How do I become a famous film director it’s my dream job

How do I become a famous film director it’s my dream job

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Make a good film and do good blowjobs.


make a good blowjob

Make a blowjob movie


blowjob a movie

blowjob reloaded

>it's my dweam ego-fantasy wowweee im the biggg mannnn weeweeiieieee i'm imagining my oscarr speeech wewewew woo weee weeeee weeEEEEEeeeEEeeEe
I'll KILLED you

Get circumcised and rub your hands together

Get some frens together and make your own movie.

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have sex


You have to rape children on film to give your handlers blackmail material and then make what they tell you to make. Unironically.

literally the only answer in this whole damn thread. How do I make a movie? YOU MAKE A FUCKING MOVIE! ARE YOU STUPID?!!!!!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!/1

how are you going to find distributors if you don't give good blowjobs?

Make a blowjob movie with yourself

I just want to be famous so I can get budget for my films

If you want your work played in theaters, then maybe, but no director gets there on their first film. You can upload it on the internet, and many people can see it that way.

Go to Southern California and marry a rich Jew broad


Have lots of a Jewish friends. Then
>glug glug glug

>get some frens together and make your onw movie.

exactly, like an action one

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be born as a chosen people

There was this guy on voicechat on Xbox in a game I was in who kept saying nigger in his sentences edgily during the whole game. All I could think of was how real the "have sex" meme is.

I'm impressed that we got 8 posts in without an obvious jewish reference

I'll help you make some movies if you want.

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I used to have dreams now all I want is literally any job where I make enough that I don't have to also find a second job to afford to live

Hollywood insider here can confirm

why is this the second time I've seen this. what the fuck does it mean? Is it a meme without meaning? Am I retarded?

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discord tranny copypasta

Make an amateur film.
Attract an audience.
When the jews sniffs the possibility of you producing a lot of money they will recruit you to direct a low budget film.
If that goes well they'll give you bigger and bigger productions.

convert to judaism

make connections and be very liberal

>be born into a rich family with connections
this is the most important step. if you haven't done this then you've fucked up badly. most actors/directors/etc are there solely because of this. look up any random actor on wikipedia and there's a good chance their parents were actors or casting directors or whatever and hooked them up with gigs even when they were little kids, set for life.

this has lead to me having an irrational, unhealthy level of hatred towards actors and the world in general. I would give anything to be one of them but never will be and the knowledge that they were born straight into this life without having to work for it drives me insane. I can't enjoy films or TV, I have to change the channel if an actor is being interviewed or if a particularly egregious nepotismlord comes on (e.g. rooney mara in some shitty perfume ad). I don't know how to deal with this all-consuming hatred or bitterness. It's ruining me, user. Why live?

also remember to be yourself :)

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pick one. kikes are the imposter israelites.

a real child of israel is replying to you right now. we still exist and soon we will be given great power, so we can destroy the system worldwide and create a new one, at which we are at the throne.

who are the real jews?


marry your retarded step daughter

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