Wonder Woman vs Captain Marvel

Not which is the better movie BUT who is the better heroine?

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Wonder Woman.

i know which one has definitively better feet

this one

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Wonder Woman. Carol is psychotic half the time

Both movies are garbage.

WW has always been a front runner, CM is a c-lister brought upon the spotlight because reasons.

Reading comprehension. Dumb faggot. He said character not movie

after getting out of captain marvel with my gf we actually talked about this
while both movies were not great, wonder woman was just plain a better character
captain marvel was a total bitch to every character for no reason while wonder woman was actually nice and treated most people with respect

Movies are about characters.

plus, over the course of the movie, you actually got to see who Diana Prince was as a person, what drives her, etc.
The CM directors use Carol Danvers' amnesia as an excuse to not have a personality. It made her decision to side with the Skrulls have a lot less impact.
There's a reason the best parts of the movie were when she was bantering with Fury.

wonder woman hands down

she's a greek god's daughter so she's stronger

she maybe that strong, but she still is feminine, respects other men (fell in love with steve, works with the rest of the justice league)

thinks about everyone without throwing around her bullshit attitude

cpt marvel is powered by alien blood and is arrogant

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>cpt marvel is powered by alien blood and is arrogant
Have you ever known any female officers? 90% of them are like that. Either out of fear of not fitting in or not being taken seriously or being sexually assaulted, they put up walls like their last name is Trump.

Every now and then I'll run into some of the women I served with who are now out and I'm always astounded at how pleasant they are when they allow themselves to be.

In that, Brie Larson's depiction was pretty accurate.

Wonder woman actually has a interesting backstory as the daughter of Zeus. Plus she seems way more personable.

would you rather have the first wonder woman comic book or first captain marvel comic?

>An Avatar of a the Godess Diana vs an Avatar of the Goddess Ishtar.
Interesting thread.

the goddess. the other was unknown and irrelevant until introduced in theaters after being propped up by a series of blockbuster movies.

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>Wonder woman actually has a interesting backstory as the daughter of Zeus.
Wonder Woman HAD an interesting backstory as clay animated and empowered by the Goddesses of ancient Greece.
Now she's just "heroic child of Zeus #376".

The irony of having a symbol of Female Empowerment be the bastard of the ultimate philandering male just cracks me up.

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Captain fungus

Wonder Woman, all day every day and twice on Sabbath.

This isn't even a question.

Captain marvel literally exists to maintain copyright on the name so D.C. Can't use it for shazam.
And will endlessly be cancelled and brought back despite never selling any issues

Gal was poorly cast and not a great actress but at least she seems nice and her movie was 90% fine

It's amazing how Wonder Woman is and was seen as a stick, but next to Marvel she's absolutely gorgeous by comparison. Maybe that's the point, normalization.