woman btfos the man
>after the fight, the villain's girlfriend appears privately with female protagonist
>she gets naked and they begin foreplay, but both girls are ugly so it's not sexy at all
>plot twist: the seduction was just a trick to get a stealth kill
>female protagonist was prepared for that. She pulls an old switcheroo and kills all the villains
Fuck this shit
I enjoyed them all except Dump and Hitler
holy moly u weren't kidding.
I thought most of them were pretty good. Writing wasn't the best but I liked the art styles. Shit was borderline experimental and I appreciated that they tried something new.
>Beyond the Aquila Rift: Maybe a little weak but I liked it regardless. Wish we'd gotten more proper suspense and less vanilla CGI sex scenes but maybe that's just me
So the fact the Champagne he is drinking off her tits is actually what oozes from the spider at the end doesn't discuss you in a way?
Blue Zima, Beyond the Aquila Rift and Good hunting are 10/10. Dont care for all other movies
Which episode's artstyle did you like best? Completely ignoring story, characters, whatever else. I really liked The Witness's style. Good use of reduced framerate, the switches between more rendered backgrounds and painterly style was beautiful too.
Probably Witness and Zima Blue. Beyond Aquila for technical quality.
Most of them are anti white propaganda
Hit or miss, though I didn't go into it expecting all of them to be bangers.
All in all it was enjoyable. Hope it inspires more animation anthology type shows. Or at least a season 2.
>have the ability to control monsters
>have the ability to grow monsters
>walk around in a body that was rapped and carved up
>tfw dad loves sci-fi and is always pining for someone to adapt the short stories of the greats
>want to recommend this to him
>dawns on me that every episode is actually shit, and only Aquila drift and Zima blue are salvageable
Huh. Somehow I enjoyed watching this, but now I have residual embarrassment for ever having liked this.
Thank God I sped through Alternative Histories, the refrigerator episode, the vampire episode and the werewolf episode.
Suits I could've also sped through.
animatrix was much better
The Fastest Record was kino
hot desu
That was supposedly to still look like her and fool people thinking it's all about being a woman that gives her the edge.
The animated version doesn't cover it as well as the short story but it's part of her facade. She was never raped. She got plowed over by a van in an accident. They could have fixed her body but she chose not to as it could help sell the fake gang rape story to others.
>Netflix left out the part where a woman lied about being raped
Meanwhile Good Hunting, actually raped.
She says as much in the episode, but it's not as obvious as in the original since you don't get to really hear her internal thoughts.
>Helping Hand
It takes a lot to affect me but body mutilation for the sake of self-preservation is always too much. It got me when it happened in Made In Abyss and it got me here too.
I'm pretty nationalist but you're trolling
same, the funny thing is I watched Made in Abyss for the first time last week. I'm having some fucked up dreams lately about it.
>Great Tier:
The Witness
Good Hunting
Helping Hand
Ice Age
>Good Tier:
Sonnie’s Edge
Three Robots
When the Yogurt Took Over
Beyond the Aquila Rift
Lucky 13
>Ok Tier:
Sucker of Souls
Fish Night
Zima Blue
The Secret War
>Shit Tier:
The Dump
Alternate Histories
>shit tier
you have shit taste
You know what? You're right, I guess it was Ok or even Good, considering the final pull-away reveal. Might've been cause I saw it when I wasn't blazed unlike the others.
This, saw all the hype here, tried to watch, sat through 5 minutes of a girl whose never had dick tell me about how evil dick is, closed that shit and had a chuckle over how many redditors shill here
Animatrix is no deeper in meaning or commentary.
It's about the animation and bringing scifi worlds to life. Idiots are just so primed to see everything as "saying something" that they literally make up messages and agendas that don't exist.
>Sociopolitical garbage
How many of the shorts even involved politics?
When the yogurt took over kind of, good hunting I guess even though it's antiqued politics, that's pretty much it.
Beyond the Aquilla Rift
Good Hunting
Zima Blue
Three Robots
Sonnie's edge
Secret War
Sucker of Souls
Alternate histories
Lucky 13
Three Robots
Ice Age
Helping hand
The dump
Fish Night
When the yogurt took over
Zima Blue was pleasantly different.
this is like watching a movie and complaining it's not the length of a television show
this was obviously your first exposure to the genre, it's okay to not get it at first
>liberal/left stuff (imperialism, rape)
>Political at all
I fucking hate /pol/
Zima Blue was literally just ripped Squidward
He literally stated he liked most of it.
>ice age over Aquila rift and zima blue
Opinion discarded.
Implying that "rape" is leftist is fucking retarded. Also imperialism, for that matter. /pol/ can't turn off and are always in REEEE mode.
Nigger it wasn't the rape but the lengthy, convoluted revenge against men speech, which I too thought was a bit much.
I liked these ones:
Zoomer Blue
Secret War
The Hunt
people on Yea Forums don't talk like this, Hayden.
Spiderchan is best chan
They didn't leave it out though, she says right at the end before she kills the two that the story is bullshit and that the real reason she does so well in the fights is because her brain is in the monster. So the fights become real life or death for her.
I was going to move Ice Age to Good but forgot to. Dat MEW though
>Revenge stories
Revenge stories are as old as fucking time. God damn do I ever hate post 2016 Yea Forums, you election fuckers coming here to inject your faggy gender politics everywhere.
Great animation but a a lot of directionless storytelling.
The werewolves in Afghanistan one and the last one with Russians fighting demons was cool.
I'm surprised so many people hated Suits and Blindspot. You guys can't sit back and watch 10 minutes of whats basically a GI Joe cartoon? Its action, lighten up.
I really liked Suits, but Blindspot didn't really do anything for me. Was way too short for what it was trying to do.
It appears the one thing we broadly agree on is that The Dump was (one of) the shittiest.
Blindspot is definitely more of a Yea Forums thing than Yea Forums's.
Here's to actually it being greenlit for a show.
The Hitler Alternate history one was the worst in every way. Terrible artstyle, terrible jokes, repetitive and incredibly boring.
I'm not sure how well it would work out as a drawn out show, but the story told there would have worked well as a single feature length movie. Keep it about a single heist, add more steps to it, allow the characters to grow on the audience maybe throw in another robot or two, space out the deaths a bit more.
What was so wrong about it?
You really thought it was worse than the dump one, the yogurt one and the werewolf one?
The Yogurt one was also really bad, but the Hitler edges it out for having an even worse style and at least the Yogurt one didn't repeat the same sequences over and over. The Dump didn't do much for me but I didn't dislike it either. I've seen a lot of people highly dislike the Werewolf one, no strong feelings for it one way or the other but curious why the people who think its one of the worst feel that way.
Marines are gay enough as it is, they really didn’t need that werewolf episode to dump on them even more.
>but the lengthy, convoluted revenge against men speech, which I too thought was a bit much
You do realize that Sonnie, when questioned by the blonde, specifically said nobody (including her teammates) could see past the fact she was raped and that seeking revenge against her rapists wasn't why she chose to fight.
Anyone else feel sorry for that thing? Yes, to appearances it's a hideous monster, but all it tired to do was to provide some comfort to the people that crashed on its planet.
I also love their theme song at 11:30
I was under the impression that thing wasn't benevolent. The appearance of the whole place with the corpses makes me think it was feeding off of their emotions or something, why else keep them alive in their illusion.
>Anyone else feel sorry for that thing?
Absolutely, Greta/eldritch spider best girl. In the ending scene, you can see that she's close to crying when talking to Thom. The perverted side of me questions if the spider actually engaged in sex with Thom in the real world.
Oh my God, I thought I was the only person who saw Animatrix!
But the fight was cool.
>The appearance of the whole place with the corpses
His navigator and the black guy died during the jump due to modifications they made to their tanks. This isn't covered in the animation but explained in the short story. The navigator you see in the simulation was crafted by Greta specifically so that Thom would begin to question the "idealistic world" he was in and ease himself into reality. It worked a little too well and so he demands that Greta show him the real world, despite her warnings that he wasn't ready. She was right. So before his mind could snap she put him back into the simulator to try again.
Sauce for stories?
Zima Blue and Aquila Rift are by Alastair Reynolds
Sonnie's Edge is by Peter Hamilton
No, that wasn't the scene I was referring to, it's when Greta meets Thom after restarting the simulation.
>Sauce for stories?
One reddit user compiled a list of the stories used for each episode:
Alternate Histories was some seriously retarded shit, it felt like I had just fallen into some garbage youtube channel.
Suits was literally a video game trailer.
>youtube channel
Are you referring to Kurzgesagt?
>The appearance of the whole place with the corpses makes me think it was feeding off of their emotions or something
It's part of the reason why Greta goes through all the trouble to ease Thom into reality through the simulation. Someone in Thom's particular situation would wake up in an alien hive, see the corpses of their crew, and soon be greeted by a lovecraftian spider creature. The majority of people, or humans in this particular case, would assume it's malevolent.
In the short story "Greta" has actually managed to convince other "Lost Souls", other alien races who suffered navigational errors and ended up at the hive, to face the reality of their situation. Thom is the first human to show up so it's possible that his human mind, or personality, simply can't come to terms with what is happening to him. When she says she really does care for him it's an honest statement.
No I'm referring to the cringe worthy animated channels that are not funny in any way. Kurz is pretty damn good and doesn't try to be LOL SO WACKY XD with its humor.
>The majority of people, or humans in this particular case, would assume it's malevolent.
I'd try and fuck it
They never should have showed Greta's real form. The hive, hints of alines (Those little ant creatures you see briefly) and Thoms reaction would have been enough.
Showing the alien just deflated it.
The shot of the spider creature walking out of the darkness into view was pure gold, so sit down.
>animatrix of our generation
So overhyped trash?
It went from grimdark to absolute cheese from that point.
>for having an even worse style
You mean the art style? What was wrong with the art style?
I can't really understand your grievance if you aren't more specific.
>why else keep them alive in their illusion.
Why do hospice nurses provide comfort to people dying of terminal illness?
It felt bad for them, and possibly was in the same situation itself and felt lonely.
That would have made an already weak episode that relies too much on trying to hid information even more pointless.
>The rape-revenge stuff is painfully malefeminist but I like it in spite of that
The rape revenge stuff was a farce you fucking dumbass, they outright tell you that
Both the Hitler and Yogurt episodes have very simplistic artstyles, which isn't inherently bad or anything, but I don't find either very appealing. Usually when you go with a simple art style you are doing that for a reason; either to work with expressive characters that are very easy to get a read on, for the sake of making exaggerated or unrealistic physics more acceptable, or you are making it easier on yourself to animate high paced action. Neither of the shorts do anything to justify the use of such simple art. So it just comes across as cheap and lazy, especially when sandwiched between shorts that clearly had so much effort put into them. The Hitler one goes the extra mile and also just looks ugly on top of being so simple, something about the character proportions or something just seems very repulsive to me.
They come off like those info videos about history and such.
honestly i don't get the praise at all even after watching Yea Forums's highest rated episode Blue Aquila Drift
it's the same shit as Ballad of Buster Scruggs directionless nice looking visuals which please the plebs
>ok i suppose tier
zima blue
>freckled blonde boobie tier
aquila rift
>had to pause in the middle to how long was left because boring and poorly written tier
all the others